Digital Marketing - Ministry of Awesome€¦ · So if you’ve done a great job of executing your...


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Digital Marketing

Krissy Sadler-Bridge



People have been talking about video for a long time as it’s been instrumental in digital marketing strategies to drive engagement amongst customers but more recently video consumption has been exploding due to short form videos through the likes of Instagram & Facebook Stories and people are demanding it!

More than that, a lot of industries are completely untapped, and the position of authority is yet to be taken in a lot of industries. A way to do this is through building a personal brand that is linked to your business and have consistently high-quality content for your audience specific to each channel. Try not to put this into the too hard basket, over the next couple of years it may be too late.



An effective way of getting enough content is by focusing on the big core pieces that might range from 20-40 minutes long such as recording an event, discussion, product walkthrough etc. You can then chop this core piece into micro pieces of content for the supporting channels. It’s also important to think about lengths in 6, 15, 30 & 90 second.

Plan and document what you are going to film first rather than creating specific pieces in the moment and talk about things you are passionate about and enjoy to ensure success.Keep it simple - Shoot on your smartphone to begin with – you can grab a cheap tripod and away you go.



Monthly Active Users

I’m a huge fan of podcasts and they’ve grown significantly in the last 4 years. And best of all for a start-up or small business they’re pretty easy to create.

Even though a podcast is a one-sided medium it can help to build effective relationships with your listeners and hopefully soon to be customers. If gives the feeling that the listeners know the person speaking on the podcast. People listen to podcasts because they have something in common with the speaker and brand. And in turn can build trust.

Podcasts may not be for every business but I believe it’s a great tool for those wanting to think about thought leadership tactics - can be great for professional services businesses or businesses that have a very strong purpose or cause at the heart of their business.



Free editing software

Use a distribution channel

20 – 30 mins long

They’re easy to create:• Develop your podcast concept – pick a title & theme. And importantly define why you’re doing it – what’s your goal you’re trying to achieve• You can simply start by using your iPhone headphones – just remember content is the most important part. Nobody listens to a boring podcast because it

has great sounds quality.• Search for free editing software such as Audacity or GarageBand – if you’re an Apple users it will already be installed• There’s no optimum length for a podcast but typically they’re usually 20 to 30 mins long.• You can upload to your website or use one o.f the distribution platforms such as buzzsprout which distributes content across Spotify, Apple & Google

Podcasts. Typically these distribution platforms start with a free subscription option



Businesses are getting onboard with Chatbots, at the moment mainly big brands but nothing is stopping start-ups and small businesses.

Today around half of consumers are using customer service tools through social media, and for businesses chatbots can address concerns such as round-the-clock support. If you think they’re too cold or impersonal for your customer base – think again. In fact 69% of consumers prefer communicating with chatbots because they offer speedy answers and solutions. Delivering your messaging via the Facebook Messenger platform will enable your business to see open rates around 90-95%, these tools are the equivalent of email marketing back in 90’s.

The good thing is not everyone is building or utilising the likes of Facebook Messenger properly right now and so there is a huge opportunity to move there first in your space.



Tools you can use: ManyChat which is perfect for professionals and service based businesses. It’s easy to use, it’s free and has a lot of functionalityIf you’re in the e-commerce space and wanting to implement tactics like abandoned cart messages to Facebook Messenger and other smart e-commerce flows than Octane.AI is a good way to go



Digital marketing has to be multi channel – companies that have been using only one channel and have their eggs in one basket will start to lose quickly.

Having a full digital strategy that uses all channels such as Google search, social media, content marketing, your website will help you succeed. Digital channels are getting more and more saturated so you need to combine your efforts across more places where your customers live and how the customer purchase journey really looks like.

You don’t start a business without a business plan, and I believe you shouldn’t jump into digital marketing without a digital strategy.



