Division of Student Affairs Student Staff Training


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Division of Student Affairs Student Staff Training

Presenter Introductions Icebreaker

In pairs, discuss someone who you feel is exceptional leader and how the leadership characteristics they exhibit allowed them to create positive change in their specific community.

Program Outline

Leadership is viewed and valued differently by various disciplines and cultures

The 4 Myths of Leadership (provided by © LeaderShape, Inc.)◦ Leaders are born, not made◦ Leaders have all the answers◦ Leadership exists only at the top◦ Leadership is magical and mystical

Model the behavior that you expect of others

Behavior earns respect The concept of personal credibility Guiding principles, beliefs and values How can you set an example for others? Leading through direct individual

involvement and action – align action with shared values

Perspective of making life better in the long run is key in getting extraordinary things done

Vision = Creating images◦ “What would the world look like if your vision

became a reality?” Attract people to common purposes

◦ “Leadership is a dialogue, not a monologue”◦ Develop interpersonal competencies

Listen first, and often

Venture out! Accept challenges Search for opportunities, experiment, take

risks, and learn from your mistakes Innovate, grow, and improve Problems shape leaders

Create a sense of synergy Setting goals and building relationships Leaders should create a norm of reciprocity Involve people in planning and problem-

solving Find ways to increase interactions

Genuinely care for others Recognize contributions Celebrate values and victories Set high standards and expectations, and

encourage people to reach them Will help sustain focus and team spirit Builds strong collective identity and a sense

of community

Form a small group of 4-6 people. Discuss the scenario given to your group. Prepare a brief summary to report back to

the large group.

Leadership is everyone’s business Build self-confidence by learning about

yourself Everyone can become a leader


All materials from the training session will be posted on the web at www.sa.mtu.edu/vp/student_training.html

We encourage you to refer back to this information and to use it as a resource

Evaluation ◦ An online evaluation will be emailed to you next

week to gather information on what you learned, please make every effort to complete this brief survey
