Discovery Story 2015 HSC


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  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    A New Day

    Circular white lights brightened the room, all the walls were painted a

    sleek white and an ominous hum came from underneath. Ross woke up,

    immediately swivelled to the side and sat up to expect someone. Almost

    like clockwork, the doors slid open and a tall gure in a long white lab coat

    walked in, blue writing was sewn on his breast pocket! "C#$R%&. 'e had

    pale green eyes behind the thick glasses that sat on his red nose, a few

    greys visible amongst his combed dark hair and a long face without any

    wrinkles. 'e wore a closed but warm smile.

    ()orning Ross,* was the usual greeting every day, his voice was deep but

    comforting, ('ow are you feeling today+*

    ($ feel normal, rofessor.* was the usual sleepy reply. -he rofessor got

    busy with his pen and clipboard. (hat are we going to do today+* Ross

    asked and hoped for a di/erent answer.

    (%h you know the usual. %bservations, measurements.* -he answer was

    never di/erent. (Actually,* the rofessor broke his attention away from the

    clipboard, ($ do have a guest here today.* he said with a wide smile. Ross&

    face suddenly changed. (0et me in1ect you with this rst and $&ll be right

    back.* Ross felt not even a pinch on his arm as the syringe plunged down.

    -hen the rofessor left, his footsteps echoed until there was nothing but

    that soft hum.

    Ross sat on his bed, pondering who it could really be about. Nobody really

    visits him 2 in fact no one at all besides the rofessor. #hortly afterwards

    the rofessor returned, with a peculiar little being by his side. 'e was

    short, up to the rofessor&s waist, had ginger hair, freckles and wore a

    closed but warm smile.

    ('ello Ross, $&d like you to meet my son Remy,* the rofessor moved him

    closer towards Ross, still smiling.

    ('i Ross3* 'is voice was bubbly. -hey sat down on the bed next to Ross,

    Remy on his father&s lap.

    ('ello,* Ross replied, (nice to meet you.*

    (Dad told me about you. 'e says you&re special.* Ross did not know how

    to reply.

    (-hanks3* 'e took it as a compliment followed by a silence that seemed

    to go on for minutes.

  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    ($&ll be right back, $ need to get something. ( -he rofessor interrupted

    and placed Remy next to him.

    (e 1ust had breakfast,* said Remy, ($ had toast. hat did you have+*

    (hat&s toast+* Ross thought to himself.

    (Nothing. $ don&t eat.* Ross lied.

    (%h okay. )y dad brought me to his work today. here does your dad


    Ross thought about it for a moment, he has not thought about it before

    and could not remember much of his own father. Ross tried to 4ood his

    mind with memories of his dad but a blank page was all that came.

    ('ow do you have fun here+* seeing Ross was took a while, Remychanged the sub1ect.

    5un. A simple word Ross had never heard of.

    (hat&s "fun&+* he asked.

    ($&ll show you3 'ave you played games before+*

    -he foreign word "games& struck Ross like a trigonometry 6uestion but

    Remy made it easy to understand. 0earning how to play scissors paper

    rock, Chinese chopsticks and thumb war7 it was nothing Ross experienced

    before. as it 1oy+ 'appiness+ ()aybe this is what funmeans.* 'e


    -he rofessor suddenly appeared again but with a thin s6uare book in his

    hands. ('ere you go Remy, here&s what you wanted.*Remy almost leapt

    up towards his father, grabbing it from his hands and returned next to

    Ross. -he rofessor went outside again.

    -he cover read (-'8 59-9R8 %5 R%:%-#*, with below it a cartoon

    metallic gure.

    (hat&s that+* Ross asked.

    (Robots don&t you know+*

    (hat&s a robot+*

    Remy began to talk, sounding almost like his father, using the picture

    book as references for his explanations like a preschool teacher. age after

    page, Remy went on and on about robots! what they do, why they do itand how they are made were only a fraction of the topics in his lecture.

  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    :ut for some strange reason, his friend listened attentively. Ross soaked

    up every sentence that came out of Remy&s mouth and nodded

    unconsciously in rhythm with the words as they were being spoken.

    )id sentence of Remy explaining a robot&s future purposes, the rofessor

    returned into the room. ('ey guys, $&m really glad you two are getting

    along3* he said cheerily, (but we gotta go for a while. Remy will come

    back later okay+* :oth Ross and Remy looked at each other in

    disappointment. -he rofessor took his son&s hand leading him out but


    ('i;ve3* Remy held his hand up.

    (hat+* Ross was confused at his random gesture. -he rofessor help up

    his hand up 1ust like Remy&s. -hen Remy slapped it as a demonstration.


    (-hat&s a hi;ve.* -he rofessor chuckled. Although still confused, Ross

    held up his hand at Remy. #mack3 -he two then disappeared as the doors

    slid closed behind them.

    Ross immediately returned to the book and was on the last few pages

    when something caught his eye! (Robots are very much real and are

    currently under development at the C#$R%. #cientists are looking into their

    capabilities of feeling human emotions.*

    (C#$R%+ -hat seemed familiar.* Ross thought to himself.

