Delayed response to cold stress is characterized by


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Delayed response to cold stress ischaracterized by successive metabolic shiftsculminating in apple fruit peel necrosisNigel E. Gapper1,2,8, Maarten L. A. T. M. Hertog3, Jinwook Lee4,9, David A. Buchanan4, Rachel S. Leisso4,Zhangjun Fei2, Guiqin Qu2, James J. Giovannoni2,5, Jason W. Johnston6, Robert J. Schaffer7, Bart M. Nicolaï3,James P. Mattheis4, Christopher B. Watkins1 and David R. Rudell4*


Background: Superficial scald is a physiological disorder of apple fruit characterized by sunken, necrotic lesionsappearing after prolonged cold storage, although initial injury occurs much earlier in the storage period.To determine the degree to which the transition to cell death is an active process and specific metabolism involved,untargeted metabolic and transcriptomic profiling was used to follow metabolism of peel tissue over 180 d ofcold storage.

Results: The metabolome and transcriptome of peel destined to develop scald began to diverge from peelwhere scald was controlled using antioxidant (diphenylamine; DPA) or rendered insensitive to ethylene using1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) beginning between 30 and 60 days of storage. Overall metabolic and transcriptomicshifts, representing multiple pathways and processes, occurred alongside α-farnesene oxidation and, later, methanolproduction alongside symptom development.

Conclusions: Results indicate this form of peel necrosis is a product of an active metabolic transition involving multiplepathways triggered by chilling temperatures at cold storage inception rather than physical injury. Among multiple otherpathways, enhanced methanol and methyl ester levels alongside upregulated pectin methylesterases are unique to peelthat is developing scald symptoms similar to injury resulting from mechanical stress and herbivory in other plants.

Keywords: Apple fruit, Chilling stress, Transcriptomics, Metabolomics, Cell death mechanism, Senescence, Malus ×domestica Borkh

BackgroundSuperficial scald is a physiological disorder of apple(Malus × domestica Borkh.) fruit that results fromnecrosis of the first 5–6 cell layers of the apple peel[1, 2]. The disorder appears as relatively diffusepatches that sink with severity following 2–4 monthsof cold air storage or longer periods in controlledatmosphere (CA) storage. This disorder is a chillinginjury associated with oxidative stress [3, 4]. A num-ber of conditions, including harvest maturity and pre-storage light exposure all can mitigate scald incidence

and severity. Cold temperature conditioning, intermit-tent warming periods, antioxidants, low oxygen stor-age, and inhibition of ethylene synthesis can eliminateor reduce scald severity [reviewed by 1]. Relationshipsamong chilling stress, oxidative stress and ethyleneaction with scald etiology remain unclear as are theevents that provoke and culminate in cell death manymonths following the start of cold storage. Theserelationships continue to be the focus of experimenta-tion aimed towards better understanding metabolismand genomic controls of scald development.Early targeted metabolic studies linked oxidation of

α-farnesene, a prominent volatile component of ripeapples of many cultivars, and a variety of conjugatedtrienols and 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one (MHO) with

* Correspondence: David.Rudell@ars.usda.gov4Tree Fruit Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Research Service, 1104 N. Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801,USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Gapper et al. BMC Plant Biology (2017) 17:77 DOI 10.1186/s12870-017-1030-6

scald development [5, 6]. Inhibiting ethylene biosynthesisor action reduces CTOL and MHO biosynthesis produc-tion by reducing α-farnesene biosynthesis [7–9]. Applica-tion of the principal α-farnesene oxidation product, the2,6,10-trimethyldodeca-2,7(E),9(E),11-tetraen-6-ol (CTOL)and other closely related compounds to apples atharvest resulted in symptoms visually similar to super-ficial scald and could be reduced in severity by priorDPA treatment [10]. However, beyond this evidenceand in vivo [11] and in vitro [12] CTOL level reduc-tion with DPA treatment, little evidence links CTOLgeneration with ROS generating metabolism withinthe fruit peel suggesting the process may coincide withscald provocation rather than be directly linked withit. The majority of earlier reports focus on geneexpression related to α-farnesene synthesis given itsestablished, albeit indirect, links with superficial scald.A 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (hmgr2)[13], and α-farnesene synthase (AFS) gene expressioncan increase prior to or at the same time as α-farneseneproduction [14].Chilling injury of chilling sensitive fruit is typically

characterized as injury that results from rapid membranephase separation leading to the immediate loss ofmembrane integrity and death [15]. Early evidence indi-cated that chilling-induced loss of mitochondrial [16]membrane integrity reduced oxidative activity differen-tially, effectively reducing respiration rate, dependingupon tissue sensitivity to chilling temperatures. Morerecent reports regarding a wide scope of short-term fruitchilling injuries point to the involvement of ethylene andoxidative stress [17–19]. However, this type of short-term chilling injury is indicative of a catastrophicreaction to a low temperature event rather than a morecontrolled, or event directed, reaction whereas manyapple fruit chilling injuries develop over weeks or, evenmonths from the inception of cold storage as is in thecase of superficial scald.The degree to which cell death is controlled or “pro-

grammed” in the case of scald remains uncharacterized,although widespread metabolic changes occur during thestorage period prior to disorder development [20, 21].Little data about gene expression storage is availablealthough a transcriptomic study of an cortex disorder ofapples during CA storage revealed gene expression diver-gences prior to symptom development [22].Systems approaches, incorporating two or more global

data analysis tools, are increasingly employed to linkexperimental conditions and genotype with phenomic,proteomic, and transcriptomic changes. Metabolomic andtranscriptomic evaluations enable comparison of unbiasedsnapshot of metabolism within a single sample forcharacterization and discovery of new areas of metabolismaltered by a set of experimental conditions or linked with

a particular phenotype [23–25]. Given the complexityof regulation and diversity of metabolites involved,these techniques have proven especially useful innumerous studies for the untargeted analysis of fruitripening [26, 27]. Simultaneous transcriptomic andmetabolomic evaluation has been used to find genesassociated with tomato fruit color development inmultiple genotypes [28] and to link ripening-relatedtranscription factors with metabolites in a light sensi-tive tomato mutant during fruit ripening [29].Metabolomic transitions during scald development are

characterized by successive increases in concentration ofclasses of compounds during storage [20]. Theseincreases are provoked by chilling stress and influencedby whatever storage conditions or treatments imposeduntil, finally, symptom development occurs and pro-vokes its own metabolic shifts. Metabolic shifts underconditions that provoke or reduce scald developmentwill define the chain of events and pathways specificallyrelated to this form of chilling-related cell death andbegin to establish whether this prolonged period culmin-ating in cell death is an active process. Here, we haveinvestigated scald development using a systems ap-proach, incorporating untargeted metabolomic and tran-scriptomic evaluation to discover metabolic processesthat are successively upregulated during a six month airstorage period. It was expected that changes in this inte-grated global data set would precede symptom develop-ment in a coordinated manner indicative of the fruittissues fate with respect to scald.

ResultsSymptom developmentTissue death resulting in scald was detected on controlfruit between 2 and 4 months of storage. Injury symp-toms reached between 50 and 75% months 6 (Fig. 1).Minor symptoms (<25% total coverage) appeared onDPA-treated fruit only at 6 months, while no symptomsdeveloped on 1-MCP treated fruit.