Map out your customer journey

Build some good looking ads

& seek inspiration

Set SMART Goals Audit & research the competition

To create your multi-channel digital strategy:

1. Establish your objectives & goals. Without these you have no way to measure success or ROI.2. Map our your customer journey: Where do your customers go for research, reviews, recommendations & purchase.3. If you’re already running digital marketing – do an audit, what’s working, what’s not – how does it compare to the competition4. Define your strategy for each channel – you don’t have to nail all channels. Start with 1 and keep building.5. Use tools such as Canva to help you design ads. And take a look at your favorite brands to see inspiration6. Create a social media content calendar – just make sure this aligns back to your SMART goals


INFLUENCER MARKETINGWhen was the last time an ad persuaded you to buy a product or service?

Many of us prefer to make our purchasing decisions on recommendations from friends and family or from influencers we admire and trust.

Influencer marketing has been around for a long time but it’s playing such a crucial role in digital marketing today. More and more online consumers are using ad-blocking browser extensions and so advertisers need to find different avenues to get their message across.

Influencers are people on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Youtube that have a large and loyal following that you can now tap into.

Influencer marketing is a great way to drive ROI through endorsed posts but it also helps generate credible quality content that can be used for your other campaigns.

You can reach out to micro influencers with less than 10,000 followers and if you have a great product, and can sometimes get posts up for free in exchange of sending your product or service. It’s super easy to message someone and ask them, the worst thing that can happen is they will say no and give you their rate card so you know how much it costs anyway.


CONVERSION RATE OPTIMISATIONSo if you’ve done a great job of executing your digital marketing – so we’re marketing our business across a number of social platforms, we’re creating awesome content and we’ve even found an influencer – if we’re sending traffic to poor landing page experiences and websites, we’ll waste money and importantly your website will become even less effective moving forward.

Why? It’s to do with Google’s Quality Score.

If one of your potential customer clicks on a Google ad that you’ve created, they want to see highly relevant information for what they’ve searched for. Also the customer experience on your website needs to be clean, clear and user friendly. If you’re not ticking these boxes you’ll pay more money in your campaigns due to the quality score that Google awards you!

Google relevancy scores – ad copy relevancy. Impacts landing page performance


Quality Score is Google’s rating of the quality and relevance of both your

keywords, your ads & landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices

and better ad positions.Just as your credit score can affect whether or not you qualify for a loan and how high your interest rate is, Google Quality Score affects how your pay per click ads perform and how much you pay for each click

If one of your potential customer clicks on a Google ad that you’ve created, they want to see highly relevant information for what they’ve searched for. Also the customer experience on your website needs to be clean, clear and user friendly. If you’re not ticking these boxes you’ll pay more money in your campaigns due to the quality score that Google awards you!

There’s a number of measures that Google takes into consideration but click-through rate is the most important component. When more people who see your ad click it, that’s a strong indication to Google that your ads are relevant and helpful to users. Accordingly, Google rewards you with:Higher ad rankingsLower costs



Use Google’s Keyword planner, will help you:

Choose the right keywords that are most relevant to your businessShows you how these searches have changed over timeYou can get bid estimates for each keyword so you can determine your advertising budget

The 5 second rule of your website should be:1. Clearly communicate what your website offers2. Help visitors easily navigate from your homepage to

a specific webpage which answers their questions. Try using progressive Calls To Action that involve no-obligation / limited time offers to help visitors into the sales funnel

3. Communicate your Unique Selling Point. What makes you differ from your competitors in a way that entices visitors to choose you?

Heatmapping tools such as Hotjar, Crazy Egg which analyse your website, record live visitors and allow you to make better decisions to keep your visitors happier and converting more. Hotjar is $29 p/m for start-ups.

Luke Eason

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

‘The process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing visibility of a website or a

web page to users of a web search engine.’

- Webopedia

Why SEO is Important for Your Startup

● 93% of online experiences start with a search engine

● It is your chance to give a pivotal first impression to your potential customer

● Ranking well infers business credibility

● SEO is a hard earned, long term channel

SEO vs Paid Search


● Optimising your web pages and site copy toward your key terms you want to rank for

● No media cost, only the time you put in

● A long term process

● You have low direct control of what terms you rank

● You don’t actively pick the pages that show up

Paid Search● Buying the keywords you want to rank for

● Cost per click model, paying for each click on your search ads

● Almost instant rankings on Search results

● You pick the pages that you send traffic to

The Two Elements of SEO

On page SEOOptimising content on page

Off Page SEO External activity such as guest blogging that drive traffic

Link building

Guest blogging

Industry authority

Content marketing

Keyword optimisation

Site usability

Technical health

Site directorySuppliers

Trusted sources

is your domain “.org”