    9nder the text was a picture of tall man in a long white lab coat with blue

    writing sewn on his breast pocket! "C#$R%&. 'e had pale green eyes behind

    the thick glasses that sat on his red nose, a few greys visible amongst his

    combed dark hair and a long face without any wrinkles. 'e wore a closed

    but warm smile. -he caption underneath! (0eading researcher of the

    Robotic #ympathy #ystem, Ro##.*

  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    0ittle circular lights brightened the room, the walls were a solid sleek

    white and an ominous hum came from below. -here was nothing else in

    the room except for a bed with a young boy in it.

    Ross& eyes opened and he sat up immediately. A tall man in a long white

    lab coat sat on a chair next to his be. 'e had pale green eyes behind the

    thick glasses that sat on top of his red nose. A few greys amongst his

    combed brown hair. A long face that lacked any wrinkles. (C#$R%* in blue,

    sewn in front of his left breast pocket.

    (=ood morning Ross, how are you feeling today+* as the usual greeting.

    'is voice was deep but warm.

    ($ feel okay rofessor. Nothing actually.* as the reply. -he rofessor

    scribbled it down on his clip board.

    ('i Ross3* An unfamiliar high voice of another boy echoed slightly in the

    room. Ross was startled to see a peculiar little thing on the other side of

    his bed. 'e was short, had ginger hair, freckles and was wearing a closed

    by wide smile.

    ($&d like you to meet my son, Remy.* -he boy 1oined his father on the

    same side.

    (Dad told me about you. 'e says you&re special.* Ross did not know how

    to reply.

    (-hanks3* 'e took it as a compliment, followed by a silence that seemed

    to go on for minutes.

  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    ($ need to get something, boys, $ shall return. ( -he rofessor got up and

    placed Remy on the chair. 'is footsteps echoed out of the room, silence

    fell again as the door slid closed.

    (e 1ust had breakfast,* said Remy, ($ had toast. hat did you have+*

    (hat&s toast+* Ross thought to himself. (Nothing. $ don&t eat.* 'e nally


    (%h okay. )y dad brought me to his work today. here does your dad


    Ross thought about it for a moment, he has not thought about it before

    and could not remember much of his own father. Ross attempted to 4ood

    his mind with his dad&s memories but a blank page was all that came.

    ('ow do you have fun here+* seeing Ross take a while, Remy changed the


    5un. A simple word Ross had never heard of.

    (hat&s "fun&+* he asked.

    ($&ll show you3 'ave you played games before+*

    -he foreign word "games& struck Ross like a trigonometry 6uestion but

    Remy made it easy to understand. 0earning how to play scissors paperrock, Chinese chopsticks and thumb war7 it was nothing Ross experienced

    before. as it 1oy+ 'appiness+ ()aybe this is what funmeans.* 'e


    -he rofessor suddenly appeared again but with a thin s6uare book in his

    hands. ('ere you go Remy, here&s what you wanted.*Remy almost leapt

    up towards his father, grabbing it from his hands and returned next to

    Ross. -he rofessor went outside again.

    -he cover read (-'8 59-9R8 %5 R%:%-#*, with below it a cartoonmetallic gure.

    (hat&s that+* Ross asked.

    (Robots don&t you know+*

    (hat&s a robot+*

    Remy began to talk, sounding almost like his father, using the picture

    book as references for his explanations like a preschool teacher. age after

    page, Remy went on and on about robots! what they do, why they do itand how they are made were only a fraction of the topics in his lecture.

  • 7/25/2019 Discovery Story 2015 HSC


    :ut for some strange reason, his friend listened attentively. Ross soaked

    up every sentence that came out of Remy&s mouth and nodded

    unconsciously in rhythm with the words as they were being spoken.

    )id sentence of Remy explaining a robot&s future purposes, the rofessor

    returned into the room. ('ey guys, $&m really glad you two are getting

    along3* he said cheerily, (but we gotta go for a while. Remy will come

    back later okay+* :oth Ross and Remy looked at each other in

    disappointment. -he rofessor took his son&s hand leading him out but


    ('i;ve3* Remy held his hand up.

    (hat+* Ross was confused at his random gesture. -he rofessor help up

    his hand up 1ust like Remy&s. -hen Remy slapped it as a demonstration.


    (-hat&s a hi;ve.* -he rofessor chuckled. Although still confused, Ross

    held up his hand at Remy. #mack3 -he two then disappeared as the doors

    slid closed behind them.

    Ross immediately returned to the book and was on the last few pages

    when something caught his eye! (Robots are very much real and are

    currently under development at the C#$R%. #cientists are looking into their

    capabilities of feeling human emotions.*

    (C#$R%+ -hat seemed familiar.* Ross thought to himself.

    9nder the text was a picture of tall man in a long white lab coat with blue

    writing sewn on his breast pocket! "C#$R%&. 'e had pale green eyes behind

    the thick glasses that sat on his red nose, a few greys visible amongst his

    combed dark hair and a long face without any wrinkles. 'e wore a closed

    but warm smile. -he caption underneath! (0eading researcher of the

    Robotic #ympathy #ystem, Ro##.*
