December, 2008 Issue 36 PRESIDENT’S REPORT · FJKF Page 1 0-9 By Louise Docker December, 2008...


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FJKF 0-9

December, 2008 Issue 36

Projected Image of the Month “Praying” By Geoff Higgins



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Print of the Month “The Property” By Louise Docker

Page 2


THIS ISSUE Page 2/3 Club News Page 15/16 Social News and Plans Page 4 Guest Speaker Page 17 Workshop Plans Page 5 Member Profile Page 18/21 Sponsors Page 6/11 Riding Across America Page 22 Documents on Website Page 12 Progressive Point Score Page 23 Contacts and FOR SALE Page 13/14 Competition Rules 2009

Winners Raffle Prize Night 11th November 2008








Simon and Natrisha Finch become

parents !

A beautiful baby girl - Alexandra

Born 9th November, 8.10am, 7lb 3oz,

48.5cm long, 4 hour labour.

Want to try an International Digital Competition?? Then go to The Coachella Valley Exhibition is by digital entry, via email only, and you can pay the US$7.00 on Paypal. Exhibitions that are as reasonable as this give you the opportunity to test the waters with your digital photos. There are two sections: Section A – Colour General Section B – Scapes. So why not give it a go ! (From William Stewart)

Do you have an early 24-105mm

lens ???

See this website :



Due to our Christmas Break the

next issue of Viewpoint will be out

on 16th January 2009 and will be

the February issue.

New Members CHRSL Photography club welcomes the following new members to the club. Greg Lord Ernie Cordero Belinda Ritchie Paul Thrush David Galbraith Wil Jabson Mike Perry Annie Piper Dianne Hanna Abby Bishop We look forward to seeing you and your images. New members to the club are encouraged to read The Federation of Camera Clubs newsletters - f/stop, just click on the link here. It has lots of info on external competitions and news and events from other clubs.

Photographic Competition

Sydney Royal Easter Show Visit the competitions website to enter and for

the latest news and competition updates

Page 3



Nina Matthews photo makes Front page! TIME FOR A LAUGH ! FROM SVEN BJORNSSON

A photographer from a well known national magazine was assigned to

cover the fires at Yellowstone National Park. The magazine wanted to

show some of the heroic work of the fire fighters as they battled

the blaze.

When the photographer arrived, he realized that the smoke was so

thick that it would seriously impede or make it impossible for him

to photograph anything from ground level. He requested permission to

rent a plane and take photos from the air. His request was approved

and arrangements were made. He was told to report to a nearby

airport where a plane would be waiting for him.

He arrived at the airport and saw a plane warming up near the


He jumped in with his bag and shouted, "Let's go!'' The pilot swung

the little plane into the wind, and within minutes they were in the


The photographer said, "Fly over the park and make two or three

low passes so I can take some pictures."

"Why?" asked the pilot. "Because I am a photographer," he

responded,"and photographers take photographs."

The pilot was silent for a moment; finally he stammered, "You mean

you're not the flight instructor?"

A little bit of verse and rhyme from yours truly, The Editor. Depth of Field, shutters and ah, perfect light,

Quick grab a seat for it’s Workshop Night.

There’s learning to be had and it’s dinkum “No Frills”

One thing’s for sure we’ll be advancing our skills!

Now the tension is building for tonight’s the big night .

Was the lighting spot on, were the F Stops just right ?

For it’s comp night again and excitement runs high.

Hold your breath, close your eyes result time is nigh.

Set Subject and Open are all on display ,

Oh, come on now Judge “Go ahead make my day!”

If there’s too many buttons and you’re not sure what to press,

Then “Get to Know your Camera Day”... is sure to impress !

Some love to photoshop with a layer or mask,

For others this poses quite a challenging task!

Those highlights and hotspots must be right out of sight

And remember make sure you place the “tree on the right” !

Armed with cameras and tripods we’re out to explore,

Hoping that magical photo lies waiting in store.

Enjoy what you do…

And take photos for YOU!!!


