DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


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  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    81 22113

    Richard HaFOIA SpecialistDepartment of the Interior


  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MAll F Ml:Meosag e fr001KMBT_C550

    Fwd: Message from KMBT_C551 li ltJSSa Jt1

    Keable , Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



    K+:able, Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    Bf22/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR Ma il Fv.d: lssa

    I will consult with OMB and DOJ as soon as I get them from you.Thanks,Ed

    Forwarded messageFrom: Buckner, Jason Date: Tue. Ap r 16, 2013 at 12:33 PMSubject: lssaTo: Edward Keable

    As we discussed this morning. the House Oversight and Government Reform Commit tee held their hearingwith NPS Director Jal\1s this morning.During the hearing, lsaa, Cumming, and Mica all agreed and then proceeded to pressure 1he Departmentto answer the 5 questions about the document process in writing. As you know, I answered 4 of thequestions orally at the briefing last week but the staff and now the members wan1 the answers in writing.Additionally Mica asked the Chairman to inform him of the appropriate time for a motion to subpoena thedocuments in the March 27th request. lssa said that the motion would likely not be in order at today shearing, but that he would let Mica know when he could make the motion.


    Jason L Buckner - Deputy DirectorOffice of Congressional and Legislative AffairsOffice of the SecretaryU.S. Department of the 208-7696

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of the InteriorPhone: 202 208 4423Fax: 202 208 5584edward.keable@sol.doi.govThi s e-mail (including allachments) 1s intended for the use of he Individual or entity to Wlfc/1 It l. l addressed. It may contain

    Information that s priYfleged confidential, r other'Mse protectedby applicable Jaw. f you are not the intended recipient. youare herebynotified that any dissemination. distribution. copying or use of his -mall or its contents is strictly prohibited. f

    https:lt''mllllb'16&'LLIOnui::2&Jk=c76d129581.J&Ioiew=pt&as_to=Daniet_ J_D on1nguez 2C&as_subsct=al1&as_date=loda)&s_w...

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8.'22/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIORMail Foo lssayou receive this e-mail in error, please notif y the sender immediately and destroy all copies. rhank you.

    Jamie L. urleyDeputy Director for Documents ManagementOffice of the Executive SecretariatU.S. Department of the InteriorMain: (202) 208-3800 1Direct (202) 208-3803

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of the InteriorPhone: 2 0 2 2 0 8 ~ 4 4 2 3Fax: 202-208 5584edward.keable@sol.doi.govThis e-mail (including attachments) s intended for ihe t se of he indMdual or entity to which it s addressed. It may containinformation lhat is privileged, confidential. or othe Wse protected by applicable law. f you are not the intended recipient. you areherebynotified that any dissemination, distribut ion, copying or use of this e-mail or its contents s strictlyprohibited. fyoureceive this e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroyall copies. Thank you.

    Jamie L. urleyDeputy Director for Documents ManagementOffice of the Executive SecretariatU.S. Department of the InteriorMain: (202) 208-3800 l Direct: (202) 208-3803

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Departmentof the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584edward.keable@sol.doi .govTh s e-mail (including attacttments) is intended for the use oftlw individual or entity to -Miich it s addressed. It may containinformation tl1at s privf/eged. confidential. or othef" Mse protected by applicable law fyou are not the intended recipient. yov arehereby notified that anydissemination, distribution, copying or use of his e-mail or its contents s strictlyprohibited. fyou receivethis e-mail in error. please not ify the sender immediately and destroyall copies. Thank you.

    https:/'maillb'18Siu OI?ui=2&ik=c76d12958b&loiew=p(&as_to=Daniei_J D o n v ~ uez%4(Mho.eop.g Ollo/o2C&as_subser-all&as_date;toda')'&as_w

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8/2.2113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mai Fl'iti: Fw. White House Equities ih 2013-00045

    Keable Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122 13redacted.

