Dennis Jones & Associates December 2014 & January 2015 New Title Releases



Dennis Jones & Associates December 2014 & January 2015 New Title Releases

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I think this is our last order form for the year; but who can tell?

As an independent distributor it is only just the end of October and there are still publishers hopefully thinking we can get books satisfactorily into the market place before Christmas. Why do they pick us? Why do they leave it so late? Why do we pick the books we do for distribution?Some of the books are simply part of the publishers' scheduled output, some are what came across the desk that day (or Janet’s desk in reality). We have a very broad customer base that allows us to almost place something anywhere and across most genres. The strength of our onix files (we do not charge for these) puts the fact of the books onto anyone’s system without relying on filtering or third party providers. The booksellers only really want/need to engage with the top end of the offering, whereas the onliners just want as much as you can get and then more. Do I agree with this? I agree depending on the size and subject strength of the shop – shelf space is limited and getting smaller as either shop owners retire, or choose to include more “sidelines” or stick to a top 10 policy and hope stock turn X margin gives them a reward. (Backlist tip – keep up the stocks of Secret Girls Business & Secret Boys Business – we have sold 4000 assorted of these firm sale in the past 4 months). We are maintaining our Australian writers only policy as this way we don’t get caught in the ambush of cheap overseas pricing for those who escape GST and can take the source of supply from countries with lower costs.

Our key titles have now almost all arrived and the month has been good.I get so pleased when I see the reorders for “Garlic”, and “The Lion Rampant”, and the other top books being reordered. I do however have a couple of backlist ambitions, like 1000 Weed Foragers Handbook in the last three months and 1000 assorted Jackie French backlist.

Last weekend the East coast media did a great job with Blanche’s book which has resulted in sell through and the eBook reaching the top 200 on – gets me alive and means consumers want our content – we all survive and get on the edge of a better day.

Media! I had started to think the ABC 774 Conversation Hour was reserved for our authors and books the other day. On two recent occasions Lea & I were in the car coming back from meetings in William Street in Melbourne when for a slither of relief we listened to Jon Faine’s Conversation Hour – the first time we heard of the adventures/exploits of Kate Leeming (Njinga and Out There and Back) the next time it was Shirley Hardy-Rix (From Circle to Circle) in conversation with Charley Boorman talking about Motorbike adventures.

As another year is about to pass the constant change in how we stay relevant becomes more pressing. Sit in the old corridor and you get left behind with neck ties and those things of a gone era. I still am adamant that reading has never been better served with the varieties of platforms and books (there is even an $800.00 book in the front window of Readings in Carlton this afternoon). Then if you attempt to change it is similar to Ford retooling to make Rickshaws as well as the back end organisational change – we started “retooling” some time ago and now we are seeing the benefits of sticking our necks out. There is justification for investment in the right areas of change. Some would like to see my financial neck cut off – still I am not ever destined to succeed by saying Yes.

Safe selling and Rock into 2015 ThanksDJ

PS Now that Canberra has decided not to move on lowering the GST threshold and cavorting around the prospect of a 15% GST I wonder how we face up to this challenge. Some deadbeat on ABC radio was recently saying that a GST increase will not cost business financially! Dream on.DJ

Words From The Wise

The Footy Almanac 2014

The Footy Almanac 2014 is the story of this wonderful AFL season. It is a game by game account written by everyday fans from all walks of life who have one thing in common: they are mad about footy. Playful, irreverent, insightful and just good fun, this book will let you re‐live the year that was. The Footy Almanac has been published annually since 2007. 




Binding P/B

$ARP $30.00

ISBN 9780987434371


01/11/2014 Australian 

Rules Football

Malarkey Publications

Height | Width 250 150

John Harms



Rob Bath

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


The Footy Almanac 2012

Category Australian Rules Football

Pages 528

Published 01/12/2012

Binding P/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN‐13 9780987434302

Malarkey Publications

Height | Width 250 150

John Harms



The Footy Almanac 2013

Category Australian Rules Football

Pages 512

Published 01/11/2013

Binding P/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN‐13 9780987434340

Malarkey Publications

Height | Width 230 150

John Harms



Footy Town

Category Australian Rules Football

Pages 400

Published 15/03/2013

Binding P/B

$ARP $34.95

ISBN‐13 9780987434326

Malarkey Publications

Height | Width 250 150

Paul Daffey



Also Available

December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

The 2015 Golf Course Guide

384 pages in full colour, over 250 colour photographs, Top 100 course rankings, Stay and Play resort feature and Top 50 resort rankings with exclusive offers to Guide holders only, nearly 50 driving range listings all offering a “buy one bucket get one FREE”, full colour state location maps and more. SAVINGS now total more than $11,000!

SPECIAL FEATURE ‐ BEST GREEN FEE GUARANTEE:  This year over 400 courses displaying this symbol will offer Guide users any special offers they have available (via a “Deal” website or other sources) upon request. uide users will never miss a daily internet bargain again!