Dianne English

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2nd December Our next guest speaker specializes in Wildlife and Travel Photography. He will be talking to us about Wildlife Photography on 2nd December, and this promises to be a most interesting presentation. We had a quick chat with Dennis to learn more about his background. Dennis, you’ve been invited to our Camera Club to address our members on the topic of “Wildlife Photography”. What is your background in this area? I actually own and operate a Specialist Wildlife Travel business, and I lead photographic tours to Africa and India. I prefer travelling with groups of 12 or less, so that every member of the tour can get the maximum benefit with their camera on the tour. When did this interest in wildlife photography actually start? From mid 1980’s I started to photograph wildlife as a serious endeavour, visiting parts of Africa and India at least once per year. This led me to joining stock libraries for distribution of these images. Were you successful with your connection with stock libraries? In April 1998 I became a major contributor with a new stock library called Lonely Planet Images. Through Lonely Planet Images, and Lonely Planet, my images have appeared in various books and other publications around the world. Are you still connected with Lonely Planet Images? I am still a major contributor to LPI, and I also work with another Sydney based Australian image specialist. What Camera Club do you belong to? I am currently the President of the Dee Why RSL Camera Club and am a Past President of the Harbord Diggers Camera Club. What judging experience do you have? I have been judging with Camera Clubs for over 12 years. What other photographic activities do you follow? I teach “Introductory Digital Photography”, and also “Photoshop”, at Manly Warringah Community College.


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MEMBER PROFILE : REE ERIKSEN How and why did you start in photography? I have been taking photos since I was a child, now as an adult I have been able to have a full time career as a photographer, I am one of the lucky ones who is able to have passion in their work and be able to see other people enjoy what I produce from my ‘work.’

Do you remember your first camera? Believe it or not, but yes. My first camera was a small compact Kodak film camera that I still have packed away in a box.

What are your photographic goals ? To always have an open mind so I am able to actually SEE what is going on about me, so I am able to take an image that shows the emotion to the viewer so that they understand why I picked the camera up in the first place.

What type of photography do you find the hardest to take? I am at a stage in my photography that I will try to photograph all forms – if you look at something and say to yourself that it’s too hard then you are losing before you even pick the camera up. If you have a full understanding of how your camera works and have an ability to be able to ‘see’ the photo before you press the button, no form or photography should be hard. It will only be ‘not one of your best work’. Saying something is too hard is only limiting my undiscovered ability which isn’t the person I am – you only live one life, try everything, you might be surprised.

What photos do you like to take the best? I make a living from studio photography, which is nearly always produced in colour; but my passion in photography would have to be an image that can be outputted in black and white, I am currently trying my hand at very dark and moody landscapes produced in black and white.

Whose photos in the Photography Club do you admire the most? There are a lot of photographers that produce great work in both grades, but I would have to say that Ian English would have to be the person that I admire the most, he and I have the same love for black and white photography and is keeping me on my toes to try and better my next black and white image for each competition. Ian produces a black and white image that makes you think and that is what photography is all about to me – to get the viewer to think or feel something about your image! I do admire two external professional photographers, the first is Ansell Adams (father of black & white and the zone) and a more modern photographer by the name of Greg Gorman who has heavily influenced my current professional work. I was lucky enough to meet Greg while he was lecturing in Australia and he is currently mentoring me from his base in Los Angeles. What are your thoughts on today’s Judges? I really don’t care if the judge likes or dislikes my work. I only put photos into the competitions to improve my abilities and increase my knowledge in the trade I have undertaken. The competition is for me, a means to better myself and what I am trying to produce, I am in competition with my last image and not anyone else. I get more guidance from the other club members with their views from chatting before and after the competition, than I do from one of the judge’s comments (“Yes I like that”). What advice would you give to a new beginner in photography? Try everything, pick up your camera and SHOOT and keep shooting, it comes with experience like everything in life, if you get it wrong try again or ask someone. You can’t be a photographer if you don’t get out there and take photos. Re-learn how you see the world and don’t just look at things but see them!

Do you follow any sport or team or have a hobby? As some of you already know, I love anything that is fast and can race, so I follow those types of sports, I fly (pilot) as a hobby, but I am also a very keen camper and can’t get enough of getting out of the rat race and into the wide open countryside. Every chance I can take, Chris (hubby) and myself drive/fly out of Sydney and go to the smaller outback towns of Australia and try to increase our knowledge of the ‘real Australia’ and the ‘real people’ who live and work the land. What has been your favourite holiday and travels? Chris and I flew ourselves around Central Australia and five states, in a light twin engine plane in 2004; that would have had to have been one of the best trips I have done so far and Chris and I have seen a lot of the world. We are planning on driving 7000kms over 19 days, up to Cooktown and the Top End then back down through QLD and NSW outback via Mt Isa and Lightning Ridge, then home via Parkes (Elvis Festival) for Christmas/New Year so that might top the outback trip or come a very close second, but we will have to wait and see. %

Name one thing we don’t know about you? I am pretty much an open book, which at times some people would like to shut. I speak my mind and try to have fun along the way, BUT most people don’t know the serious side of me and are surprised to find out that I run two successful businesses (for the past ten yrs). I try to separate my working life from my social life, so at times I catch people off guard when my social life finds out that I have half a brain and I’m not really an “airhead” plus I have a keen passion for the outback of Australia.