    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - Fv.d: Fw. Whik1 House EQI.Mties 1n 2 1 ~ 4 5

    13-00045cc Is a file consisting of 163 pages. It begins with the Secretary's weekly report-an earlier draft ofwhich has been redacted. There is a h e ~ l y redacted powerpoint on the numerous animals on the endangeredspecies list. and there are ~ r i o u s press releases from hunting groups, e n ~ r o n m e n t a l groups and Wyoming statego-.emment. The end of this file has a proposed House legislation summary. The email traffic on this is heav11yredacted, but the actual draft legislation is not.If you ha-.e any questions or concerns. please feel free to contact me.Respectfully,l imothy RedmondFOIA SpecialistOffice of the SecretaryDepartment of the InteriorSuite 1161851 Constitution A\enue, NWWashington. D.C. 20245(202) 513-0806

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of he InteriorPhone 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584edward .keable@sol.doi .govThis e-mail (including attachments) is intended for the use of he mdlvidua/ or entity to loflich it fS addressed. fl may containInformation tfwt s privileged, confldenti81, or otherntse protected by applicable taw. If you are not the intended recipient, you arehereby notified that any dissemination, dis tl ibutlon, cop flng or us of this e mail or its contents is strictly prohibited. f ~ rece vethi s e-mail in error, please MtHy the sender lmmedletelyand destroy alf copies. Thank you.- - ------6 attachments'tnaiW185/u/O/?Ui::2 1k=c76d12958b =Danlei_J_Doninguez 40v.tlo.eop.goV'o2C as_subset=ml as_date:; _w

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122113 DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TERIOR Mail - Fv.d: 08-2012-00176 Owr\iew

    Fwd: OS 2012 00176 Overviewl tnt3SS JqeKeable, Edward leCc:llS

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8 27113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail F\\1:1: OS-2012-00176 0-er-..iew

    While Deep Water Horizon, ob\liously is the main focus of Secretary Salazar's attention during that time, theemail traffic indicates Secretary Salazar continued to look after his other many concerns. He re\liewed drafts ofthe Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Company Accountability Act. the E\rglades preservation Act. and the Tribal Lawand Order Act . He also kept up with the daily status of the Gulfs National Parks and Fish and Wildlife facilitiesthroughout this time period.

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584t' l N i ' H d . k e a b l e @ ~ < J l . d o i . q o v

    Tilts e ma1/ (including attachments) S intended for the t ~ s e of the individual or entity to v.flich t is addressed. It may containmformalion that is pnvileged, confide11tial. or othet""se protected by applicable law. If yoll are not the illfended recipient. yo arehereby not1fied that any dissemination. dis tribtllion. copying or use of this e mail or ils contents is strictly prohibited. If you mcctvetms e-mail in error. please nollfy the sender immedtately and dastroy all cop1es . Tlwnk you.

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Departmentof the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584

    ~ l J a .keable@so .d 01.govThis e-mail (including attachments) is intended t r the use of the individual or entity to v.fliclltt is Ciddrossed. It may containinformi'ltion that is privileged, confidential. or othef'Mse protected y applicable law. If you are not t e intended recipient. you areherebynotified that any dissemination. distnbution, copyrng or use of this e-mail or its contents ts strictly protlibited. If you recetvelh1S ?-mail in error. please notify tile sender inurwdial ly and destroy all copies . Thank you.

    llps f l r l < l l . g o o g l e . c o m / u ' l i l f b l 1 8 5 1 u l 0 / ? u i ; 2 & 1 k = C 7 6 d 1 2 9 5 8 b l h i e - . v = p l & a s _ l o : = D a n i e D o r r i n g l ' e z % 4 0 w h o . e o p g o v 2 C & a s _ s u b s e t a l l & a s _ d a t e = o d a ~ a s

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8'2.2113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail ~ ~ : WMe I louse Equities: -2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman EleTTfl\lons Sand 6

    Keable , Edwzrd

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail Fv.d: White House Eq Ulties : 05-2012-001176Michael Kunzelman ~ o s 5al'ld 6Subject RE: White House Equities: OS- 2012-001176 Micha el Kunze lman Exemptions 5 and 6

    + Phil. who works on the Deepwater Horizon litigat ion

    Ed -I l l see you at 5 today, but in the meantime we JUSt wanted to circle back on this with a couple oquestions. Could you send us a copy of the actual OIA request?

    you let us know by when you'd like us to get back to you with our feedback on the documents?point on this for our office. but feel free to copy Phil/me on emails as needed.

