Determining S-parameters With Agilent’s ADS Via EM Modeling · Determining S-parameters With...


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Determining S-parameters With Agilent’s ADS Via EM Modeling

Withtoday’shighlevelsofbothcomponentandplatformintegration,measuringsignalsthatcan’tbephysicallyaccessedisbecomingthenorm ratherthantheexception.Previously, this series of papers has dealt with generating S‐parameters to determine device characteristics. The common thread has been that the device has been directly accessible to the probe. It has been shown how to use S‐parameters in both the time and frequency domains. However, the pressure on the electronics industry towards miniaturization and integration shows no signs of abating. In fact, new technologies such as 3D integrated circuit (ICs), non‐planar, multi‐level wafers, <15‐nm gate technologies and ultra‐low power designs will all but eliminate direct point measurements. Therefore, in many cases today and certainly true going forward, the only practical way to acquire transmission line parameters will be by simulation. As with the pervious papers in this series, Agilent offers a flexible and prolific platform of solutions that will make this transition as painless as possible. The current offering matrix is show in Figure 1. For this discussion, the software utilized will be Agilent’s InfiniiSim de‐embedding software, coupled with the Infinium real‐time oscilloscope, and EMPro.

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This paper will address the process of collect data from physically inaccessible “virtual” test points. This is defined as collecting data from a physical launch or other accessible test location, then factoring out the effects of the “stuff” whatever it may be, between the probe point and the measurement point of interest. The first part of this paper shows how to use 3D geometry, material properties, and electromagnetic simulation to create the de‐embedding information even for points of interest that are inaccessible. The second part will discuss exploring the design space without the expensive and time consuming “cut and try” method of building and measuring many different prototypes. The discussion will use measured data from already existing hardware that has been built. It will then use electronic data automation (EDA) simulation tools too quickly and cost‐effectively determine the characteristics of candidates on the drawing board. As can be seen from figure 1, there are a number of challenges and solution – too many to address, in‐depth, in one paper. Therefore this paper will focus on electromagnetic (EM) properties and high speed digital signal integrity using Advanced Design System (ADS) and Electromagnetic Professional (EMPro). Electromagnetism is an extremely important issue. It is involved in nearly every aspect of our lives. Ignoring I,t when trying to design high‐speed digital circuits, is a recipe for disaster. Analog engineers are quite comfortable with EM. Digital engineers, on the other hand, didn’t have a real need to understand it until speeds ramped up and integration became the norm.

EM 101 Before diving headlong into the effects and analysis of EM, a short refresher course is warranted. Electromagnetism can be characterized by Maxwell’s equations. Maxwell developed these quite a while ago, primarily, from work done by Oliver Heaviside, in conjunction with Willard Gibbs. These equations define the physical lines of force (see Figure 2). Fundamentally, EM is about forces and the motion of charged particles, i.e.; electrons. These electrons have an E‐ and M‐field, that interacts with other EM fields under various conditions. But once the electrons start to move, things get a bit more complex. Basically, when a potential energy is used to excite these fields, the first charge to receive the energy sends out what is referred to as a B‐field, which is eventually sensed by another charge further down the transmission path. This energy is transferred from atom to atom, which creates current flow as the E‐and B‐fields couple to each other. As this current flows though the circuit, the related E‐ and M‐fields become coupled by Faraday’s law (see Figure 3.)

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Depending on the problem any or all of these approaches will work. However, each has advantages and disadvantages. For example, if the 3D structure is a multilayer assembly such as a PCB or chip package, the first choice would be MoM, because of its speed. However, and although MoM is being extended outside of the pure multilayer constraint – certain bond wire model for example – it doesn’t handle arbitrary 3D structures as well as FEM and FDTD. If the target is a connector, dielectric brick or ball grid array (BGA) break out, the choices are between FEM and FDTD. To determine which is the best method simply depends upon the characteristics of the target. For example, a high‐Q structure favors FEM, while for an electrically large FDTD is the better choice. Ultimately the method chosen is determined by the number and type of characteristics of the structure.

