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130 Cau Trac Nghiem Tu Vung Co Dap an Luyen Thi THPT Quoc Gia

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Phn I: thi s 1Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the positionof the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. familiar B. impatientC. uncertain D. arrogant Question 2: A. forgettableB. philosophyC. humanismD. objectively Question 3: A. disappear B. arrangement C. opponent D. contractualQuestion 4: A. respectable B. affectionate C. occasional D. kindergartenQuestion 5: A. environmental B. conservatively C. approximately D. considerableMarktheletter A,B,C,orD onyour answer sheetto indicatethe correct answer toeachof thefollowingquestions. Question 6: Research has shown that there is no difference at all between the brain of the average woman and _______ of the average man. A. what B. which C. one D. thatQuestion 7: "MD" is the abbreviation of _______. A. Medical DevelopmentB. Doctor of MedicineC. Medium Density D. Management DirectorQuestion 8:"!hat"s a very nice skirt you"re wearing. " #_______$A. %ow a compliment& B. !hat"s all right. C. 't"s nice of you to say so. D. ' like you said so. Question 9: _______are the formal rules of correct or polite behavior among people using the 'nternet. A. !raffic rules B. (amily rules C. )odes of eti*uettesD. )odes of neti*uettesQuestion 10:" _______" "+es, of course. "A. +ou won"t help me this time.B. +ou"d better give me one hand. C. ' don"t think '"ll need your help.D. )ould you give me a hand-Question 11: ./')0( _______ supports and funds for the most disadvantaged children all over the world. A. presents B. assists C. provides D. offers . Question 12: 's there anyone who _______ the plan put forward by the committee-A. differs B. disagrees C. objectsD. opposesQuestion 13: %e would win the race if he _______ his brother"s example and trained harder. A. repeated B. set C. answered D. followedQuestion 14 "0xcuse me. 1here is the _______ office of 23(4M located-"A. leading B. head C. central D. summitQuestion 15: 5he neglected her study during the term, _______ she couldn"t pass the exam. A. although B. because C. so that D. soQuestion 16: !he doctors know that it is very difficult to save the patient"s life, _______ they will try their best. A. but B. although C. despite D. howeverQuestion17:'amsendingyoumycurriculumvitae_______youwill haveachancetostudyit beforeourinterview. A. so that B. because C. for D. sinceQuestion 18: .nfortunately, your letter arrived after the final date for application. _______, we cannot consideryou for the post. A. 4s result B. !hat is because C. )onse*uently D. !o thisQuestion 19: 0verybody in the house woke up when the burglar alarm _______. A. went out B. went off C. came about D. rang off Question 20:"+ou"re already leaving- !he ball is only starting. " "6ut it"s very late, so _______. "A. take care B. have a good day C. goodbye for now D. it"s great fun, thanksQuestion 21: %ave a piece of chocolate, _______-LOVEBOOK.VN | 7 A. do you B. would you C. don"t you D. haven"t youQuestion 22: 6y the time you come here tomorrow, the work _______. A. will have been finishing B. will be finishingC. will have been finished D. will be finishedQuestion 23: 'f you put your money in a bank now, you may get 789 _______ annually. A. interest B. profit C. money D. incomeQuestion 24: " _______ ""+es. '"d like to buy a computer. "A. Do you look for something- B. :ood morning. )an ' help you-C. 0xcuse me. Do you want to buy it- D. )an you help me buy something- Question 25: 'n making remarks, he _______ to understatement. A. declinedB. intended C. aligned D. inclinedQuestion 26: 4fter her illness, ;am had to work hard to _______ his classmates. A. catch sight of B. keep pace withC. get in touch with D. make allowance for Question 27: 5ome kinds of birds are on the _______ of extinction. A. brink B. tip C. side D. edgeQuestion 28: _______ of popular expressions in our language have interesting backgrounds. A. 4 large number B. !he large number C. 4 great deal D. 4 sumQuestion 29: _______ for farming purposes, soil must contain the minerals plants re*uire. A. !o be good B. 6eing good C. 6e good D. !hat"s goodQuestion 30: 's it worth reading books, ?HAB______ nowadays there are so many other forms of entertainment- 5omepeople say that even ?HEB______ books are expensive, and not everyone can borrow books from a library. !heymight add that television is more exciting and that viewers can relax as they watch their favourite ?HFB______ . 4llthat may be true, but books are still very popular. !hey encourage the reader to use his or her ?HGB______ for astart. +ou can read a chapter of a book, or just a few pages, and then stop. 2f course, it may be so ?CDB______ thatyou can"t stop& !here are manydifferent kinds of books, so you can choose a crime ?C7B______ or anautobiography, or a book which gives you interesting ?C8B______ . 'f you find it hard to choose, you can read?C@B______, oraskfriendsforideas. be 0overed with7 bXac che bxy vYiQuestion 75: 4, Da trzn n]i dung chlnh cna mi bo^n vn.{o^n 7O {t v`n bTO m\u skc v\ cem xc cZ *uan h mxt thivt nhX thv n\o-{o^n 8O M\u skc enh hXSng trc tivp bvn cem xc.{o^n @O M\u skc b^n mc enh hXSng thm tr^ng cna b^n suVt ce ng\y{o^n HO )em xc cna b^n l\ 7 ngucn nng lXang chuyon b]ng. %~y sVng thxt vYi cem xc cna minh.Question 76: 6, Mc dy bXac vivt cho tr em nhXng truyn "4lice S xt sS th}n tizn" cng thu ht r`t nhiTu b]c gie l\ ngX[i lYn. {hy l\ chu nhXang b] 5Thou&h222gg. Do D kh_ng phy hap vT ngha.!rong 4, 6, ) thi ch cZ 6 bng vi thou&h e ! e F cht kh_ng bi vYi m]t danh tj hay cWm danh tj.Question 77: D, 8T( #U%": [h*n& phAi tht 0A Bva danh lv0h sj BVu nUi tiMn&2)`u trc