DenEst project book by danish students



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Visit to Tallinn, Estonia

April 2014

The trip to Estonia(By Cathrine)

Sunday: We left Ølby station and we were going to the airport, where we left from to fly to Estonia.When we got there, we were going to meet the host families so we could go to the houses and sleep.

Monday: We were going to the school in the morning. I was going to move to another host family, were I was going to live. I was moved to a host family, with a student I knew from the start because, she stayed with me in Denmark. Her name was Joanna: it´s the girl in the pink sweatshirt.

Tuesday: we were going to the cooking class with the girls from 6.B. We were

making some kind of desert, and here we have some pictures:

Wednesday: We went to Sky Park, and it was a lot of fun. We took some pictures there:

Sky park was the funniest thing. I wish I could go back to sky park again.

Thursday: We was going to the TV tower. It was a very high tower. When you were at the highest point, it felt like you were flying in an aeroplain, and it was a little bit scary. That was actually not even the highest point. It was higher but you could not go all the way up. Here is some pictures of it:

You can see how high there was at the tower.

Friday: there was an after party at the school, and we was in the town to look at some special things.

Saturday: We was going back to Denmark. All the girls were crying.

-Cathrine H.W.

Estonia(By Emil)

We arrived in the Estonian airport Sunday afternoon, and so we drive to the school. At the school was the hosting family’s. We all went home with the host families. When we arrived at the school the next day (Monday) we all met again in the teacher’s room.


1. What was your tree best experiences?1. Me, Holme and Aldro and Aldro's dad drove go kart.2. The estonia show.3. The party.

2. What was your tree worst experiences?1. It took me long time to take my shoes on and off.2. The girls behaved like small children at the plane.3. It was boring to be up in the tv tower.

3. What was hard to be away?There were only a couple of times where we didn’t knew what Aldro asked us about. Except from that it went all fine.

4. What was easy?That I could talk to Home.

5. Board five differences between our school and the Estonian.The Estonian school have more lessons.The Estonian school have only 1 building.The danish school have 6 buildings.The Estonian school have a canteen.The Estonians need to go to other rooms, when they have new lessons.

6. Board five differences between the Danish and Estonian culture.The Estonian have a colder winter but they also have a hotter summer.Their food are different from ours.The busses are scary.

7. What have you learned about yourself?I have improved my English, and I’ve gotten braver.

10. Would you participate in a similar project a second time, if you got the chance?Yes, I would join it if I get the chance, because it was very fun and I got new friend out of the project.

11. If you should give other 3 tips and tricks for taking on a project what would it be?I would tell them it was very fun. I will also tell them you get new friends, and you don’t have normal school when you’re away.

-Emil K.S.

Estonia trip(By Patricia)

1. My 3 best experiences was: Skypark, my new friends and the country.

2. My 3 worst experiences was: I couldn’t ask my mother and father when i had problems, I couldn’t take home and the language was little hard.

3. The difficult thing to go was to:

I missed my parents, my real home and I should stay with a stranger.

4. What was easy: I had a friend to be together with.

5. 5 differences between our school and the school in Estonia: They have a canteen, their school is one building. They have other subjects, their school is small.

6. 5 differences on the danish and estonian cultures: Estonia have very old buildings, Denmark is a flat country, Estonia is colder than Denmark, they eat not dinner and they have small houses.

Old town

7. What i have learned about my self: I could speak more english than I thought, and I thought it was funny.

Sky park

8. What i have learned about my friends: They thought it was funny, and they have met many new friends like me.

9. What i have learned about my teachers: They like travel with the students in another country.

10. Yes i would have a new chance to learn new peoples to knowing.

11. Have fun, eat loads of food, be with your friends.Patricia 7.a


Some of the best things about this experience was definitely to meet a lot of new people, and getting new friends. It was also good to see a new country, and learn things about that country. Best of all is the fact that I might never forget this experience. Another good thing was the fact that I didn’t have a negative experience!

It wasn’t hard to be away from home. It was a bit hard to start a conversation at first, but now I also know how to do that.

What was easy about being away from home is quite much everything. It was easy to get new friends, because they also wanted to be friends with us. It was also easy to speak English. The whole thing was quite easy in general.

There were some differences between our school and their school. Some of them are:· In Denmark, the school days are much shorter than in Estonia.· They have a school canteen, but in Denmark we have to bring our own lunch to school.· They have more creative subjects than we do.· In Denmark, it’s the students who stays in the same classroom, but in Estonia

it’s the teachers who stays.· They sometimes have some big events at night, but we don’t do that in Denmark.

The culture was also quite different. Their language is very different and they also have a bit more old buildings, and more trees. Almost all houses have a sauna, which we don’t have in Denmark. Estonia have been ruled by a lot of different countries, and Denmark haven’t. They also did work late in the evening, and that isn’t really normal in Denmark.

I’ve learned a thing about myself, and that is I was better talking to new people, than I’d expect.

Something that I kind of learned about my teachers, is that they’re sweet, because they wanted to do this project.

If I ever had the chance to join another project, I'd love to, because it was such an amazing experience!

