Detection of enterotoxin genes ( ٍ ِ ٍ sea-see) of...


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Detection of enterotoxin genes ( ◌◌◌sea-see) of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk

by multiplex PCR and study of their pathogenicity

A Thesis submitted to the council of the College of Veterinary Medicine- University of Basrah in

Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Master Science Degree in Veterinary Medicine ( Microbiology)


Hasan Ikareim Idbeis B. V. M. S. 2008

Supervisor Supervisor Assistant professor

Dr. Mohammed H. Khudor

Assistant professor Dr. Basil A. Abbas

2010 A.D. 1431 A.H.

بسم اهللا الرحمن الرحیم

ب زدني علما ل ر ق و

صدق اهللا العلي العظیم

)١١٤اآلیة جزء من، سورة طه(

Dedication I would like to dedicate this thesis to the following people: My two favourite educators: my father who passed away , my God bless him. and to my mother for their support and encouragement during all my life that made the person that I am. You are the best parents ever. My brothers and sisters : I appreciate their support throughout my academic life. My fiance , whose love, support, understanding and patience, became an essential part of my life. Finally, this thesis is dedicated to all those who believe in the richness of learning. Hasan 2010


It's from absolute oneness of God from no God but Allah alone. I thank God

for His support and influence in my life and work. Not only did He provided the

project of my interest, He encouraged me through the assistance of the expertise

of many knowledgeable and caring people.

I am deeply and extremely grateful to assistant professor Dr. Basil A. Abbas,

the Dean of the college of Veterinary Medicine and assistant professor Dr.

Mohammed H. Khudor, Head of the Department of Microbiology for their

supervision and for providing me with the opportunity to achieve this thesis.

I would like to thank assistant professor Dr. Rahman K. for his assistance in

statistical analysis.

I would like also to thank professor Dr. Fawzia A. Abdullah and assistant

professor Dr. Adnan M., My thanks are also to the Department of Microbiology

staff and all the instructors in the college of veterinary medicine.

My thanks also go to assistant professor Dr. Adnan Al-Badran who give

different advices to help me complete this research.

Finally, I am indebted to my family for their understanding, support, and love

which allowed me to finish my study successfully.




We certify that this thesis was prepared under our supervision at the

Department of Microbiology / College of Veterinary Medicine / University of

Basrah, as a partial requirement for the Master Science degree in Veterinary

Medicine (Microbiology).

Signature Signature Assistant professor Assistant professor

Dr. Basil A. Abbas Dr. Mohammed H. Khudor

The recommendation of the Head of the Department

In view of the available recommendation, I forward this thesis for debate

by the examining committee.

Signature Assistant professor

Dr. Mohammed H. Khudor Head of Department of Microbiology

College of Veterinary Medicine University of Basrah, Iraq.

Certification of Examining Committee

We, the members of examining committee, certify after reading this thesis ((Molecular detection of enterotoxin genes ( ◌◌◌SAA-SAE) by multiplex PCR in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk samples and the study of the enterotoxingenic activity on rabbits intestine )) and after examining the student in it's content, we found it is adequate for the award the Master Science degree in Veterinary Medicine in Microbiology. With excellent degree.

Signature professor


Signature Signature Assistant professor Lecturer Esraa Abdul Wadood Ali College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine University of Basrah University of Basrah Member Member Signature Signature Assistant professor Assistant Professor Dr. Basil A. Abbas Dr. Mohammed H. Khudor College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Basrah University of Basrah Member and Supervisor Member and Supervisor Approval for the College Committee on graduate, studies.


Assistant professor Dr. Basil A. Abbas

Dean College of Veterinary Medicine

University of Basrah, Iraq.

Date of examination: 12 – 12– 2010.

List of abbreviate

Abbreviate Key

µg Microgram (s) µL Microliter (s) µm Micrometer Bap biofilm-associated proteins BHI Brain heart infusion broth Bp Base pair

Cna collagen adhesion ClfA a fibrinogen-binding protein that activates platelets aggregation DI dilatation index

ECHCPD EuropeanCommission Health and Consumer Protection Directorate .

EDTA Ethylene Diamine Tetra Aceticacide ELISA Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay

ESs Enterotoxins ET Exfoliative toxins

FBD Food born disease Fbp fibronectin-binding protein

H&E haematoxylin and eosin IgG Immunoglobulin G

ISFID International Society for Infectious Diseases kDa Kilo Dalton Kg Kilo gram Mg Milligram

MHC II class II major histocompatibility complex Min Minute (s) mL Milliliter

Mm Millimeters MR Methyl-Red test

MRSA Methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus MSA Mannitol salt agar

MSCRAMM microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules

MSSA Methicillin sensitive Staphylococcus aureus NA Nutrient agar Ng Nano gram

ONPG 4-Nitrophenl-B-D-galactopyranoside

ORSA Oxacillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus PBP penicillin binding protein PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction Pls plasmin-sensitive cell wall protein

PMN poly morph nuclear cell

ClfA fibrinogen-binding protein that activates platelets aggregation

PVL Panton-Valentine leukocidin R Resistance

RIA Radio Immuno Assay RPLA reversed passive latex agglutination

Scc mec Staphylococcal cassette chromosom mec SSSS Staphylococcus scaled skin syndrome SEs Staphylococcal enterotoxins TBE Tris-boric-EDTA-buffer TSS1 Toxic shock syndrome toxin one USA United states of Americans UV Ultraviolet

VFs Virulence factor

VISA Vancomycin intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

VP Voges-Proskuar test VRE vancomycin-resistant enterococci VRSA Vancomycin resistance Staphylococcus aureus

α Alpha β Beta

List of contents

Title page Chapter one

1 Introduction

1-3 Chapter two

2 Review of literature 4-27 2.1. History and general characteristics


2.2. Classification

4 2. 3. Natural habitats and other sources 5 2. 4.1 Role of staphylococci in public health


2.4.2 Staphylococcal food poisoning 6 2.5. Virulence factors 8

2.5.1. Surface antigens 9 2.5.2. Extracellular proteins 11 2.5.3. Other exoproteins – not superantigens


2.5.4. Role of pigment in virulence 17 2.6. Disease caused by S.aureus 18 2.7. Identification 19 2.8. Biotyping of S.aureus. 20 2.9.

Methods for detection of S. aureus enterotoxin 21 2.9.1. Bioassays 21 2.9.2. Immunoassays 22 2.9.3. Molecular biology


2.10 Susceptibility and mechanisms of antibiotic resistance 25 2.10.1. Methicillin resistance 26 2.10.2. Vancomycin resistance 27

Chapter Three

28-45 3.1 Materials 28

3.1.1. Instruments and equipments 28 3.1.2. Chemical and biological materials 29 3.1.3. Media 30 Commercial media 30 Prepared media 31 3.1.4. Stains and indicators 31 3.1.5. Kits. 32 3.2. Methods 32

3.2.1. Commercial media 32 3.2.2. Laboratory prepared media 32 3.2.3. Preparation of buffers , solutions and stains 33 3.2.4. Samples collection 35 3.2.5. Laboratory diagnosis 35 Biochemical testes 36 Serological test 37 3.2.6. Biotyping 37 3.2.7. Susceptibility to the vancomycin and methecillien 38 3.2.8. Molecular detection of SEA to SEE genes (using multiplex

PCR technique). 41 DNA extraction and purification 41 PCR amplification of SEA to SEE gene sequences for S. aureus

isolates. 41 Agarose gel electrophoresis 43 3.2.9. Ligated rabbit ileal loop assay 44 Culture of S. aureus for enterotoxin Production 44 Assay for enterotoxin activity 45 Post-mortem examination 45 Histopathology 45 3.2.10 Statistical analysis 45

Chapter four


4 Results 46 4.1. Occurrence of S.aureus isolates according to region of the

study 46

4.2. Biotypes of S. aureus 47 4.3. Molecular basis of S.aureus enterotoxigenicity detected by

multiplex PCR 49

4.4. Susceptibility of S.aureus to the methicillin and vancomycin 52 4.5. Relationships between S.aureus biotypes and SEs 53 4.6. Relationships between MRSA and SEs 54 4.7. Assay for enterotoxin activity 55 Chapter five


5 Discussion 59 5.1. Occurrence of S.aureus in raw milk 59 5.2. Biotypes 61 5.3. Molecular detection of enterotoxigenic ability of

staphylococcus aureus 62

5.4. Susceptibility to the methicillin and vancomycin and mechanism of antibiotic resistance 65

5.5. Relationships between SEs and MRSA 66 5.6. Relationships between S.aureus biotypes and SEs.


5.7. Assay for enterotoxin activity 68 Conclusions and recommendations 70-71 References 71-96

List of figures



Title of figure


2.1 Summary of virulence factors of S. aureus. 9

2.2 Superantigens and the non-specific stimulation of T cells 11

4.1 Biotype A and biotype C on the crystal violate agar 48

4.2 Pigment production on the milk agar 48

4.3 Total genomic DNA extraction of isolates using 1% agarose gel

electrophoresis 51


Electrophoresis in 2% agarose. M Lance= DNA ladder .Lance

1,2,3,4, =SEs 69 bp positive isolates. Lance 4,5, negative isolates .

Lance 7= control negative.


4.5 Susceptiplity of S.aureus to methicillin and vancomycin 53


Ligated segments of rabbit ileal loop after injection with crude

preparations of staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) produced under

different growth conditions.


4.7 Section of control rabbit ileum 125X 56

4.8 Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal

enterotoxin ph 4. 125X 57

4.9 Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal

enterotoxin ph 8 . 125 X 57

4.10 Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal

enterotoxin ph 8. 500 X 58

Table No. Title of table Page

3.1 The instrument and Equipments which were used throughout the study 28

3.2 Chemical and biological materials which were used throughout the study


3.3 All the commercial media which were used throughout the study 30

3.4 The prepared media which were used throughout the study 31

3.5 Stains and indicators used throughout the study 31

3.6 The Kits were used throughout the study 32

3.7 All the tests used in the detection of S. aureus biotypes


3.8 Interpretation of inhibition zone diameter that used in the antibiotic

susceptibility test. 39

3.9 Oligonucleotide primers sequences used for PCR amplification of SEs genes 41

3.10 PCR amplification program for SEs genes detection


4.1 The occurrence of the S.aureus in milk samples


4.2 Number and percentage of S.aureus biotypes isolated from milk samples 47

4.3 Number and percentage of S.aureus biotypes associated

with haemolysis patterns 49

4.4 Number, percentage and type of SEs in cow and buffalo milk

sample . 50

4.5 Distribution of SEs of S.aureus isolate in different region.


4.6 Susceptibility of S.aureus to the methicillin and vancomycin in milk

samples 52

4.7 Relationships between S.aureus biotypes andSEs


4.8 Relationships between MRSA and SEC in S.aureus strain.


Summary In this study, a total of 200 samples of raw milk (100 cow milk and 100 buffalo milk) were collected from different markets in Basrha City during tow month (October and November / 2009) and were analyzed for the presence of Staphylococcus aureus. The obtained results indicate that this bacterium observed in 28.5% from these samples (30% from cow milk and 27% from buffalo milk) and the high rate of S.aureus was observed in Al-hartha 34% followed by Al-hadi and Al-ashar 28% for each one then Old Basrah market 24%. All the S.aureus isolates were examined to biotypes, detection of Staphylococcal enterotoxin genes (A – E) by using multiplex PCR and susceptibility of this bacterium to methicillin and vancomycin. Depending on the biotyping, the results revealed that 61.4% (37/57)from the S.aureus isolates belong to the biotype C (bovine origin) and 26.31% (15/57) belong to the biotype A (human origin) while the remaining 12% (6/57)cannot be classified and placed in the group of the non- specific biotype. Staphylococcal enterotoxin C gene (SEC) was detected in 24.56% (14/57) of the S. aureus isolates investigated ( Nine of the enterotoxigenic strains were from cow milk and five from buffalo milk) and none of the S. aureus isolates tested harbouring SEA, SEB,SED and SEE genes. The relationship between the biotypes with SEs can be explained as follows, 33.33% from biotype C posses SEC gene while less percentage (13.33%) from biotype A posses this gene . By using disc diffusion method, all tested isolates showed high susceptibility ( 100 % ) toward vancomycin and 10.52% from these isolates revealed the resistance toward methicillin. Furthermore, the relation between the SEC gene with susceptibility to the methicillin showed that a higher percentage (83.33 %) of the isolates which have the ability to resist the

methicillin harboring SEC while the isolates that are susceptible to the methicillin posses lower percentage of this gene. Three isolates were PCR positive (harbouring SEC gene) of S. aureus isolated from contaminated milk were evaluated for their enterotoxin-producing ability and histopathological changes by the ligated rabbit ileal loop assay. The crud toxin preparation of this strain caused fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops. Fluid aspirated from the loops was bloody and histopathological changes in sections collected from rabbit ileum, inoculated with crude enterotoxin, were characterized by moderate to severe haemorrhage, erosion and inflammatory cells, oedema, in addition, there was destruction and sloughing of villi.