Feature trusted

sources of expertise

Grow your online

network footprint

How does your site

compare to others

Search console

Site errors

Mobile friendly

Loading times

Distribution of keywords

Relevant to user intent

Theme of site and content


How much fresh content

From Keywords to Key-Themes

SEO is moving toward usability and context, not just Keywords on your pages. A theme should link a number of your pages together and be related to one another.The easiest way to build themes and authority is through content generation (blogging) or editing your existing pages.The right themes can help position you as:● Thought leaders● Authorities● A credible brand

An example of several themed ideas for pages or content

Plan Your Themes and Content for SEO

Having a website great, having a website with a plan is better.● Draft up several potential

themes and ideas● Judge your theme’s

competitiveness● Start building your content● Be patient● Analyse repeat

9 Things That Can Help Your SEO

Getting SEO right can seem daunting, but here are the key areas to focus on:● Google is the gatekeeper, keep up to date ● Content is King, the more the better so long as it is relevant to your

users● Technical elements, make sure your pages have no technical issues● Build your authority online through guest blogs, link building● Test, learn & repeat● Have a plan ● Patience● Start

Resources to Kickstart Your SEO

MOZ - For all things SEO from beginners to advanced

Google - A list of helpful testing tools that can help benchmark your siteSpeed Testing

Mobile Testing

Google My Business

Jennifer Heuett




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•Social media online courses

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1. Get yourself a plan

• This is the first thing you should sort out when you establish your

business’ social media channels.

• Just like you have a business plan you need a strategy

to follow on your chosen networks.

• How will you know if you’re making any progress otherwise?


2. Set some goals

• Identify both business and

social media goals.

• For example, your business

goal might be to get 50 new clients in a year. Your social goal would be to increase your brand awareness.


3. Establish your brand voice

• Figure out exactly how you want to present your business online.

• How will you speak to people, how will you look and how will you feel?

• You want to create a clear persona for your brand to attract your target audience and start building relationships.


4. Create a style guide

• Pages need to be consistent regardless of who is running them.

• It’s a good idea to hash out a style guide for EACH channel. This will include who your target audience is, what kind of language you’ll use, what emojis if any and what type of imagery and hashtags you’ll use.

• It’s important to make sure everyone on your team knows exactly how to post on each channel.


5. Choose your channels wisely

• You don’t need to be on every single channel.

• Whatever channel you choose to be on make sure you are ACTIVE. You don’t want people searching up your account and thinking you have gone out of business because you haven’t posted in months.


6. Schedule your content in advance

• Create themes for your content and plan them out in advance.

• You might want to use a content calendar to create a month’s worth of material for each channel.

• Scheduling content allows you to create consistency across your channels and that will streamline your strategy helping you to achieve your goals.


• It’s important to check your insights each month and document your results. You need to set yourself goals and review.

• You’ll soon learn what kind of posts are working and what aren’t.

• If they aren’t working, go back to the drawing board. If they are working then create more posts like these and monitor their progress across channels and audiences.




BUILDING YOUR BIZ ON SOCIAL1. Up your visual game

• Photos and videos sell your


• If you have pixelated images

or photos that do not explain the elements of your business, invest in getting that done.


2. Show your face

• People connect to people. They want to know who’s behind the brand.

• Show them you care. Show up for your business on social media. At the very least, highlight your staff, clients and office dogs.


3. Answer every single comment & message

• If someone were to call your business, you’d probably answer right? Direct messages, comments, and reviews are the exact same thing.

• If you fail to answer them in a timely manner, you are missing out on money. Treat social media like customer service for your business. Answer everything.


4. Provide epic value and give social media the time it deserves

• If you want to only use social media to sell, don’t be on it.

• Think of ways you can bring epic value to your followers. Is it insightful blog posts? A free guide they can use? Free consultations, you name it. Show them you care and that you know what you’re doing.

Digital Marketing