Untargeted metabolite analysisUntargeted metabolic profiling provided a broad-basedassessment of dynamic fluctuations within primary andsecondary metabolism. Combining three extractions andfour analysis protocols enabled the detection of freemetabolites of wide-ranging polarity and volatility,including 162 identified and 432 partially characterizedor unidentified metabolites (Additional file 1: Table S1).Identified metabolites included primary and secondarysugars, amino acids, and organic acids, photosystempigments and co-factors, phenylpropanoids, phytosterylmembrane components, triterpenoids, volatile metabo-lites, lipids, triacylglycerols, oxidized sesquiterpenoidsand triterpenoids and acylated terpenoids.

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Transcriptomic analysisMore than 630 million sequence reads were producedaveraging 5.6 million per sample. Once rRNA andother contaminant sequences were removed, 84.7%(range 84–90%) of the cleaned reads aligned to theapple reference genome. If, for any gene, the sum ofthe three replications of any treatment/storage dur-ation combination was greater than 5 RPKM (ReadsPer Kilobase of transcript per Million mapped reads),then the gene was kept in the data set for furtheranalysis. An additional 19 genes that were notdetected at more than one treatment/storage durationcombination were removed from this list of those thatmet the first criterion. 35,624 genes of the 63,541physically annotated gene models met our criteria forconsideration in further analyses (Additional file 1:Table S2).

Summary of metabolomic-transcriptomic shifts duringstorageStatistical analyses and data modeling were performedusing multiple techniques to explore this large, complex,information-rich expression-metabolite data set. At first,it was established how metabolism was affected byknown experimental inputs and phenotypic changes dur-ing storage. Then, the co-expression-metabolite networkwas evaluated as a whole, including fluctuations in gene

expression or metabolite levels not directly linked withknown inputs. Finally, sub-networks associated withprocesses that coincide or precede cell death wereextracted from the larger network focusing on specificgene-metabolite linkages prior to functionally analyzingtargeted gene models.Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to

create orthogonal data structures that summarize whichexperimental inputs provoked the greatest metabolicchanges. For this analysis, transcriptomic and metabolo-mic data were interrogated separately. By differentialpositional changes over storage time among the differenttreatments, PCA scores (Additional file 2: Figure S1)illustrate divergent changes in the overall metabolomeand transcriptome primarily associated with the initialchilling stress (those between 0 and 7 days), increasingstorage duration, symptom development on control fruit.1-MCP application reduced ethylene sensitivity andaltered metabolism early in the storage period whileDPA treatment had a lesser effect during this period.While changes in both of these data sets were primarilyreflected in the first two principal components of bothdatasets, the total explained variance (33%, transcrip-tome; 51%, metabolome) was relatively small, indicatingthat other unidentified factors may contribute to variationof these datasets.After confirming the impact of known experimental

inputs and phenotypic changes on overall metabolism,the effects of non-specific experimental variance werereduced using multiblock partial least squared discrim-inate analysis (MBPLS-DA). As with the unsupervisedPCA analysis, most of the variance accounted for byMBPLS-DA was associated with change in the metabo-lome/transcriptome with storage duration as affectedby DPA or 1-MCP treatment or the development ofpeel necrosis (Fig. 2). Following a sharp metabolicchange over the first 7d of cold storage, metabolism of1-MCP treated peel began to diverge from the controland then DPA treated peel following 28 d. Divergencebetween these latter two metabolomes/transcriptomeswas most pronounced following 61 d or alongside theincidence and further progression of peel necrosis(Fig. 2, top). This divergence is particularly apparentwhen considering the PC1-PC3 plane where observa-tions from control fruit beyond 2 months are clearlyseparate from the other treatments as are manytranscripts and metabolites. The relationship betweenmetabolites/gene models (x-variables) and experimental/phenotypic factors (y-variables) were ranked using eachvariables’ importance to the projection (VIP). The VIPestimates the importance of each variable in the projectionof the MBPLS-DA model. A higher VIP score indicates ahigher correlation among metabolites, genes, or otherevaluated traits.

Fig. 1 Scald severity (1 = no scald, 2 = less than 25%, 3 = 25–50%,4 = greater than 75% coverage) on ‘Granny Smith’ apple fruit storedin air at 1 °C for up to 183 days (6 months). Apples were treatedimmediately following harvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP.Error bars represent standard error (adapted from metadatapresented in [20])

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One striking change with storage duration was anincrease in levels of a vast quantity of genes in 1-MCPtreated peel as reflected in the scores plot. By contrast,levels of a small number of metabolites were elevated inthese ethylene insensitive fruit over time while increasesof metabolites had a relatively large impact on the over-all changes in control and DPA treated metabolome/transcriptome and more so in control peel as necrosisspread. Expression levels of genes also had a large

influence on the metabolic shifts highlighted by thismodel with levels of many transcript levels increasingwith storage duration. Some of these were more associ-ated with antioxidant-treated (healthy) peel, especiallyfollowing necrosis of control peel which coincided withan increase in a different set of gene models. Our furtheranalyses focused on determining those gene models andcorresponding metabolomic changes associated withscald development of control peel.

Assessment of scald-related VIPsA total of 5486 genes were included in the scaldsymptom related VIP list. Of the 123 metabolites(Additional file 1: Table S1) on the VIP list, levels of115 were positively correlated (VIPmetpos) while 7 werenegatively (VIPmetneg) correlated with scald severity. Prod-ucts of α-farnesene oxidation, including 2,6,10-trimethyl-dodeca-2,7 (E), 9(E), 11-tetraen-6-ol, the principal CTOLassociated with conditions that lead to scald developmentwas ranked relatively highly (# 171 of 610) but did notmake the cutoff. This earliest evidence of metabolic oxida-tion is particularly important, although not accounted forusing the multivariate protocol as it preceded scald symp-tom development, predominantly in control fruit, by 10 to12 weeks. Therefore, they were not correlated with scalddevelopment, similar to the most highly ranked VIPs. VIP-

metpos metabolites included another oxidized sesquiterpeneand triterpenoids related to ursolic and oleanolic acids.VIPmetpos also included acylated steryl glycosides

(ASGs), a large group tentatively identified as acylesters, diacyl- and triacylglycerides, two galactolipids(MDGD; 18:2,18:3 and 18:2, 18:2), p-coumaryl acylesters and other possible membrane components.VIPmetneg included p-coumaryl acyl esters, both fullyand partially identified, a partially characterized oxidizedtriterpenoid and another partially identified triterpenoidacyl ester, and another MDGD (18:3, 18:3). Taken as awhole, this overall VIP list is indicative of differentialchanges in membrane components during the transitionto asymptomatic peel on protected fruit or scald oncontrol fruit. Furthermore, elevated methanol andmethyl ester production, may reveal transition of cellwall components specific to symptom development.Increasing levels of methanol and esters containingacetyl, 2-methylpropanoyl, propanoyl, butyryl, 2-methylbutyryl, pentanoyl, and hexanoyl acyl moietiescoincided with scald symptom development. Thepotential role of elevated pectin methylesterase (PME)activity during scald symptom development, therefore,became a focus of the transcriptomic evaluation.Pageman overexpression analysis of 2724 gene model

VIPs positively (VIPtranspos) and 2762 negatively associ-ated (VIPtransneg) with scald symptom severity indicateddifferential changes in many processes associated with