At last, but not least, I'd like to give some advice for others who are going to be in a project like this:· That would definitely be speak as much as you can with the other person, because it’s nice to get new friends.· Try to get as much out of this experience as you can, because this might be your only chance. . · Stay positive all the way!

-Nikoline M.N.

The Estonia Trip (Answer questions)(By Sille)

What were your top three experiences in Estonia?My first best experience in Estonia, was the flight down there. It was super nice to fly with the class. It is definitely an experience of a lifetime. My other best experience, was the first day of school. It was exciting when we were showed around the school, and to see what they did at their school. My third best experience was the shopping trips I/we had in Estonia. It was really nice to see what stores they had, and just spend some time with the Danish girls.

What were your three worst experiences in Estonia?My first worst experience, was the first day at home with the family in Estonia. You felt welcome, but it was still very strange. You should speak English, have conversations with the family. It was definitely difficult. I would not call it a "bad experience", but not very fun either. I do not think there is more bad.

What was hard to about being away?It was definitely that I missed my friends and my family. I was not really homesick, because I did not wish to come home. It was super nice in Estonia, but I just missed my friends and family.

What was easy?I did not get lost at the school, and that you could always contact the Estonian girls, if you wanted to ask anything.

Say 5 differences between the Estonian school, and Danish.1. There was many more plants in the Estonian school. 2. There were other rules in Estonia. 3. (In Estonia) Children had to change classroom. (In Denmark). Instead of teachers.4. There was a canteen in Estonia. 5. They had more hours of school, in Estonia.

5 differences between Danish and Estonian culture.1. There are different type of culinary traditions. 2. School Rules. 3 They have much more in Denmark. 4 More school hours. 5 I cannot think of more.

What have you learned about yourself, on the trip?Bad things: That I need to put some attention on others, relax more when speaking, and respect the others opinions. Good things: That I’m better to speak English, than I thought. I can be with the other girls. I have to be open to new friendship possibilities.

What have you learned about your "friends"?That I can be with them longer than I thought, and they are better at English, than expected.

What have you learned about your teachers?That they are not really happy about my attitude.

Would you like to be involved in a project like this again?Yes, definitely. It was exciting to be in a different country with a different culture, and did talk much English. It was super nice to be in Estonia.

Three pieces of advice:1. be happy. 2. Speak as much English as possible.

3. Be open to new opportunities. (Friendships, new English, etc.)

-Sille D.H.

Estonia Trip(By Helene)

We took the train to the airport, after we said goodbye to our parents. We had a good trip right from the start. When we entered the airport, we got our tickets. I had to sit next to Emil and Andrea in the plane. We had a fun trip in the plain, and the time went so fast, because we had so much fun. When we arrived we took the bus with Marga, to the school. At the school, all our host families were waiting for us. Me and Patricia drove with Silvia and her family home. We got some food, and then we went to bed.

My top 3 experiences, was the Skypark. In the Skypark, we had a lot of fun with the other guys from Estonia. We threw balls at each other, and had so much fun that we would not go home.

I think the Playback Show, was very interesting, and they had really made it fun. The last top 3 experiences, was the goodbye party. We enjoyed ourselves, we made a couple of fun games, and ate some good food.

My 3 worst experiences, was the City Tour in the rain! Not because it was not good, but because of the weather. The tower was very interesting, and so was the rest of the city.

The canteen food, was not the best. It was very different than in Denmark, because they had very liquid food that did not taste very good. They also ate a lot pasta and rice.

What was difficult?

It was a little bit hard to speak the language, because sometimes I can not find the right words. Therefore it was nice to live with another person. But it was me who talked all the time, so I could have lived by myself.

What was easy?

It was good to know, that you always had someone Danish to talk to. It was also nice to know, that Silvia had it the same way as we do with the language. And then we also had a really good and fun time with Silvia.

I have to mention 5 differences things between Estonia and Denmark.

The first thing is that they have a canteen, with hot food, and you could also buy candy in a shop at the school. That could never happen at our school. They also had a very special school culture, where you had to stand up when the teacher came into the room. You had to do the same every time you went to a new classroom with a new teacher. Many of the children also lived far from school and took the bus, where we take the bike to school. The school had a much better society and awareness between small and large students. The school also had a lot of rules.


The culture was very nice and very old. I do not really know what else I will say about the culture. But it is very beautiful, and the food is very different.

The last question was the hardest to answer. (What have you learned about yourself, friends and teachers?)

I have learned a lot of myself. I’ve learned to trust myself, and not being afraid to take chances. I have really seen how much I can, and not to hold it back. It’s something I will take with me. Also the experience of being in another country, standing on my own feet, and being able to make my own decisions. I have taken a trip to another country without my parents, and it has led to meeting friends I will have the rest of my life. It was also a great trip, because we got closer. I‘ve also seen a different side of them. I could not have done it without Inge and Hannes help.

Helene S.C.

