Digipak Analysis


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Analysis, advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of Digipaks

It allows you to be more graphic and creative and to include more information because there are more surfaces to do so.Its arguable easier to use, there is easier access to the disks and it is more aesthetically pleasing to see what disks there are and altogether fit more disks in.They can also be collectors items and depending on whether there is plastic inside the case they are also fairly good for the environment with the majority of it being recyclable.

The Office

Basic, simple typography for title, its dominant from the background

Helpful for the user as they can get into the case easily

Includes the age certificate. Gives warning for type of material included so it is not shown to children

Lets user know how many discs are included

The background is simple because it reinforces the fact it is to do with office work.

Tells the user what the series is on – DVD. It also states that its from the BBC so it reaches a bigger target audience because of the good reputation of the BBC

This image is on the back of the digipak, it shows Ricky Gervais’s character and the way his character acts.

Image of Ricky Gervais with silloutes in background reinforces that people with typical ‘office jobs’ are stereotypically like – all the same and do not have a identity

3 fold digipak is used so each disk has its on part

Plastic case for disks to go into, problem for the environment. Plastic isn't biodegradable

similar images on each reinforces repetition like stereotypically office work is It also tells us what is on the discs e.g. bonus features

Says behind where each disk is what episodes are included – difficult to notice at first, have to keep getting disks out which could be a problem for the user.

• Nirvana – nevermindTarget market: picture on front of naked baby on water, could cause distress to small children, baby is swimming after money so would be aimed at male rock people Ergonomics: Function:Enviromental: plastic casing – only one disk so easy to get to everything, booklet could rip when getting it in and out of case,

Typography of the album title keeps in with the theme of water

This image of the baby in the water going after the money is a iconic album cover

Includes picture of the band members – the yellow of one members hair and the blue of the others jumpers matches the background

Lyrics are included in this booklet

Disk has a pattern like water on the disk keeping in with the theme of the front of the album

Shows the album name and name of band on the disk

Blurb from the band Nirvana including their thanks

The photo of the band members is in black and white making it even more prominent that it is a rock album/

Includes the track list inside the booklet as well as on the back

The Brit Awards 2012

Very British with the colours used

List of British artists songs that tracks are included in the disk, this is for user to see what kind of music is included without having to even look at the back

Glossy effect is used to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye

It also includes the trophy that the artists won reinforcing the fact that this is what the Brit winners won. The colours are red white and blue again showing it is British. The British flag also emphasizes this.

Includes the ‘MasterCard’ logo who sponsored the Brits

The logo for the Brit awards is also included next to the title

The typography is fairly simple but changes in size emphasizing the most important words. The colour also contrasts with the background so the user can read it easily

4 fold digipak 3 disks are used in the union jack colours of red, blue and white reinforcing the fact it is British music

It is environmental friendly as the case can be recycled easily as it is made of cardboard

On each of the disks the award that is won by the Brit winners is printed on because it allows the user to know easily what the disks belong too if one of the disks goes astray

Easy access to the booklet that is neatly folded away

The little pouches that the disks are in makes it easier to get the disks out with minimal effort, however fingerprints could be easily made onto the back when getting it in and out

List of song names on each disk, states what the song is, what number it is and who sings it

Bar code is on back and on the bottom as is usual with CDs and DVDs making it easier for the user to scan.

Universal is printed so we know what company has produced the album

The black typography against the white makes it easy to read, however it could be said that the typography is too small for users to read properly

Includes the thanks section on the back with a list of names. Dedicates it to these people

Includes again the logo for the Brit Awards 2012

Gives more information to the user about the sponsors and also a warning against copyright

Says a website you can go to if you are in need of any extra information

Gives recognition to the other companies that are also sponsoring this album along with MasterCard

Disadvantages of Digipaks

There is a disadvantage of durability, it is made out of cardboard so rips with age and also if it gets wet it weakens it and makes it easier to rip.It can also be difficult to store, many people use CD/DVD racks for CD/DVD storage, however they come in different shapes and some are more bulky so it may not fit. Some people also find it very fiddly to get the disks out of the components they are put in.It can be more expensive to make, it includes more surfaces so it needs more material to make it.