Staphylococcus aureus is an important pathogen due to the combination of toxin-mediated virulence, invasiveness and antibiotic resistance (Lee Loir et al., 2003). This

bacterium causes nosocomial infection ,as well as community acquired disease, the spectrum of S.aureus infection ranges from pimple and furuncles to toxic shock

syndrome and sepsis (Kayser, 2005) S.aureus also are important mastitis pathogens in animals(Rodrigues da Silva et al.,2005) .Most of which depend on numerous

virulence factors, on the other hand, some infection such as Staphylococcal food poisoning ,rely on one single type of virulence (Staphylococcal enterotoxins) factors

(Lee Loir et al., 2003). The ability of S. aureus strains to produce one or more Staphylococcal

enterotoxins (SEs) in food products is linked to staphylococcal food poisoning (Bennett, 2005). Staphylococcal food poisoning was a major concern in Public health

programs worldwide (Lee Loir et al., 2003). According to public health and food safety experts, each year millions of illnesses throughout the world can be traced to

food-borne pathogens (Oliver et al., 2005) and S. aureus considered one of the major causes of gastroenteritis resulting from consumption of contaminated food

products (Lee Loir et al., 2003 ; Bhunia ,2008). Milk is one of the widely consumed nutrient foods and also it is an excellent

culture medium for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms (Prakash et al., 2007 ; Mohamed and El Zubeir, 2007 ).

Methods for detection of S.aureus in food varies from conventional bacteriological methods , selective media and Serological identification to the use of PCR

(Bhunia,2008). The phenotypical characterization of S. aureus biotypes establishes the

presumptive origin of isolates. Biotype has been stated that biotypes S. aureus strains may give an indication of the origin contamination in food products as the biotype correlates well with the animal host (Lamperll et al., 2004; Ordonez et al., 2005).

Various methods have been developed for detecting enterotoxin production but the PCR technique offers the possibility of detecting specific gene sequences by DNA

amplification ,therefore its combines all the favoured advantages and provide the ideal solution for SEs detection from various S.aureus isolates(Sharma et al.,2000).

Generally, diarrheagenic microorganisms including S.aureus are tested by ligated-ileal loop assay with rabbits or rats. This assay provides the ideal solution for

investigating certain bacterium host interactions. (Douglas et al.,1995 ; Bidinost et al., 2004; Augusta et al., 2007; Bhunia, 2008).

Over the past 50 years, staphylococci (especially S. aureus) have become resistant to various antimicrobial agents including the commonly used penicillin-related

antibiotics. methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is a bacterium resistant to certain antibiotics such as oxacillin, methicillin and other beta lactams (Lee, 2003; Nimmo

and coombs, 2008). MRSA strains have become a major concern for hospital epidemics in many countries (Nimmo and coombs, 2008 ). On the other hand, reports

of MRSA in animals have been infrequent so far. However, people working with livestock are at a potential risk of becoming MRSA carriers and hence are at an

increased risk of infections caused by MRSA (Huber et al., 2010). Aims of the Study.

1-To investigate the occurrence of S.aureus in raw milk samples and

characterization of isolates including:-

a-Occurrence of MRSA and VRSA.

b-Biotyping of isolates.

2- Investigate the presence of sea, seb, sec, sed and see genes in S. aureus

isolates by using multiplex PCR technique.

3- Investigate the relationship between the toxigenic strains and resistance to


4- study the activity of SEs by the ligated rabbit ileal loop assay and explain

the histopathological changes caused by this enterotoxin in the rabbit intestines.



2.1. History and General Characteristics In 1880, Sir Alexander Ogston, a Scottish surgeon and Louis Pasteur, a French scientist confirmed that cocci-forming organisms are capable of causing disease (Bhunia, 2008). In 1883 Ogston introduced the name Staphylococcus (staphyle= bunch of grapes), One year later, Rosenbach used the term in a taxonomic sense and provided the first description of the genus Staphylococcus (Sharon, 2006) . In1914, Barber discovered that a toxin substance produced by staphylococci was responsible for staphylococcal food poisoning (Bhunia, 2008).

Staphylococci are Gram-positiv, 0.5 to 1.5 μm in diameter, which occur singly and in pairs, tetrads, and form grape-like clusters, aerobic and facultative anaerobic, catalase-positive, oxidase-negative, non-motile, non-sporeforming and fermentative. Colonies appear smooth, raised, glistening, circular, entire. Single colonies can attain a size of 4-6 mm in diameter on non-selective media. Colony colour is variable, from grey or grey-white to orange (Quinn et al.,2004 ; Sharon, 2006).

The genus Staphylococcus includes over 30 species and subspecies ,the most important species from the viewpoint of human and veterinary medicine is S. aureus which of among the most frequent causal organisms in human and animals bacterial infections ( Biberstein and Hirsh., 1999; Kayser, 2005).

2.2.Classification In the Bergy’s manual of determinative bacteriology, Staphylococcus has been placed in the family of Micrococcaceae. DNA-ribosomal RNA hybridization and comparative oligonucleotide analysis of 16S rRNA has demonstrated that staphylococci form a coherent group at the genus level. (Bhunia, 2008). Staphylococci are differentiated from other close members of the family with its low G + C content of DNA ranging from 30 to 40 mol%. The genus Staphylococcus has been further classified into more than 30 species and subspecies by biochemical analysis and by DNA–DNA hybridization. Staphylococcus aureus is the primary species in the genus Staphylococcus and is responsible for food poisoning (Bhunia, 2008). 2.3.Natural habitats and other sources Staphylococci are widespread in nature; their major habitats include the skin and mucous membranes, especially of the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract of humans and other animals. The organisms have been isolated sporadically from soil, air, water, sewage, plant surfaces and products, feeds, dairy products, and kitchen worktops for food preparation. The incidence in

human carriers ranges from 4% to 60% ( Biberstein and Hirsh., 1999; Uemura et al., 2004).

2.4.1.Role of Staphylococci in Public Health

In recent years, Staphylococcus aureus has emerged as one of the most important human pathogens in community and hospital settings Staphylococci, particularly S. aureus are the most important bacterial organisms causing nosocomial infections in humans worldwide ( Kloos and Bannerman, 1995 ; Crum et al., 2006 ; Laupland et al., 2008).

Nettleman et al., (1991) reported that 50% of methicillin resistance Stahpylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains isolated from Iowa city medical center (USA) originated from the community. Asymptomatic carriers play an important role in the maintenance and spread of these microorganisms, especially when the carriers have professional activities related to public health (Soares et al., 1997).

S. aureus can cause many different infections, ranging from those that are relatively mild and superficial to those that are life threatening or fatal. The particular strain of S. aureus causing the infection may be derived from a patient’s own flora, or may be community or hospital acquired (Crum et al., 2006 ; Laupland et al., 2008). In the animal population, S.aureus strains have been studied extensively and identified in many production animals such as swine and cattle, and also in companion animals ( Ferguson et al., 2007; Huijsdens et al., 2007 ; McKay, 2008).

Staphylococcus species are one of the major mastitis-causing pathogens in dairy production resulting in low milk yield and large economic losses (Anderson et al., 2006; Ferguson et al., 2007 ; Park et al., 2007 ). Foodborne transmission of pathogens from food animals such as dairy, swine, and other food animal carcasses has always been a major concern around the globe (Chao et al.,2007 ; Normanno et al.,2007 , Simeoni et al., 2008).

2.4.2. Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Food-borne disease (FBD)are defined by the world health organization as disease of infectious or toxic nature caused by, or thought to be caused by the consumption of food or water (Lee Loir et al., 2003). Around 250 different food –born disease have been described, and the bacteria of the causative agent of two thirds of food-born disease ( Lee Loir et al., 2003).

Staphylococcal food-borne intoxication is one of the most common form of bacterial food-borne disease in many countries (Balaban and Rasooly, 2000). S.

aureus can cause food poisoning even with very small amounts(100-200 ng) of its heat-stable enterotoxin (Jay, 2000).

Nearly one third of all the food poisoning cases in the US were caused by Staphylococcus aureus during 1970s and 1980s, which in general has decreased over the past two decades. However, it remains the main reported cause of food poisoning in a number of countries including Brazil, Egypt, Taiwan, Japan, and most of the other developing countries. Intoxication occurs due to the ingestion of one or more preformed staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) in contaminated food. Staphylococcal contamination is associated with creamy food prepared with milk, deli foods, custard (pudding), salad dressing, meats, hams, fish, shellfish, and milk products. Staphylococci can be transmitted through meat grinder’s knives and food handlers(Lee Loir et al., 2003 ; Bhunia, 2008).

Milk is one of the widely consumed nutrient foods and also it is an excellent culture medium for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms (Prakash et al., 2007 ). Milk in addition to be nutrient media ,presents favourable physical environment for multiplication of microorganism (Mohamed and El Zubeir, 2007).

Yagoub et al., (2005) stated that milk is a good medium for bacteria including pathogenic microorganisms and if it is produced and processed under un hygienic condition, frequently outbreak of disease my result. Thus milk can transmit disease of microbial origin to the people from sick animals and/or people carrying certain disease and contaminating milk with pathogenic bacteria during handling(Teuvo, 2000 ). There is an evidence that S.aureus was isolated from milk and milk products (Grewal and Tiwari, 1990 ; Teufel et al., 1992 ; Masud et al., 1993 ) and Moroccan traditional milk product samples contaminated with enterotoxin C producing S.aureus strain (Hamama and Tatini, 1991).

Mechanism of action of enterotoxin is still under study but the initiation of the emetic response is thought to be du to the interactions with subsequent activation of modulatory emetic centre in the brain steam that is stimulated via the vagus and sympathetic nerves (Sharon, 2006). Symptoms of staphylococcal intoxication appears within 1–6 h and include nausea, acute vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, headache, cramping . The disease subsides within 24 h. In case of aerosol exposure, sudden onset of fever, chills, headache, and cough occurs. Fever may last for several days and the cough can last for 10–14 days (Bhunia, 2008). Recovery usually occurs within 6 to 24 hours, depending on the amount of food ingested, and the individual's general health ( Lee Loir et al., 2003).

2.5. Virulence factors One of the key factors enabling S. aureus to survive, colonise, proliferate and cause infections is the expression of virulence factors (VFs). S. aureus produces an array of VFs (Fig 2-1), which can be broadly grouped into those involved in bacterial attachment, evasion of host defences and tissue invasion (Sharon, 2006). Each single VF alone is not sufficient to cause infection and that it is much more likely that several VFs work together in concert to cause infection and disease .It has also been shown that not every S. aureus strain produces every VF, or does not produce each to the same degree (Karlsson and Arvidson, 2002).

Fig (2-1). Summary of virulence factors of S. aureus. (Todar, 2005).

2.5.1. Surface antigens .

Capsular polysaccharides : Some of S.aureus strain expresses surface polysaccharides, this has been called microcapsule because it can be visualized only by electron microscope unlike the true capsules of some bacteria which are readily visualized by microscopy(Todar, 2005).The capsule of S.aureus inhibits

opsonisation and phagocytosis and protect the cell from leukocyte destruction (Brooks et al., 2007).

Teichoic acid : The function of this molecules are still unclear ,but they may be important in maintaining the structure of the cell wall, the teichoic acid dos not present in Gram negative bacteria (Brooks et al., 2007).

Protein A: It is surface protein produced during cell wall synthesis, may have a role in host defence evasion, since its biological function is to bind the IgG Fc-domaine (Uhlen et al., 1984). In fact, studies involving mutation of genes coding for Protein A resulted in a lowered virulence of S. aureus as measured by survival in blood, and this has led to speculation that Protein A contributed virulence requires binding of antibody Fc regions(Patel et al.,1987). Protein A has become an important reagent in immunology and diagnostic laboratory technology , ex. protein A with attached IgG molecules (coagglutination) is direct against a specific bacterial antigen(Brooks et al., 2007). Protein A plays an important role in the purification and the therapeutic removal of IgG and IgG-containing immune complexes in the treatment of certain cancers and autoimmune diseases (Balint et al., 1989).

Adhesins : Staphylococci possess multiple adhesion molecules which are collectively known as MSCRAMM (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules). Adhesion proteins include Bap (biofilm-associated proteins),which is responsible for biofilm formation and colonization in the mammary gland during mastitis (Yarwood et al., 2004).

