DASHMESH PUBLIC SCHOOL - dashmeshschool.com · Task I : LET US CONVERSE Good habits and manners are...


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    Good habits and manners are lifelong assets and they should be practised until they become a habit.

    Encourage your ward to converse in English using the four magical words given below :-

    1.Please : We use word “please” whenever we ask for something from someone. It is polite, it is respectful and it is appreciated when we add “please” to our request. Encourage your child to use this

    magical word frequently. For eg :-

    ✓ While asking mother to pass on the salt lying at far end of the table “ can you please pass on

    the salt mother.”

    ✓ while seeking help of grandfather to complete your holiday homework- “ Please help me to

    complete the task at hand, grandpa”

    ✓ Taking Permission :- Using “May I step in please?” before entering the room of elders at

    home or before stepping in the classroom or office.

    2 Thank You : There is not one day of our life which we spend without taking help from others. Encourage your ward to express gratitude. You can start by yourself thanking the child for some task

    he has done for you. The child can then be motivated to thank when :-

    ✓ You prepare meal for him –“ Thank you mom, you have prepared delicious food for me.”

    ✓ When you help you ward to complete some task – “ Thank you father for helping me with the


    3 Sorry : To err is human…..but saying sorry means you accept your mistake and are ready to make amends.

    Teach your child to use this word when:

    ✓ The child unknowingly retorts/ answers back. Give him time and space to say “ I am sorry. I

    will not repeat the same mistake again.”

    Encourage your ward to practise speaking the given and other similar sentences throughout

    the vacation. Prepare a calendar of vacations and put tick on the number of days your ward

    spoke in English. Share your feedback in the end. ( In either language)


    Help your child to learn the phonic alphabets from A –Z by preparing a phonic Pictionary.

    One has been done for you as example:

    A ए

    ✓ Note :- Paste at least 5 pictures starting with each letter and assign priority to names

    of fruits, vegetables, animals and birds. Try selecting words which your ward does not

    know in order to enhance his/her vocabulary. Phonic Pictionary has to be prepared in

    black scrap file.


    बच्चों को स्वर की पहचान करवान ेके लिए उन्हें ननम्नलिखित पंक्ततयों का अभ्यास करवायें :-

    अ से अनार जो भी खाता अपनी सेहत खूब बनाता I

    आ से आम फलों का राजा कर देता मोटा ताजा I

    इ से इमली सबसे न्यारी खट्टी मीठी प्यारी प्यारी I

    ई से ईख खेत में उगती इसके रस से चीनी बनती I

    उ से उल्ल ूकी क्या है बात उड़ता फफरता सारी रात I

    ऊ से ऊंट की करे सवारी हम सब बठेै बारी - बारी I

    ए से एड़ी उठाते जाओ आगे आगे बढ़ते जाओ I

    ऐ से ऐनक सबको भाए धलू ममट्टी से आँख बचाये I ओ ओखली बड़ी है सनु्दर कुछ भी कूटो इसके अंदर I

    औ से औरत सबसे न्यारी जैसे मेरी मम्मी प्यारी I

    अं से अंगरू सभी को भाता खुश होता है जो भी खाता I

  • अ: तक हुआ स्वरों का ज्ञान आग ेकरेंगे व्यंजनों की पहचान I


    Help your child to identify items/appliances in :

    1 Bedroom : For example-bed, attic, air conditioner, side table, mattress, rug, lamp


    2 Drawing Room

    3 Dining Room

    4 Kitchen

    5 Washroom

    Task V:

    Make your ward practise oral counting till 100.

    Help your ward to prepare a prop of any one item/ appliance of his choice and make him

    learn 3-4 lines on it. The child will perform with his prop in Show & Tell competition to be

    held after summer break