Category Golf

Pages 384

Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $40.00

ISBN 9780987203830

Golf Publishing

Height | Width 210 150

Garry Kennedy



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

From Me to We

'This book demonstrates that long‐term win‐win collaboration approaches work. Principals and contractors don't have to end up in conflict or litigation. I would recommend these ideas be adopted by companies eager to improve productivity.' ‐ John Mulcahy, Chairman, Mirvac

'In an industry dominated by conflict and unproductive activity, this book offers a refreshing and practical way for all parties in the building industry to achieve more from their capital and labour inputs. Stephen Hanman and Ian George have shown through application that by introducing trust, respect and meaningful communication into relationships, results improve for all stakeholders. Moreover, the investment required to do the first job carries over to future work, resulting in improved performance with each project. I applaud the efforts of the authors in both creating the environment for their clients to 'do better' in their construction businesses and for sharing their work with the wider business and labour communities. Onewonders what benefits could flow to other industries should the broader principles sosuccessfully adopted in this book be applied more widely.' ‐ Terry Henderson, company director and businessman

'This book provides wonderful insights into the way in which economic and social relationships associated with building and construction can be transformed. The participants involved in CGA Bryson projects have experienced considerable benefits in their working and personal lives. There is also evidence of significant economic benefits for all within the project supply chains. In the context of the broader building and construction industry, this account contains lessons which offer solutions for some of the seemingly intractable problems of conflict, waste, poorquality work and alienation that bedevil this industry. We have a lot to learn from these two professionals who are writing about their direct experience in transforming a construction enterprise.' ‐ Professor Tony Dalton, RMIT 






ISBN 9780646928005


Business Communication 

Collaborative Enquiry Pty Ltd

design and build collaborative workplaces

Height | Width

Stephen Hanman



Ian George

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release





Duck Season Death

June Wright wrote this lost gem in the mid‐1950s, but consigned it to her bottom drawer after her publisher foolishly rejected it. Perhaps it was a little ahead of its time? Because while it’s a tour de force of the classic ‘country house’ murder mystery, it’s also a delightful romp, poking fun at the conventions of the genre. When someone takes advantage of a duck hunt to murder publisher Athol Sefton at a remote hunting inn, it soon turns out that virtually everyone, guests and staff alike, had a good reason for shooting him. Sefton’s nephew Charles thinks he can solve the crime by applying the “rules of the game” he’s absorbed from his years as a reviewer of detective fiction – except the killer evidently isn’t playing by those rules. Duck Season Death is a both a fiendishly clever whodunit and a marvellous entertainment.

Category Crime & mystery

Pages 192

Published 01/01/2015

Binding P/B

$ARP $21.95

ISBN 9781891241352

Verse Chorus Press

Height | Width 203 135

June Wright



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


A Rediscovered Queen of Australian CrimeMelbourne‐born June Wright made quite a splash with the publication of her debut novel, Murder in the Telephone Exchange, in 1948. It was the bestselling mystery in Australia that year, sales outstripping even those of the reigning 

queen of crime, Agatha Christie. Wright went on to publish five more top‐quality mysteries over the next two decades ‐including three featuring the irrpressible nun detective, Mother Paul ‐ while at the same time raising six children. When  she died last year at the age of 92, June Wright's books were largely forgotten, despite the praise she received at the time and the championing of her work in such recent surveys of the field as Stephen Knight's Continent of Mystery. All  that's about to change; Dark Passage is proud to announce the imminent republication of all June Wright's novels, 

beginning in early 2014 with Murder in the Telephone Exchange, and followed now by its sequel, So Bad a Death, and a previously unpublished mystery, Duck Season Death. June Wright's other four novels will be republished at intervals

over the next two years.

December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

So Bad A Death

Maggie Byrnes is married now, with a young son, and living in a quiet Melbourne suburb. But violent death dogs her footsteps even in apparently tranquil Middleburn. It’s perhaps not such a surprise when a widely disliked local bigwig (who also happens to be Maggie’s landlord) is shot, but Maggie suspects that someone is also trying to poison the infant who is his heir, and turns sleuth once more to uncover the culprits. This is June Wright’s second novel, which she originally planned to call Who Would Murder a Baby? Her publishers drew the line at that, but under any title it’s a worthy sequel to Murder in the Telephone Exchange.

Includes a new introduction by Lucy Sussex plus her fascinating 1996 interview with June Wright

Category Crime & mystery

Pages 288

Published 01/01/2015

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.95

ISBN 9781891241451

Verse Chorus Press

Height | Width 203 135

June Wright



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


Murder in the Telephone Exchange


Binding P/B

$ARP $24.95



Crime & mystery

Verse Chorus Press

Height | Width 203 135


June Wright






June Wright's debut stars feisty young telephonist Maggie Byrnes. When one of her more unpopular colleagues at Melbourne Central is murdered ‐ her head bashed in with a "buttinsky," a piece of equipment used to listen in on  phone calls ‐ Maggie resolves to turn  sleuth. A couple of her co‐workers are acting strangely, and Maggie is convinced she has a better chance of figuring out who is responsible for the killing than the stodgy police team assigned to the case, who seem to think she herself might have had something to do with it. But then one of her friends is murdered too, and it looks like Maggie might be next in line. Narrated with verve and wit, this is a mystery in the tradition of Dorothy L. Sayers and Daphne du Maurier, by turns entertaining and suspenseful, and building to a gripping climax. It also offers a marvellous account of life in Melbourne 

December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Available Now

Sequal to Murder in the Telephone Exchange

Shangri‐less Simon Mee is an important mid‐career cartist who draws inspiration from every day surroundings, art history and the news. He pushes, pulls and prodds at  life in all its messiness and humour through the use of art  history and its iconography. The book shows some of his well known art from The Suburban Suite series through to his "Folly" inspired works.  To help understand the significance of his work and three writers ‐ Eliza Gluckman, Jane O'Neill and Dr  Michael Vale. These writers provide three different perspectives, a broader international conext (Eliza Gluckman), a specific theoretical understanding (Dr Michael Vale) and a personal aspect (Jane O'Neill).