The fibronectin-binding protein (Fbp) binds to fibronectin. Bacterial binding to fibronectin also facilitates the internalization into non professional phagocytes, such as kertinocytes, epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and osteoblast. Staphylococci also produce other adhesion factors including ClfA, a fibrinogen-binding protein that activates platelets aggregation and plays a role in staphylococcal arthritis; Pls, a plasmin-sensitive cell wall protein that binds to ganglioside of cells and promotes adhesion to nasal epithelial cells and; Cna, a collagen adhesion binds to collagenous tissues, i.e. cartilages. ( Bhunia,2008).

2.5.2. Extracellular proteins Haemolysins: The majority of strains produce hemolysins, alpha-hemolysin (or alphatoxin) is dermonecrotic, neurotoxic and lyses mammalian cells, especially red blood cells, by forming a pore in the target membrane ( Bhakdi and

Tranum,1991). β-hemolysin acts as sphingomyelinase that damages membranes rich in this lipid , gamma-hemolysin has leucocytolytic activity, and it has been suggested that delta-hemolysin is a very small peptide toxin produced by most strains of S. aureus. Delta -toxin has an abroad hemolytic spectrum and has channel forming properties (Dinges et al., 2000). Exotoxin–superantigen: That binds directly to class II (Fig 2-2) major histocompatibility complex (MHC II) of antigen-presenting cells outside the normal antigen-binding groove and stimulate non-specific T-cell proliferation. Cytokines are released in large amounts, causing the symptoms of toxic shock (Balaban and Rasooly, 2000).

Fig (2-2). Superantigen and the non-specific stimulation of T cells. (Todar, 2005).

Toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1)-superantigen: Toxic shock syndrome toxin is associated with strains that cause human toxic shock syndrome. TSST-1 not directly toxic to cells, it causes over-stimulation of T cells with efflux of lymphokines/ cytokines (Balaban and Rasooly, 2000). TSST-1 is the major exotoxin etiologically involved in staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, especially in menstrual cases (Schlievert et al., 1981). The potentially fatal TSS is characterised by a diffuse rash, desquamation, hypotension, high fever and the involvement of three or more organ systems (Dinges et al., 2000). Most cases of TSS are wound or menstruation-associated, the latter linked to the use of tampons in women (Dinges et al., 2000).

Exfoliative toxins (ET)-superantigen:

The ETs are responsible for the staphylococcal scalded-skin syndrome, there are two different toxin serotypes; A and B, referred to as ETA and ETB, respectively (Johnson et al., 1979). This toxin included epidermolytic toxin which causes erthemia and separation seen in Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (Brooks et al., 2007). Although ETA and ETB have identical biological activity and a degree of genetic similarity but the gene coding for ETA is chromosomal, whereas the gene coding for ETB is plasmid linked (Lee et al., 1987).

Enterotoxins-superantigens. Staphylococcus aureus produces large numbers of extracellular proteins and toxins. The most important toxins are called staphylococcal enterotoxins (Bhunia, 2008). Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) are a family of structurally related proteins that are produced by Staphylococcus aureus (Bergdoll et al., 1989). The enterotoxin family now contains 17 toxins. The SE family is divided into the classical enterotoxins SEA to SEE and a group of recently discovered toxins SEG to SER ,in addition, the SEC has three antigenically distinct subtypes: SEC1, SEC2, SEC3, and SEG have a variant form called, SEGv. (Lee Loir et al., 2003 ; Bhunia, 2008).

Staphylococcal enterotoxin F was produced by S. aureus strains involved in toxic shock syndrome (Bergdoll et al., 1989). Later it became clear that it was not an enterotoxin and not emetic. Thus, it has been removed from the SE nomenclature system and is now referred to as toxic shock syndrome toxin TSST-1 (Betley et al., 1992).

Many SEs are responsible for food poisoning, acute illness, fever, erythematous lesions, and hypotension ( Bhunia,2008). It is estimated that about 5% of food poisoning cases in which none of the classical enterotoxins were detected can, however, be attributed to new enterotoxins (Rosec and Gigaud, 2002; Lee Loir et al, 2003; Jorgensen et al, 2005). Since S. aureus may produce a large variety of enterotoxins but 95% of poisoning outbreaks are caused by classical enterotoxins: A, B, C, D and E (Letertre et al., 2003).

Staphylococcal enterotoxins are a heterogeneous group of water soluble single chain globular proteins with molecular weight of about 26–35 kDa, The SEpolypeptide chain contains relatively a large number of lysine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and tyrosine.(Lee Loir et al., 2003). The classical enterotoxins have well-recognized toxins and fall into two groups: SEB, SEC1, SEC2, and SEC3, which have 66to 98% amino acid sequence identity, and SEA, SED, and SEE, which have 53 to 81% identity (Marrack and Kappler, 1990) .

The SEs are generally heat resistant and a heat denatured enterotoxin can be renatured by prolonged storage or in the presence of urea. Toxins remain active even after boiling for 30 minutes and they are stable at 121 °C for 28 min. The SEs also are protease resistant and all are capable of causing food poisoning. (Lee Loir et al., 2003).

Staphylococcal enterotoxin are highly stable and resist most proteolytic enzymes such as pepsin or trypsin thus keep their activity in the digestive tract after ingestion (Bergdoll, 1989). Enterotoxins are expressed differentially and the toxin production depends on the growth phase of bacteria, pH, and CO2 levels. SEA and SEE are synthesized mostly during the exponential phase while SEB, SEC, and SED are produced during transition from exponential to the stationary phase of growth. (Bhunia, 2008). The genes coding for these toxins have been localized on the chromosome for SEB and SEC, on bacteriophage vectors for SEA, and on plasmids for SED (Couch et al., 1988).

Genes encoding SEs have different genetic supports, most of which are mobile genetic elements,for example , SEA is carried by a family of temperate phages (Coleman et al., 1989). SEB is chromosomally located in some clinical isolate, Whereas it has been found in a 750-kb plasmid in other S.aureus strain (Shalita et al, 1977). SEC is encoded by a gene located on a pathogenecity island (Fitzgerald et al.,2001) and SEE is carried by a defective phage(Couch et al.,1988).

Studies had shown a predominance of SEC producing strains in raw milk (Echcpd, 2003; Kuroishi et al., 2003). Sharma et al., ( 2000) found that enterotoxin C was most commonly associated with ovine and bovine enterotoxigenic S. aureus strains, who found that bovine strains were recovered with cases of subclinical and clinical bovine mastitis produce just SEC. Bovine strains were recovered from cases of bovine mastitis and the involvement of enterotoxin C-positive S. aureus strains has been well documented by other workers (Garcia et al., 1980; Lopes et al., 1990 ; Kenny et al.,1993).

S. aureus strains isolated from humans often produce SEA, whereas strains from cows produce SEC and those from sheep SEC or D (Bhunia, 2008). Stephan et al., (2001), however, isolated strains from human nasal carriers and found 9 SE producers all positive for SED either alone or in combination with other toxins. Generally, a high percentage of isolates from healthy humans are enterotoxin producers, Al- Bustan et al., (1996) noted that 86.6 % of 133 strains isolated from nasal swabs of restaurant workers in Kuwait City ,however Mehrotra et al.,( 2000): 34.6 % of healthy individuals.

In healthy animals the percentage of enterotoxinogenic strains seems to be lower: 3.9 % – 6.0 % for strains isolated from normal cows' milk (Gilmour and Harvey, 1990). The incidence of toxin producing strains in mastitis animals depends on the species: 14.6 % – 41.3 % in those of mastitis cows and 70.4 % and 83 %, respectively, in those of mastitic sheep (Gilmour and Harvey, 1990). This is in agreement with Bergdoll (1989) who found that the 70 – 80 % of strains isolated from mastitic sheep produced SEC.

2.5.3.Other exoproteins – not superantigens

Plasma coagulase : Is an enzyme that functions like thrombin to convert fibrinogen into fibrin. Tissue microcolonies surrounded by fibrin walls are difficult to phagocytose.(kayser ,2005). Coagulase produced during the logarithmic phase of growth from the pathogenic strain and production reach to optimum in the PH 7.3-7.9 (Jawetz et al., 1984). Coagulase a traditional marker for identifying S.aureus in the clinical microbiology laboratory ,howover there is no evidence concerning its virulence factor although its responsiple for speculating that bacteria could protect themselves from phagocytises and immune defense by causing localising clotting (Olorunfemie et al.,2005 ). Panton-Valentine leukocidin ( PVL): Is a two-component polymeric pore-forming exotoxin belonging to the synergohymenotrophic toxin family which includes gamma haemolysin and other secreted proteins which can combine with each other to form related, but less potent, exotoxins (Kaneko and Kamio, 2004). PVL binds to and damages the cell membranes of neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages resulting either in cell lysis or neutrophil apoptosis (Genestier, 2005).

Neutrophil lysis results in local release of active oxygen species, cytotoxic lysosomal granule contents and proinflammatory mediators, whereas neutrophil apoptosis has been postulated as the mechanism behind the neutropaenia which can be observed during the course of severe ‘PVL-positive’ staphylococcal infection . When injected into the dermis of rabbits, purified PVL causes inflammation and skin necrosis( Ward and Turner, 1980).

Proteases S.aureus produces several extracellular proteases include metalloprotease ,collagenase ,hyaluronidase and endopeptidase elastase ( Bhunia, 2008). These proteases are thought to be involved in evading host defenses and invading tissue (Archer, 1998). The general function of all proteases is to cleave

proteins and may inactivate antimicrobial peptides involved in host defenses. The proteases may destroy host tissue proteins, leading to generalised tissue destruction (Sharon, 2006) and at the same time the creation of valuable nutrients for microbial growth. In addition to the functions described above, the expression of proteases may contribute to the severity of superficial S. aureus infections, given that S. aureus strains isolated from patients with atopic dermatitis have been shown to produce much higher levels of proteases than strains from healthy volunteers (Miedzobrodzki et al., 2002). 2.5.4.Role of pigment in virulence

Some strains of S. aureus are capable of producing staphyloxanthin (carotenoid pigment ) that acts as a virulence factor. Its has an antioxidant action that helps the microbe to evade killing with reactive oxygen used by the host immune system. It is thought that staphyloxanthin is responsible for S. aureus' characteristic golden colour( Clauditz et al., 2006). When comparing a normal strain of S. aureus with a strain modified to lack the yellow coloration, the pigmented strain was more likely to survive dousing with an oxidizing chemical such as hydrogen peroxide than the mutant strain was.Colonies of the two strains were also exposed to human neutrophils. The mutant colonies quickly succumbed while many of the pigmented colonies survived( Clauditz et al., 2006).

Wounds on mice were swiped with the two strains. The pigmented strains created lingering abscesses. Wounds with the unpigmented strains healed quickly. These tests suggest that the yellow pigment may be key to the ability of S. aureus to survive immune system attacks. Drugs designed to inhibit the bacterium's production of the staphyloxanthin may weaken it and renew its susceptibility to antibiotics (Liu et al., 2005) .In fact, because of the similarities in the pathways for biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin and human cholesterol, a drug developed in the context of cholesterol-lowering therapy was shown to block S. aureus pigmentation and disease progression in a mouse infection model. (Liu et al., 2008).

2.6. Disease caused by S.aureus

In animals, although all warm-blooded animals can be clinically affected by coagulase-positive staphylococci ,the prevalence and form of such interactions vary among host species(Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999). Staphylococcus aureus is an important cause of mastitis in cattle, sheep and goats (Yazdankhah et al., 2001; Rodrigues da Silva et al., 2005). Infection occurs via the teat canal and the course of the infection varies from the subclinical to acute suppurative ,gangrenous or chronic depending on the infective strain ,infecting dose, and host

resistance (Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999).Tick pyemia of lambs resulting from inoculation of indigenous skin S.aureus by tick bites my be acute with toxemic death or chronic with disseminated abscess formation,it is often linked with tick-born fever caused by Ehrlichia phagocytophila (Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999).

S.aureus may cause abscess disease of sheep that resembling caseous lymphadenitis(Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999).Botrymycosis is a term hase been used to describe chronic granulomatous lesion associated with S.aureus infection especially in the udder of sows, mares and cows, and in the equine spermatic cord after castration (Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999 ; Quinn et al., 2004). Also S.aureus can cause perioribtal eczema in adult sheep and staphylococcal septicemmia of new born in lambs(Radostits et al ., 2007).