ADS and Other Options. Advanced Design System (ADS) Momentum is the industry’s leading MOM simulator. However, it tuned for schematics and multilayer layout structures so it doesn’t work as efficiently on arbitrary 3D geometries like connectors, ball grid array (BGA) breakouts, dielectric bricks, bond wires, shields, and so on. For these types of structures, EMPro was developed. It consists of a state‐of‐the‐art 3D drawing environment and both FEM and FDTD simulators. It is fully integrated with the ADS design flow. ADS layouts can be exported to EMPro and import parameterized 3D structures into ADS. The FEM engine can even be run directly from ADS, without opening the EMPro user interface. It is a very smooth design flow (see Figure 6).

EM AnaNow thatthe desig(CAD) fordesired. ports. If abidirectioare definautomatFigure 7)

Figure 6. EM

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Figure 7. EM

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Set up simulation

Visualize results: Bode plot, Smith chart, fields

Export s‐parameters

Advanced visualization 3D field animation etc.

The Exercise The quickest way to start a project is to import a CAD file. However, before doing that it would be prudent to do some basic manipulation from scratch, of objects so the reader has some background to work with. The first object is a cube. In this case, the cube represents and extrusion. The cube can be modified (its parameters) by, say changing the offset. Next, two more cubes are added at the origin. These cubes reference the Yee cell discussion earlier. Assume that a loop of B‐field around this cube edge and an E‐field being generated at the face center. There is an interpenetrating loop of the E‐field at the center and a B‐fields on the edge of this cube. This illustrates the object in terms of geometry. The objects can be increased in complexity by adding and subtracting the cube from the blank. The cube becomes the current tool. This operation will demonstration the subtract results. The object can be made as complicated as your design demands to zoom to the extents. The next step will be to subtract a sphere. The sphere tool is chosen by selecting: Boolean→ existing parts→ select my tool, and then simply subtract. Note, if it is discovered that a mistake has been made several steps earlier, there is a unique undo option available that offers the ability to undo incongruent steps, say undo step two, even though the present step is six. This is done by going into the desired Boolean operation and stepping through this hierarchy to open up the particular extrusion. For example, if too much of the extrusion was removed, it can be reworked easily. EMPro remembers all of the steps that were done to create that object and can alter any of the steps used to create the part. So far, this object is simply a lump of nondescript material. To give it some properties, it can be further defined, either from the custom menu, or from the default materials library. In this case the defining element will be copper. To give an object “copper” properties simply drag “Copper” onto the part. As well, the copper can be redefined to add a custom property such as a different shad of the stock color. This is an example of how to use the drawing environment.

Importing and Modifying a CAD File Objects This exercise will import a CAD file of higher complexity. This file consists of a PCB, a microstrip , a chip on a package, vias underneath the package, the package itself, bond wires, etc. There are a number of variables that can affect the attributes of components within the structure. For example, invisibility can be applied to any object to make viewing hidden objects easier. For the purpose of this exercise, assume there is as a real physical object that was created from the drawing within the CAD file. Physically, a probe can be placed at the end of port number one, but port number two is physically inaccessible. However, the objective is to view the eye

diagram attached to the real physical object as if the probe were placed physically, at port number two. To do so requires factoring out (de‐embedding) some extraneous elements that are picked up at port number one, that are between the two ports. The process involves placing to physical probe at port number one, then calculating the S‐parameters from port number one to port number two, using EM simulation. Once calculated, InfiniiSim is used to subtract off this structure. The result is what actually appears at port number two, even though port number one was the probe location. The process is to first define the ports and, add a new waveguide port. Step on is to select the desired face. For this discussion, accept all defaults except on the “Properties” tab, to name the port. Name it wp1. For the Waveguide Port Definition select 1‐W Modal Power Feed. The 1‐W Model Power Feed is a pre‐defined component. If desired, to define the impedance, use the Power/Voltage method. Since voltage is path‐dependent, specify an impedance line that will be used to measure the voltage along the two end points. With a microstrip the parameter is the maximum voltage, center‐to‐center. This defines the impedance line for the impedance calculation. Do the same for port 2, which is identical. There is a caveat with these ports. The software gives a warning that the waveguide is not on the simulation bounding box. The reason for this is that the ports have to be on the outer surfaces of the simulation because fields cannot be simulated beyond the port. That is corrected by using FEM Padding – simply eliminate the free space. Once implemented, the caution symbols disappear and the boundary of the simulation is correct on the port planes.

