DO-NOW: Answer the following questions: 1. How did the effects of the atomic bomb differ from other...


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DO-NOW: Answer the following questions:

1. How did the effects of the atomic bomb differ from other bombs?

2.How did the use of atomic weapons make the war end quicker?

Atomic Bomb: bomb that uses nuclear fission to create an extremely powerful explosion, capable of destroying an entire city

Manhattan Project: code-name for the project that built the atomic bomb. It was located in Los Alamos, NM, and headed by Robert Oppenheimer and General Leslie Groves.

Together, we will rwead the top portion of the reading.While reading, EVERYONE will

underline/highlight any important information.On your own, you will read documents # 1 - 4

Answer questions # 1 – 7

Fear of Casualties Economic Reasons

The US felt Japan would never surrender, and feared an invasion of Japan would cost over 1 million casualties.

The bomb had cost between $2 – 10 Billion to develop. How can you justify spending that much money and not using it?

Revenge Show of Strength

The Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor secretly, and had also abused many prisoners of war. Public opinion was that the Japanese should be taught a lesson.

The US was, at the time, the only country with this weapon. They wanted to show other countries, especially the Soviet Union, how strong they were.

“The dropping of the atomic bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were necessary in order to end the war.”Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Explain your answer in a paragraph!