Do you have any suggestions for the Photography Club?

I try to base my professional and personal photography on two quotes from one of my favourite photographers. They help me to focus on what I am trying to obtain. I hope they can do for you what they do for me – “A good photograph is knowing where to stand “ – Ansel Adams. “There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept “ - Ansel Adams.

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FJKF Riding Across America by Jenny Bunn From L.A. To Sturgis… the Biggest Motorcycle Event in the World.

When my hubbie retired, I carried on working, so we never took the traditional o/s retirement adventure. When I did finally retire, my other half had become a keen motorcyclist, author of motorcycling books and articles, and a motorcycle engineer and inventor. So it was at 6AM one day last July, we found ourselves immersed in the crowd doing Customs at LAX airport in Los Angeles. 24 hours later we were part of a motorcycle caravan trailing across the western states of the USA, along with nearly three quarters of a million other people, and half a million motorcycles…all making for an obscure place in South Dakota named Sturgis. Sturgis is such a small town it doesn’t appear on many maps. The 17 riders and six pillions came from all over Oz, and were a demographic mélange. I was Team Nurse and looking around the first day, began to realise we may have a few calls on the first aid kit! After a briefing we picked up the bikes from Eagle Rider, a US chain renting new Harley-Davidson motorcycles, and set off for Las Vegas, on our first day’s run. Clearing the grey morning streets of LA was hectic, as riders and back-up van sorted themselves out. The first of a number of near-misses occurred at a busy intersection under an elevated freeway. One rider rode into a red light, then stopped smack in the middle of the intersection, with six lanes of morning traffic on all sides. Rex riding “Tail Gunner” with a Hi-Vis vest, stopped alongside the panicky rider. He tried to get him moving and spotting a break in the traffic, went through the red light at WOT [wide open throttle], expecting the other rider to follow. He didn’t, and only moved after all traffic came to a stop and drivers around the intersection tooted him out of danger. That was our first taste of how high the driving standard is in the USA. We saw no road rage in our travels, no accidents, no drivers exchanging shots on the freeways…just consistently good and tolerant driving. Truck drivers were exceptional, leaving room for riders, and invariably left the flashers on if travelling slow for any reason, just so we’d know to avoid them. You won’t see that downunder! Even more impressive was the US road code at unlit intersections. The simple rule is…”the first driver to the intersection has the right of way. The second arrival gives way to the first and the third to the second etc etc”. It’s so simple…and it works every time. I hope the RTA is listening. Once in the Mohave Desert, the scenery became almost alien. The light was clear and of a hue unseen downunder. Sky of reflex blue, barren hills of purple, and the line between land and sky so clear it looked artificial. The pic below fails to capture this, save the empty landscape, at least that much was like Oz.

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FJKF Shortly after this pic was taken on a Route 66 sign acid-etched into the tarseal, the combined effects of jet-lag, 55C heat, motorcycling gear and standing around for group pics…crept up and bit us. At Oro Grande, [where there ought to have been a Black Stump]…a rider went down with hyperthermia. Then another four or five pillions went down. All had to be revived in the van, while the remaining riders came close to following. Rex broke ranks and set off to get air flowing, and others followed. A close thing in retrospect and all on the first day! It was relatively plain sailing after that, and a succession of memorable days followed...Las Vegas, Grand Canyon, Kayenta, Red Indians, Rocky Mountains, Colorado River Valley, Vail, Denver and finally Sturgis. Of itself, Sturgis is another small US town, in another economically poor, under-populated western state. Once each year it transforms into the motorcycle town… and the biggest, most OTT bike event in the world. Being surrounded by 500,000 bikes and 750,000 bikers is a strange community feeling. It’s almost like being part of an unimaginably large affinity group discussion or a residents meeting, as below.

Everyone is familiar. Everyone knows everyone else and shares the passion. Even Hells Angels are jovial and approachable. No-one has to prove anything. Street signs demand “Two Wheeled Traffic Only” through towns and villages in the area. Sturgis can’t accommodate such an influx, which spreads across a region of roughly 100 square miles, including several other towns and villages. Many locals move out to rent their houses, and paddocks are packed with tents and bikers sleeping rough. Sturgis itself is constantly packed with bikes and sparsely clad riders promenading up and down…every one on a Harley-Davidson bike, often customised as pictured below.