Scald severity (1-4)

Fig. 2 Multi-block Partial Least Squares Discriminate Analysis(MBPLS-DA) bi-plots of gene expression and metabolite level datafrom ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel from fruit stored in air at 1 °C for up to183 days (6 months). Apples were treated immediately followingharvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP. PC1–2 (top)and PC1–3 (bottom) planes are represented. Shapes represent scoresfor each observation where symbol size increases with storageduration and symbol color represents scald severity. Emboldenedtext labels represent position of each response variable used forthe model. Red points represent transcript and blue metaboliteloadings where point size and opaqueness indicates each relativeVIP score

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scald risk and/or eventual development (Fig. 3). Bincategories associated with stress were overexpressed infruit that developed or would develop scald such asethylene and jasmonate related metabolism, nucleotidemetabolism, and receptor kinases and calcium signaling.Possibly more illuminating was over expression of genesrelated to energy production among the VIPs associatedwith healthy fruit (VIPtransneg). Genes associated withphotosynthesis were overexpressed in healthy fruit whileunder-expressed among scald associated VIPs. Similarly,glycolysis was under-expressed in fruit that was todevelop scald. Protein synthesis related genes were over-expressed in healthy fruit while degradation relatedgenes were overexpressed among scald associated VIPs.

Correlation network analysis of phases preceding andcoinciding with scald developmentVIP ranking emphasized a wide range of metabolitesand gene models directly associated with scald symptomdevelopment. More careful analysis of the dynamic

fluctuations of levels of multiple metabolites known tobe associated with scald or included in VIPmetpos

revealed that a network analysis approach would providefurther information regarding scald-risk specific changesprior to and during symptom development. To accom-plish this, two phases of transcriptomic fluctuation weredefined using changes in levels of CTOL and methanol(Fig. 4). CTOL began to increase between 2 and 4 weeksfollowing storage inception or approximately 10–12 weeksprior to the first appearance of scald symptoms on controlfruit. Methanol production began to increase between 8and 12 weeks and the increase largely mirrored scaldsymptom development. Production of both CTOL andmethanol were greatly reduced by DPA or 1-MCP treat-ment (data not shown).In our model, changes correlated with CTOL levels

during the first 2 months represented increasing oxida-tive stress or initial responses to oxidative stress whetherdirectly or indirectly related to fluctuations in geneexpression or other metabolites and were the earliest

Fig. 3 Pageman [92] over expression analysis of MBPLS-DA scald VIPs associated (scald; VIPtranspos) or not associated (healthy; VIPtransneg) with scaldincidence. Red squares indicate relatively over expressed and blue under expressed categories within the scald-related VIP list. The Mdomestica_196library and ORA_Fisher protocol were used form the analysis using Bonferroni correction and ORA cutoff = 1

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metabolic evidence of the impact of oxidative stressassociated with scald during storage. Increases occur-ring alongside methanol levels represented symptom-related or responses to symptom development. Tofind gene models associated with these two events,gene expression was, first, summarized using k-meansclustering and two Pearson’s pairwise co-expression/metabolite networks were generated representing thefirst two months (Fig. 5, top) and representing all6 months ( Fig. 5, bottom).Clustering gene models established groups of fairly

uniform gene expression patterns for correlation of averagecluster behavior with individual metabolites. A total of 86gene clusters contained varied numbers of gene models,averaging 414 per cluster ranging from 210 to 1275(included in cluster 33) (Additional file 3: Table S3).Undirected, edge-weighted networks coupled with topo-logical overlays highlighted metabolic complexes duringstorage indicative of healthy and pre-symptomatic (CTOLnetwork) peel after the first 2 months of air storage (Fig. 5,top) or healthy and symptomatic peel (methanol network)after 6 months (Fig. 5, bottom) similar to those observed inthe multivariate models. Metabolites and gene model clus-ters associated with unripe peel formed a third complex inboth networks.The subnetwork comprised of genes and metabolites

that were first-neighbors with CTOL highlighted inthe 2 month network ( Fig. 5, top) contained manymetabolites also represented in VIPmetpos, while othermetabolites in VIPmetpos, especially those most closelylinked with symptom development, were not foundwithin this group prior to symptom development.Other first neighbors in this list also included severaldirect and indirect α-farnesene and unknown

triterpene oxidation products. Gene cluster 25 was theonly gene model cluster neighboring CTOL. The subnet-work derived from first neighbors of methanol highlightedin the 6 month network (Fig. 5, bottom) was comprisedprimarily of highly-ranked scald-associated VIPs by theMBPLS-DA, although, unlike the 2 month network, it alsocontained compounds that closely co-fluctuate with scaldsymptom development. Methanol and acyl esters ofmethanol were among those compounds absent from the2 month model yet present in the 6 month model. First-neighbors of methanol included methyl acetate, methylpropionate, methyl 2-methylproprionate, methyl butyrate,methyl 2-methylbutyrate, and methyl hexanoate as well as3 gene model clusters (7, 33, and 55).The k-means clustering protocol ultimately yielded

many individual genes that were not as closely correlatedwith the CTOL (2 month network) or methanol (6 monthnetwork) levels as with the mean of the gene cluster whereit was placed. Consequently, individual genes within genemodel cluster 25 and clusters 7, 33, and 55 were refined toonly those gene most correlated (R2 ≥ 0.700) with CTOLor methanol levels, respectively. Many, but not all, of theprocesses and genes over- or under-represented withinthe scald VIP list were similarly expressed in the methanolcluster (Fig. 6). However, the CTOL did not have similarlyexpressed processes given that it contained very few genesin common with those of the other categories. Genesinvolved in fatty acid synthesis and elongation were over-represented only in this network. Photosynthetic processeswere under-represented both in the scald VIPs and themethanol network while various stress related and signal-ing processes were over-represented in both categories.Phenylpropanoid metabolism was over-represented andprotein synthesis under-represented only in the methanol

Fig. 4 Superficial scald symptom severity (adapted from metadata presented in [20]), trimethyldodeca-2,7 (E), 9(E), 11-tetraen-6-ol (CTOL) levelsand methanol levels in ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel sampled multiple times up to 183 days from air stored (0.5 °C) untreated (control)‘Granny Smith’ apples. Red circles designate the time point at which increased production of CTOL or methanol began to increase. Errorbars represent standard error

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network. Hormone metabolism was only overexpressed inthe scald VIP category.

Identification of genes related to pectin methylesteraseand ester volatile synthesisOther genes were not represented in the overexpres-sion analysis, yet may be linked by correlation andpredicted catalytic function. These included cell wallprocess and number of pectin methylesterases(Additional file 4: Figure S2) whose expressioncorrelated with methanol and acyl esters of methanol(Fig. 7). Gene models predicted to encode PME werecompared with a LePME1 (Solyc07g064170.2.1; partialAAB38794.1) that catalyzes demethylation producingmethanol. MDP0000196922, MDP0000639167, andMDP000083616 (Additional file 5: Figure S3) withinsymptom associated gene model clusters were ortho-logs of LePME1 (Solyc07g064170.2.1). Along with

LePME1, these paralogs included significant signaturematches for the pectin esterase inhibitor (PF04043)domain and a PME (PF01095) domain comprised of apectin lyase fold, and catalytic domains as well as theasp active site (Additional file 5: Figure S3). Expres-sion of these LePME1 orthologs mirrored symptomdevelopment.Alcohol acyl transferase (AAT) catalyzes the condensa-

tion of methanol with available acyl CoA components. Ex-pression of MdAAT1 (MDP0000637737) [30](AY707098)[31] or MdAAT2 (MDP0000428199) [32] was similar,increasing immediately following storage imposition, andall were not affected by either DPA or 1-MCP treatmentbeyond reductions of expression from 3 to 6 monthsreflecting higher levels of symptom development (Fig. 7)opposite of the patterns of methanol and methyl esterproduction.