Ready, Set, Simulate Once the designer is satisfied with the port definitions, the next step is to simulate. For this exercise, FEM is the method of choice, which differed slightly from finite difference time Yee cells. This method uses tetrahedral meshing, which is an automatic adaptive mesh. Instead of using cubes, it uses tetrahedrons. To being, use the iterative solver. The default is the direct solver but in this case a high‐end processor isn’t necessary. The iterative solver uses a less memory than the direct solver. And this particular structure does not have any convergence problems so there is no disadvantage to using the iterative one. If the structure is very complicated, then the more powerful direct solver is the tool of choice, but will also require a more powerful computer. And to keep this computation manageable, the delta error has been altered, which is basically the change threshold in the S‐parameters that kicks off a further iteration. This is like a 2% magnitude change in the S‐parameters and will be the criterion for the iterations to end. Once the S‐parameters change gets less than 2%, it will be halted because the convergence is now within that error on the Smith chart. Now, create and queue the simulation. Once the results have been generated, the project is named. And pick the results; in this case, frequency and S‐parameter. These now can be plotted on a linear graph and the forward and result loss of the s‐parameters seen. As well a Smith chart can be created if desired. If the

results arimported

MovingThe S‐pato “see” designer and checaccidenta Other fungridding,lowest frmuch onhoweverattenuatavailableleft for th

Figure 8. Ge

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exported tog InfiniiSim.

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Figure 9. Ex

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What‐If approach is ed. To do thier file. Onceany parameted with the o

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he structure up to 30 mineye diagram


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can be run anutes, or longfor the scen

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as often as dger to recomnario. This vi

e used to detact physical ill be detailennel elemene effects of t

once the firsun the simulathe prototypal propertiesigure 9).

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no commerc‐up EM simuof the grou

g box.

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ble circuit deFigure 10). Oelow the 50Ω

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) ired

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has s is to the

Figure 11FTDT, anpredictiocorrelatio

Figure 12return an

Figure 10. T

Figure 11.

1 shows the d the red is on of the banon to measu

2 presents thnd so on. In t

The structure fo

Measurement v

measurememeasured dnd stop resoured data.

he field plotsthe pass reg

or creating the E

s. simulated plo

ent versus thata. The goanances at ~2

s. The field pgion the field

M simulation


he simulational is to make2 and ~5 GH

plots give insd is going thr

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is the FEM, tfilters and thws a very hig

strating the te stop region

the green is here is a corh degree of

trapping, gron the field is

the rect

ound s

trapped the ~2 G

Figure 13patented

Figure 12. F

because of tHz anti‐reso

3 presents and convolutio

Field plots of the

these spiral cnance.

n ADS graphn algorithm.

DGS at 1.985 G

cut outs. The

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e graphic at

de S‐paramec confirms th

the bottom

eters in the he correlatio

left is the e

time domaion between

lectric field

n via our measured d



and simusimulatoThe meapart of thThe bottois from thcorrelatio

Figure 14included

Figure 13. F

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with time doation and m

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DGS at 1.985 G

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he Agilent channel for a 1pattern lengtfor a 1010 b

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ConclusThis papevia simulphysical This metstructureinaccessiInfiniiSimgeometry

Figure 14. S

on. This grapgth at 5 Gbpment was phe measuremal simulator. ain, both bit

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m. It can alsoy.”

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Such methodologies and their related tools are extremely useful to the designer because they save time, money and bring products to market via economies of scale. The final paper in this series will present to the designer the concluding process of taking S‐parameter files, whether simulated or measured, and view them on an oscilloscope.