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Often the bikes wear more than the riders, and pillions parade along Main St in as little as a coat of paint over the chest, or nipple covers. How they keep those on at 80mph really concerned Rex! Single male riders in our group found they could enjoy authentic US bar food in the “Wide Open Throttle” Bar. One popular menu item was the $20 desert of cherries and whipped cream, eaten from the stomach and chest of enthusiastic young women stretched out on the bars! We coped magnificently with such US food excesses and rapidly learned to upgrade our beverage order from the puny 12oz coffee size, to the 16oz size and eventually graduated to the favoured 24oz coffee size. Everything is of course, bigger in the USA as the following pic demonstrates…and that pizza was the best we ever tasted and nearly a meter across!

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Everything’s also better for minorities in America… the pub dunnies cater for left and right handed patrons, like the one below. This left-handed dunny called for one to steady yourself on the handy car door with the right hand, leaving the left hand for action. Fortunately the porcelain was of sufficient size to allow wide aiming variation for right handers who wandered in by mistake!

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FJKF At the Grand Canyon below we really felt like mites. It felt like the Three Sisters, scaled up to fill the entire horizon.

Day upon day we rode through new and different scenic country…mountains, deserts, river valleys…sometimes the country seemed to be a collection of movie sets joined together. The Americans were friendly, unfailingly courteous, and happy to see us. We rode, ate and drank to excess. We upgraded our suitcase along with everything else, and really felt we could comfortably expand ourselves into American life. Houses were cheap, council rates 1/10 of Sydney, and cars and motorcycles at half Australian prices, with petrol $1 a gallon cheaper than Oz. Next stop the USA for us!

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Competition Night

By Val Fenbow

Top 5 Progressive Point Scores in each Category

A Grade – Colour

Sam Bihancov 90 Charlie Mifsud 62 Koen van den Beld 60 Ree Ericksen 46 Keith Gillard 44 Ian English 44

B Grade – Colour Dianne English 104 Robert Shelberg 76 Betty Howell 60 Bob Lwin 50 Graham Arnott 48 Allan Howell 48 Nettie Fairleigh 48 Keith McGaughran 48

A Grade – Digital Ian Moore 86 Alia Naughton 76 Jorg Lange 60 John Gabriel 52 Jenny Bailey 52 Robert Brear 52

B Grade Digital Geoff Higgins 134 Malcolm Kleu 72 Valerie Bower 70 Sue Lawson 64 Jennifer Scarf 60

Mini Prints Ian Bihancov 40 Monica Mulder 30 Erik Houseman 18 Mary Elias 10 Kerry Edwards 10

A Grade Mono Ree Ericksen 74 Ian English 52 Monica Mulder 44 Tony Spence 28 Elizabeth Goff 24

B Grade Mono Keith McGaughran 34 Ray Moore 30 Graham Arnott 26 Bob Lwin 22 Kerry Edwards 20

Slides Jonno Ferns 42 Allan de Saxe 28 William Stewart 18

Cut off date for articles for the Newsletter is the 19th of each month. Competition Nights are always after that date, therefore, the results for the competition nights will always be a month behind in the Newsletter.

Please see current month’s Point Score Results on the website by the end of each month.

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On the 18th September 2008 the CHRSLPC Competition Committee passed the following

changes to the Point Score Competition Rules for 2009. Such rules are to commence from the 27

th January 2009.

Point 7.1 Grades (The following words have been deleted for the 2009 rules) “For slides and mini-prints these categories will be ungraded”. Point 8. Categories

2008 Point Score Rule Categories 2009 Point Score Rule Categories Mini Prints Colour Prints Colour Prints Monochrome Prints Monochrome Prints Slides Digital Images Digital Images

Slides and Mini-prints have been deleted from the 2009 Point Score Competition. Mini Prints 8.1, 8.2. 8.3, 8.4. 8.5. clauses deleted from 2009 Point Score Competition Rules. Slides 8.8 and 8.9 clauses deleted from 2009 Point Score Competition Rules. Colour Prints

2008 Point Score Rule –Colour Print

2009 Point Score Rule – Colour Print

8.6 A “Colour Print” means any print of any size, which, in its final form, is in colour. Provided the image originates from a photograph, the method of production is irrelevant. If presented together, an entry may contain multiple images.