DiscussionConditions associated with scald risk alter metabolomeand transcriptomeAn expectation of any parametric dataset is that theexperimental conditions will impact the evaluated traits,especially where very large datasets are under interroga-tion and many of the latent factors yet require discovery[33]. Separate PCA of metabolomics and transcriptomicdatasets provided evidence of divergence evoked duringstorage by oxidative stress and ethylene insensitivity(Additional file 2: Figure S1). Once the impact of thesefactors was established, supervision of these data withthese same factors could be used to generate a MBPLS-DA model [34]. Integration of metabolomic andtranscriptomic data sets into one model produced amore focused analysis by which individual metabolitesand gene models could begin to be linked with theiroverall impact on actual scald incidence. MBPLS-DAafforded equal consideration of the transcriptome andthe metabolome revealing a number of transcripts linkedwith scald development by further selecting only thosepredictor variables (metabolites and gene models) havingthe greatest impact on the projection (VIPs) when super-vised by scald severity (a response variable) (Fig. 2).

VIP list contains metabolites and genes most and leastassociated with symptom developmentDetermining which VIPs were enhanced with scalddevelopment yielded a list of metabolites, many alreadyreported to be associated with scald, as well as methanoland methyl acyl esters, and gene models, including anumber of transcription factors and PMEs. Othermetabolites previously associated with scald risk includeacylated steryl glycosides [21] as well as oleanolic andursolic acid conjugates [20] Oxidized α-farnesene prod-ucts, including CTOL, were associated with scald risk

Fig. 5 Undirected, edge-weighted gene expression/metabolitecorrelation networks generated from the first 2 months data(top) and all 6 months (bottom). Correlations R2 ≥ 0.700 wereconsidered for network generation. Only nodes connected with1 or more other nodes are included and, to highlight areas ofconnection, edges become more transparent as they diminishtowards R2 = 0.700. Circles and triangles represent metabolite and geneclusters, respectively. Node size indicates neighborhood connectivity;larger nodes are connected to more closely correlated neighbors. Nodecolor indicates clustering coefficient with green = 0, yellow = 0.64, andred = 1. Letters designate regions of interest including first neighbors(R2 ≥ 0.700) of CTOL—pre-symptomatic (a) or methanol– symptomatic(d) networks with black outlined nodes, metabolites and transcriptslinked with tissue that will develop healthy (b and e), and metabolitesand transcripts with relatively elevated levels in unripe peel (c and f)

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prior to scald development as indicated by many priorreports [1, 4, 20]. Because levels increase prior to anddecrease as symptoms develop, VIP scores for thesemetabolites were relatively low and, consequently, theywere not ranked highly enough to be included on theVIP list.Where metabolic processes were either over- or

under-represented in symptomatic fruit, the oppositewas often observed in undamaged peel. Over representa-tion of “plant stress” processes in peel that would even-tually develop scald largely resulted from up-regulationof genes encoding pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins(Fig. 3). Expression of genes encoding PR proteins haslong been linked both biotic and abiotic stress

mediation, response, and, potentially, passive immunityin many plant species [35, 36] including those linkedwith chilling stress [37, 38]. Hypersensitive responses toinfection or abiotic stress can provoke increased PR geneexpression followed by patterned necrosis of leaves in asimilar fashion to that observed in scald. Ethyleneproduction and jasmonic acid accumulation are alsocommon responses to chilling and other abiotic stressorsin many plant species [39] and organs, including applefruit [22, 40]. Ethylene signaling is integral to scald in-duction and development, especially given the completeinhibition of scald development with timely 1-MCPtreatment [9, 41, 42]. While genes involved in jasmonicacid biosynthesis increase with apple ripening [43],

Fig. 6 Pageman [92] over expression analysis of MBPLS-DA scald VIPs and genes contained in the “refined” methanol or CTOL sub-networks associated(scald) or not associated (healthy) with scald incidence. Red squares indicate relatively over expressed and blue under expressed categoriesThe Mdomestica_196 library and ORA_Fisher protocol were used form the analysis using Bonferroni correction and ORA cutoff = 1

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altered concentrations have not been linked withwounding and cell death of apple. However, as with PRgenes, jasmonic acid is associated with hypersensitiveresponses to multiple stressors in other plant speciesand organs [44].Changes in pathways and processes associated with

primary metabolism and energy production in peel thatwas developing scald is also a hallmark of stress responsein plants, especially those associated with pathogen inter-actions [45]. Glycolysis was under-represented within

VIPtranpos and over-represented in VIPtranneg. Dynamicfluctuations of glycolytic metabolite levels were not linkedwith altered expression of glycolytic genes. Evaluatingactual metabolic flux through the pathway is required toevaluate how stress may influence primary energy metab-olism. Overall reduction of gene expression withinprimary metabolism of apple flesh as impacted by chillingstress coupled with high CO2 levels in storage has beenreported [22]. Photosynthesis was similarly representedbetween the VIP categories, indicating that components of

Fig. 7 Methanol, methyl hexanoate, alcohol acyltransferase, and pectin methylesterase level in ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel from fruit stored in air at 1 °Cfor up to 183 days (6 months). Apples were treated immediately following harvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP. Error barsrepresent standard error

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this process remain affected by chilling stress even in theabsence of light. Chlorophyll content was altered as thetissue became necrotic during symptom development.Reduced expression of genes involved in photosynthesisduring exposure to cold temperatures has been reportedin Arabidopsis [46], which becomes increasingly less dra-matic with sequential acclimation events [47]. Alteredphotosynthetic gene expression may be linked withchanges in saturation [48] or constituency of phytosterolmembrane components [21] during apple ripening andstorage that are important for membrane fluidity andfunction in other plant species and tissues [49, 50].