Gordon Craig - Curator, QUT Art Museum"Mee's paintings are luscious in nature but before the viewer can be seduced by Mee's works of art, they jolt one's sensibilities."

Robert Nelson - The Age"Haunts and Follies curator Simon Mee has himself created learned pieces of symbolism in unusually good drawing, with multiple figures and coherent space."

Category Autobiography: general

Pages 80

Published 01/12/2014

Binding H/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN 9781922129581

Melbourne Books

Simon Mee: artworks from 2004 to 2014

Height | Width 210 210

Simon Mee



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Correct English: Reality of Myth?

Writing is a form of expression, as is painting and composing music. No‐one has the right to tell artists to paint in a particular way, nor the right to tell composers to compose in a particular way. So don’t we have a right to talk and write as we please?In the same breath, pedants bemoan what they believe to be falling standards in schools, and in writing in general, and then deride those who cannot write as well as themselves, calling them “appallingly ignorant”. Rather than belittling those who, through no fault of their own, had a seemingly impoverished education, surely a decent response would be one of understanding and sympathy.But perhaps it is the pedants who are appallingly ignorant for failing to see that language cannot be correct or incorrect, right or wrong. As this book proves, to call, say, a split infinitive wrong is about as silly as calling a lampshade dishonest. It is what philosophers call a category mistake. Contrary to what pedants think, English is not going to the dogs. Change is not necessarily for the worse. If it was, English speakers would have lost the ability to communicate centuries ago. Instead English has gone on to become the lingua franca of the world.We need a different, more tolerant, attitude to language, one that respects the innate creativity and lust for novelty that defines Homo sapiens. And one that eradicates the anxiety that many suffer when they have to put pen to paper or give a talk. What this attitude should be is explored in this book.

About the authorGeoffrey Marnell has a masters degree and doctorate from the University of Melbourne, gained by research in philosophy at the universities of Melbourne and Oxford. He has published widely—on such topics as language, technical writing, psychology and mathematics—and is the author of three books on recreational logic and mathematics.Geoffrey tutored in philosophy at the University of Melbourne in the late 1970s and early 1980s before leaving academia to establish a writing consultancy. Geoffrey’s consulting practice has, for close to 30 years, provided writing services, resources and training to organisations worldwide.In 2005, Geoffrey was invited by the English Department at the University of Melbourne to design a course in technical writing and editing, a course he taught for nine years as part of the University’s Publishing and Communications Program in the School of Culture and Communication. He has also served on the technical communications course advisory board for Swinburne University of Technology and has been formally accredited by IPEd (Institute of Professional Editors) by examination.In addition to teaching technical writing and editing, Geoffrey teaches scientific writing, business writing, and authoring tools and methodologies. All up, Geoffrey has 30 years experience in adult teaching: from university students to public administrators; corporate managers to scientists. He also manages a team of writers and editors who together produce technical documentation for companies worldwide.

Category Language: reference & general

Pages 294

Published 01/01/2015

Binding P/B

$ARP $32.95

ISBN 9780994150202

Burdock Books

Height | Width 210 142

Geoffrey Marnell



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Am I living with an Addict?

This book is not about drugs, it is about people ‐ drugs don’t do people, but people do drugs. It is about the people who are addicts and how addicts can live well lives, but it addressed to the addict’s loved ones and concerned well‐wishers. Jackson Oppy has walked the road he describes, knows the problems and knows the road back to wellness, wholeness and stable family and social life. Am I living with an Addict? is the route map to there. 

About the AuthorJackson Oppy used drugs actively for 15 years. He and his family experienced all the pitfalls and trauma that comes with having a loved one in the grip of addiction and the hopelessness of believing that there was no way out. After countless attempts to stop and after losing everything, Jackson entered recovery at age 35 and now lives alcohol and drug free. He now uses his experience in both active addiction and in recovery to help others. In his current role he deals with addicts and their families everyday, using his intimate knowledge of the problem and the solution.

-Includes Drug Testing Kit


Pages 96

Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B


ISBN 9780646930565

Kerr Publishing Pty Ltd

Finding a solution for suffering addicts and families

Height | Width 234 190

Jackson Oppy



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release


Elizabeth IslandSoutheast of Melbourne, Australia, lies a unique island, tucked between Phillip Island and French Island, within easy reach of the ports of Corinella, San Remo and Rhyll, and not far from Hastings on the Mornington Peninsula. Elizabeth Island is a delight of a place that callsout to be experienced first‐hand.Against the frantic pace of modern life, this book reminds us of a different, slower, more harmonious way to live. With nature at our doorstep, good friends around our table and the healing qualities of peace and tranquillity, island life beckons.A book to dip into as a reminder of the seasons of time that come and go whilst nature emerges afresh through these constant changes.A celebration of Elizabeth Island’s interplay of human life, sea and land creatures, birds, landscapes, seascapes and gardens.

The island’s owner Anne Tillig has worked with Canadian photographer Neil Brown and several Australian photographers, to create an immersive photographic experience of the life and times to be had on this beautiful outpost in Westernport Bay, near Melbourne Australia.