8.1 A “Colour Print” means any print which, together with matt board and/or backing board, shall not exceed the dimensions of 50cm x 40cms. The print, in its final form, shall be in colour. Provided the image originates from a photograph, the method of production is irrelevant. If presented together, an entry may contain multiple images.

Monochrome Prints

2008 Point Score Rule – Mono Prints

2009 Point Score Rule – Mono Prints

8.7 A “Monochrome Print” means a print of any size, which in its final form is in one colour, or in different tones of that colour, or in black and white only. Provided the print originates from a photograph, the method of production is irrelevant. If presented together, an entry may contain multiple images.

8.2 A “Monochrome Print” means any print which, together matt board and/or backing board, shall not exceed the dimensions of 50cms x 40cms. The print, in its final form, shall be one colour, or in different tones of that colour, or in black and white only. Provided the print originates from a photograph, the method of production is irrelevant. If presented together, an entry may contain multiple images.

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FJKF Point 9.1. Limitation on Number of Entries An extra line added. “The current number of entries is limited to 2.” Point 10.6 Lodging of Entries An extra line has been added. “The matt board must not exceed the dimensions of 50cms x 40cms.” Point 11.1 Points & Awards The scoring for awards has been changed.

2008 Point Score Rule – Points & Awards

2009 Point Score Rule – Points & Awards

Open Subject Open Subject Acceptance Award 2 points Acceptance Award 1 point Credit Award 4 points Credit Award 2 points Merit Award 8 points Merit Award 4 points Set Subject Set Subject Acceptance Award 4 points Acceptance Award 2 points Credit Award 6 points Credit Award 4 points Merit Award 10 points Merit Award 8 points

Point 11.4 .Points & Awards (new) “An image of the night shall be chosen by the judge, A Grade & B Grade combined in the sections of:- Best Print Open Subject Best Print Set Subject Best Projected Image Open Best Projected Image Set Subject” Point 12.3 Images of the Year Competition The number of categories have changed.

2008 Point Score Rule – Images of the Year Competition

2009 Point Score Rule – Images of the Year Competition

Mini Prints Colour Prints Colour Prints Monochrome Prints Monochrome Prints Slides Digital Images Digital Images

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Hi everyone. The Christmas Party is around the corner now, with larger numbers than last year, the night should be one to remember. We have a lot of prizes for the night, plus belly dancers, music and a whole lot of fun for everyone. There will be a fun write up for the 1st newsletter in 2009 on the happenings of the night. Hope to see you there! Next year’s social outings have already been planned by your social team. February – Sunday the 1st Feb Ferry Hop about Sydney Harbour (sunrise to sunset)

see the information pack for full details and this newsletter. Covering Water, Fashion, Light/shadow competition.

May – Saturday the 2nd May Zig Zag Railway morning & Mt Wilson afternoon.

Covering Wildlife/Nature, Portraits, Food competitions. June – Queens Birthday long weekend Broken Hill NSW (expression of interest

list at sign in table). Also an outing for the sporting lovers out there, this event is TBA. Covering Macro, Sports, Simplicity, Industrial/Urban competitions.

July- CHRSL Photography 15th Birthday Cocktail Evening, details coming very

soon. . September – Saturday the 12th Sept Social Dinner. Covering silly photos for the 2009 Christmas AV.

October - October Labour Day Long Weekend to Mudgee NSW details TBA. Covering the remainder of the competitions. Keep smiling & shooting. Cheers Maria Ericksen and the Social Team!

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Let’s all do the hop!

Sunday 1st February 2009 The “Ferry Hopper” has been designed so that you can come and go as you please. The times are going to be set meeting times. If you miss one of the meeting times just catch the next ferry and meet us there. In your information pack are mobile numbers of team members from the social committee. If you can’t find us just give one of us a call!

5.00 am Meet up in front of wharf #5 at Circular Quay the sun will be rising from 5.30 am onwards. Let’s all try to get there on time to get the most out of the colours from the rising sun. Afterwards heading back down to wharf #4/5 to City Extra for some breakfast and well needed COFFEE!!!!

8.00 am Catching the 8 am Darling Harbour ferry from wharf #5 and getting off at the Pyrmont Bay stop then taking a short slow and easy 10 min walk while taking heaps of photos around to the King Street Wharf stop where we will jump on the 10.25 am Parramatta River Cat back to Circular Quay.

11.00 am From wharf #4 at Circular Quay we will be catching the 11 am Watson Bay ferry over to the Navy Heritage Centre at Garden Island (this is the ONLY WAY ONTO THE SITE). There is a lovely café and a very nice hill top view of the city and the harbour. Entry into the site is free but if you wish to see the displays in the centre there is a $5 entry charge.