S.aureus cause many type of disease in birds as synovitis, arthritis , tendinitis, yolk sac infection, omphalitis , endocarditis , septicema and urinary tract infection(Boynukara et al., 1999). Staphulococcosis in turkeys is abacterimia localizing in joint and tendon sheath, while “Bumblefoot” of gallinaceous bird is a chronic pyogranulomatous process in the subcutaneous tissue of the foot resulting in thick-walled swelling on one or more joint (Biberstein and Hirsh, 1999).

In human, the nature and extent of the disease depends on the pathogenic characteristic of the infecting strain, host susceptibilities and the rout of host entry, the most common ailments are skin and soft tissue infections that include abcesses ,cellulitis , folliculitis, furunculosis, impetigo ,eye infection and post operative surgical wounds(Sharon, 2006 ; Cohen, 2007). Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrom ( SSSS) result from the action of S.aureus exofolative toxin on the skin epidermis (Sharon, 2006).

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is caused by strains that produce TSST-1, the main symptoms are hypotension, fever, and rash(kayser ,2005). Serious S. aureus infections include osteomyelitis, pneumonia, urinary tract infections sepsis, acute endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, cerebritis, meningitis, scalded skin syndrome (Jarvis and Martone 1992 ; kayser ,2005).

2.7. Identification: The laboratory diagnosis is based on culture and biochemical tests: typical morphology, positive coagulase reaction, fermentation of mannitol and trehalose, and production of heat stable nuclease (Sharon ,2006). Although the coagulase tube test is the standard phenotypic routine test used to identify S. aureus in biological samples, several groups have implemented the molecular analysis of the coagulase gene as an accurate defined test (Silva et al., 2006).

Several tests of staphylococci in primary no selective cultures, testing for the presence and the type of haemolysis on blood agar plates represents a first simple and rapid method ( Lam et al., 1996). Among the three coagulase-positive staphylococci, S. aureus is the only one with hemolytic activity that is regularly encountered in clinical milk samples. Therefore, a combination of hemolysis and coagulase activities seems to represent an optimal criterion for the identification of S. aureus in cultures from milk samples ( Lam et al., 1996). Several rapid identification tests for S. aureus are commercially available and have been extensively validated for use in human medicine (Griethuysen et al., 2001 ; Smole et al., 1998 ). They could be very helpful for the identification of S. aureus in cultures from milk samples but seem not to be used frequently for this purpose. The majority of these tests are based on slide agglutination (Patrick, et al 2003 ). A latex slide agglutination test detecting clumping factor and protein A simultaneously is recommended for rapid and reliable routine identification of Staphyloccus aureus ( Ludwig and Klaus,1980). 2.8. Biotyping of S.aureus. The biotyping of S. aureus strains may give an indication of the origin of contamination in food products, as the biotype correlates well with the animal host (Isigidi et al., 1992 ; Rosec and Gigaud 2002 ; Lamperll et al.,2004 ) . The criteria used so far for the subdivision of S. aureus serve the purpose for a realistic means of tracing the source of an S. aureus isolate and reflect to a great extent the influence of the mammalian host in the development of a specific S.aureus phenotype (Dimitracopoulos et al.,1977) ,besides, according to (Live,1982), additional progress in determining the characteristics of S.aureus peculiar to different animal species will contribute further to epidemiological studies in assessing the role of staphylococci of animal origin in human staphylococcosis. S.aureus strain can be classified into biotypes A, B, C and D according to their human or animal origin ( Ordonez et al., 2005). However, many strains cannot be assigned to these host specific biotypes and belong to non host specific biotypes(Hennekinne et al.,2009). The majority of the S. aureus isolates in dairy products were found to belong to the C bovine biotype (Isigidi et al.,1992 ; Roberson et al .,1996 ; Ordonez et al .,2005). 2.9. Methods for detection of S. aureus enterotoxin. Three types of methods are usually used to detect a contaminant in food: bioassays, Immunoassays and molecular biology (DNA amplification in PCR). (Bystron et al.,2006 ; Bhunia, 2008; Agnes and Geoff., 2008).

2.9.1.Bioassays: Rodents are most commonly used as animal models. They include mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs. The advantages of using animal models for pathogenicity testing are; generally inbred lines are used, therefore the disease could be reproduced and variability could be reduced( Bhunia, 2008). Animal organs can be used as an alternative for animal model and should be ideal for investigating certain bacterium host interactions. Examples are, ligated-ileal loop and embryonated eggs, organs are genetically intact, multiple cell types are represented, and cells retain their original shape and configurations, Generally, diarrheagenic microorganisms are tested by ligated-ileal loop assay with rabbits or rats(Douglas et al .,1995 ; Bidinost et al .,2004; Bhunia, 2008).

In the study of Koupal and Deibel (1977),they found the ability to elicit a positive ileal loop response in rabbits that occurred in all S.aureus strains producing the enterotoxins and there were no direct correlations between enterotoxigenic activity and any of the other tested characteristics. In other study, six Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from contaminated yoghurt were evaluated for enterotoxigenicity. Two of the strains were enterotoxigenic and caused fluid accumulation in rabbit ileal loops. Fluid aspirated from the loops was bloody and histopathological changes in sections collected from rabbit ileum, inoculated with crude enterotoxin, were characterized by circulatory disturbances, degenerative/ necrotic and inflammatory changes, including hyperaemia, fibrinous exudation and necrosis of villi epithelial cells(Augusta et al., 2007). These findings are similar to those reported by Kuroishi et al., (2003), elucidated mechanisms by which SEC induced inflammatory changes in bovine mammary glands. The SEC-inoculated mammary glands exhibited interstitial inflammation, with epithelial cell degeneration and migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils.

2.9.2. Immunoassays: Reversed passive latex agglutination (RPLA) which is most commonly employed and is commercially available. In this test the enterotoxins are identified by antibodies specific for each of the enterotoxins. Cross reactions between SEB and the SECs and between SEA and SEE have been reported( Sergeev et al., 2004 ); hence, kits are generally deficient in antibody specific for enterotoxin E, and SEE-producing strains would be classified as SEA producing. RPLA also depends on sufficient amounts of toxin being produced in the absence of interfering bacterial products for successful detection(Sharma et al., 2000). Toxin production requires long (e.g., 20 h) incubation periods and is also influenced by culture conditions, pH, water activity, and the substrate used. Insufficient production of toxins at levels below

the threshold of these immunological assays leads to false-negative results(Sharma et al., 2000). An Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) method was developed to detect SEs and replaced Radio Immuno Assay. Monoclonal antibodies against SEs were used to develop an ELISA sandwich type; this method is able to detect concentrations of SEs as low as 0.1 ng of entertoxin (Echcpd, 2003; Bhunia, 2008).In a study involved a commercial ELISA and multiplex-PCR were used to determine the enterotoxigenicity of 99 S. aureus strains. In 36 strains the genes of enterotoxins SEA to SEE were detected. Out of these, 32 strains were found to be enterotoxin producers. In the remaining 4 strains the enterotoxin was not detected(Bystron et al., 2006) Fueyo et al., (2005) testing 269 S. aureus isolates, found that 4 isolates, which carried sea and tst genes, were TSST-1-negative. Also, Becker et al.,(1998) using a combination of multiplex-PCR and enzymeimmunoassay (EIA) described an SEA-negative S. aureus strain containing the sea gene. Since the low level of the entertoxin production below the threshold of immunoassay detection leading to the inability of its detection in ELISA (Bystron et al., 2006).

2.9.3.Molecular biology: recently, oligonucleotide probes for specific detection of toxin genes have been developed by several workers (Jaulhac et al., 1992 ; Tsen et al., 1993 ) however, hybridization techniques are laborious and time consuming and, moreover, cross-reactions of the probe for SEA with the SEE enterotoxin gene have been reported (Ewald et al., 1990). In addition, the hybridization assay requires enrichment steps for S. aureus, and thus the detection time could not be reduced significantly (Sharma et al., 2000). PCR is a rapid and extremely sensitive procedure, which is a very good tool for the detection of enterotoxin genes in clinical isolates of S. aureus. It can be used for specifying the staphylococcal infection of the mammary gland and to speed up the diagnosis of the hazardous staphylococcal strains (Tkacikova et al.,2003 ; Anvari et al ., 2008) . PCR assays for the specific detection of enterotoxin genes SEA to SEE from various S.aureus isolates have been reported by many worker (Johnson et al., 1991; Tkacikova et al., 2003; Adwan et al., 2005; Kalorey et al.,2007), but in all of these studies, a series of separate reactions is needed to identify a single gene or subset of these genes. Becker et al.,( 1998) have reported the development of a multiplex PCR reaction for the detection of multiple staphylococcal enterotoxin genes which uses individual primer sets for each toxin gene. Recently, Monday and Bohach, (1999) have developed a multiplex PCR assay for all of the characterized enterotoxin genes (sea-sej) and tst, but again this requires unique primer sets for the detection of individual genes.

Sharma et al.,(2000) report the development of a rapid (3 to 4 h) single-reaction multiplex PCR assay which specifically detects genes for staphylococcal enterotoxins A to E in strains of toxigenic S. aureus from various environmental sources, this PCR reaction takes advantage of both conserved and unique regions of the toxin genes and uses one universal forward primer with reverse primers specific for each individual toxin gene. Genes encoding SEs have different genetic supports, most of which are mobile genetic elements, for example ,SEA is carried by a family of temperate phages, SEB is chromosomally located in some clinical isolate whereas it has been found in a 750-kb plasmid in other S.aureus strain, SEC is encoded by a gene located on a pathogenecity island and SEE is carried by a defective phage (Shalita et al., 1977 ; Couch et al.,1988 ; Coleman et al., 1989 ; Fitzgerald et al.,2001 ; Bystron et al .,2006). Staphylococcal isolates from different animal species produce host specific SECs (Bystron et al .,2006 ; Bhunia .,2008 ) and Sharma et al.,(2000) found that enterotoxin C was most commonly associated with bovine enterotoxigenic S. aureus strains and this was the only enterotoxin detected while in poultry strains 50% of the isolates carried enterotoxin D only. Other studies have shown a predominance of SEC producing strains in raw milk (Echcpd, 2003; Kuroishi et al., 2003). Bovine strains were recovered from cases of bovine mastitis and the involvement of enterotoxin C-positive S. aureus strains has been well documented by other workers (Garcia et al., 1980 ; Lopes et al., 1990 ; Kenny et al., 1993). S. aureus strains isolated from humans often produce SEA, whereas strains from cows produce SEC and those from sheep SEC or D. (Stephan et al. 2001). However, Anvari et al.,(2008) found that the SEC gene is most commonly associated with S.aureus strain isolated from patient scar. Many authors use PCR for the detection staphylococcal enterotoxin genes and all of them fonud high variability in the presence of enterotoxin genes(Anvari et al.,2008 ; Tkacikova et al.,2003). 2.10. Susceptibility and Mechanisms of Antibiotic Resistance: The accumulation of a number of discrete genetic ‘accessory’ elements that encode virtually the full gamut of antibiotic resistance determinants as the principal basis for the evolution of multiple-antibiotic resistance in S. aureus( Firth and Skurray .,2006).These accessory elements comprise plasmids, transposable genetic elements (insertion sequences and transposons) and genomic islands incorporating genes for antimicrobial resistance, which have been acquired via horizontal gene transfer (HGT) amongst interrelated bacterial strains and even between different species and genera (Jensen et al., 2008 ).

