Design for desirable futures Bo Westerlund School for Computer Science and Communication, KTH, &...


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Design for desirable futures

Bo Westerlund

School for Computer Science and Communication, KTH, &

Dept for communication and design, University of Kalmar

Joe Colombo

Ross Lovegrove

Henry Dreyfuss

Hans Stråberg, koncernchef Electrolux


Hans Stråberg, koncernchef Electrolux

the art of not knowing

Horst Rittel

Edvin Land

Argyris och Schön 1994:21


Situating strategies

Durell Bishop



Dunne, Raby

Dunne, Raby

Bo Westerlund,

Design for desirable futures


Agyris, C. & Schön, D. (

Beaudouin-Lafon, M., and Mackay, W. (2003). Prototyping Tools And Techniques In: J. A. Jacko and A. Sears (Eds) The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook.

Dunne and Raby, Design Noir, the secret lives of electronic objects


Gedenryd,H. (1998) How designers work,

Krippendorff (200X) The semantic turn,

Kristoffersson, Sara, (2003) Memphis,

Nelson & Stolterman. (2002) The Design Way

Rittel, H. & Webber, M. (1973) Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning in Public Sciences



Simon, H. (1969) The Science of the artificial

Westerlund div

Raymond Loewy, Henry Dreyfuss

Creating ideas and prototypes

The workshop results

Acting and video recording

Reflection and evaluation

The workshop results

Narratives - reveal the espoused theory of action.

Acting out and creating prototypes - makes the theory-in-action available for observation.

The workshop results

Narratives - reveal the espoused theory of action.

Acting out and creating prototypes - makes the theory-in-action available for observation.

Observation is not just looking, “the transformation of the straightforward ‘observation’ into emphasis on the process of ‘thinking about seeing something’.” (Latour 1979:21)

The workshop results

The interaction with the prototypes contain design ideas that the users show that they will find meaningful in the future.

The video prototypes can be re-cycled and refined.They are ‘requirements’ that are not verbal.

Participants both “future users” and other stakeholders construct shared experience, knowledge.

Participants engage themselves and have fun.


(Fritt efter Sanders (1999) and Kun-pyo Lee)

(Fritt efter Sanders (1999) and Kun-pyo Lee)

(Fritt efter Sanders (1999) and Kun-pyo Lee)

Design för önskvärda framtider