12.30 pm Catching the 12.31 pm Watson Bay ferry back to Circular Quay for some lunch. While we are waiting for the next ferry, we can take some street photography of all the performers and the other people taking in the day.

1.45 pm Leaving from wharf #5 (again) catching the 1.45 pm Parramatta River Cat to Cockatoo Island to spend the afternoon taking photos of the history (and rust) of the Navy from yesteryears.

6.00 pm Catching the 6 pm Parramatta River Cat back to Circular Quay (please be aware if you wish to stay on at the Island the last ferry for the evening is at 7.45 pm) for some dinner while we wait for the finalé of the evening setting sun from Lady Macquarie’s Chair.

Grab a $16 Daytripper (full information in the pack regarding

this) for all your public transport costs!

Page 17

FJKF Hi Everyone, The Introduction to Image Editing day on 2 November was very successful. In the final outcome, there were more tutors than I expected and not as many students. On the day there were 7 Photoshop Tutors and 13 students. For Lightroom, there were 4 Tutors and 2 students. Feedback from tutors and students was positive and I think I will run the same program for the next session due in 2009. The Workshop night held on 11 November was a great night. The presenters from Epson did a wonderful job and the donation of an A3 printer to raffle and various giveaways during the night was really appreciated. Finally, thanks must go to the presenters and others who have helped me and Paul Tiffin conduct the Workshop Nights for 2008. Without your support and willingness to share your knowledge and skills with others we would not have the wonderful environment for learning we have. Big plans for Workshop Nights in 2009 ………. See you there, Bob Cook Training Coordinator

Workshop Plans

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Orthodontics for Adults and Children by Orthodontist: Dr John Mamutil Suite 22: 7 Barwell Avenue, CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 Tel: 9899-4322 Web: Offering the new highly efficient Clear Braces which will not stain. Invisalign - truly INVISIBLE "braces" - great for photographic models. ... and for the

photographers – we are the only practice in the country that can offer low cost 3D facial imaging. Please drop in and have a look at how this amazing and innovative technology works. *** 5% discount on all orthodontic treatment for members and their children *** < just mention this ad > Sponsorship : Oral B Triumph Electric Toothbrush. Value: $190


was established in Australia in 1978 and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the US$32 billion Canon Inc. group. Headquartered in North Ryde, Sydney, Canon Australia currently employs more than 1,150 people and has offices in all mainland capital cities. An industry leader in professional and consumer imaging solutions, Canon's comprehensive product line includes: digital video cameras, digital compact and SLR cameras, printers, scanners, fax machines and networked multifunction devices. Canon Australia also operates its own lease finance service, Canon Finance Australia, which facilitates "one stop" shopping for customers wanting to lease or finance their equipment solutions. Canon consistently invests more than 10 percent of sales income in research and development. In 1990 Canon Inc. and Canon Australia established a jointly-owned research centre, Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CISRA), as part of an international network of research facilities. CISRA develops customised solutions for local customers, and exports digital imaging technologies for use in Canon products worldwide. Canon has ranked among the top-three US patent recipients for the past 13 years. In Australia, as in all parts of the world, Canon believes in the philosophy of kyosei, or living and working together for the common good. Canon Australia returns the benefits of its success to the community through its sponsorships, charity and environmental programmes. Sponsorship: A Canon Pro 9000 A3+ Printer, with a recommended retail price of $1,099

Details are available at


With appreciation for the generosity afforded by the Companies listed below who have donated wonderful prizes towards our end of year Presentation Night. We would like our members to reap the benefits of these companies where possible. Look on our Name Tag table at our meetings for brochures etc from these companies and pick up the

offers for the good deals.

Page 19


Photo & Video Imports, Street Address: 19 Whiting Street. Artarmon, NSW 2064. Phone: +61 2 9906 5488 Professional studio lighting Kits for purchase or rental. Full range at cheap prices including bowens, monobloc and profoto. :

Sponsorship : Strobist deluxe kit ($200.00 ) Photo Backpack Large ($100.00) 42” reflector with stand and holder arm & stand ($275.00). On camera Speedlite softbox (large) ($70.00)


Shop 30, Castle Towers Shopping Centre, Castle Hill PH (02) 9659 6660.