Category Photographs: collections

Pages 142

Published 01/11/2014

Binding H/B

$ARP $35.00

ISBN 9781922118431

Global Publishing Group

A Discovery

Height | Width 220 280

Anne Tillig



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Memoirs of a Go‐Go Dancer

Memoirs of a Go‐Go Dancer! Justin Sheedy's first job out of school was a symbol of his rebellion against the 1980s ‐ a decade so lame it cried out for any other. Crackernight, the annual fireworks festival of his childhood, was gone. So was childhood. Justin's teenage would be a search for new fireworks. He would find them. In his legendary schoolteachers, in questioning his elders, in playing rock and roll, in marching against nuclear madness, and in that scariest of all things known to Man: GIRLS. And all that was before he became a Go‐Go Dancer! Then the fun really started…

Category Autobiography: general


Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.99

ISBN 9781742984780

Justin Sheedy

Height | Width 214 140

Justin Sheedy



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Goodbye Crackernight

Height | Width 214



Binding P/B

$ARP $24.99


Autobiography: general

Justin Sheedy



Justin Sheedy





Crackernight! One night a year, the infinite normality of the suburbs is shot with utter magic.Goodbye, Crackernight is the story of one 

boy's childhood in 1970s Australia. It is a story of fireworks, of fun that cost  nothing,  of  second‐hand  bikes, UFO‐crowded skies, streakers, lime green  Valiants,  half‐sucked  Sunny  Boys  and  electric pink hotpants. It is a story of growing up and innocence left behind ‐ at a three‐day swinging pool party. It is the tale of  an era, of far simpler times, of an annual neighbourhood  festival  and  an  Australia  now long gone.

New Edition New ISBN

Ghosts of the Empire

As the storm of World War II breaks, Mick O'Regan is a peaceful Sydney working‐class boy. Yet he and the shining youth of his generation are cursed to enter a world of high‐speed life and death. Like first‐time Aussie backpackers they cross the planet to save the British Empire, their job on arrival the most dangerous of the War: flying for Royal Air Force Bomber Command. Based on a true Australian war story only now being brought to life by author Justin Sheedy's vivid historical fictions, "Ghosts of the Empire" is also a story of young people living life to the full while they can ‐ in a blacked‐out world where dance partners, sex and death flow in equal abundance.Though standing on its own as the white‐knuckle excitement saga that it is, "Ghosts of the Empire" is the much‐anticipated sequel to "Nor the Years Condemn", Sheedy's highly acclaimed story of shining young men destined never to grow old. 'Ghosts', it is said, are the spirits of those who die violently, tragically, or when ripped from life too young. "Ghosts of the Empire" is their story.

Category Thriller / suspense

Pages 366

Published 01/11/2013

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.99

ISBN‐13 9780646910901

Publisher Cane River Pecan Co

Height | Width 216 140

Justin SheedyAuthor

Nor the Years Condemn

At the beginning of World War II, Britain was in the deepest trouble imaginable. 5 minutes flying time away crouched a monster. Alone against it, Britain called out to her Empire. For pilots. From all corners of that Empire, they volunteered. Only the best & brightest were chosen. Australian Daniel Quinn was one of these young men who came to fly against the monster. They had a 1‐in‐3 chance of survival."Nor the Years Condemn" is based on the true story of the young Australians who flew Spitfires against the all-conquering might of Nazi Germany. In their late teens and early-20s, for the job at hand they had to be the 'shining ones', rendering the death of so many of them doubly heart-rending for the reader. Daniel Quinn, flanked by the often hilarious young men of his elite ilk, leaves his peacetime life behind to fight tyranny in this portrait of doomed, brilliant youth.With in-the-cockpit flying sequences that readers have described as 'cinematic', "Nor the Years Condemn" is also a story of the mothers cursed to relinquish their wonderful sons to war, of first love, of strategic deception and betrayal, of brotherhood and once-in-a-lifetime friendship on a knife's edge. It is a story of shining young men destined never to grow old, and of those who do: the survivors 'condemned by the years', and to their memory of friends who remain forever young.


Pages 398

Published 01/10/2013

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.99

ISBN‐13 9781468072655


Modern & contemporary fiction 

Cane River Pecan Co

Height | Width 217 138

Justin SheedyAuthor

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN# 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


Also by Justin Sheedy

Lament for the Dead

"Now then. Let's get started." Monster Man scrapes the chair a little further forward and settles himself. "I'm going to tell you a story. Are you sitting comfortably? Good. Then I'll begin. Once upon a time..."In Drayford Village, serious crimes were unheard of. Then the abductions began. There is no rational connection. No links between the victims that make any sense. And even when the bodies are discovered, the horrifying tableau only provides more questions than answers. But the Abductor is still holding all the cards. And he has another hand to play, in a twisted plan for revenge a hundred years in the making.Biography‐ Margaret M Ford is the author of several technical articles, short stories and six novels to date. Until  recently Margaret was Managing Director of a UK based manufacturing company. Upon her retirement she and her husband moved to the picturesque East Gippsland in Victoria.

