Diabetes ABC's



There are different hypoglycemia symptoms like weakness, tiredness, shakiness, confusion, paleness and dizziness. Most of the people find this experience very painful and they don’t want to go through it again in their life. Fortunately, with care and attention to medication and meal planning, hypoglycemia – which is an abnormally low blood glucose level – can be prevented.

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Diabetes ABC’s

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

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This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan http://www.diabetesabcs.com

There are different hypoglycemia symptoms like weakness, tiredness, shakiness, confusion,

paleness and dizziness. Most of the people find this experience very painful and they don’t

want to go through it again in their life. Fortunately, with care and attention to medication

and meal planning, hypoglycemia – which is an abnormally low blood glucose level – can be


Causes of Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia can be a complication of diabetes treatment, especially for people with Type I

diabetes. Too much insulin in the blood can bring glucose levels down to a hypoglycemic

level. If there is so much insulin in blood then it can cause hypoglycemia as well. Some

medications can trigger low blood sugar, so it is vital that your health care provider be

aware of all your medical conditions and possible medication side effects. An alcoholic drink,

especially with a sugary mixer, can lead to a hypoglycemic episode. If you have a drink,

make it with a non-sugary mixer and have some food along with it.| if you want to have a

drink then use non-sugary mixer in it and also eat something with it.

What is reactive hypoglycemia?

Low blood sugar is likely to strike 1 – 3 hours after a meal, especially a large meal with

simple carbohydrates. By including protein and a high fiber food with each meal, your

digestion will be at a slower and steadier rate and minimize plunges in blood glucose levels.

Try several small meals and snacks over the course of the day, no more than three hours


Management of Hypoglycemia

If you have Type 1 diabetes, always carry glucose tablets, hard candy, or other fast acting

carbohydrate with you. If you begin to feel shaky, immediately have something that will

give your blood sugar level a boost. Let people in your friends and family know what to

expect and how to help you if you have hypoglycemia. Wearing a Medic Alert bracelet that

indicates your diabetic status is also a good idea.

Hypoglycemia Diet Plan

Spacing your food intake into small meals and snacks over the course of the day is a good

start to preventing hypoglycemia. One of the best ways is to eat frequently during the

whole day, make sure you eat something after every 2-3 hours. Each meal or snack should

combine some protein and a low glycemic carbohydrate if possible. This can be as simple as

This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan http://www.diabetesabcs.com

a small apple and a slice of cheese. It’s not a bad idea to have portable snacks with you at

all times. Individual packets of almonds and small juice boxes are a good idea, or

prepackaged cheese and crackers. If you are Type I diabetic, monitor your meals and

insulin needs so that you learn how your body reacts to food – or the lack of it!

This article was brought to you by Jenny Jordan http://www.diabetesabcs.com

Diabetes ABC’s

Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

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