Fletchers store is a comprehensive imaging centre that offers a complete range of photographic products and services from traditional film and video cameras to film and processing services. Fletchers is also at the forefront of the growing trend towards digital photography, offering digital imaging equipment including digital cameras, scanners and associated software. Sponsorship : Gift Voucher $100.00 FLIGHT CENTRE, ROUSE HILL

Cnr Windsor & Commercial Rds, Rouse Hill .Ph: 8814 5132 The Team Flight Centre will offer club members 20% discount on all travel insurance until 31

st December 2008.

Sponsorship : $100.00 towards a flight. HARVEY NORMAN

Hills Homemaker Centre 18 Victoria Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154 Tel: (02) 9840 8800 Fax : (02) 9840 8899 Computers (e.g. Laptops, storage, digital cameras, PDAs

phones..) Sponsorship : 350 free 6 x 4 photos to be developed at Castle Hill. Value $60.00 L & P DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHIC

Showroom Address: 96 Reserve Rd, Artarmon NSW 2064 (just off the Gore Hill Freeway) Phone: + 61 2 9906 2733 The Digital 360

Support Program offers you peace of mind with ongoing support, calibration, training, and priority assistance when you need it the most and offers you peace of mind that your images will be reproduced perfectly, adding up to saving time, money and most of all happy customers. Sponsorship : Laptop Bag Value $150.00


38/8 Victoria Avenue CASTLE HILL NSW 2154 Ph: 02 9659 3040 “Our staff are trained in the latest technology and will be able to help you with all your computer questions! Our technicians can help you get your

computer or notebook up and running in no time. Our stores have skilled technicians that work in store and on site!” Sponsorship: Large Box of Goodies Value $200.00

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Chris and Jenny Walsh 21 Warwick Parade Castle Hill NSW 2154 Australia Ph: 61 (2) 8850 0522 Fax : 61 (2) 8850 0533 http// Light Design can provide you with a complete laser entertainment solution for your event to suit your budget and needs. Add the WOW factor to your next event. Sponsorship: Gift basket with flowers and frames.


Head Office, Level 7, 299 Elizabeth Street, Sydney Ph: 8268 0000 The trademark “Lindt” is the guarantee for chocolate manufactured with the greatest care from the highest quality ingredients and famous for its

distinct smoothness, characteristic taste and innovative flair. Sponsorship : Lindt chocolates MARIA ERIKSEN PHOTOGRAPHY

Unit 2 No1 Cowpasture Place Wetherill Park. Professional Studio hire with full equipment use. CHRSLPC member discount on half & full day hire. Studio #1 which is our smallest studio offers support of product photography, with shooting tents and lights. Studio #2 our portrait studio. With white painted floors and seamless paper backdrops from the ceiling, the studio is 14m by 7m. Additionally we have hair and makeup facilities on site complete with a change room and shower facilities. We offer a client waiting room with tea & coffee making

facilities, a hair & make up area with fully lit large mirrors, a change room with shower, we have a small business center providing your on site teams with a fax machine phone and a PC connected to the internet to use. Please call to speak to Maria for full details. Ph: 9756 3193 Sponsorship: x 2 web cameras ($60 each) & a Bluetooth USB Adapter ($30) M D LAWYERS CONVEYANCING

Sue Chizzoniti Business Development Manager MD Lawyers Conveyancing Email: direct line: 02 9849 6623 mobile: 0406 400 422 When buying or selling your property let MD Lawyers Conveyancing help you. We charge a fixed professional fee when we act on a sale or purchase.

For information please call Sue on 02 9849 6623 or visit our website for further information on the other aspects of our Law firm. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Sponsorship : Basket of Goodies


!MNN?L?!=F-L Ph: 0423 141 688 Email:

One of the CHRSLPC members, Morris McLennan offers a range of photographic services including landscape photographic tours, weddings, casual portraits, events and commercial projects with his business MORRISIMAGES. Morris offers photographers to join his website as a GUEST PHOTOGRAPHER on and have your favourite images available for all to see in a

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FJKF professional, easy to navigate gallery. He soon will be adding e-commerce, where you can start to sell your images by Christmas! Sponsorship : will be donating two mounted photoblocks valued at $90.00 in total. Photoblocks are a new and modern frameless way of mounting your favourite images. The image print is pressed onto an encapsulated sealed piece of modern white block and coated in a smudge resistant coating. They can be free standing, hung on the wall or placed in a special stand. These make a great addition to any home and are a great gift idea. Combine several to create a mosaic on the wall. Photoblocks can even be made as sporting and event trophies or have your child’s first drawing mounted and displayed for all to see. For this prize, you may choose any two images from Galleries or use your own image. PETER EASTWAY

