Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


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  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management




    ARCHANA RAY (311SM1020)



  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Assignment of the authority to others

    for particular functions ,tasks and


    It is a shift of decision making

    authority from one organization levelto a lower one.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    A manager must be prepared to let go ofthe desire to undertake the tasks orimplement the actual project him/herself.

    The staff member must be prepared toaccept the delegated tasks.

    Issues of I am the best at this job andwhy should I do extra from the staffmember need to addressed at the outset.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Allows you to develop your people byincreasing their skills, their individuality

    and their areas of responsibility.

    allows you to save your expensive time andutilize it for tasks that can prove to be moreeconomically productive.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Step 1: Clarify of results

    Step 2: Select the rightperson

    Step 3: Clarify expectations

    Step 4: Check progress

    Step 5: Inspect and beaccountable

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Decide what is to be done. Tell somebody to do it.

    Listen to reasons why it should not bedone, why it should be done by someoneelse, or why it should be done in a differentway.

    Follow up to see if the thing has beendone.

    Discover it has not been done.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Inquire why it has not been done. Listen to excuses from the person who

    should have done it. Follow up again to see if the thing has been

    done, only to discover it has been doneincorrectly.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Effective management is the application ofeffective managing skills to deal with

    specific challenges and problems of eachorganization to reach their own missionand objectives.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Delegation uses scarce managementresources to best advantage.

    Delegating responsibilities to the lowestpractical level allows organisations torespond more quickly and effectively tocomplex situations.

    Subordinates may have a betterunderstanding of the situation or be in abetter position to make a decision.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    Delegation increases the confidence ,aswell the competence of lower levelmanagers.

    Responding to a lower bid by a competitor,handling a complaint from an importantcustomer, and taking an opportunity to

    save money on materials that are orderedby 5:00 p.m today are all examples wherequick response is necessary and gooddelegation can be effective.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    a)Good Delegators Are Good Managers:An effective manager must be an effectivedelegator. The converse is not necessarily

    true.b) Managers Should Delegate Whenever Possible:The time that it might take to explain the taskto a subordinate or to train a subordinate todo something a manager is already capable ofdoing may be a greater burden to the managerthan the manager simply doing the job him-or herself.

    . .

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    c)Delegation Implies Diminished Control:

    One of the reasons why managers are

    reluctant,or refuse, to delegate is that theyfear losing control. To many managers,theword delegation seems to implydiminished control.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


    So from our discussion we conclude that,toget effective management in a long run,agood manager is required to delegate his tasks

    and responsibilities to his subordinates so thatthe results obtained are at least as good orbetter than they would have been had theresponsibilities not been delegated.

  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management



  • 8/4/2019 Delegation is a Key to Effective Management