Co-expression networks reveal a scald risk related phasebefore symptom developmentWhile the multivariate approach afforded confidence inour appraisal of scald-provoked transcriptomic changesby linking cold stress and scald with many expectedareas of stress metabolism, it was limited by poor timeresolution as it is only intended to account for majorexperimental impacts while trends over time representedby fewer variables that may be relevant to the sequenceof metabolic events are absent from the first 3 dimen-sions of the model. A relatively simple correlationnetwork was one way to both examine different phasesof scald-associated metabolism and find individual genesfrom multiple processes that may be closely associatedwith the biosynthesis and regulation of specific scald-associated metabolites, specifically CTOL and MeOH.Co-expression/metabolite fluctuation analysis was

successfully employed to find trends that could be linkedwith scald yet had a relatively minor impact on thewhole data set and, therefore, were undetected usingmultivariate analyses. Finding co-expression using pair-wise correlation, essentially “guilt by association” [51] isthe simplest approach to determining co-regulationamong genes, although, realistically, any number of net-work motifs may indicate similar gene-gene regulation[52]. This approach has been successfully applied, along-side genetic and ontogenic contrasts, to identify genesassociated with metabolite biosynthesis or distinct pro-cesses such as carotenoid biosynthesis [28] and tran-scriptional control of metabolism [29] during tomatofruit development ripening.Our approach was to summarize gene expression and,

then, correlate averaged k-means clusters with metabolitelevels representing temporally different events linked withsymptom development by treatment contrast (Fig. 5). Weused this process to identify 2 groups of genes, represent-ing gene expression in response to oxidative stress in themetabolome and, then later, changes primarily associatedwith injury development. For this analysis, our assump-tion, similar to that of Lee et al. [28] was that dynamicfluctuations of metabolite levels correspond with similar

fluctuations of gene expression in some way related to theregulation or biosynthesis of that metabolite just as co-fluctuation of metabolite levels may indicate co-regulation.In this way, metabolites and genes with similar increasingexpression trends during the pre-symptomatic stage arepotential harbingers of impending disorder development.The metabolic shifts occurring during storage may

outline two of a series of events and responses beginningwith initial scald related oxidation of the metabolomeand culminating in scald development reported in thevolatile signature by methanol and methyl ester production(Fig. 4). Temporally separated, multi-phasic responses arenot uncommon in response to stress in plants. Biphasicresponses to both abiotic stress and pathogen-elicited chal-lenges can be comprised of altered stress-related metabol-ite levels or expression of stress associated genes [53].Biphasic responses starting with elevated reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) levels and, then, ethylene production andrelated gene expression have been reported followingpathogen challenge and subsequent defense or hypersensi-tive response (HR) [54–56].Over-representation analysis of the CTOL and metha-

nol networks in comparison with VIPtranspos was useful forindicating whether gene expression changes occurredstarting with the first instance of metabolic stress or weremore associated with symptom development (Fig. 6). Forinstance, under-representation of the photosyntheticprocess was evident in the methanol network but not theCTOL network indicating that the reduction of photosyn-thesis occurred alongside symptom development, or asthe photosynthetic tissue died and not when stress wasfirst evident in the metabolome. Phenylpropanoid metab-olism was over-represented during this phase also and notamong VIPtranspos or the CTOL network. Genes repre-sented in this process included a polyphenol oxidase(PPO; MDP0000699845) reported to be associated withsuperficial scald in earlier studies [57, 58]. PPO expressioncan be induced by wounding and is associated with a lossof tonoplastic integrity and acidification of the cytoplasmresulting in polyphenol formation, a common response inplants to halt infection or wound proliferation [59]. Thesimilar expression of three PMEs with its potential prod-ucts within the 6 month network point to a possible roleof these enzymes in this type of cell death and an atypicalaroma profile.

Superficial scald results from an active processIntermittent warming, 1-MCP, and DPA treatments losetheir effectiveness for scald control as timing of applica-tions [3, 42] indicating that cumulative events that pro-voke the disorder transpire within this period in airstorage. As HR typically leads to PCD, the etiology,symptom appearance, and, phasic response leading toscald development supports a view that scald may be a

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form of PCD distantly following cold stress. The pro-tracted period from injury to symptom genesis associ-ated with this disorder is a particularly compelling factorindicating at least some sort of resistance against theprocess or organized surrender for containment of theinjury as it is in other systems [60, 61]. However, noneof the principal hallmarks of plant PCD such as DNAfragmentation, protein digestion, or organized cytostruc-tural events [60] have been reported for apple posthar-vest disorders. An early sub-cellular study of scald injury[62] provided clear evidence that loss of tonoplasticintegrity, then other membrane structures, triggeringphenolic oxidation in hypodermal cells occurred assymptom severity increased. Loss of membrane integrity,“blebbing”, and organelle leakage are all components ofapoptotic cells. PCD related to postharvest fruit injuryhas been substantiated better in another instance.Cucumber fruit exhibit many hallmarks of PCD associ-ated with continuous ethylene exposure such asenhanced endonuclease activity [63] and, subsequently,with chilling injury as demonstrated by DNA ladderingand DNA lesions [64]. However, unlike superficial scald,chilling injury of cucumber typically occurs within aweek following initiation of cold storage and at highertemperatures than those used for apple storage.One clear outcome is that this correlative analysis

highlights successive trends within this data set that canbe traced to the impacts of ripening and oxidative stressas well as cell death that are not major factors in eitherPCA or PLSR analysis such as oxidation of a number ofmetabolites. A preponderance of evidence indicates scaldis a chilling injury that occurs cumulatively within thefirst 1–2 months of air storage as DPA and 1-MCP treat-ments becomes successively less effective with increasingdelay before treatment [42]. Consequently, the subse-quent presence of oxidized metabolites may delineatethe time period where resistance to oxidative stress iseventually compromised, leading to CTOL productionand correlated gene expression which are the earliestindications of an irreversible cascade of events leadingto cell death. Likewise, upregulation of numerous genes,including the three PMEs, and the unique volatile profileare active processes indicative of organization associatedwith symptom development supporting this possibility.

Potential for PME as a conditional driver of methanol andmethyl ester productionMethanol produced by fruit, including apple, can be acomponent of fruit aroma and is typically associatedwith ripening [65], although its genesis in apple fruit isuncharacterized. Apple alcohol acyl transferase (AAT)catalyzes condensation of alcohols and fatty acyl-CoAsproducing esters [66]. While AAT gene expression andester biosynthesis are both enhanced during ripening

and as a result of ethylene exposure [66, 67], thecapacity of both pre-climacteric and climacteric applesto immediately produce esters when exposed to alcohols,acids, aldehydes, and esters comprised of the moietiesintroduced [68–71], indicates the rate of alcohol acylester production by apple is, at least in part, controlledby the availability of alcohol and acyl-CoA substrate.As expression of MdAAT1 and MdAAT2 remained

largely unchanged, methyl ester production may bedirectly tied with methanol production catalyzed byspecific PMEs (Fig. 7). Metabolism of both control andantioxidant treated apples in the current study wasdefined by a number of clearly ripening related processessuch as enhanced overall volatile biosynthesis anddiminishing levels of malic acid during the cold storageperiod while methanol and methyl ester production wasonly linked with symptom development, primarily fromcontrol fruit.