    Thanks so much (and hope you ha-..e a great time away),


    From Keable, Edward T [mailto:edward .keable@ ]Sent Thursday, July 05 20 12 11:59 AMTo Ha r tnett, Kathleen R. ; Green, JasonSubject RE: White House Equities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelma n Exemptions 5 and 6

    Kathleen, Jason,

    The OS FOIA officer has given me a disk containing about half of the documents with White House equities forthis FOIA request. They are continuing to re-.iew the rest of the production and wlll gel me the second disk assoon as it is ready.

    Let me know If you are ready to receive this disk so you can be prepared to provide any guidance on how theDepartment should treat them as we prepare to respond to the requester.

    I would be happy to deliver th is disk If you let me know where and when to meet you. FYI, I am on leave nextweek so we should arrange a drop off in the next couple of days if you want them before I go on leave.



    h t t p s l m a ~ l oog c o m m a i l l b 1 8 i l u O / ? l 2 l ~ c 76d12958b&\lew=pl&as_to=Daniei_J Dorring uez 4CN.ho.eop.gW'/o2C as_subset=all as_ ate=toda}&as_w

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail Pw:l: Mlite House Equities; 05-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman n s 5ando

    From: Keable, Edward TSent: Friday, June 22, 2012 7:2 PMTo: 'Hartnett, Kathleen R. 'Green, JasonSubject: RE: White House Equities: 05-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Kathleen Jason,

    ILmderstand I hat there are a total of about 3000+ pages of documents e s p o to this FOIA request that h ~White House equities. I expect to ~ atl of them on disk by Wednesday

    Our deadline for responding to the request was March 28 . The requester has not followed up with u > (yet . norhas he appealed (I understand - I am working on confirming that).

    I wtll call you when I get the d1sk


    from: Keable, Edward TSent: Friday, June 22, 2012 11:42 AMTo: Hartnett, Kathleen R.Subject: FW: White House Equi

    Kathleen , Jason

    Green, JasonKunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    I am attaching what appears to be a sample of WH equity documents respons i-.e to t11is FOIA request I willwork on getting a better sense of what other WHequity documents are in the collection but I want to get you alleast a start on re-.iewing these documents Thanks


    A-om: Townes, CeceliaSent: Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:20 PMTo: Howarth, Robert; Cafaro, Cindy; Myers, RichardCc: Wiggs, Jamon B; Keable, Edward T; Spector, Rachel; Murphy;TimothySubject: White House Equ ities: 05-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    hltps:l/rretl .goog e.oom'mailtb'165fuJOI7U2&ikorc76d12958b&\l EM

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13redacted.Page 176:--00176 ce:

    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail- Foo: White House Equities: 0 -'2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Elll3f1l)tions 5 and 6

    I remember you saying yesterday that you had a couple of questions about some of the redactions. If you stilldo. let me know. I'll leave the folder with Gwen.


    Cecelia Townes(202) 208 -3753

    r o m ~ Townes, Ceceliasent Monday, June 18, 2012 12:08 PMTo Wiggs, Jamon BSubject 2012 001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay,

    I a ~ e reviewed FOIA response OS-2012-00176. Please see my comments/questions below. I will leave the filewith Gwen for your pick-up.

    0-.erall:Throughout the files there are many email correspondences between DOl officials/employees and White Houseofficials/employees. Please be sure that these files h a ~ e been reviewed by the proper White House persons toensure that they do not object to any documents that we plan on releasing. Additionally, there are other agencyequities that are im.ol-.ed in these emails, i.e. DHS, EPA NOAA, and the Coast Guard. Ha-.e there been anycommunications with those agencies about releasing these documents? e.comlmailtti165/LLIO ?ui=2&ik=c76d12958b&\iew=pt&as_to=Daniei_J_Doni ng uez%40v.OO.eop.g oV'/o2C&as_subset=all&as_ a t e t ~ w...

