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Dispepsia Riki TenggaraPENDAHULUANDyspepsia berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu dys ("bad") and peptein ("digestion").

didefinisikan sebagai nyeri persisten atau berulang atau ketidaknyamanan berpusat di perut bagian atas.Berdasarkan pendapat konsensus panel peneliti internasionalOr indigestionPENDAHULUANUninvestigated dyspesiaAda kelainan organikInvestigated dyspepiaDyspepsiaTidak ada kelainan organikExp: gastric ulcerDispepsia fungsionalEPIDEMIOLOGI20-40 % orang dewasa yang datang ke bag.Gastroenterologi dengan keluhan DISPEPSIASEKRESI ASAM LAMBUNG


PATOFISIOLOGI DISPEPSIAHipotesis : asam lambung = dispepsiaHipotesis : disfungsi motorik = dispepsia sekresi asam lambung Stimulasi labung terhadap gastrin releasing peptide Sensitivitas viseral terhadap as.lambungPerubahan sekresi dan respon terhadap sekretin dan kolesistokininTeori dispepsi8Rome III Diagnostic Criteria for FGIDB1. FUNCTIONAL DYSPEPSIADiagnostic criteria* Must include:2. No evidence of structural disease (including at upper endoscopy) that is likely to explain the symptoms* Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis1. One or more of the following:a. Bothersome postprandial fullnessb. Early satiationc. Epigastric paind. Epigastric burning

B1a. Postprandial Distress SyndromeDiagnostic criteria* Must include one or both of the following:Bothersome postprandial fullness, occurring after ordinary-sized meals, at least several times per weekEarly satiation that prevents finishing a regular meal, at least several times per week* Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosisRome III Diagnostic Criteria for FGID(2)Supportive criteriaUpper abdominal bloating or postprandial nausea or excessive belching can be presentEpigastric pain syndrome may coexistRome III Diagnostic Criteria for FGID(3)B1b. Epigastric Pain SyndromeDiagnostic criteria* Must include all of the following:Pain or burning localized to the epigastrium of at least moderate severity, at least once per weekThe pain is intermittentNot generalized or localized to other abdominal or chest regionsNot relieved by defecation or passage of flatusNot fulfilling criteria for gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi disorders* Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosisSupportive criteriaThe pain may be of a burning quality, but without a retrosternal componentThe pain is commonly induced or relieved by ingestion of a meal, but may occur while fastingPostprandial distress syndrome may coexistDIAGNOSIS BANDINGPenyakit GERDUlkus peptikumBerkaitan dengan obat-obatan : OAINS, Antibiotik, pre parat besi, kalium, digoksinMalabsorpsi karbohidratKolelitiasis dan koledokolitiasisPankreatitis kronikPenyakit sistemik( DM, Ggn hormon tiroid)Investasi cacingKeganaan abdomenIskemia kronik pada pembuluh darah arteri mesenterikaPEMERIKSAAN PENUNJANGENDOSKOPIGASTRIC EMPTYING TIMEUSGENDOSKOPI ULTRASONOGRAFIELEKTROGASTROGRAFIMANOMETRI ANTRO-DUONEALProses Mencerna(indigestion)Penyebab lainJantungHatiKantong empeduPankreasIntestineOAINS dllDISPEPSIAPredominanHeartburnKelolaSebagai GERDTanda bahaya/alarmDisfagiaPerdarahan sal.cerna Muntah terus-menerusPancreasBB Masa abnomen bag.atasRujuk ke RS u/ endoskopiDispepsia tanpa komplikasiPertimbanganModifikasi gaya hidupantasidaDispepsia tanpa komplikasiPertimbanganModifikasi gaya hidupantasidaTes H.pyloricTes Hp PositifTes Hp NegatifEradikasiAsimtomatikSimtom yang menetap/kambuhUmurKelola sebagai fungsional dispepsiaRujuk ke RS dengan fasilitas endoskopiGejala menetap/kambuh55 tahun


PENATALAKSANAAN(2)Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology10,187-194(March 2013)PENATALAKSANAAN(3)

Dyspepsia: management of dyspepsia in adults in primary care. London: NICE. 2004Thank you