Upregulation of PME and methanol production resultingfrom physical stressIn fruit, constituent PME catalyzes hydrolysis of homoga-lacturonan (HG) producing methanol and galacturonicacids [72, 73]. Enhanced PME expression and activity inmany fleshy fruit [74], including apple [75], typically occursduring ripening as part of the softening process, althoughnot necessarily associated with increased methanolproduction. However, methanol production can also resultfrom mechanical stress that releases PME into the pectin-rich middle lamella during processing or juice production.Both LePME (partial, AAB38794.1; Solyc07g064170.2.1)activity [76] and, consequently, methanol [77] productionwere reduced in intact as well as following maceration inantisense LePME ‘Rutgers’ tomato fruit confirming theorigination of methanol in tomato. The alignment anddomain structure similarities among LePME1 and itsapple orthologs, MDP0000196922, MDP0000639167,and MDP000083616, which co-express with increasingmethanol levels in symptomatic apple, support thelikelihood of similar function warranting furtherfunctional analyses of the actual proteins (Fig. 7 andAdditional file 5: Figure S3). Methanol productionand PME expression also increases with mechanicaldamage in Succisa pratensis leaves [78] and, addition-ally, insect herbivory in Nicotiana attenuata leaves[79]. PME expression and methanol productionprovoked by insect feeding was eliminated in anti-sense PME constructs of Nicotiana attenuata [80].Chilling and ethylene also enhance PME expression in

plants [81]. Apple fruit with bitter-pit, a ripening andcalcium related disorder, have elevated PME expressionwithin tissue affected by the small corky lesionscomprised of dead cortical tissue [82]. Bitter-pit symp-toms develop prior to or during the initial phases

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following cold-storage inception and is not considered achilling-related disorder like scald although intercellularcalcium flux can have a role in programmed cell death[83] as suggested by de Freitas et al. [82] with respect tobitter pit. None of the genes evaluated by de Freitas etal. [82] were orthologs of the scald-associated genemodels in this study [84].While relationships between these events and PME

expression remains undocumented, our results providedan indirect link with chilling and a direct link withwounding. A direct role for PME in cell death eventsremains to be clarified. PME may play a role in celldisassembly in a more coordinated programmed celldeath event or even an attempt at cell wall stabilizationby presenting active sites for Ca2+ binding and it is easyto see how these mechanisms may be linked in the celldeath process in the case of bitter pit of apples. It hasalso been suggested that the resulting methanol produc-tion may be a signal of herbivory to neighboring flora insome plant systems [80]. Other than contributing tofruit aroma, although not commonly in most commer-cial apple cultivars, a physiological role of methanolpresence remains to be determined in fruit. However,one practical outcome of apples producing methanoland methyl esters alongside scald development and,potentially other injuries, may be a signal that can beexploited by monitoring commercial apple storages forscald risk management in the absence of chemicaltreatments.

ConclusionsMany of the factors that define scald, including the delaybetween cell damage and symptom appearance, and ourevidence indicating shifting gene expression beginningwith the first signs of oxidative stress of the metabolome,support the hypothesis that scald development is anactive, organized process by which metabolism transi-tions towards cell death much as it does in the case ofhypersensitive response to pathogen challenge or otherestablished plant programmed cell death events. Theculmination of symptom development also provides itsown very specific metabolic and transcriptional profileincluding a unique volatile profile containing methanoland methyl esters compared to healthy, ethylene-receptive tissue. That the evolution of this scald aromaprofile coincides with, and is likely a product of, PMEactivity links the disorder with cell disruption caused byphysical maceration and resulting methanol productionobserved during tomato fruit processing and herbivoryof other plants. Practical outcomes of this work includeidentification of processes, such as programmed celldeath, that can be the focus of further work to establishgenetic factors that predispose apples and other fruitcrops to these types of chilling sensitivities. Also, the

unique profile evolved from scalding or scalded tissueversus healthy tissues highlights opportunities forstorage management practices that indicate risk ofdisorder development or disorder presence and affordfruit producers opportunities for mitigating losses bytargeting fruit distribution and marketing. This work war-rants further inspection programmed or controlled celldeath caused by chilling stress of fruit as well as any rolesthat PME and methanol may have in cell death in plants.

MethodsApple fruit harvest, treatment, and sampling‘Granny Smith’ apples were harvested 140 d after fullbloom from an experimental orchard located nearOrondo, WA, USA and immediately transported tothe laboratory, maturity was assessed and 1 μL L−1 1-MCPapplied as previously described [9]. Apples were treatedwith 2 g L−1 DPA as an aqueous emulsion containing DPA(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) was formulated bydissolving 2 g DPA in a solution of 2 mL 2-propanol and4 mL Triton X-100 (Sigma-Aldrich). Once dissolved, thesolution was mixed with 1 L dH2O to form a milky emul-sion. The same solution without DPA was used to treatcontrol and 1-MCP treated fruit. To treat, fruit weresubmerged for 1 min, set on their calyx end, and allowedto air dry before sampling or placing them in cold storage.Apples were stored in air at 1 °C for up to 6 months.

Six replications of 3 fruit per treatment were removedfrom storage at 7, 14, 28, 61, 92, 123, and 183 d. Uponremoval from storage, scald development was rated on a0–4 scale (1, no scald; 2, 0–25%; 3, 25–50%; 4, >50% ofthe peel surface with symptoms; Fig. 1), peel sampled,and immediately flash frozen in clean N2 (l). Frozen peelwas cryogenically milled to a fine powder using an N2 (l)cooled rotary mill (IKA Works, Willmington, NC).Samples were stored at −80 °C prior to metabolite andgene expression analysis. Using this procedure and stor-age protocol, the peel powder remained entirely friable.

Metabolite extraction and analysis using GC-MS and LC-MSEach frozen peel powder sample was analyzed using 3extraction procedures and 4 instrumental analyses toevaluate the metabolome. Evaluation protocols included(described below) 1) abundant sugars and organic acid(TMS oxime dilute), 2) medium to low concentrationpolar metabolites (TMS oxime), 3) volatile metabolites(Volatile), and 4) non-polar metabolites (Non-polar).1 and 2) Trimethylsilyl (oxime) derivative analysis.

Methanolic extraction coupled with trimethylsilyl(oxime)derivatization and GC-MS analysis of frozen applecortex powder (0.1 g) was carried out as previouslydescribed [85] with a modification to the TMS oximedilute method as follows: The same sample was injectedtwice; for TMS oxime, a splitless inlet was maintained

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for the first 2 min of the run and for TMS oxime dilute,a 1:35 split was maintained for that period. Injectionvolumes were 0.2 μL for both analyses.3) Volatile metabolite analysis. Volatile headspace

analysis was performed using an automated Gerstel(Gerstel, Baltimore, MD) multipurpose sampler (MPS)equipped with a dynamic headspace sampler (DHS) anda Agilent 6890 N gas chromatograph coupled with a5975B mass selective detector (Agilent Technologies,Palo Alto, CA) and as previously described [20].4) Non-polar metabolite analysis. Sample extraction.

Extraction and single quadrupole LC-MS analysis wasperformed as outlined in Rudell et al. [20].LC-MS Q-TOF. Accurate masses for each compound

were acquired by extracting samples as described aboveand introducing them into a 1260 Series Infinity HPLCcoupled with a 6520 quadrupole-time of flight massselective detector (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara,CA, USA) and an APCI source. HPLC conditions werethe same as outlined above. Detector conditions were asfollows: drying gas (N2) flow 4 L min−1, drying gastemperature 350 °C, nebulizer pressure 414 kPa,vaporizer temperature 425 °C, coronal discharge of4 μA, and fragmentor and capillary potentials 125 and4000 V, respectively. The instrument was controlledusing MassHunter Data Acquisition software (AgilentTechnologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). A referencesolution containing purine (121.050873) and (1H, 1H,3H–tetrafluoropropoxy) phosphazine (922.009798) (API-TOF Reference Mass Solution Kit) was continuouslyintroduced into the source to assure mass accuracyremained <2 ppm for the analyses.

