Dialog Oral


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Naim : Assalammualaikum. I am Naim from Kasturi SDN. BHD.

Taufik : Wailaikumsalam. Welcome to our shop. Can i help you sir?

Naim : Thank you. I have seen your company’s advertisment on the last Monday aboutlaptop’s promotion. Is it still avilable?

Taufik : Of course yes. My company has provides various laptop models such as Toshiba,

Acer , Lenovo and many more as you can see here. I am sure your company might

need it. Anyway , thank you for being interested in our product.

Naim : You are absolutely right! We are one of the largest construction company in

Malaysia that manufacture IBS Product and we are interested in equipping

the new main office as well as the site office with laptop.

Taufik : That’s a good idea, sir! I know you are browsed through our advertisement

and acknowledged the function of our product. It is really awesome!

Naim : Actually we are still thinking of getting it but we have no idea about the

price , model that suitable for my company uses , discount and promotion.

Taufik : That should not be a problem, sir! It is can negotiable if you buy in bulk order

and we also can give you a special service for free.

Naim : How about the prices? Are there any special promotion?

Taufik : Of course sir! The special price will given only for you sir. We also give you 25

free gift for each laptop your buy from our company.

Naim : Wow! That sounds like interesting. How about the quantity discount?

Taufik : Don’t worry sir, we can quote you a discount of 30% over 50 units, increasing

to 5% on orders over 60 units.

Naim : Really? If like that i will discuss with my department as soon as possible to get

the special promotion as you say.

Taufik : Not only that sir, we also give you 1 + 2 year warranty period if there is any

damage to the laptop purchased. If necessary, we will send our

representatives to make further clarification on the laptop you wish to

purchase from our company to your company.

Naim : That is very good offer! Anyway , thank you for your information. Nice to

meet you. I will get back to you later when we have decided to get the

laptop from your company.

Taufik : It is my pleasure. We are looking forward to doing business with you.

Thank You sir. Assalamualaikum.

Naim : Wailaikumsalam..=)
