Diskusi 1 Imunologi


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1. flora normal kok gak dikenali sebagai antigen?Ini pertanyaannya kalo ga salah kemarin kenapa flora normal tidak dianggap asing oleh tubuh,Jawab : menurut saudara aben, flora normal di dalam tubuh tdk dianggap asing karena dianggap sebagai antigen.Normal bioflora are beneficial microbes living on our skin and in our bodies that help block infection by disease-causing microbes. Resident bioflora provide non-specific protection to the host by competing with pathogens for nutrients and blocking attachment to the host, and by secreting toxins (bacteriocidins) that inhibit or kill microbes. These beneficial microbes also aid in digestion and absorption of our food. Staphylococcus epidermidis is a normal resident of the skin and Escherichia coli is a normal resident of the intestinal tract. Current research also shows that by maintaining a constant level of beneficial bacteria in our body, we keep the second line of defense active and ready to fight off infection if needed.

2. first line kan ada genetic.maksudnya tuh apa?

Maksudnya genetic ini bukan penyakit genetic gitu, tp first line secara biological, kan ada first line fisik, kimia sama genetic (biologi). Fisik contohnya skin, mucous membranes, cilia, kimia contohnya saliva, sweat, sebum, tears, lysozyme, digestive enzymes, lactoferrin, urine, Biologi ini contohnya beneficial microbes living on our skin and in our bodies that help block infection by disease-causing microbes.

3. neutrofil itu apa? Neutrophils are granular, non-specific immune cells that patrol the borders of the body and eliminate microbes by phagocytosis (amateur eaters).

Jawab : Bagian dari sel darah putih selain basofil,eosinofil. Kalau ada infeksi bakteri, dy yg akan maju.

First line nya itu sel mast atau neutrofil? Yg ini jawabannya netrofil.. mekanisme kerja sama dengan inflamasi.

Bagaimana sih kok kalo virus yang menangani tuh interferone sedangkan kalo bakteri itu lisozim?

Jawab : interferon merupakan protein yang dihasilkan oleh berbagai bagian tubuh. Interferon berfungsi untuk menginduksi sel yg terinfeksi virus agar resisiten terhadap virus tsb serta membuat nk jadi ganas agar dapat membunuh virus.