Category Crime & mystery

Pages 396

Published 01/01/2015

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.95

ISBN 9781922086372

Sid Harta Publishers

Height | Width 216 140

Margaret M Ford



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Beneath the Stone

Height | Width 216


Binding P/B

$ARP $24.95


Crime & mystery

Sid Harta Publishers



Margaret M Ford





Southern Italy, 1943: The German army is quickly losing ground to the Allied assault and retreating towards Rome. The quiet town of Vietri sul Mare has been spared from the ravages of war ‐ until the arrival of an SS officer amidst the  confusion of the retreat, armed with a single, deadly purpose.Aylesbury, 1956: David Montefort, a twelve‐year‐old boy uprooted from his old life, arrives at the lavish Ambrose House. He begins to learn the history of his enigmatic family ‐ and the complicated link it has to the day Vietri sul Mare  lost its innocence.But Vietri was only the beginning ‐ and the SS officer, evading punishment for his war crimes, still has an unfinished  agenda that involves the Montefort family.


RMIT’s Design Research Institute (DRI) is at the forefront of global interdisciplinary design research.

This book brings together the major projects undertaken by the Design Research Institute that occupies the new Design Hub building.

Since its inception in 2008, the Design Research Institute (DRI) has sought to build and evolve the role of design research as ‘a solution finder’ in the challenges of urbanisation, the way we live, work and play in the present and how we may realise the cities of the future through often unexpected collaborations.

In promoting design’s essential role as the translator between fundamental discoveries occurring across diverse fields, from quantum mechanics to longitudinal studies of homelessness, the focus is to humanise the systemic change occurring globally, to ensure that the future bears the clear imprint of our best practical imagination. 


Pages 160

Published 01/12/2014

Binding H/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN 9781922129536

Melbourne Books

RMIT Design Research Institute: Designs on the Future

Height | Width 250 210

Laetitia Shand



Lani Steinberg

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release


Navigating Career Crossroads

Navigating Career Crossroads shows you how to confidently take a new direction. This book delivers practical, actionable advice to help you land your dream position. You'll learn how to craft an attention‐‐grabbing resume, how to expand your career network, the best way to really work with recruiters, and how to dazzle your new employer through the interview process.

Follow these 7 essential steps for career success:Confidently manage changeAssess what makes you tickResumes & marketing communication Express your professional image Explore job search strategiesRelate your value at interviewsStrategies for career success

Confidently conduct an effective job search and successfully transition into your new role. With these 7 steps it will be sooner than you think!


Pages 208

Published 01/10/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $24.95

ISBN 9780994168511

Advice on careers & achieving successPalmer Higgs

How to survive thrive when changing dirrection

Height | Width 235 150

Jane Jackson



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Available Now

Australian Property Finance Made Simple

An Essential Resource Tool For Any Serious Property Investor Who Is Wanting To Stake Their Claim In The 5.4 Trillion Dollar Residential Property Market.Finally, an ex‐banker, mortgage broker, and property millionaire’s ‘tell all’ step‐by‐step ‘Blue Print’, explaining how to Build, Structure, and Automate a Multi‐Million Dollar Residential Investment Property Portfolio correctly that has the potential to replace your income for life! International Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Property Expert Konrad Bobilak, reveals all in this insightful and valuable book.YOU’LL LEARN:‐How to potentially save thousands of dollars in interest payments, and pay off your current 30year Principle and Interest Mortgage in 15 years or less without making any additional payments.‐How to correctly structure your first and subsequent investment property acquisitions,and why you should never cross‐collateralise your properties.‐The function and importance of LVR (Loan To Value Ratio), LOC (Line Of Credit facilities), LMI(Lenders Mortgage Insurance), Offset Accounts, and Terms and Conditions of loans.‐How to beat the banks at their own game by understanding the exact formulas that the banksuse to work out how much money you can borrow; DSR (Debt Servicing Ratio).‐12 Powerful Ways to ‘Super‐Charge’ your borrowing capacity that will enable you to buymore property than you ever thought possible.‐19 Crucial Questions that you must know in order to choose the best Mortgage Broker in theindustry.‐12 Most Common And Deadly ‘Property Finance’ Mistakes And How You Can Avoid Them.

Category Finance


Published 01/01/2015

Binding P/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN 9781922118578

Global Publishing Group

Height | Width

Konrad Bobilak



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200



Height | Width 230 150

December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Annihilate Stress and Anxiety

It is well known that mental health is fast becoming the major health issue world-wide, and it is clear that stress and anxiety are increasing at an alarming rate. We also know that where possible, prevention is better than a cure, and understanding what is causing stress and anxiety, and being equipped to manage it is extremely important. In my work as a psychologist, I believe that educating and empowering people to deal with the issues they are able to influence is of paramount importance, and leads to a healthier society. The stress reaction is a prime example.This book is intended for the general population and sets out to provide a practical approach to managing stress and anxiety more effectively, enabling individuals to lead a more fulfilling life.Understanding how and why stress levels build, and what you can do about it, is the key message in this book. The role your mind plays in your response to stress is often under-estimated, and with a greater awareness of key stressors, individuals are better placed to manage their lifestyle and capitalize on plasticity of the brain to make the necessary changes to their stress reactions. Habits can be changed - unhelpful habits can be extinguished or modified and replaced with more positive behaviour patterns.The practical key to this book is the 21 strategies which cover different categories. These include strategies for Immediate Relief - techniques you can immediately implement when you feel stressed, Lifestyle Habits - developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a natural combatant for stress, Thinking About It - understanding the role of your thoughts in your stress reactions and how to improve them - crucial to long-term relief, Personal Preferences - activities that you find relaxing, and the Essential Elements which overviews the key strategy of the Pearls of Resilience. These strategies are simple and practical, and only require focus and repetition to become part of your response to stress. Examples of how to apply these strategies, both individually and in combination, are illustrated through people's stories.In essence, you will learn how to protect yourself from being ruled by stress as you implement these lifelong strategies for stress management.


