Day 7 Reflection toward World Mission Sunday 2014



For the next nine days the Global Youth Mission Office of the Xaverian Missionaries USA is offering a short reflection and challenge to help all prepare for the Global Catholic Celebration of Mission Sunday, October 19th. I invite you all to take a minute and check out each days sharing.

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So, who am I really looking for…… to join us in Mission Ministry!!!

I am looking for young people who

are flexible with their religious

thought but grounded in their faith in

Jesus Christ and our Church, free enough to

know the reality of God, but aware that God

is bigger than all our attempts to understand

God, thus being open to the various faith

expressions of believers in God of whatever

name in order to dialogue and be with others

without fear.

Day seven

Three , tatlong, tre, uku, drei, tribus, สาม ,ba , שלוש ,

tres more days before Mission Sunday!!!!

Grant us, Lord,

That openness of sprit and wisdom of heart with which

You endowed Your servant, St. Guido Maria Conforti.

Grant that You Church may be able to discern the signs of the

times and so resist what is contrary to the Gospel upholding the

action of Your Spirit in the hearts of all Your peoples.

We ask you this prayer through the intercession of Guido Maria

Conforti, Your faithful servant and through Christ our companion

and Savior. AMEN