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    S/22 13 I J ~ P R T M E N T OF THE INTERIOR Mail- Fm Miite Hoose Equities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman S ~ o r e Sand 6Blue Jump Drive:1 OOli6cg:

    2 00176ch:

    3 00176ci:a. Page54

    c Page 207:4 00176cj:

    c Page 6 :5 00176ck:

    6 00176cl:

    7 00176dc:

    Red Jump Dri....e:I have not found any redactions or documents that need to be changed in 000176cb or 000176cc; however, Icould not open 00176ca (I received an error message). This morning when l tried to complete the re\1ew, I got anerror message about the disk not being formatted.

    s usual, please do not hes itate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

    Thanks,https:f n'lail.g'rnail/b{185tuf0/?ui=2 ik=c76d12958b&>Af'N.r-pt&as_to=Daniei_J_Doning uez%4CN.ho.eop.goV'/o2C&as_subset=all&as_date=today&as_w

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR a ~ l Fv.d: \Mlite House E:quities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelrmn ElEIT(:)tions 5 and 6

    Cecelia TownesAttorney AdvisorDi vision of General LawOffice of the SolicitorDepartment of the Interior1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop 6456Washington, DC 20240(202) 208-3753 Office

    NOTICE: This email (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the indi..;dual or entity to which it isaddressed. It may contain information that is pri..;leged, confidential. or otherwise protected by applicable law. Ifyou are not the intended recipient (or the recipient s agent), you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution, copying, or use of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. f you recei\ed this ema il in error,please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies.

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Departm ent of the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584edward.keable@sol.doi.govThis e-mail (including attachments) is intended for the use of he individual or entity to v.hich it is addressed. It may contl. lininformation that is privileged, confidential, or othe/Wse protected by applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you arehereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying oruse o his e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited. fyou receivethis e-mail in error, please noti fy the sender mmediately and destroy all copies. Thank )IOU.

    https:l/'mailib'18511i017\li=2&ik=c76d12958b&l.4ev.=pt&as_to=Daniei_J_Domnguez 4.go-. 2C&as_subser-all&as_date=loda)&as_w

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8/22113 DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR Mai Fv.d: \Nhile House Equities in FOIA RequestOS-2012-00080

    Keable. Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8 122/13 DEPARTMENT OF I ffi N T ~ R O R Milil F'Mi: White House Eq llitieS in f:OIA Request OS-201200000as White House equities. These six pdf files either had electronic mctill sent to, from, or cc ed White Houseofficials: or had some discussion of White House activities,

    has electronic mall from and to Office of Science and Technology Policy. Executive

    on uranium withdrawal.preparation notes with White House officials.

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of the InteriorPhone: 202208--4423Fax: 202-208-5584edward.l

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR FYo< 1 ' White I louse Equities n FOIA Request 5 2 1200000

    hl1ps::/'Vrmitft)'l85'u'QI?IJ1"'2&k-c76d 12958b&-.1ew=p &as_to=Dnn iel_J &a:. subset=all&as_dale 'loda)&as_v...

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



    Keable . Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8. :2:2113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - F\\d:Forwarded mess geFrom : Redmond, Timothy h y ~ r e t l m o n d @ i o s . d o g o ~ P

    Date: Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:55PMSubjectTo: Edwar-d Keab le

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122 13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ail Fv d:uite 1161851 Constitution Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20245(202) 513-0806

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of the SolicitorU.S. Department of the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fa>e 202-208-5584edward .keable@sol.doi .govThis e-mail including attachments) is intended for the use of he individual or entity to t is addressed. It may containinformation that is privileged, confidential, or othemse protected by applicable law If you are not the intended recipient, you arehereby notified that anydissemination, distribution, copying or use of his e-mail or its contents is strictly prohibited. fyou receivethis e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroyall copies. Thank you.

    http 1/'maillb'406/li0/?ui=2 lk=c76d12958b&..Cew=pt&as_tr01'1'FEdwardKeable%40sol.doi .go'v%2C&as_to=Kaltileen_R _Harlnett /o4(Mho.eop.. ..

