Diana public speaking



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How to get “A”

in public speaking

Made by Diana

21 July 2014

Think about your topic and

talk to professor about your topic

Write a perfect paper

• Introduction

• Body

• Conclusion

Prepare your visual aids

Pictures… Videos..


Make sure your speech is interesting

Practice your speech a lot at home or

with a small group of people

Make sure your speech is 4~6 minutes.

4~6 minutes

Do not Say this

• Start with “Good afternoon”, or “Hello”.

• Say “In conclusion” before you start conclusion”

• Say references before you finished.

• Say “Thank you” at the end.

• Do not speak informal language. “Hi~”.

• Do not mumbling “um….”, or “uh....”

Say this

Speck loudly and

do eye contact with your audience

You will get an A !

Thank you