Pages 220

Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $29.95

ISBN 9781922118448

Self‐help & personal development

Global Publishing Group

Height | Width 230 150

Merryn Snare



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

3 Painters: Marquet, Bonnard, Beckmann

Albert Marquet travelling widely in search of the ultimate harbour; Pierre Bonnard 'transcribing the adventures of the optic nerve'; Max Beckmann plunging into myth: these are the subjects of Watson's three manoeuvres. Picasso famously said that Bonnard's palette was a 'pot‐pourri of indecision' and that he 'never used one colour when he could use many'. Watson's celebration of Bonnard takes this multiplicity as its starting point. In Bonnard 'the complexity of the visual field' becomes the complexity of narrative. This variegated sequence is flanked by a suite of poems accompanying Marquet's repeated travels through France, Europe and Egypt; and by a tour‐de‐force in which Watson skis down the snow peaks of Beckmann's world, negotiating a panoply of mermen, mermaids and demi‐gods. "His poems range considerably, from beautifully poised meditations in the manner of Wallace Stevens through to light‐hearted satire." ‐Geoff Page "Wow!... his work is extraordinary." ‐Peter Minter "An eclectic excursion through the lives of three painters who embody aspects of Watson's own preoccupations, namely wit, complexity and effortless lyricism." ‐Thomas Crosse 

Category Poetry

Pages 100

Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $27.00

ISBN‐13 9781922186157

Publisher Puncher & Wattmann

Height | Width 210 148

John WatsonAuthor

A way of happening

This anthology, a way of happening, follows on from two previous anthologies Wording the World (2010) and Here Not There (2012) which published student work from Avondale College alongside established poets. Writing is most often done in isolation, so it is important to have a sense that one is not working alone, but that one’s writing forms part of a larger interaction and conversation among like‐minded people. These anthologies establish a feeling of community for the students, a sense that what they are doing has significance. From the examples of work by more experienced poets, novice poets can see what is achievable through commitment and effort to the art of poetry writing. This anthology gives the new poets diverse and prestigious voices against which to test their own poems and to recognise the value of beautiful and finely articulated speech. It also enables the students to see that there are people, despite the apparent invisibility of poetry in our society, who readily dedicate their time and efforts to this art form and for whom poetry has a major place in their lives. Any reader coming to this volume will be struck by its cohesion and diversity and by the fresh and innovative voices all talking with depth and clarity.

Category Poetry

Pages 142

Published 01/12/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $25.00

ISBN‐13 9781922186027

Publisher Puncher & Wattmann

Height | Width 210 148

Judith BeveridgeAuthor

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN# 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release


Time and motion are undercurrents in these new poems by Sarah Day. Her subjects encompass the commonplace in the Australian landscape: the remnant beak of a raven, tree shadows in urban streets, industrial cranes and mowing‐machines, as well as the exotic or peculiar: the world seed bank in Norway, artefacts in Pompeii, Graeco‐Egyptian funeral portraits, the landscape paintings of John Glover, the Earth as seen from elsewhere in the Milky Way. These poems, individually and collectively, invite questions about the enigmatic nature of past, present and future.

"These masterly poems follow 'the traffic of ideas from the known world', travelling along cultural trajectories‐from the ancient waters of Mareotis to the glimmering port of Hobart‐to arrive at a 'radiant in‐pouring' of dawn: 'a casual, brilliant right of entry'. Tempo showcases Sarah Day's imagination in exuberant bloom. Her poems are philosophical, lustrous and deserving of wide praise."‐Bronwyn Lea

Category Poetry

Pages 74

Published 11/08/2013

Binding P/B

$ARP $25.00

ISBN 9781922186379

Puncher & Wattmann

Height | Width 210 148

Sarah Day



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


Shortlisted for the 2014 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards

Newtown ShopkeepersNewtown has always been a place to shop. Since the 1870s visitors have caught the train, or later the omnibus or tram to shop along thehigh street of Newtown.The contempory stories and documantry photographs recorded by Nic Bezzina provide an intimate view of small business in the inner city. While individually they are charming vignettes, together the stories of Newtown Shopkeepers touch on larger historical themes of migration. Entrepreneurship, the retail economy and gentrification of the inner city.The photographs are portraits, but also studies of shop interiors. Over time these stories and photographs will become a vital addition to the historical record. Newtown Shopkeepers ia a celebration of one of Sydney's most valuable suburbs: it's a place that is bustling and always changing.

Available Now

Category Photography & photographs

Pages 126

Published 01/05/2014

Binding H/B

$ARP $60.00

ISBN 9780646903316

Nic Bezzina

Height | Width 234 305

Nic Bezzina



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


State Library of NSW Exhibition1st November 2014 - 10th May 2015

Are You F.A.T?

Do you really want to lose weight? How much do you want to lose; 5 kilos, 20 kilos, 50 kilos, more? My Real Body Plan will help you, step by step, to train your body to be a F‐A‐S‐T fat burning machine so that you can fit into your clothes and love what you see in the mirror.

Follow the simple lifestyle changes in my book and you will begin to see positive changes within your first week; you will have more energy, your clothes will feel looser, and you will feel better ‐more self‐confident ‐ you will like YOU more!