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8fW13 Q ~ P T M E N T OF THE INTERIOR Mtiil- FYo(l:


    Keable Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8 22 3 DEPARTMENT THE INTERIOR Mall- Department of the InteriorSuite 1161851 Constitution Avenue, NWWashington, D.C. 20245(202) 513..0806

    Edward T. KeableDeputy Solicitor-General LawOffice of he SolicitorU.S. Departmentof the InteriorPhone: 202-208-4423Fax: 202-208-5584edward.keable@sol.doi.govThis e mail (including attachments) is intended for the us of he Individual or entity to 'Miich it is addressed. tmay containinformation that s privileged, confidential, or othef'Mse protected by applicable law. f you are not the intended recipient, you arehereby notified that any dissemination, distribution, copying or use of this e-mail or its contents s strictlyprohibited. If you receivethis e-mail in error, please notify the sender immediately and destroyall copies. Thank you.

    hllps:l/ c o m m a i l l b 4 0 6 l u i Q I ? u i 2 i ~ c 7 6 d 1 2 9 5 8 b \ 4 e Y F p t a s _ from=Edward.Keable 40sol.dol.g oll'/o2C&as_to=Kathleen_R._ a r t n e l t / o 4 C W i o . ~ . .

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122 13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mall - FW: Occupy Docs to faward

    FW: Occupy Docs to forward1 messageKeabl e, Edward T

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    Occupy D Documents1 message

    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mai l Occupy DC Documents

    Keable . Edward

    Keable, Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    &'22113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR Mall - FW: MlteHouse Equities: ~ 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 7 6 Michael Kunzelman ~ o s 5 and 6

    Keable . Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    81'l2113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail- FW.IMliteHouse Equities: 05-2012001176 Michael Kunzeii'Ta'l Elerrons Scn::t 64 . 00176cj :

    c. Page 4645. 00176ck:

    6. 00176cl:

    7 00176dc:a . Pages 563565:

    Red Jump Drhe:I h ~ e not found any redactions or documents that need to be changed in 000176cb or 000176cc; howewr, Icould not open 00176ca (I recei\ed an error message). Th is morning when I tried to complete the re-Aew, I got anerror message about the disk not being fonnatted.

    As usual, please do not hesitate to let me know if you hale any questions or concerns.


    Cecelia TownesAttorney Ad-AsorDi\1sion of General LawOffice of the SolicitorDepartment of the Interior1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop 6456Washington, DC 20240(202) 208-3753 Office

    NOTlCE: This email (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the indi\idual or entity to which it isaddressed. It may contain information that is pri\11eged, confidential, or otherwise protected by applicable law. Ifyou are not the intended recipient (or the recipient's agent), you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution, copying, or use of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you receiled this email in error,

    tttpsl'rreillb'406/liot?li=2&1k=c76d12958b&.,.ew=pt&as_frorrFEdward.KeaNe 40sol.doi .gooJ2C&as_to= Kathleen_R._Hartnett4CN.ho.eop....

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8 2:2 3 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - FW: White House Eqtities: 05-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Elemptions 5 Mel 6please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies.

    https:/'mail/1)'406/tiO/?ul=2&ik=c76d12958b& pt&as_frOOFEdward.Keable%40sol" ..2C&as_to Kathleen_R._Hartnetto/o4(N.t)o.eop.. ..