2.10.1.Methicillin resistance: Methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus are able to grow in the presence of beta-lactams and its derivatives, including cephalosporins and staphylococcal penicillins. Low-level methicillin resistance can result from the production of large amounts of betalactamases, or increased production and/or modified penicillin-binding protein capacity of normal PBPs ( McDougal and Thornsberry,1986 ;Tomasz et al., 1989 ) but the most clinically relevant and the most prevalent form of methicillin resistance is characterized by the production of an additional penicillin binding protein, PBP2a or called (PBP2’) (Reynolds, 1986; Tomasz et al., 1989). PBP2a has an unusually low binding affinity for all beta-lactam antibiotics, substituting the native PBPs and allowing continuous cell wall assembly (Reynolds, 1986 ; Chambers and Sachdeva ,1990). The resistance to methicillin and all B-lactam antibiotic is mediated by an exogenous substitute for the intrinsic PBPs, termed PBP2 orPBP2a, which is carried by a mobile genetic element termed as the staphylococcal cassette chromosom mec (Scc mec) (Jensen et al., 2008). PBP2 a feature subtle structural change that reduce the binding affinity of methecillin, so avoiding inactivation and therefore maintaining a viable cell wall in otherwise lethal antibiotic conditions(Hartman and Tomasz, 1984) . Methicillin-resistant strains of S. aureus are often resistant to other antibiotic groups in addition to beta lactams. The SCCmec itself may carry several resistance genes generally located in integrated plasmids or transposons. (Chikramane et al., 1991 ; Jensen et al .,2008) The expression of methicillin resistance varies among strains ( Kayser and Bachim , 1994 ; Hiramatsu, 1995). 2.10.2.Vancomycin Resistance . The most effective treatment available against multi-resistant MRSA infection is the glycopeptied vancomycin ( Schentag et al., 1998) . However, Several newly discovered strains of MRSA show antibiotic resistance even to vancomycin and teicoplanin. These new evolutions of the MRSA bacterium have been dubbed vancomycin intermediate-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA). (Sieradzki and Tomasz , 1997 ; Marchese et al .,2000 ; Schito , 2006). The molecular mechanism of resistance has not been fully elucidated. However, the thickening of the cell wall through the accumulation of excess peptidoglycan, , seems to be common to all VISA strains (Hanaki et al., 1998 ; Hiramatsu , 2001) .This results in the trapping of glycopeptide molecules in the cell wall, and the blocking of the access to the major target of glycopeptide

antibiotics, D-ala-D-ala residue on the N-acetyl-muramic acid precursor in the cytoplasm (Hiramatsu , 2001). The fist high level vancomycin –resistant S.aureus (VRSA) isolate was reported from the united states in 2002(Weigel et al.,2003).VRSA resistance is mediated by vanA gene, which is identical to the mechanism utilised by (VRE) vancomycin-resistant enterococci (Weigel et al.,2003).




Materials and methods

3.1. Materials 3.1.1. Instruments and Equipments: The instrument and equipments which were used throughout the study are

shown in the table below:

Table (3-1): The Instrument and Equipment and their remarks.

Company (Origin)

Name No.

Monarch MSI (Germany) Autoclave 1.

Mettler (Switzerland) Balance 2.

Elite – Medichem (India) Centrifuge 3.

Hettich (Germany) Cooled centrifuge 4.

AlabTech (Korea) Distillator 5.

Binder (Germany) Electric oven 6.

Hipot Tested (UK) Electrophoreses 7.

Heidolph (Germany) Hot plate magnetic stirrer 8.

Binder (Germany) Incubator 9.

Hanna (Romania) Microprocessor pH– meter 10.

Olympus (Japan) Microscope 11.

Techne(UK) Thermocycler apparatus 12.

Denver ( Germany) Electronic balance 13.

EEC (France) Vilber Lourmater UV light 14.

Memmert ( Germany) Vortex 15.

Tafesa-hannover(Germany) Water bath 16.

Gelson (France) Micropipettes (different size) 17. Eppendorf (USA) PCR tubes 18. Sony (Japan) Digital camera 19. APEL (Japan) Spectrophotometer 20. Merk (Germany) Millipore 21.

3. 1.2. Chemical and biological materials

The chemical and biological materials which were used throughout the study

are listed in table (3-2).

Table (3-2). Chemical and biological materials

Country Sources Chemicals of biological



Germany Fluka Absolute ethanol 1.

USA Promega Agarose 2.

England BDH BaCl2-H2O 3.

USA Difco Boric acid 4.

England BDH EDTA. 5.

USA Sigma Glycerol 6.

England BDH Isopropanol 7.

England BDH K2HPO4 8.

England BDH KH2PO4 9.

England BDH NaCl 10.

3.1.3. Media Commercial Media:

Commercial media which were used throughout the study are listed in table (3-

3) below.

Table (3-3). Commercial media

England Oxoid Peptone 11.

USA Promega Protenase K 12.

Germany Fluka Trise-base 13.

India Gracure pharm-


wadi, (Raj.)

Ketamine 14.

India Horsterweg 26A

castenray Holland

Xylazine 15.

Company- Origin Medium No.

Himedia - India Agar-agar 1.

Himedia - India Blood agar base 2.

Himedia – India Brain heart infusion agar 3.

Himedia - India Brain heart infusion broth 4.

Himedia - India Mannitol salt agar 5.

Himedia - India Muller- Hinton agar 6.

Himedia - India Nutrient agar 7.

Himedia - India Nutrient broth 8. Prepared media

The prepared media which were used throughout the study are listed in table

(3-4) below.

Table (3-4). The prepared media

Medium No.

Blood agar medium 1.

Methyl red and Voges – Proskauer test medium 2.

Milk agar 3.

Crystal violet agar 4.

3.1.4. Stains and indicators

Stains and indicators used throughout the study are listed in (table 3-5)


Table (3-5). Stains and indicators

Company/ Origin Stain and indicator No.

Fluka/ Germany Bromophenol blue 1.

Fluka/ Germany Hydrogen peroxide 2.

Promega /USA Ethidium bromide 3.

Biomerieux/France Vogus –proskauer VP1-VP2 4.

Prepared Crystal violet 5.

3.1.5. Kits

The Kits were used throughout the study are listed in table (3-6).

Table (3-6) The Kits.

Company – origin Kit No.

Himedia -India 4-Nitrophenl-B-D-galactopyranoside ONPG 1.

UK Staph-aureus latex 2.

Promega -USA Ladder 1500 bp 3.

Promega –USA DNA purification 4.

Promega -USA Tag green master mix 5.

Alpha DNA -


Oligonucleotide primers 6.

3-2. Methods

3.2.1.Commercial media Media used in this study were prepared according to the manufacturer’s instructions fixed on their containers.

3.2.2.Laboratory prepared media

♦-Methyl read –Voges proskauer test medium: It was prepared according to

Cowan, et al (1974) by dissolving 5 gm of each peptone and dipotassium

hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) in 1 liter of distilled water. The pH was adjusted

to 7.5. Five gm of glucose were added and mixed well, sterilized by autoclaving

at 121 ºC for 10 min, then dispended into sterile 10 ml tubes. This test medium

was used to determine the ability of microorganism to oxidize glucose with acid.

♦-Crystal violate medium: This medium was prepared by adding brain heart

agar 37 gm, to the solution of crystal violate 0.1 ml in 1 liter D. W. (1:10000).

This medium was used for biotyping test (Cohen, 1982).

♦- Milk agar: This media was prepared by dissolving nutrient agar 28gm, in

700 ml D. W. and autoclaving, after that cooling to 55 ºC and supplement with

300 ml of Sterilized milk and distributed in Petri dishes, It was based on a

method described by Cowan et al., (1974) used to test the pigment production.

♦- Maintenance media: For short period : The medium was prepared from BHI

broth as a basal medium and autoclaving at 121 ºC for 15 min. The bacteria in

the culture were kept in 4 ºC . For long period : The medium was prepared from

BHI broth as a basal media supplemented with glycerol 15%, after autoclaving

at 121 ºC for 15 min, and cooling at 56 ºC in water bath. It was distributed in

5ml amount tube then kept at 4 ºC until used. The cultures then kept under - 20

for several months (Sharon, 2006).

3.2.3.Preparation of buffers , solutions and stains

1. Ethylene Diamine Tetre Acetic acid (EDTA - 0.5 M ): This buffer was

prepared by dissolving 18.612 gm EDTA in 80 ml D.W. and the volume was

completed to 100 ml. The pH was adjusted to 8 , sterilized by autoclave and stored

at 4 C˚ Until used in electrophoresis (Sambrook et al ., 1989 ).

2. Tris borate EDTA buffer ( TBE -10 X ) .

It was prepared by dissolving 3.8 gm Tris – OH , 2.7 gm boric acid and 2 ml

EDTA (0.5 M ) in 50 ml of D.W. , the pH was adjusted to 8 , autoclaved and stored

at 4 C˚ until used in electrophoresis ( Sambrook et al.,1989 ) .

3. TBE ( 1 X ).

This buffer was prepared by mixing 10 ml of stock TBE -10X with 90 ml of

D.W. , and stored at 4C˚ until it was used in electrophoresis (Sambrook et al ., 1989


4. DNA loading buffer.

This buffer was prepared by dissolving and mixing 40 gm sucrose and 0.25 gm

bromophenol blue in 100 ml D.W. , then stored at room temperature ( Sambrook et

al ., 1989 ) . It is used for DNA electrophoresis .

5. Ethidium bromide (0.5 % ).

A stock solution was prepared by dissolving 0.05 gm of ethidium bromide stain

in 10 ml D.W. , then mixed by vortex mixer for complete dissolving , after that

stored in sterile dark bottle ( Sambrook et al ., 1989 ). It was used for

electrophoresis as specific DNA stain .

6. McFarland standard solution.

Number 0.5 McFarland standard solution was prepared by mixing 0.5 ml of a

1.175 % (wt/vol ) barium chloride dehydrate ( BaCl 2.2H2O ) solution with 99.5 ml

of a 1% ( vol /vol ) sulfuric acid .The accuracy of the density of a prepared

McFarland standard was checked by using spectrophotometer , the absorbance at

wavelength of 600 nm was 0.11. The solution must be stored in the dark at room

temperature . It is used for bacterial density estimation in broth culture ( McFaddin

, 2000 ).

7.Crystal Violet Solution: Special solution was used to the determination of the

bacterial colonies phase and prepared according to Collee et al., (1996) as

follows: A- 2 gm of crystal violet was dissolved in 20 ml of ethyl alcohol (95%).

B- 0.8 gm of ammonium oxalate was dissolved in 80 ml of distilled water. C-

Mixing the two above solutions and storing it at 4 ºC then it became as stock

solution. Before usage of the solution was diluted by distilled water to ratio 1:40.

8.Catalase test reagent: Hydrogen peroxide 3% aqueous solution was stored in

a brown bottle under refrigeration at 4 ºC until used (Baron et al., 1994).

9. Voges proskauer reagent: It was composed of two Barrittes' reagents: A: -

5 gm of α-naphthol were dissolved in 100ml of absolute ethyl alcohol. B: - 40

gm of potassium hydroxide were dissolved in 100 ml of D.W (Baron et al.,


3.2.4.Samples collection

Ten ml of milk was collected in 10 ml disposable sterile screw-cap tubes

during tow month (October and November / 2009). Samples were immediately

transported to the laboratory and kept at 4 ºC for no more than 24 hrs. From each

sample, 1.5 ml of milk was pipetted into sterile microcentrifuge tubes and

centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 5 min at room temperature. The supernatant was

then discarded and the pellet was directly inoculated onto plated of mannitol salt

agar (Tsegmed, 2006).

3.2.5. Laboratory diagnosis

The specimens were directly inoculated onto plated of mannitol salt agar and

incubated at 37 ºC for 24 hrs. All colonies from primary cultures were purified

by subculture onto MSA medium and incubated at 37 ºC for 24- 48 hrs (Talan et

al., 1989).

3.2.5. 1.Biochemical testes.

♦- Free coagulase Test: This test was done according to (Macfaddin, 2000).by

adding 0.1 ml from 18-24 hrs. culture broth to the 0.1 ml of human plasma

without dilution and incubation at 37 ºC for 4 hrs. the clotting hourly noticed the

appearance of the clotting indicates a positive result comparable to control.

♦-Catalase Test: A small amount of pure growth was transferred with a wooden

stick from mannitol salt agar into clean slide, and then a drop of catalase reagent

was added. The evolution of gas bubbles indicates a positive test (Macfaddin,


♦-Voges- Proskauer Test: Methyl red- Voges - proskauer broth was inoculated

with young culture and incubated at 37 ºC for 24 hrs. 0.2 ml of 40% KOH and

0.6 ml of 5% solution of α –naphthal were added. A positive reaction was

indicated by the development of brown colour in 2-5 min (Macfaddin, 2000).

♦-4-Nitrophenl-B-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG): Using 1 ml from D.W in

sterile tube and small portion from the colony was added, a disc of ONPG was

added, the incubation took place at 37 ºC and the results were read after 1- 4-24

hrs., then if the color was converted to yellow, the results were S. intermidius,

but when white color remained, this was S. aureus (Sharon, 2006) . test.

Latex agglutination (MASTSTAPH): latex was allowed to equilibrate at room

temperature before use and was shaken. One drop of latex was added into circle

on the test card using clean mixing stick, 2-4 average size colonies were picked

up from a fresh overnight culture , emulsified in the latex, mixing thoroughly

and spreading over half the area. Rotate and rock the card slowly and the result

was recorded within 1 minute and dispose the test card safely.