Plus, the best part about my plan is that you get all of these great benefits whilst still enjoying your favourite foods and eating more food than you ever thought you could, all whilst getting rid of your excess weight, PERMANENTLY!

My Real Body Plan gives you all the stuff you will ever need to know, do and be to finally achieve long‐term weight‐loss and it will get you off the silly merry‐go‐round of dieting by exposing the myths, lies and untruths that the diet industry doesn't want you to know about. Don't squish into another tight pair of jeans, start today...NOW!

Category Fitness & diet

Pages 208

Published 01/10/2009



Binding P/B



Publisher Real Body Enterprises

Height | Width 210 224

Sonja FalvoAuthor

Stop Starving Yourself and get R.E.A.L!

My Real Body Real Food Plan is a simple to stick to, healthy eating plan that works! I designed it for real people, like you and me, who really love food.

It's all about eating and enjoying delicious meals and snacks six times a day and still losing weight, F‐A‐S‐T!

It's a simple way to give your body the right fuel for peak performance, with minimal fuss, bother and hassle. And most importantly, it's about creating and associating pleasure with food and eating instead of guilt and frustration.

So if you are ready to get off the dieting merry‐go‐round, throw away your 'magic pills' and turn your back on the false promises of the diet industry, then I can guarantee you that the answers to your successful weightloss, renewed health and improved well‐being are all within the pages of this book.

Category Fitness & diet

Pages 208

Published 01/10/2009




Publisher Real Body Enterprises

Height | Width 210 224

Sonja FalvoAuthor

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN# 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


Shape up for Summer with these great Specials

WAS $34.95

WAS $36.95




My Unforgettable Year

This is a coming‐of‐age story about triumph and tragedy, love and loss, acceptance and letting go.

Life's looking pretty awesome for 17-year-old, Nathan Thompson. He's the goal-kicking superstar from the small town of Kyabram. Nathan's in his final year of school and has big plans set for the future; like winning the Thirds' premiership cup, acing his Year Twelve exams and finally graduating. One problem - his tough, and over-bearing father, Mark, has other plans for him. He desperately wants Nathan to be the next AFL player to come out of Kyabram.He seems set to stop Nathan from following his dreams of studying architecture at university. But a thirtyyear-old secret of Mark's that resurfaces on Nathan's 18th birthday changes everything. Will it force Nathan and his father further apart or help them reconcile their fragile relationship?On top of that problem, Nathan's year gets worse as he deals with death, bullying and first love.


Pages 258

Published 01/11/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $22.95

ISBN 9780992505271

Children's / Teenage fiction 

Morris Publishing Australia

Height | Width

Adem Besim



Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Bronwyn Blackbird and the Gold

Bronwyn Blackbird has one wish: to live in a grand garden. One day, Bronwyn discovers that if she finds a golden worm, it will grant her a wish. Does Bronwyn find the golden worm? Will she get her wish?

Category Picture books

Pages 32

Published 01/10/2014

Binding P/B

$ARP $16.95

ISBN 9781925117172

Little Steps Publishing

Height | Width 210 210

Debora Pollock



Grace Chen

Find us on Facebook Dennis Jones & Associates ABN 37 064 871 6651/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200


Georgina and Dad the Dragon








Picture books

Little Steps Publishing

Height | Width 210 260







Katrien Pickles

Lauren Merrick

Georgina had fought many battles as the greatest knight in the land. But her most dangerous battle of all was against Dad the Dragon. Will Georgina be able to stop Dad the Dragon from gobbling up chickens and burping fireballs on her village? 

December 2014/January 2015 New Title Release

Available Now

Children's Christmas Titles 2014Once Upon a Christmas

By Beattie Alvarez

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $24.99

ISBN-13 9780992283858

Christmas Press

The Australian Twelve Days of Christmas

By Conny Fechner

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $12.99

ISBN-13 9781876711689

Allan Cornwell Pty Ltd

Santa's Magic Beard

By Em Horsfield | Illustrator Glen Singleton

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $19.95

ISBN-13 9781921928642

Little Steps Publishing

Twinkle the Christmas Star

By Cathie Whitmore | Illustrator Cathy McCulloch

Category Picture books

Bind H/B

RRP: $19.95

ISBN-13 9780980661705

Twinkle's story is told in two parts, each narrated by Ollie the Owl. The first story "Twinkle the Christmas Star," explores the magic and significance of Twinkle and Christmas, while the second story "Twinkle Meets Santa," follows Twinkle's very first meeting with Santa Claus and her unforgettable adventure at the North Pole with Mrs Claus and Santa's elves.

Atom Children's Books

Jimmy's Magical Christmas!

By Bennie Lee

Category General fiction (Children's / Teenage)

Bind P/B

RRP: $17.95

ISBN-13 9781921206221

Imagine his alarm when Jimmy finds one of Santa's elves dangling from a tree in his backyard 'like a Christmas decoration' late on Christmas Eve. How will he get him back to Santa before he finishes his Australian run with only the help of a grumpy sugar glider and his mate, a couple of koalas and a mob of kangaroos? With daybreak nearly here, the race is on...

Sid Harta Publishers

PS: Who Stole Santa's Mail?

By Dimity Powell

Category General fiction (Children's / Teenage)

Bind P/B

RRP: $15.95

ISBN-13 9780985914714

You'd better not shout. You'd better not cry. You'd better watch out. I'm telling you why…Somebody's coming to town. He's naughty and not very nice. And he wants to destroyChristmas by stealing Santa's mail.

