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Designer I'm a Designer and I'm looking for a job in Design Studio as a Graphic Designer, or to be a part of Interaction Designer Team, to collaborate with cross-functional, multi-disciplinary teams to translate user needs into highly usable and safe product design.

My love is publishing and I possess enormous experience as an Art Director, also Senior Designer as a Layout Designer. I'm in eternal search of novelties, modern, something new and always choose a way to freshen up and surprised the end user; worship to educate and inform, in honor of empathy and humanity. I also prefer to get ahead in a perpetual quest for the knowledge.

I prefer to do layout design. I have many years experience in all aspects of the profession. I come very quickly to the conceptual proposal and I respect the deadlines of performance. I like to work in a team, also I do not need help in working progress. I can take care of multiple projects at the same time.

Communication with editors and professional authors, for me is not a problem, or a find a preliminary solution with people who have no idea what they want, or need, when they ordering a new visual identity for their business, their new brand or new professional edition. Frankly, back in the good days knowledge of english language was on the better place, and I didn't seek to rise above it, like today after many years of quietness and using just a computer english.

I know all kinds, types and levels of printing; offset or digital printing, it is a everyday part of my life. No specifics of the press which I do not know how to make. Each type of material; whether plastic or paper, all kinds of sheets, binding or cutting and stapling for me is simply determined and all this suggest to the client what will make his presentation representative.

I am very familiar with all Adobe packages; Photoshop is the best program in the world for me, Illustrator also. I was used to draw the logos while Freehand still existed, after, in a short time,I used a Corel Draw, and finally Illustrator. I'm advanced in InDesign technique. InDesign is second familiar to me, I prepress 80 pages of professional literature or simple text book; school book, with all necessary styles and graphic details, 20-25 pages in 8 hours of working time. When I say that, people do not believe,

but that is true. Later hands know to be like numbs, but when it comes to delivery dates, deadlines must be observed. I'm also creating interactive in process of e-books in Sigil or just using InDesign.

Web Design I start as an backhand user when Dreamweaver was a Macromedia software. I used simply html code with css style and in the meantime I start to work CMS in Joomla. I start to using Warp and Bootstrap as framework for faster and easier web development to get modern and responsible template for my Joomla. Using Folio Design also is a simplest way to made brilliant page as modern presentations. I'd love to know the programming at the core like PhP or Java, as well as 3D drawing. For a start, I attend training for Diwo Blender 3D rendering. Also, my next step of my professional life is After Effects.

The best describe of myself and my skills is my works. All my publications, business card, flayers, posters, logos, etc. you can find in a few servers that attach to the bottom of that periphrasis:Best one: www.

All articles // some photos with cheap camera also:



