Developing a Culture of Sharing and Receiving: Open Source Textbooks and Open Courses



Developing a Culture of Sharing and Receiving: Open Source Textbooks and Open Courses. Cable Green eLearning Director. Just to Recap…. People and content are connected globally Digital, online content is growing exponentially Digital stuff we produce is used by someone - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Developing a Culture of Sharing and Receiving:Open Source Textbooks and Open Courses

    Cable GreeneLearning Director

  • Just to Recap*

  • People and content are connected globallyDigital, online content is growing exponentiallyDigital stuff we produce is used by someoneSomeone else can host our IT, so we can focusPeople and Colleges are sharing their contentEveryone can participateNew models are emerging that leverage these trends and they will be our direct competition

    What are the possibilities?What will students expect from our Colleges?

  • Definition of OERDigitized materials, offered freely and openly for educators, students, to use and re-use for teaching, learning and research.

  • The Old EconomicsPrint, warehouse, and ship a new book for every student

  • The New EconomicsUpload one copy, and everyone uses it simultaneously copies, storage, distribution of digital stuff = Free

  • softwaretextbooksmusic

  • Textbook 2.0modularauthored by communitycontinuously updatedpersonalized on assemblynever out-of-printpublished on demand

    low cost ex: 600-page textbook for $32, not $132

  • Why do we Need Open Textbooks?2005 GAO report: College textbook prices have risen at twice the rate of annual inflation over the last two decades

  • Why do we Need Open Textbooks?The College Board reported that for the 2007 through 2008 academic years each student spent an estimated $805 to $1,229 on college books and supplies

  • Why do we Need Open Textbooks?The gross margin on new college textbooks is currently 22.7 percent according to the National Association of College Stores.Products available in college stores are sold with a margin, as in any retail operation. Margin is the difference between cost and retail price, reflecting work required to bring products to market.

  • May, 2007: Dept of Ed.


  • Community College Consortiumfor Open Educational ResourcesJoint effort to develop and use open educational resources and open textbooks in community college courses

  • Community CollegeOpen Textbook Project GoalIdentify, organize, and support the production and use of high quality, accessible and culturally relevant Open Textbooks for community college studentsReduce the cost of textbooks!

  • 84 colleges from AZ, CA, IA, MD, NV, NY, OH, TX, WA, OntarioCCCOER Membership

  • Comparison of Statistics Textbooks

    Publisher: WileyOpen: Connexions & QOOPDownloadable version: $77.50Downloadable & online versions: FREE Printed bound version: $141.95 new $110.25 usedPrinted bound version: $31.98 new

  • Does TCC teach: Introductory Statistics*

  • General Physics 600 pages

    New $179.00Used$125.00

  • Does TCC teach:Introductory Physics*

  • Does TCC teach: Elementary Algebra*

  • Do you want to go through the rest of RTCs general education courses?*

  • ChallengesFaculty and student resistance to change Limited availability of high quality and comprehensive learning materials in some disciplines Inadequate access to high-speed Internet by students

  • ChallengesCompliance with accessibility requirements Printing and computer lab demands on campus by students Coordination with campus bookstores

  • Open Textbook AdoptionLocate open textbooks for consideration Evaluate each textbook for selection Customize, remix, and organize selected textbook Disseminate in print and digital formats

  • Locate Open Textbooksfor ConsiderationMERLOT Connexions Wikibooks OER Commons Global Text Project

  • Evaluate Each TextbookQualityAccessibilityCultural relevanceCurrencyAuthority of SourceReading levelDepth and scope Quality and AccuracyArticulation

  • Customize, Remix, and Organize

  • Disseminate Open TextbooksDigital formats Printed format Campus bookstore Campus print-shop services Proprietary services


  • Why so urgent?Consider One High Enrollment Course:English Composition I37,226 enrollments / yearX $100 textbook= $3.7 Million + (cost to students)What if we looked at 100, 200, 300 high enrollment courses?

  • Are there really Open Educational Resources (e.g., Open Textbooks) on the web?*

  • Lenses @ Rice Connexionssocial software for peer review & quality controlCaliforniaCommunityCollegesWashingtonCommunityCollegesOhioCommunityColleges

  • Bookstores Future Role?*Bookstores are perfectly positioned to be the Colleges clearinghouse for printed open educational resources.print-on-demand open textbooks & OER course packsStudents want printed options (Course Correction)

    Have location and are tightly networked into IT and fiscal campus operations.e.g., students can use fin aid @ bookstores

  • Bookstores Future Role?*Open Textbook Commercial AffiliatesWork with them like you work with existing commercial PublishersFlat World Knowledge: interested in bookstores buying print copies of open textbooks at reduced rates.

    Your ideas? Lets chat.

  • New Textbook Publisher ModelsFlat World Knowledge went from 30 schools & 1,000 students spring quarter, to 430 schools & 40,000 students this fall. Several system faculty were involved in early reviews of their open textbooks.

    There are other interesting open textbook publisher models emerging: CK-12 is doing great work in the K-12 space. FREE Calculus Textbook? California (Free Digital Textbook Initiative Report) will likely adopt several of CK-12s open textbooks and save the State of California a lot of money.*

  • Faculty Perspective?How do faculty really feel about textbooks? How do faculty really feel about use of OER or the Internet in place of publishers textbooks? What recommendations do faculty have for encouraging faculty to replace textbooks with open educational resources?

  • OER on Your Campus?Form Taskforce on campus to address adoption of open textbooks:Curriculum approvalPedagogical standardsArticulationTech supportBookstore and print shop services LibraryFaculty and department participationFaculty training in development of OERMarketing

  • Blogs: Twitter: cgreen

    Dr. Cable GreeneLearning (360) 704-4334


    BUT WHILE THESE LOOK LIKE A BOOK, THEYRE SO MUCH MORE, BECAUSE THEY are modular, can be continuously updated, and are not published until they are ordered (publish on demand).

    There is a crisis now in textbooks worldwide, with them becoming increasingly expensive. Connexions in contrast can provide books for considerably less FOR EXAMPLE a 300 PAGE ENGINEERING BOOK WAS PULLED TOGETHER AUTOMATICALLY, PRINTED BY QOOP PRESS, AND COSTS ABOUT $25, NOT $125. *********CCCOER Membership*****Use worksheets

    Locate and categorize suitable open contentTopics by top courses that represent 80% of enrollmentsReading levelDepth and scope EvaluateQualityAccessibilityCultural relevanceCurrencyAuthorityArticulationCustomize, Remix, and OrganizeInteroperabilityAccessibilityLicense typeCultural relevanceDisseminate in print and digital formats Student (DIY) for production of open textbookCampus bookstore and/or print shop services for production of open textbookProprietary services

    *********Lenses are owned by organizations like TED, professional societies, publishers, even individuals.

    Each lens focuses on the part of the KC deemed high quality. Lets EVERYONE become an editor and reviewer.

    WILL SEE INCREASING USE OF SOCIAL SOFTWARE, EVEN IN ACADEMICS, BECAUSETraditional peer review process is broken will be replaced by reputation systems like this, social software, post-publication peer review***