Morris Publishing Australia

Sarah, Mario & Santa Claus

By Jeremy Dickey

Category General fiction (Children's / Teenage)

Bind P/B

RRP: $24.95

ISBN-13 9781922086983

Unhappy with the allocation of presents one year, Mario, seven years old, decides to go to the North Pole to visit Santa and tell him which kids are good and which kids aren't. His friend Sarah decides to go along.

Sid Harta Publishers

An A‐Z of Australian Bush Creatures

By Myke Mollard

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $17.50

ISBN-13 9781921526275

Alto Books

Distributed by Dennis Jones & Associates Pty Ltd

ABN# 37 064 871 665

1/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153

Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200 Email:

A magical Christmas mix of stories, poems, memoirs and illustrations from some of Australia's favourite children's authors and illustrators, as well as emerging new talent, and some special guests from overseas. From the funny to the ghostly, fantasy to adventure, from peace and love to action and the unexpected, from recipes to carols, whether you dip in or devour, read aloud or read under the covers, there's something in this beautiful lavish book for everyone to enjoy.

An Australian classic. Twelve cross-eyed emus, Eleven limping lizards, Ten noisy numbats, Nine fat koalas, Eight frill-necked lizards, Seven wobbly wombats, Six cackling cockies, Five pink galahs, Four kangaroos, Three magpies, Two lyrebirds, and a kookaburra in a gum tree.

This merry tale sees Nosh the Nutmobile coming face to face with Santa and his nine reindeer. In the true spirit of Christmas, the reindeer overindulge - they munch too many macadamias and are thus too heavy to take to the sky. A magical 'tug' results in a magical chug through the night sky, as Nosh helps Santa deliver the Christmas gifts to the same furry crew we've met before...but will he deliver them all in time?

From Abalone to Zebra Finch, and the hundreds of creatures in between, this delightfully crafted book explores Australia's amazingly varied wildlife shown in its natural habitat.Over 400 land, sea and air-born creatures are organised alphabetically using a mixture of common, scientific and aboriginal names. Each A-Z plate also explores Australia's varied landscapes, both natural and introduced.

Children's Christmas Titles 2014My Father the Great Pirate

By Davide Cali | Illustrator Maurizio A.C. Quarello

Category General fiction (Children's / Teenage)

Bind H/B

RRP: $27.99

ISBN-13 9780987109996

When I was a child, my father went away.He came home only once a year, in the summer for two weeks.He smelled of the sea, my father. That’s because he was…A great pirate.

Wilkins Farago

Penelope Plume

By Jo Rothwell | Illustrator Bryce Rothwell

Category Picture books

Bind H/B

RRP: $19.95

ISBN-13 9780987391711

Rothwell Publishing

Funky Chicken

By Chris Collin

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $19.95

ISBN-13 9780987450722


A Bug Called Doug

By Chris Collin | With Megan Kitchen

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $19.95

ISBN-13 9780987450739


Sleep Tight, Digger Dan!By Dorte Horn | Illustrator Philipp Stampe

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $16.95

ISBN-13 9780992461317

New Black Press

Where the Platypus Sleeps

By Marion Isham | Author Steve Isham

ISBN-13 9780987384010

Category Picture books

Bind H/B

RRP: $19.95

Bedtime songs with Australian animals join classic lullabies in one of the world's best loved traditions.Bandicoot Books

Distributed by Dennis Jones & Associates Pty Ltd

ABN# 37 064 871 665

1/10 Melrich Road, Bayswater, Vic 3153

Phone: 03 9762 9100 | Fax 03 9762 9200 Email:

Penelope Plume is posh and Penelope Plume has flair. Penelope Plume likes to dress in pink and use fine silverware. Penelope Plume's dream to create a spectacular dining experience unravels, as calamity and catastrophe collide into chaos.Ned the wombat thinks a little differently and once

again comes along to share his thoughts and feelings.

According to legend, many, many years ago there was a great gathering of animals, right slap bang in the middle of Australia.You see, many of the animals felt they were more special than the rest.This is the story of how they decided, once and for all, who was the most unique.

It's Drew's eighth birthday and his best mate Mikey is sleeping over.The boys are having the best day ever! There are new toys to be played with,Yummy birthday food to eat, Birthday games to be played, A hideous monster to be discovered under the bed… Did someone say monster?!

Every morning Digger Dan and his friends go to Digger Day Care. But this morning is very special. The Mice have a building plan and every little vehicle has their very own task to complete. Leo the Wheel Loader lifts a heavy stone. Digger Dan digs and digs, piling sand higher and higher while Theo the little dumper truck carries a load of pretty balloons and Carley Crane helps wherever she can. When the big project is done, everyone is so excited to see their big, beautiful creation! Can you guess what the little vehicles built?

The Great Big Book of Aussie Inventions

By Chris 'ROY' TaylorISBN-13 9781921526206

Category Picture books

Bind P/B

RRP: $17.50

Alto Books

Engibear's Bridge

By Andrew King | Illustrator Benjamin Johnston

ISBN-13 9781925117059

Category Picture books

Bind H/B

RRP: $24.95

The children at Munnagong Primary School decide on a dinosaur design for their new bridge.

Little Steps Publishing

The Great BIG Book of Aussie Inventions takes you on a colourful, panoramic journey from the Aussie bush to the coast and introduces you to some of the weird, whacky and amazing inventions that have come from the land Down Under.