Extraction and analysis quality control (QC)Three reference samples were run daily with each GC-MSand LC-MS sequence to monitor the consistency of theextraction protocols and instrumental analyses. The refer-ence material used for these samples consisted of a bulksample of ‘Granny Smith’ peel obtained from fruit storedfor 4 months in regular atmosphere at 1 °C, a storagecondition and ontogeny that best assured that all of themetabolites detected were also detected in the QC stand-ard. Compound levels of reference samples were assesseddaily to ensure relative responses among reported metabo-lites remained similar across the entire experiment.Internal standard variation of less than 10% relative stand-ard deviation within a sequence was considered acceptableand used as a criterion for rejection. If variation exceededacceptable levels, samples from that day were re-extractedand analyzed.

Data acquisition, deconvolution, and peak identificationTo assure major metabolites were considered in ourevaluation, existing in-house mass spectral libraries and

metabolite lists were appended with metabolites foundin 4 of 6 replications of 0, 61, and 183 d samples fromcontrol and DPA treated fruit. 1-MCP treated peel from183 d was checked for unique compounds and nonewere found.GC-MS and LC-MS libraries were generated using the

automated mass spectral deconvolution and identifica-tion system (AMDIS; National Institute of Standards,Gaithersburg, MD, USA) to find unique componentswithin the chromatographic mass spectral data [20]. ForGC-MS data, AMDIS models for each component insamples were conserved for the libraries until, if consid-ered, authentic standards were run and, then, those massspectra would append the existing mass spectra in theAMDIS libraries. For LC-MS (single quadrupole)AMDIS was simply used as a visualization aide to findunique components and their mass spectral peaks. Inboth cases, target ions were selected based on the rela-tive mass spectral peak height in comparison with othermass spectral peaks of that component and theiruniqueness within that chromatographic neighborhood,where co-elution was an issue. Peak retention indices(RI) were generated for GC-MS data by calculating theKovat’s index for each component based on a C10-C40hydrocarbon standards evaluated with every sequenceunder the same conditions for comparison between thelibrary and samples. Libraries were compiled and dataanalyzed as outlined by Rudell et al. [85].

Chemical standards and identificationIdentified, partially characterized, and unidentifiedmetabolites are listed in Additional file 1: Table S1alongside compound identification, partial identifica-tion, and retention index (GC) or retention time(LC). For LC-MS, mass spectral and/or accurate masscomparison with authentic standards were the basesfor any confirmed identification. Tentative identifica-tions were based on mass spectral or accurate masssimilarity of target and other mass spectral peaks aswell as fatty acid losses (TAGs, lipids, unknown triter-penyl, unknown farnesyl, and p-coumaryl conjugates)and similarity to published mass spectra (triterpenoids).Chemical standards were either purchased or obtained bya combination of synthesis or purification methods as des-ignated in Additional file 1: Table S1 and Additional file 6:Protocol S1.

RNA isolation and mRNA-seq library constructionEqual masses of frozen peel powder from replications 1and 2, 3 and 4, and 5 and 6 (used for untargetedmetabolic profiling) were compiled to create replications1–3 creating 3 composite (6 fruit each) biological repli-cations for each orchard/time point combination. RNA-seq libraries were generated using a method modified

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from Zhong et al., [86] where 22 libraries were multi-plexed per reaction using an Illumina HiSeq 2000/2500according to the protocol described by Gapper et al. [87].

Bioinformatics40 base pair single-end, strand-specific RNA-Seq readswere filtered by aligning rRNA and tRNA sequences toadapter using Bowtie [88], mapped using Tophat [89]and then normalized to reads per kilobase of exonmodel per million mapped reads (RPKM) as describedby Gapper et al. [87].

Multivariate analysisData collected from transcriptome and metabolomeanalyses were analyzed in Matlab (Matlab R2012b,The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA, USA) using thePLS-toolbox (v5.5.1, 2009, Eigenvector Research, Inc.Wenatchee, WA, USA), the Multi-block Toolbox(v0.2, 2004, University of Copenhagen, Denmark), in-house made MatLab procedures, and The Unscram-bler X (v10.3, 2013, CAMO Software AS, Oslo,Norway).For PCA and MBPLS-DA, data from each variable was

individually normalized by mean centering and, then,standard deviation weighting. First, to establish theimpacts of the employed experimental factors withoutsupervising the analysis, PCAs (Unscrambler X) were,separately, applied to metabolomics and transcriptomicdata providing an overview by projecting the multidi-mensional data on a smaller number of latent variablescalled principal components (PC). To prevent oversha-dowing the metabolomic data by the much larger tran-scriptomic dataset, MBPLS-DA modeling was chosen tomaintain the ‘natural blocking’ within the dataset byconsidering relationships between the different blocks(metabolomic and transcriptomic data), in relation totheir relative contribution to the treatment variables. InMBPLS-DA (Matlab, Multi-block tool box), each datablock is considered separately with their common struc-ture expressed through an additional top layer. Thetreatment variables are regressed on this super descrip-tor block. Object scores and variable loadings of the twounderlying decompositions (one for the metabolome,one for the transcriptome) are optimized for objectconsensus at the super level. The super block-weightsindicate how important each block of data is in definingthe subsequent latent variables of the super descriptorblock. For MBPLS-DA, genes and metabolites wereused as independent x-variables while a categoricalvariable, indicating treatment, and continuous variables,indicating time and scald incidence, were used asdependent y-variables.Variable Importance in Projection (VIP) scores were

calculated according to Wold [90] as a weighted sum of

squares of the PLS-weights, with the weights calculatedfrom the amount of y-variance of each PLS component.The VIP estimates the importance of each variable in theprojection used in a PLS model. The average VIP, by def-inition, equals one. In the MBPLS-DA context, the VIPwas calculated similarly on each data block resulting inequal total contributions towards explaining each of theresponse variables. As the metabolome data contained610 metabolites while the transcriptome data contained36,253 gene models, the VIPs of the metabolites aver-aged 60 times higher compared with the transcripts. Therule that VIPs higher than 1 indicate important variablesis therefore no longer valid in a MBPLS-DA context. Forthis reason it was decided to select the highest VIPvalues followingVIP > μVIP + tp ,∞ ⋅ σVIPwith p ≤ 0.33 forthe metabolites and the transcripts.

Network creation and analysisGene expression data (RPKM) were summarized usingk-means clustering (Matlab 2012b, The Mathworks, Inc.,Natick, MA, USA) of the PCA smoothed expressiondata. To accomplish this, a PCA model was generatedfor the complete dataset and modeled values based onthe first 10 PCs were used for clustering. While cluster-ing was initialized using 100 random centroids, afterdeleting empty clusters, 86 gene clusters remained. The2 month model was used to consider only correlationsduring that period as it eliminates the influence ofdecreasing levels of CTOL during the last two monthsassociated with symptom development and captures allgene models that began to increase alongside CTOL.Subsequently, gene expression was averaged for eachgene cluster and pairwise Pearson’s correlations with theindividual metabolites were calculated either only for thefirst 2 months of data (2 month network) or the whole6 months of data (6 month network). Only edges repre-senting a R2 > |0.700| were included. The matrix wasused to generate an undirected network model whichwas spatially represented using the edge weighted, springembedded, edge-weighted layout to highlight regions ofpotentially similar regulation, or network neighbor-hoods, among metabolites and gene model clusters.Edges were weighted using 1-R2 (correlation coefficients)interpreted heuristically and all entered weights appliedwith a default edge weight = 0.5. The average iterationsper node = 40, spring strength = 15, spring restlength = 45, strength of disconnected spring = 0.05, Reststrength of disconnected spring = 2, strength applied toavoid collisions = 0, and number of layout passes = 2.The generation of the graph was randomized andapplied to all nodes. Network neighborhoods werefurther analyzed, defined, and illustrated using the“Network Analyzer” app [91] included with theCytoscape package. Values used for the node size and

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color coding were “Neighborhood Connectivity” and“Clustering Coefficient”, respectively. Network connect-ivity is defined by the average connectivity of all neigh-bors of a certain node while clustering coefficient is theratio of the actual number of edges to the maximumnumber of edges existing between neighbors of a specificnode. As with the layout, these analyses are all targetedtowards highlighting regions of similar regulation basedon correlation and overall connectivity.