3.2.6. Biotyping.

Depending on Lamprell et al., (2004), Table (3-7) revealed the tests used in

the detection of S. aureus biotypes

Key property A B C D Non-


Pigment + + + V_ +

Coagulation of human plasma

+ + + + +

Coagulation of bovine plasma

_ _ + _ _

Alpha haemolysis + V+ V_ _ V

Beta haemolysis V_ V+ + + V

Growth on Crysal violet agar

positive to crystal violet

White yellowish No growth


Host human canine Bovine Poultry Non-specific

+ = more than 80% of organism positive

_ = more than 80% of organism negative

V = variable (predominance of negative or positive organism)

V_= (predominance of negative organism)

V+ = (predominance of positive organism)

3.2.7. Susceptibility to the vancomycin and methecillin. The antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done by the agar discs diffusion

method as that described by Bioanalyse® sensitivity discs . as follows :

Inoculum preparation and plates inoculation:

At least 3 – 5 well isolated colonies of the same morphological type were

selected from the agar plat culture . The top of each colony was touched with a

loop and the growth was transferred into a tube containing 4 ml BHI broth and

incubated at 35 ºC.The turbidity of the actively growing broth culture was

adjusted with sterile broth to obtain turbidity optically comparable to the 0.5

McFarland standards .

Optimally with 15 minutes after adjusting the turbidity of the inoculums

suspension .Sterile cotton swab was dipped into adjusted suspension ,the swab

then rotated several time pressed firmly on the side of the tube above the fluid

level .This removed excess inoculum from the swab.

The dried surface of the a Mueller – Hinton agar plate was inoculated by

streaking the swab over the entire sterile agar surface .This procedure was

repeated by streaking two more times, rotating the plate approximately 60 ◌

each time to ensure an even distribution of the inoculums . As a final step the

rim of the agar was swabbed. The procedure was done under laminar flow to

avoid contamination. The predetermined antimicrobial disks were dispensed on

to the surface of the inoculated agar plate. Each disk was pressed down

individually to ensure complete contact with agar surface. The disk placed in the

agar surface was not closer than 24 mm from the center to the centre.

The plates were inverted and placed in an incubator set to 35 ºC with

15miuntes after the disk were applied. After 18 hrs of incubation , the plate was

examined .The resulting zone of inhibition was uniformly circular with

confluent lawn of growth . The diameter s of the zones of complete inhibition

were measured ,including diameter of the disk. The inverted petri plate on the

back few inches a black non reflected background and illuminated with

reflected light. The zone margin was taken as the area showing no obvious

,visible growth that can be detected with unaided eye.

The size of inhibition zones were interpreted by referring to zone diameter

interpretive standard from (Bioanalyse sensitivity discs Ankara/Turkey)

Table ( 3-8 ). Interpretation of inhibition zone diameter (Bioanalyse sensitivity

discs Ankara/Turkey)

3.2.8. Molecular detection of SEA to SEE genes (using Multiplex PCR

technique). extraction and purification

The DNA was extracted and purified according to the instructions of Promega

kit ( Promega / USA ) as a fallowing :

1-Pellet cells: One ml of overnight BHI broth culture of test bacteria was

transferred to 1.5 ml eppndorff tube, centrifuged at 1600 rpm for 2 min the

precipitate was maintained and supernatant was discarded. The precipitated

cells suspended in 480µl of 50Mm EDTA and lytic enzymes (proteinase K 30µl








on( µg /ml)




≥15 - ≤13 1 M Methicillin 1.

≥12 10-11 ≤9 30 VA Vancomycin 2.

)was added, and incubated at 37ºC for 30-60 minutes, after centrifugation for 2

minutes at 13000 rpm. the supernatant was discarded.

2-Nuclei lysis solution ( 600 µl ) was added , gently pipette until the cells were

resuspended . Incubated at 80 ºC in water bath for 5 min. to lyse the cells, then

cooled to room temperature .

3-RNase solution ( 3 µl ) was added to the cell lysate . Inverted the tube 2 – 5 times

to mix and incubated at 37 ºC for 15 – 60 minutes , then cool the sample to room

temperature .

4-Two hundred µl of protein precipitation solution added to the RNase – treated

cell lysate and mixed by vortex for 20 seconds to mix the protein precipitation

solution with the cell lysate . The sample was incubated on ice for 5 minutes and

then centrifuged at 13000 rpm. for 3 minutes .

5-The supernatant containing the DNA was transferred to a clean 1.5 ml micro

centrifuge tube containing 600 µl of room temperature isopropanol . Gently mixed

by inversion until the thread –like strands of DNA form a visible mass then

Centrifuged at 13000 rpm. for 2 min and the supernatant was decanted .

6- Six-hundreds µl of70 % ethanol at room temperature was added to the

precipitate and gently invert the tube several times to wash the DNA pellet and

centrifuge at 13000 rpm. for 2 minutes then carefully aspirate the ethanol . The

tube was drained on clean absorbent paper and allow the pellet to air – dry for 10 –

15 minutes .

7-Finally 100 µl of DNA rehydration solution was added to the tube and rehydrate

the DNA by incubating the solution at 4 ºC for 24 hrs and the DNA was stored at 2

– 8 ºC . The purified DNA was detected by electrophoresis on 1 % agarose . PCR amplification of enterotoxin (SEA to SEE) gene sequences for S.

aureus isolates.

The SEs genes were studied according to protocol of (Sharma et al,.2000).

The PCR amplification mixture (25µl)which was used for the detection SEs

genes includes 12.5 µl of green master mix ( which contains bacterially derived

Taq DNA polymerase , dNTPs , MgCl2 and reaction buffer at optimal

concentration for efficient amplification of DNA templates by PCR ) , 2.5 µl of

template DNA , 1 µl of each primers given in( Table 3-9) and 4µl of nuclease

free water to complete the amplification mixture to 25 µl .

Table (3-9): Oligonucleotide primers sequences used for PCR amplification of enterotoxins (SEs) genes according to (Sharma et al.,2000)

Primer name

and size Description Nucleotide sequence (5→3)

PCR product size (bp)

SA-U (20) Universal forward primer


SA-A (18) Reverse

primer for SEA


SA-B (18) Reverse

primer for SEB


SA-C (20) Reverse

primer for SEC


SA-D (20) Reverse

primer for SED


SA-E (16) Reverse

primer for SEE


The PCR tubes containing amplification mixture were transferred to

preheated thermocycler and start the program as in the following in table (3-10).

Table (3-10): PCR amplification program for enterotoxins (SEs) genes detection

according to (Sharma et al., 2000)

Step Temperature (C˚) Time NO. of cycle

Initial denaturation 94 5min 1

Denaturation 94 30s

25 Annealing 50 30s

Extension 72 30s

Final extension 72 2min 1 Agarose gel electrophoresis

The agarose gel was prepared according to the method of Sambrook et al.,

(1989).Two concentrations of agarose gel were prepared ( 1% and 2% ) . The

concentration of 1% agarose was used in the electrophoresis after DNA extraction

process , while 2% agarose was used after PCR detection,

The preparation of agarose gel. A 25ml of 1X TBE buffer was pipette into a

beaker, 0.25 or 0.5 g agarose was added to the buffer and 0.2 μl ethidium

bromide were added. The mixture was heated for boiling by hot plate until all

gel particles were dissolved and allowed to cool down to 50-60ºC.

1. Casting of the agarose gel

The gel was assembled to a casting tray and the comb was positioned at one

end of the tray.

The agarose solution was poured into the gel tray and it was allowed to cool

at room temperature for 30 minutes .

The comb was carefully removed and the gel replaced electrophoresis

chamber . The chamber was filled with TBE – electrophoresis buffer until

the buffer reached 3 – 5 mm over the surface of the gel .

2 . Loading and running DNA in gel agarose

DNA ( 9 µl ) was mixed with ( 3µl ) bromophenol blue ( loading buffer )

and loaded in the wells of the 2% agarose gel .

The cathode was connected to the well side of the unit and the anode to

the other side .

The gel was run at 75 V until the bromophenol blue tracking dye

migrated to the end of the gel .

The DNA was observed and viewed under UV transilluminator

3. PCR result analysis

The results of PCR were performed after the amplification process. 10 µl

from amplified sample was directly loaded in a 2% agarose gel containing 0.5 µl

/25 ml ethidium bromide with the addition of loading buffer and DNA size marker

as standard in electrophoresis and run at 75 V for 1 hr , then the products were

visualized by UV transilluminator .

3.2.9. Ligated rabbit ileal loop assay

Three strains of PCR positive S. aureus isolated from contaminated milk

were evaluated for their enterotoxin-producing ability and histopathological

Changes by the ligated rabbit ileal loop assay according to (Beecher et al.,

1995; Augusta et al., 2007). of S. aureus for Enterotoxin Production:

Cultures for enterotoxin production were initially prepared using nutrient

broth. Ten milliliter aliquots of sterile nutrient broth, in sterile tube, were

inoculated each with approximately 108 cells per ml ( McFarland 0.5) and

incubated at 37 ºC for 48 h. Subsequently, the S.aureus strains were cultured in

10 ml of milk (at pH 8 and pH 4 ) , pasteurized by heating to 80 ºC for 30 min

and cultures were incubated as with nutrient broth cultures(Augusta et al.,


Following 48 hrs incubation of the nutrient broth and milk cultures, cell free

culture supernatants were collected by centrifugation at 5000 rpm. Followed by

filtration through 0.20 μm Millex syringe filters. The cell free filtrates were then

used as crude toxin preparation. (Beecher et al., 1995; Augusta et al., 2007) Assay for Enterotoxin Activity:

One to 1.5 Kg body weight female rabbits were starved for 24 hrs with water

supplied ad libitum. Each S.aureus isolate was tested in triplicate animals. Each

rabbit was anaesthetized with 2 ml of ketamin injection and secured in dorsal

recumbency. Following a midline incision, starting from the rectal end, the

ileum was divided into 12 segments of 5 cm in length with string ligatures. The

crude toxin preparation (0.5 ml) was injected into different segments. Sterile

saline were injected into one segment to serve as negative control. The incisions

were then sutured and the animals allowed to recover from anaesthesia (Beecher

et al., 1995; Augusta et al., 2007). Post-mortem Examination.

After 7 hrs, test animals were killed and opened immediately for examination.

The gross appearance of the loops was noted, and, if either the control loop

contained fluid, all tests in that rabbit were considered invalid. The length

(centimeters) and volume (milliliters) of each test loop was measured.. For

positive loops, the volume of fluid recovered by aspiration was used to

determine the dilatation index (DI) estimated as the ratio of volume of fluid to

length of ileal segment. A DI > 0.2 was taken as positive. Each S.aureus isolate

was tested in triplicate animals(Augusta et al., 2007). Histopathology:

Sections of both normal and enterotoxin-inoculated rabbit ileum were fixed

by immersing the cut pieces in 10 % formalin for 24 – 48h (Augusta et al.,


Following fixation, this sections were sending to the Collage of Pharmacy -

University of Basrah for histopathological dissection.

3.2.10. Statistical analysis In order to determine the statistical significances among different

variables SPSS program (Statistical package for social sciences) version 11, was

used. Chi-square and analysis of variance tests were applied to analyze the

obtained results.




4.1. Occurrence of S.aureus isolates in raw milk samples according to the

regions of study.

According to the results of isolation and identification there were out of 200

tested samples analyzed 57 were S.aureus positive. The high rate of S.aureus

was observed in Al-Hartha 34% followed by Al-Hadi and Al-Ashar 28% each

and the lower rate was found in Old Basrah market 24%. The percentage of

isolates in cow milk were 30% while in buffalo milk 27%.There were no

significant differences (P > 0.05) in the rate of S.aureus isolation among the

regions of the study and between the cow and the buffalo milk samples(Table.4-


Table (4-1). The occurrence of S.aureus in raw milk samples according to


Cow milk

Buffaloes milk

Total % positive No. Of samples

S.aureus positive

No. Of samples

S.aureus positive




25 10 34




25 6 28

Old Basrah market



25 6 24




25 5 28




100 27 57(28.5%)

X2= 0.221 P > 0.05

X2 = 1.251 P > 0.05

the region of the study.

4.2. Biotypes of S. aureus

S. aureus isolates were biotyped by using pigment production ,type of

haemolysin, coagulation of bovine plasma and the growth on crystal violet agar

. (Figure 4-1,2).

The results of biotyping revealed that, 63.15% of the S.aureus isolates belong

to the biotype C (bovine origin) and 26.31%belong to the biotype A (human

origin) while the remaining 10.52% cannot be classified and placed in the group

of the non- specific biotype (Table 4-2). There were high significant differences

(P < 0.01) among biotype A, C and non-specific biotype of S.aureus isolates.

Table (4-2): Number and percentage of S.aureus biotypes isolated from raw milk samples.