Better Digital Magazine - Packed with easy-to-understand techniques, Better Digital is the only magazine of its kind that specialises in showing you how to get the best from this continuously changing and often confusing technology...". Techniques, Tips, How-tos, Technology Overviews. Presented in plain English, with clear and precise illustrations to guide you through the maze. Kim Valenti on (+61) 2 4388 6851 OR write to: The Editor, PO Box 123, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355 Better Photoshop Techniques Magazine - Whereas photography used to be about the darkroom, today it is the computer and Photoshop. This is very much a how-to title written by a collection of leading industry professionals with extensive photographic, training and publishing experience. There are four issues each year. Kim Valenti on (+61) 2 4388 6851 OR write to: The Editor, PO Box 123, Bondi Junction, NSW 1355 Sponsorship : 12 Month subscription to Better Digital Magazine 12 Month subscription to Better Photoshop Techniques Magazine Value $90 each RAY BROWN CHRSL Photography Club Member Sponsorship : A3 Carry case STEVE PARISH PUBLISHING

98 Factory Road, Oxley, Brisbane Ph: 07 3278 6511 Steve is a photojournalist publishing books for Natural History, Australiana books, Childrens Publishing, Early Childhood, Wild Australia

Prints, Guides & Travel. For Steve, inspiring others and watching them become involved in promoting conservation is his greatest reward. Sponsorship : Hard Cover Book Value $70.00

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1. Point Score Competition Rules 2009 2. Summary of changes to Point Score Competition Rules 2009 in

comparison to 2008 Point Score Competition Rules 3. Competition Entry Form 4. Instructions for using Competition Entry Form for 2009 5. 2009 Calendar 6. 2009 Program Remember, the first night back for all members for the new year will be the 27

th January 2009.

7.30pm in the Sovereign Room (upstairs from the auditorium)

Daniel Capobianco, a multi award winning professional photographer will be talking about inconspicuous


and wedding photography. He will cover such topics as follows:-

Create a “shot list”

• Have a family photo coordinator

• Scout the location

• Preparation is the key

• Set expectations with the couple

• Turn off the sound on your camera

• Shoot the small details

• Watch out for intrusive backgrounds or accessories.

• Use two cameras

• Consider a second photographer

• Be bold but not obtrusive

• Learn how to use diffused light

• Shoot in RAW

• Consider your backgrounds

• Don’t discard your ‘mistakes’

• Change your perspective

• Group shots

• Fill flash

• Continuous Shooting Mode

• Expect the Unexpected

• Have Fun

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Simon Finch

Vice President Alia Naughton

Treasurer Malcolm Hobson

Secretary Mary Spence

Program & Meetings Coordinator Andy Yeoh

Competition Coordinator Val Fenbow

Social Coordinator Maria Ericksen

Web Designer Richard Hewitt

Web Administrator Nettie Fairleigh

Benefits Coordinator

Rod Murphy

Publicity Officer Hazel Hogarth

Training Coordinator

Bob Cook


Newsletter Contributions

If you have any articles that may be of interest to our members, please feel free to email me at

They can be technical, Photoshop, arty, recent holiday shots, awards or anything that you would like to share.

Articles are preferred in Microsoft word or plain text

format. Photos need to be of a high resolution.

As a deadline is critical for the success of the Newsletter please ensure your articles reach

me by 19th

of each month Dianne English


This is a body for those who are serious about their photography. An all metal body ensures great strength and reliability. This model was used by many professionals as either their main body or as their backup. It is in perfect condition, low miles, purchased Dec ’06. It comes complete with 2 batteries and charger, unused strap, manual and cables. Also included are copies of Thom Hogan’s and Ken Rockwell’s D200 guides. Please note that this camera was purchased from a Nikon store in Sydney and is NOT a grey import. This is important when service is required. For a brochure, go to … Including a 4Gb CF memory card…. $1,150 ono Nikon 12-24 f4 lens This lens has become the standard wide angle zoom lens for Nikon DX cameras. Compact, light AND quality! Naturally, the lens is in mint condition and comes with Nikon caps, petal sun shade and soft case. This lens is currently selling (new) at $1445. Offers around $1075 considered! Nikon SB 800 FLASH This flash is in absolutely mint condition and comes with all the original fittings and attachments including the case PLUS a set of 4 batteries. The following link will give all the technical details. This flash is currently selling (new) at $380. Offers around $330 considered (keep the batteries in mind) Bob Flegg 9686 3933 0412 248 678