Estonia Project.(By Trine)

We left Sunday morning from Ølby Station, where we took the train to the airport. We had to fly at 15:00. We arrived 17:30, Estonian time. Since we had our suitcases, we took a bus to their school and we met our host families. I was going to stay with Agneta. When we got home to Agneta, we ate dinner. Later in the evening we saw Twilight, and ate some candy, I had brought. Afterwards we went to bed. It was one of my best experiences to stay with Agneta, and meet her.

Monday we took the bus to the school. Their school was different. They had one building, they had canteen, they had one room to each subject, they had different rules and they had long days. We took part in some lessons. In the evening we had a party.

Tuesday we also went to the school. We had a cooking lesson with 6.B(now 7.B). After finishing eating, we went to The Old Town. We had a guide. Later took Agneta, Sandra, Nikoline and I to the shopping center.

Wednesday we had music and art lesson. After that we went to Skypark by bus. There was many trampolines and other things. In the evening we(Agneta and I) took to the same shopping center and ate with Nikoline and Sandra. We had anice evening.

Thursday we took the bus to the TV Tower and to the Seaplane Harbour Museum. In the TV Tower, we were 175 meter high up in the air! We took many photos. Then we came back to the school we saw a playback show. A lot of students performed.

Friday we went to the town Nõmme, where the students lived. When we came back, we made many activities before we had dance lessons with 6.B. After school, we visited Joanna and changed our clothes. In the evening, we had a party, where we listened to some music and eat some snacks.

Saturday morning Sandra, Nikoline, Agneta and I drove to the airport. Our bordered at 13:25. In the airport we cried a lot. It was one of my worst experiences.

It has been one of my best experiences of my life. I have learned to be independent.

-Trine M.H.

The Estonia Trip(By Sofie)


We met on Ølby Station, and took the train to the Danish airport. But before we went to the train, we said goodbye to our families. The train went from the station at 3pm. We arrived at the Estonian airport at 5.35pm, and the trip had been well. Estonia is really pretty, if you see it from the airplane. We drove to the Estonian school in a bus. When we arrived at the school, our host families were ready to take us home.


When we arrived inside at the school, I began to think the Estonian school was very different from the Danish school. It was different to be at another place, where I didn’t know anybody. But when I met the other danish students, I felt more safe and normal. We were shown around the school. After that we should watch a movie about ''Tallinn Old Town Sights''. A little bit after, we were going to eat lunch at the school. Again, we were shown around the school a little bit. But this time we should join an Estonian lesson. It was a little bit weird. In the afternoon we had a little ''Nice To Meet You Party.''


We met again at the school and I got to know the school. After that there was some activities at the school. When we had finished the activities, we cooked with some of the Estonian students. And then we ate lunch at the school. After eating our lunch, we were going on a trip to Tallinn Old Town, which we had seen a film about. After we had been shown around, we had to walk around in a small shopping center.


We met at the school and there were some activities. We had a lesson, which was music. We sang some Estonian songs. After that, we had an art lesson. We made art with pencils/pens. As usual, we ate lunch at the school. After finishing lunch, we drove to Skypark. It is a place with trampolines and a playground. It was very nice. After that we went home.


We met at the school again that morning. Then we took a bus trip to the TV Tower (it is a very high tower). We also saw Seaplane Harbor Museum. We had brought a lunchbox from the school with us on the trip. Couple of hours later there was a ''Playback Event''. It was nice. When we came home, we just relaxed.


After meeting at the school, we visited Nomme city and Nomme Museum. For the last time we ate lunch at the school. After eating there was some activities. When the activities were over, we had a dance lesson. After the dance lesson, we had a good time with some of the Estonian students, and some of the Danish students. It was very nice! Especially because we learned them a bit Danish. A couple of hours later we walked to the school to have a ''Goodbye Party''. We danced and laughed. When I came home, I started packing my things.


We drove to the airport, to fly back home. We used about 1 hour to say goodbye to each other. There were many hugs and tears. And suddenly we sat in the airplane on the way home.

-Sofie L.H.

The trip to Estonia(By Emma)

Sunday:We took from the airport in Copenhagen at Sunday.The family I lived with, took me to Estonias Old Town, and we saw many beautiful houses. We also saw many popular places in the city.

Monday: The students from Estonia, took us to the school. We visited the school, and in the afternoon, there was a Nice to Meet You party. In the evening, Celina slept with me.

Tuesday:At the Tuesday, we had a cooking lesson with 6.B(now 7.B)

Wednesday:We had an art and music lesson. When the lessons had finished, we went to Skypark. After that we went out, and shopped.

Thursday:We went to see a museum, and we took to a TV Tower. The TV Tower, was more than 300 meter high. After going to the tower, we went home. In the afternoon, there was a playback show. Friday:We walked around in Nomme city, with two guides. I didn’t find it very interesting. When we got back to the school, we had dance lesson with 6.B. In the evening we had a goodbye party. Saturday:The family took us to the airport. I would love to take on a trip like this again. I don’t find any interest in going to Estonia again, but I’m happy I went. I know now that I can speak English for a whole week, and it was easier than I thought. -Emma O.R.

Thank you so

much for the

lovely experience

. ♥