Region Milk sample

No.of S.aureus exam

Biotype A Biotype C Non-specific

Al-Haretha 17 3 14 0

Al-Hadi 14 2 11 1

Old Basrah market 12 4 5 3

Al-Ashar 14 6 6 2

Total 57 15 (26.31%) 36 (63.15%) 6 (10.52%)

X2 =37.421 P < 0.01

Figure (4-1). Biotype A and biotype C of S.aureus isolates on crystal violet agar , (1- Biotype C, 2- biotype A).

Figure (4-2). Pigment production of S.aureus isolates on milk agar , (1-positive result , 2-negative result).

1 2

1 2

4.3.Molecular results of S.aureus enterotoxin genes (SEs) detected by

multiplex PCR technique.

The PCR analysis was applied to DNA extracted from pre-conventional

microbiological and serological confirmed of S.aureus isolates from milk

samples (figure 4-3).

Out of 57 isolates were analyzed by PCR technique for SEs genes , 14

isolates of S. aureus (24.56%) found to possess a gene for enterotoxin SEC (

30% from Cow milk and 18.51% from buffalo milk) while SEA, SEB,SED and

SEE were not detected in both raw milk sample (cow , buffalo) Table (4-3).

There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the rate of SEC genes of

S.aureus isolates from cow and buffalo milk samples.

Table (4-3).Number, percentage and type of SEs in cow and buffalo milk


Type of sample No. of milk


No. of S.aureus


No. of of SEC


Cow milk 100 30 (9)C


Buffalo milk 100 27 (5 )C (18.51%)

Total 200 57 (14)C (24.56%)

X2=1.011 P > 0.05

Obviously as it is shown in table (4-4), the high rat of SEC was detected

in Old Basrah market (41.66%) fallowed by Al-Ashar , Al-Hadi and Al-

Haretha (28.57%, 21.42% and 11.76%) respectively. There were no

significant differences (P > 0.05) in the rate of SEC genes of S.aureus isolates

among the regions of the study.

Only the band with suspected size 69bp (in case of SEC gene) observed

while no bands were observed in negative isolates figure (4-4).

Table (4-4). Distribution of SEC of S.aureus isolates from milk samples

in different regions.

Region No. of Milk sample

No. S.aureus Isolates

No. and Type of SEs (%)

Al-Haretha 50 17 (2)SEC (11.76%)

Al-Hadi 50 14 (3)SEC (21.42%)

Old Basrah market 50 12 (5)SEC (41.66%)

Al-Ashar 50 14 (4)SEC (28.57%)

Total 200 57 (14)SEC (24.56%)

X2 = 3.593 P > 0.05

Figure(4-3).Total genomic DNA extracted from S.aureus isolates using 1%agarose gel electrophoresis.

Figure (4-4) Electrophoresis in 2% agarose. M Lane= DNA ladder .Lane 1,2,3,4, =SEs 69 bp positive isolates. Lane 5,6,= negative isolates . Lane 7= control negative

genomic DNA


100 bp

69 bp

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 M

4-4.Susceptibility of S.aureus isolated from raw milk samples to the methicilin and vancomycin . By using disc diffusion method 57 isolates of S.aureus were tested for their

susceptibility toward methicillin and vancomycin (figure 4-6). All tested isolates

showed high susceptibility ( 100 % ) toward vancomycin. On the other hand ,

10.52% of these isolates revealed the resistance toward methicillin (Table 4-5).

There were no significant differences (P > 0.05) in the rate of MRSA was

isolated from cow and buffalo milk samples.

Table (4-5) Susceptibility of S.aureus isolated from milk samples to the methicillin and vancomycin.

Samples No. of

S.aureus isolates


Cow milk 30 4(13.33%) 26(86.77%) 0(0%) 30(100%)


milk 27 2(7.40%) 25(92.60%) 0(0%) 27(100%)

Total 57 6(10.52%) 51(89.48%) 0(0%) 57(100%)

X2 =0.078 P > 0.05

Figure (4-5). Susceptibility of S.aureus isolates to methicillin and

vancomycin antibiotic .

4-5.Relationships between S.aureus biotypes and SEs.

The relationship between the biotypes with SEs can be explained as follows

33.33% of biotype C posses SEC gene while less percentage (13.33%) of

biotype A posses these gene was recorded (Table 4-6)

Obviously as it is shown in table (4-6) SEC gene were not detected in all the

strains that belong to non-specific biotype.

Table(4-6). Relationships between S.aureus biotypes andSEs.

Biotype No. of S.aureus isolates No. and type of SEs(%)

A 15 (2) C (13.33%)

C 36 (12) C (33.33%)

Non specific 6 (0)

4-6 .Relationships between MRSA and SEC The study of the relation between the SEC gene with susceptibility to the

methicillin showed that a higher percentage (83.33 %) of the strains which have

the ability to resist the methicillin harboring SEC while the strains that are



susceptible to the methicillin posses lower percentage (10.52%) of this gene

(Table 4-7) . There were high significant differences (P < 0.01) between MRSA

harboring SEC and MSSA harboring this gene.

Table(4-7) Relationships between MRSA and SEC in S.aureus strain. Resistance or susceptible

to methicillin

No. of S.aureus isolates No. of SEC(%)

MRSA 6 (5)C (83.33%)


51 (9)C (17.64%)

Total 57 (14)C (24.56%)

X2 =9.207 P < 0.01 4-7. Assay for Enterotoxin Activity. Cell-free culture supernatants (crude toxin preparations) of the S.aureus

strains caused fluid accumulation when injected into rabbit ileal segments,

indicating enterotoxin activity. Dilatation index (DI) values ranged from 0.2 to

0.48. Moreover, there was a dark-reddish colouration of the positive ileal loops

(Figure 4-6) and the aspirated fluid from such segments appeared bloody.

Histopathological changes in sections collected from the rabbit ileum were

characterized by circulatory disturbances and inflammatory changes. Sections of

the intestine collected from non exposed (control) rabbits showed mucosae

(including glands) and submucosae with normal histomorphology (Figures 4-7),

while sections from rabbit’s ileum inoculated with crude toxin preparations

showed moderate to severe haemorrhage, Oedema and erosion and

inflammatory cells, In addition, there was destruction and sloughing of villi








Fig (4-6) Ligated segments of rabbit ileal loop after injection with crude

preparations of staphylococcal enterotoxin (SE) produced under different growth

conditions. 1 – 6, SE produced at pH 8; 7-11, SE produced at pH 4 –there was

change to a brownish colouration with less fluid accumulation than the previous

pH; 12, segment inoculated with sterile saline (control).





6 7 8


10 11
















wing normal villus (arrow) and intestinal gland. 125X H&E( )

Fig (4-8) Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal

enterotoxin ph 4, showing A) Erosion in the mucausal layer B) presences of

intestinal glands and the some of the villi which shows destruction and sloughing

C)Oedema 125X H&E ( )




Fig (4-9) Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal enterotoxin ph 8, showing A) large areas of hemorrhage in the wide area of mucosal erosion and complete absence of the villi B) infiltration of poly

morphonuclated cells. 125X H&E ( )

Fig (4-10) Section of rabbit ileum inoculated with crude staphylococcal

enterotoxin ph 8, A) Showing the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the

mucosal region most of them of acute form (neutrophils) B) Oedema 500X





H&E ( ).



Discussion 5 . 1 . Occurrence of S.aureus in raw milk. Staphylococcal foodborne intoxication mainly (S. aureus) is reported to be one of

the most common form of bacterial foodborne outbreaks in many countries. The

overview of outbreak reports from 15 European countries indicates that milk and

dairy products were involved in 1 – 9 % (mean 4.8 %) of all the incriminated foods

in staphylococcal outbreaks (Echcpd, 2003).

In this study biochemical identification and serological confirmation were used

for S.aureus detection in raw milk samples obtained from Basrah markets. Different

works from different parts of the world give varying frequency of S.aureus

isolation from raw milk , some of which agree while others disagree with the

findings of the present study.

This microorganism was isolated in the present study from raw milk samples in a

percentage 28.5 % (30 % cow milk and 27 % buffalo milk ).

This study closes on with a number of studies dealing with raw milk and milk

products , Yagoub et al.,(2005) and Abdel-Hameed and El-Malt, (2009) whom

isolated S. aureus from raw milk in a percentage of 30% , 24.8% respectively.

Also the presents study agreed with Ibrahim and Sobeih, (2010) ; pelisser et al,

(2009) whom isolated S. aureus from Cheese made from raw milk in percentages of

26.67 %; 30.17% ,respectively, the present occurrence of S.aureus in raw milk

samples were lower than the results obtained by Chye et al.,(2004) and Ekici et

al.,(2004) whom reported that S.aureus was isolated from 60% and 75% of raw milk

samples and also lower than the studies of AL- Kafaje, (2008), Mustafa, (2007) ,

AL- Marsomy, (2008) and Hanon, (2009) whom recorded that S. aureus was

isolated from clinical and subclinical mastitis in cows in percentages of 53.33%,

43.5% , 46.24% and 48.57% respectively .

Compared with this study, much higher level of contamination was reported by

Farzana et al., (2004) whom showed that coagulase positive S.aureus was present in

all raw milk samples taken from shops in Multan city in Pakistan ,while other

workers documented results slightly higher than the present study results,

Shinagawa et al., (1988) ; Turutoglu et al., (2005) and Adwan et al., (2005) whom

isolate S.aureus from raw milk sample in percentages of 34.7% ; 38% and 40%

respectively .However, lower results were detected by Abdel Hameed et al.,(2004) ;

Ordonez et al., (2005) whom isolate S.aureus from cow milk samples in percentage

of 14.38% and 23% respectively.

Contamination of milk and dairy product with S.aureus may be due to the

presence of this pathogen in basic raw milk (Adwan et al., 2005). but on other

hand, the milk drawn from healthy animals may be free of bacteria but it becomes

contaminated by hands of milkman or from the udders of animals harbouring

microorganisms like staphylococci and others. Dirty teats with dung and mud are

the direct source of bacteria for milk. Moreover, the utensils used for milk are also

the source of various types of bacteria but the main source is the contaminated water

that is added to milk to increase its quantity, all these results showed that raw milk

passes through very unhygienic conditions during transportation. Moreover, it takes

long time to reach the consumer and during that time it becomes highly

contaminated because of high temperature, which causes the proliferation of bacteria

(Farzana et al .,2004 ) . Numerous factors likely contribute to the variation observed

such as geographical location, season, farm size, number of animals on the farm,

hygiene, farm management practices, variation in sampling, variation in types of

samples evaluated, and differences in detection methodologies used. However, in

spite of the variation, all of the surveys demonstrated quite clearly that milk can be a

significant source of foodborne pathogens of human health significance (Oliver et



It has been stated that biotyping of S.aureus strains may give an indication of the

origin of contamination in food products, as the biotype correlates well with the

animal host (Lamprell et al., 2004)

In this study the results showed the predominant of biotype C which is specific

to bovine strains with a percentage of 63.15% .The biotype A was the second

most prevalent biotype as it represents 26.31 % of the isolates investigated followed

by non- specific biotype with a percentage of 10.52%.

The present study agreed with Hanon, ( 2009) ; Lamprell et al., (2004) whom

mentioned that the majority of the S. aureus isolated from milk and cheese were

found to be C bovine biotype 62% and 83.33% respectively but on other hand ,

Lamprell et al., (2004) suggest that the low rate of biotype A isolates (14%) was a

demonstration of the good sanitary practices of farmers during manufacture and

handling of these cheeses, in contrast with our finding, higher rate of biotype A

isolates were obtained in this study,

Also the present finding agreed Bendahou et al., (2008), whom recorded that, S.

aureus isolates from milk and milk products showed bovine origin biotype C with

the percentage of 45% and more dominant than the other biotypes. The distribution

of the remaining biotypes A and D in the isolates of the S. aureus were respectively

30%, 15%, and 10% for the biotype B in poultry.

However , the present finding disagreed with Ordonez et al., (2005) Whom

recorded that, in Mexico S. aureus isolates from cow with subclinical mastitis

showed that the biotype A S.aureus was the predominant biotype 48.4% followed by

biotype C 44.8% and non-specific biotype 6.8% , respectively.

The presence of biotype A strains in this study suggests cross infection between

human and animals (Ordonez et al., 2005). Also that demonstration of the bad

sanitary practices of farmers during transport and handling of raw milk while the

differences in the prevalence rates of biotypes may be attributed to differences in the

hygienic conditions(Ordonez et al., 2005).

5.3.Molecular detection of enterotoxigenic ability of

Staphylococcus aureus.

The determination of staphylococcal enterotoxin type has a long history of

successful use in both clinical and environmental microbiology studies (Sharma et

al., 2000).