Analysis of gene lists and apple pectin methylesterasesThe k-means procedure used to summarize the geneexpression data included outliers in each of the list.These genes were not as highly correlated with CTOLor methanol levels and, as the objective was to obtainlists of genes most highly correlated with trends in thesemetabolite levels, further refinement was required priorto further analysis of the genes within the clusters. Toaccomplish this, genes included in cluster 25 (correlatedwith CTOL levels) and clusters 7, 33, and 55 (correlatedwith methanol levels) were correlated individually withCTOL or methanol and any gene with R2 < 0.700 wasremoved from the respective list. Subsequently, overex-pression analysis (ORA) gene VIP lists and members ofthe refined CTOL and methanol subnetworks wasperformed using PageMan [92], a component of theMapMan package, version 10 [93]) employing theMdomestica_196 library. Gene lists were analyzed forover or under expression using the ORA_Fisher protocolwith Bonferroni correction and an ORA cutoff of 1.0. Tobegin to quality function, scald-related pectin methyles-terase genes were aligned and domains compared withorthologs from Arabidopsis (AT1G02810.1) and tomato(Solyc07g064170.2.1), the latter with known methanolproduction function using Geneious 6.0.

Additional files

Additional file 1: Tables S1. Retention time/ retention index and targetion, partial or confirmed identification, and association with superficial scaldrisks of ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel metabolites analyzed using HPLC-MS andGC-MS. Table S2. Annotation and association with superficial scald of genesdetected using RNA-seq of ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel. (XLSX 2108 kb)

Additional file 2: Figure S1. Principal Components Analysis (PCA)bi-plots of metabolite (top) and gene expression level data (bottom)from ‘Granny Smith’ apple peel from fruit stored in air at 1 °C for upto 183 days (6 months). Apples were treated immediately followingharvest with 2000 μL L−1 DPA or 1 mL L−1 1-MCP. Gene expressionand metabolite datasets were analyzed separately. Shapes representscores for each observation where symbol size increases with storageduration and symbol color represents scald severity. Gray pointsrepresent loadings for individual metabolites or transcripts. (DOCX 2373 kb)

Additional file 3: Table S3. Gene cluster assignment for correlationnetworks. To summarize gene expression data, genes expression patternsfrom all time points (0–183 d) and treatments (control, diphenylamine,and 1-methylcyclopropene) were clustered using k-means clustering.Average gene expression values from each cluster were correlated along

with relative metabolite levels to generate 2 month and 6 month networks.The number of Variables Important in the Projection (VIP) for the“scald severity” response variable from the PLS-DA model is includedfor each gene cluster. (DOCX 18 kb)

Additional file 4: Figure S2. Comparative expression of scald VIPs andthe “refined” methanol and CTOL subnetworks within different MapMancell wall metabolism bins. Darker blue squares indicate elevated expressioncompared with the other lists within that category. (DOCX 29 kb)

Additional file 5: Figure S3. Alignment and domain comparison ofscald-related MdPMEs, AT1G02810.1, and Solyc07g064170.2.1, a methanolproducing ortholog expressed in ripe tomato fruit. Purple regions indicatecomplimentary PMEI and pectinesterase domains indicated by their Pfamdesignations. (DOCX 54 kb)

Additional file 6: Protocol S1. Synthesis of farnesyl acyl esters fromfarnesol and acid chlorides. (DOCX 14 kb)

Abbreviations1-MCP: 1-methylcyclopropene; AAT: Alcohol acyltransferase; AMDIS: Automatedmass spectral deconvolution and identification software; ASG: Acylated sterylglycoside; CTOL: 2,6,10-trimethyldodeca-2,7(E),9(E),11-tetraen-6-ol;DPA: Diphenylamine; HPLC-APCI-MS: high performance liquidchromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-massspectrometry; gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; HR: Hypersensitiveresponse; MBPLS-DA: Multiblock partial least squares-discriminant analysis;MGDG: Monogalactosyldiglyceride; ORA: Overexpression analysis;PCA: Principal components analysis; PCD: Programmed cell death;PCR: Polymerase chain reaction; PLSR: Partial least squares regression;PME: Pectinmethylesterase; ROS: Reactive oxygen species; RPKM: Readsper kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads; TMS-oxime: Trimethylsilyl-oxime; VIP: Variables’ importance in the projection

AcknowledgmentsWe thank B. Wright, L. Mundy, Y.P. Cayo, and N. Sullivan for their technicalcontribution to this study and Dr. L. Honaas for critical review of the manuscript.

FundingThis research was supported by the USDA Specialty Crops Research Initiative(Project number 2010–51181–21,446), the Washington Tree Fruit ResearchCommission, and AgroFresh, Inc.

Availability of data and materialRNAseq data are available at mass spectral tag and authentic standard aquistion/biosynthesis areincluded in the Additional File (Gapper et al. Supplementary File): Table S1and a full explaination of identification and quality control protocols areincluded in the “Methods” section.

Authors’ contributionsNEG performed transcriptomic analysis, bioinformatics, and was involvedwith the manuscript preparation. MLATMH performed data analysis andmodelling and was involved in manuscript preparation. JL was involved inmetabolite analysis, data analysis, and manuscript preparation. DAB and RSLperformed the metabolite instrumental and data analysis. ZF was involvedwith bioinformatics analyses. GQ was involved with RNAseq sample preparation.JJG was involved in transcriptomic and bioinformatic analysis. JWJ and RJS wereinvolved in experimental design and manuscript preparation. BMN was involvedin data analysis and modelling. JPM and DRR were involved in experimentaldesign, metabolite analysis, and manuscript preparation. CBW was involved inexperimental design and manuscript preparation. All authors read andapproved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Gapper et al. BMC Plant Biology (2017) 17:77 Page 15 of 18

Publisher’s NoteSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

Author details1School of Plant Science, Horticulture Section, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY14853, USA. 2Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 3BIOSYST-MeBioS, KU Leuven, Heverlee, Belgium. 4TreeFruit Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture,Agricultural Research Service, 1104 N. Western Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801,USA. 5United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,Plant, Soil, and Nutrition Laboratory, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. 6The NewZealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, Ltd, Havelock North, NewZealand. 7The New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research, Ltd,Auckland, New Zealand. 8Present addresses: AgroFresh, Wenatchee, WA98801, USA. 9Present addresses: Department of Horticultural Sciences, MokpoNational University, Muan, Korea.

Received: 19 August 2016 Accepted: 12 April 2017

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