Many workers used oligonucleotide primers for specific detection of enterotoxin

genes SEA, SEB, SEC, SED, and SEE have previously been reported (Johnson et al.,

1991; Tsen and Chen, 1992 ; Tsen et al.,1994 ; Tkacikova et al.,

2003; Adwan et al., 2005; Kalorey et al., 2007 ; Ahari et al., 2009) these were used

in individual PCR assays, thus requiring several PCRs for each sample to screen for

the presence of all of the enterotoxin genes. However, Monday and Bohach, (1999)

described a multiplex PCR assay for the detection of all of the staphylococcal

enterotoxin genes, but again this assay uses separate primer pairs for each toxin gene

to be detected. Therefore, in the present study the primers described by Sharma et

al.,(2000) had been used because these primers take advantage using a single PCR

assay, rapid screening test to staphylococcal isolates for the presence of the

different enterotoxin genes, specific and detected only staphylococcal enterotoxin

genes with no cross-reaction with other toxin-producing genera or nontoxigenic

strains, detect and characterize the presence of multiple toxin genes present in one

strain and good differentiation between toxin genes SEA and SEE .

Also this PCR reaction takes advantage of both conserved and unique regions of

the toxin genes and uses one universal forward primer with reverse primers specific

for each individual toxin gene and this may lead to minimise the laborious and

costing (Sharma et al., 2000) .

In the present study , based on the PCR, only SEC gene was detected in the

S.aureus isolated from raw milk of cow and buffalo and none of these strains

harbouring SEA, SEB, SED and SEE genes.

This result agreed with Sharma et al ., (2000) whom found SEC gene was detected

in 11.1% of the S.aureus isolated from milk samples and none of these strains

harbouring other SEs genes. Also similar finding was documented by Tsegmed, (

2006) Whom found SEC was detected in 19% in S.aureus isolated from raw milk and

non of these strains were produced SEA,SEB,SED and SEE.

Other investigators showed that SEC was the most frequent type in the S.aureus

isolated from milk and milk products of the bovine and ovine. (Garcia et al.,1980 ;

lopes et al .,1990 ; Kenny et al., 1993 ; Kuroishi et al ., 2003 ; Echepd, 2003 ;

Tkacikova et al., 2003).

The most frequency of SEC in S.aureus strains isolated from bovine and ovine may

be occurred because Staphylococcal isolates from different animal species produce

host specific SECs.( Monday and Bohach., 1999 ; Bhunia, 2008 ). Furthermore, the

SEs could be able to indicate the origin of the S.aureus strains because it was

observed that a higher ratio of isolates from bovine produced SEC and those from

human produced mainly SEA (Ahari et al., 2009)

In the present study, S.aureus isolates showed the capacity for harboring

enterotoxin in percentage of 24.56% . This result agreed with Lee Loir et al., (2003)

and Moon et al.,(2007) Whom estimated the percentage of enterotoxigenic strains

around 25% and 23.6% respectively. Nevertheless, estimation varies considerably

from one food to other and from one report to another (Lee Loir et al., 2003). The

recent and earlier reports from different countries found high variability in the

percentage of enterotoxigenic strains were isolated from milk and milk products

ranged from 0 to 68.4% (Bennet et al., 1986; Castro et al., 1986; Kenny et al., 1993;

Masud et al., 1993; Ruzickova, 1994 ; Tkacikova et al., 2003; Adwan et al., 2005 ;

Bostan et al., 2006 ; Bystron et al.,2006 ; Zouharova and Rysanek , 2008 ; Rall et al.,

2008; Ahari et al., 2009).

Many authors used PCR for detection staphylococcal enterotoxin genes and all of

them found high variability in the presence of enterotoxin genes (Tkacikova et

al.,2003;Adwan et al., 2005 ; Oliver et al ., 2005 ; Anvari et al,. 2008).The significant

differences in toxicity of S.aureus isolates from bulk milk and mastitis milk

contributed to genetic variation of enterotoxin genes with reference to geographical

locations.( Lee et al, 1998; Jorgensen et al., 2005 b) \or might be due to differences in

the reservoir in the various countries or ecological origin of strains, the sensitivity of

detection methods, detected genes and number of samples, and kinds of examined

samples included in these studies (Adwan et al., 2005) .

In the present study 75.44% from S.aureus isolates were negative to the five

classical enterotoxin genes .This might be explained by the fact that these isolates

either have not harboured any gene of enterotoxins or thy might have other types of

SEs which are family of 18 serological types of heat stable enterotoxin (MacLauchlin

et al., 2000 ; Ikeda et al., 2005 ; Rall et al., 2008 ; Bhunia, 2008).

5.4. Susceptibility to the Methicillin and Vancomycin and

mechanism of resistance.

In the present study 57 S.aureus isolates were tested for susceptibility to methicillin

and vancomycin and the results showed that, methicillin (MRSA) was detected in a

percentage of (10.52%) and all the isolates revealed sensitivity to vancomycin 100%.

The results of the present study were quite similar to Farzana et al., (2004) and

Devriese et al.,(1997) whom detected MRSA in a percentage of 10% from S.aureus

isolated from raw milk samples. However, higher levels of MRSA were documented

by Omer, (2010) whom detected the MRSA in a percentage of 50% from the buffalo

milk and 20% from cow, sheep and goat milk. Also higher levels of resistance were

detected by Bendahou et al., (2008) whom mentioned that S. aureus isolated from

raw milk and milk product showed resistance to methicillin in a percentage of 15%

and Hata et al.,(2008) found that 16.8% of S.aureus isolated from bulk milk were

resistant to methicillin.

Compared with the present study, lower levels of MRSA were detected in bovine

milk by Moon et al., (2007) ; Li et al., (2009) and Ordonez et al.,(2005) in

percentages of 2.7% , 1.3% and 6.89% respectively.

On the other hand, all the isolates revealed complete sensitivity to vancomycin

(100%) , this finding may be contributed to the unavailability of this antibiotic as

veterinary treatment in Iraq.

Similar findings were obtained by AL –Marsomy, (2008) whom recorded high

sensitivity of S. aureus isolates from mastitis to vancomycin (100%) and Bendahou et

al., (2008) Mentioned that S. aureus isolated from raw milk and milk product showed

sensitivity to vancomycin 100%. Hata et al.,(2008) found all the S.aureus isolated

from bulk milk revealed complete sensitivity to vancomycin 100%. AL-Saady, (2007)

mentioned that S. aureus isolated from human in different samples revealed complete

resistance to vancomycin.

Johnson et al.,( 2005) mentioned that the Prevalence rates of MRSA strains vary

between (and within) countries but have increased significantly in the last years . This

variation may be associated with complicated reasons, such as different habits of

clinical veterinary in the selection of therapeutic drugs. (Hata et al., 2008) or the

evolution of methicillin resistance in S. aureus occurs because the mecA gene is

acquired as part of a mobile genetic element and is part of the ‘accessory genome(

Howden and Stinear , 2008). In addition, antimicrobial resistant S.aureus can be

transmitted by different foods, including contaminated milk(Da Silva et al .,2005)such

transfer can occur by means of antibiotic residues in food, through the transfer of

resistance of food-borne pathogens or through the ingestion of resistant strains of the

original food microflora and resistance transfer to the pathogenic microorganisms

(Pesavento et al.,2007).

Methicillin resistance S.aureus is considered as a high risk in human health

because of the genetic resistant of other antibiotic groups including vancomycin

(Waage et al., 2002). This situation makes it necessary to develop an epidemiological

surveillance to diminish the possibilities of the transmission to man because of milk

contamination related to carriers of methicillin resistance, which establishes a

potential health risk to animal and man health by the transmission of MRSA strains

from animal origin to man (Ordonez et al.,2005).

5.5. Relationships between SEs and MRSA The percentage of MRSA that harbouring SEC gene (83.33%) was higher than the

percentage of MSSA that harboring this gene 17.64% (Table 4.8). The present study agreed with Hsieh et al.,(2008) whom found that out of 30

MRSA isolates, 21 isolates ( 70% ) are harbouring SEB or SEC genes. Also similar

finding were obtained by Moon et al.,(2007) whom found that out of the 19 MRSA

isolates, 13 isolates (68.4%) produced one or more SEs. These findings support the suggestion that the SEC of S. aureus can escape or

efficiently inhibit the immune response during the infection and continue to survive in

the host. The depressed host immune status may result in persistence of S. aureus in

the mammary gland, degeneration into chronic mastitis status and difficulty in

treatment , after that S.aureus acquired the resistance characteristic from inside the

mammary gland due to persistent use of the antibiotics in an attempt to treat the

chronic mastitis case . (Ferens et al., 1998 ; Moon et al.,2007).

5.6. Relationships between S.aureus biotypes and SEs. The relationship between the origin of the isolates and SEs gens revealed that

percentage of the biotype C isolates associated with SEC gene (33.33%) were greater

than biotype A isolates that posses this gene(13.33%) .

The present study agreed with Rea et al.,(1980) whom found the percentage of the

toxignic biotype C isolates (42%) were greater than the percentage of toxignic

biotype A isolates (13%) and most of the this toxigenic isolates associated with SEC.

In comparison with this study different finding were obtained by Lamprell et al.,

(2004) whom found greater percentage of biotype A and D isolates were capable of

producing enterotoxins (60 and 56 % respectively) in comparison with the other

biotypes examined and SED was the most frequently produced .

These differences may be contributed to different type of enterotoxin which was

detected in both studies, since the SEs could be able to indicate the origin of the S.

aureus strains because it was observed that a higher ratio of isolates from bovine

(biotype C) produced SEC (Ahari et al., 2009)

5.7. Assay for Enterotoxin Activity. In the present study the crude toxin preparation of enterotoxigenic S.aureus can

elicit positive ileal loops of the rabbits with dilatation index (DI) values that ranged

from 0.2 to 0.48 . Moreover, there were dark-reddish coloration of the positive ileal

loops and the aspirated fluid from such segments appeared bloody. This result agreed

with (Augusta et al.,2007) whom found that the crude toxin preparation of

enterotoxigenic S.aureus can elicit positive ileal loops of the rabbits with the dilation

index (I D) that ranged from 0.2 to 0.57 (ml/cm).

Koupal and Deibel, (1977) recorded that the culture supernatants of the

enterotoxigenic S.aureus can elicit positive ileal loops of the rabbits with dilation

index(I D) ranged from 0.52 to 57ml/cm.

The accumulation of the fluid in the intestine occurs because the intestinal epithelial

cells form a barrier between the luminal contents and the sub epithelial region and SEs

act as superantigen which causes down regulate of intestinal barrier function and

increase epithelial permeability (McKay, 2001).

Histopathological changes in sections collected from the rabbit ileum were

characterized by circulatory disturbances and inflammatory changes these include,

moderate to severe haemorrhage, Oedema ,erosion and inflammatory cells, In

addition, there was destruction and sloughing of villi with the presence of some

intestinal glands in mucausal area, similar findings were obtained by (Augusta et

al.,2007) .

Bhunia, (2008) documented the SEs elicit damage to the intestinal epithelial cells

resulting in the destruction of intestinal villi and inflammatory changes.

Also similar findings were obtained by Kuroishi et al., (2003) whom elucidated

mechanisms by which SEC induced inflammatory changes in bovine mammary

glands. The SEC-inoculated mammary glands exhibited interstitial inflammation, with

epithelial cell degeneration and the migration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils.

Although the present study describes histological changes in a rabbit model, there is

documented evidence that the clinical syndromes in some animal models simulate

human enterotoxicosis (Van Gessel et al., 2004).





On the basis of the present results, the following conclusions can be


1- The high rate of S.aureus isolation from raw milk represents a health

hazard to the consumer

2- The isolation of human biotypes (A)from milk samples is a demonstration

of the bad sanitary practices during handling and transport of this milk.

3- The results of the present work confirm that multiplex PCR is a rapid and

sensitive method for screening of enterotoxigenic S.aureus, being highly


4-Staphylococcal enterotoxin C gene was the most predominant enterotoxin

isolated from raw milk.

5- All S.aureus isolates reveal complete sensitivity (100%) toward


6-Most the enterotoxigenic S.aureus strains have the ability to resist the


7- This study showed histopathological changes in rabbits intestine duo to

effect of Staphylococcal enterotoxin.


According to the results of this study the following points are


1- Further investigations to elucidate the public health

significance of S. aureus, as well as other food-borne pathogens

in milk and milk product.

2-Further studies are needed to examine enterotoxigenic S.

aureus isolates or their toxins in other types of food, and

investigations should be performed to find the relationship

between this pathogen in food and as a cause of human disease

3- Improve method and hygiene of milk transport from diary

farmer to retail markets such as the use of the of refrigerated

transport vehicle.


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