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    Ml2113 DEPARTMENTOF THE INfERIOR Mail- RE; WfiiteHouse EQuities: 08-201NX>1176Micflael K'Ui\Zelman ~ o s 5and 6

    Keable Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    81'22113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - RE: VVhlte House E q ~ t i e s 05-2012-001176Michael Kl.melman Elerrptions 5Md 6

    From Townes, CeceliaSent Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:2 PMTo Howarth, Robert; Cafaro, Cindy; Myers, RichardCc Wiggs, Jamon B; Keable, Edward T; Spector, Rachel; Murphy,TimothySubject White House Equities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hello All,

    I spoke with Rob Howarth and Rich Myers very briefly about the abovementioned FOIA Request from MichaelKunzelman. The requestor is seeking, All emails sent and recei\.ed by Secretary Ken Salazar between April 20,2010, the date ofthe Deepwater Horizon explosion, and July 31, 2010. To no surprise, while processing thisrequest we have come across numerous email between the Secretary and the White House.

    GLS has finalized its review, and we need to know who these documents should be referred to for further review ofthe White House equities. I have attached a selection of emails Jay Wiggs copied to provide an example of thetypes of emails that have been produced as a result of the search.

    Thank you,

    Cecelia Townes(202) 208-3753

    From Wiggs, Jamon 8Sent Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:53 PMTo Townes, CeceliaSubject RE: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    ;rom Townes, CeceliaSent Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:33PMTo Wiggs, Jamon BSubject Re: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay,

    titpsJ/rreilgoog'mai1Jb'40&'uf(V?ui=2&ik=c76d12958b&\iew=pt&as_from=EdwardKeable 40sol.doi gO'J 2C&as_to=Kathleen_R._Hartnett 4

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INfERIOR Mall =RE: 1iVh1te HouM q U i t i e s 0 5 2 0 0 0 1 1 i / 6 Michael Kunzelman Eleftptions 5 and 6I finished r e ~ e w i n g the second disk dri\ that contained documents. I he\ just a few comments about some ofthe redactions:

    00176cd :

    - :Page 176:--00178 ce ;

    I remember you saying yesterday that you had a couple of questions about some of1he redactions. If you stilldo, let me know. l lllea\e the folder with Gwen.


    Cecelia Townes(202) 208-3753

    A om: Townes, CeceliaSent Monday, June 18 2 12 12:08 PMTo: Wiggs, Jamon BSubject OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay,

    I a ~ re\.4ewed FOIA response OS-2012-00176. Please see my comments/questions below. I will lea\ the filewith Gwen for your pick-up.

    hHns:/lrrai'rncu1/bi406/U/QI?tli=2&ik-c76d12958b&IAew=CJt&as frorn=Edvftlrd.Keableo/o40sol.doi .oollo/o2C&as to=l

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



    DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail- RE ; Mlte House Eq\Jties : OS 2012001176 Michael KLnZelfl' l Elarptions 5 cn16

    Throughout the files there are many email correspondences between DOl officials/employees and White Houseofficials/employees. Please be sure that these files haw been re\1ewed by the proper White House persons toensure that they do not object to ny documents that we plan on releasing. Additionally, there are other agencyequities that are in\01\.ed in these emails, r.e. DHS , EPA, NOAA , and the Coast Guard. Haw there been anycommunications with those agencies about releasing the se documents?

    Blue Jump Driw:1. 00176cg:

    2 00176ch:

    b. Page 176: thheld under Exemption 5. The same holds truei his memo appears in other pla ces ln the file.

    3. 00176ci:a. Page 54

    c. Page 2074. 00176cj:

    c. Page4s. 00176clc

    6. 00176cl :

    7 176dc:a Pages 563565:

    Red Jump Drive :h l l p s i m a i g o o g l e . c o m m a i l b 4 0 6 1 W O I ? I J = 2 ~ c 7 6 d 1 2 9 5 8 b \ 4 e v . = p t a s _ f r o m = E d w a r d . K e a b l e 4 0 s o l g 0 \ o o / o 2 C a s o = K a t h l e e n _ R . _ H a r l n e l t o / o 4 0 v . h o

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13 DEPARTMENTOF THE INTERIOR Mail RE : MliteHouse Eqlities: 05-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman ~ o s 5 and 6I have not found any redactions or documents that need to be changed in 000176cb or 000176cc; however, Icould not open 00176ca (I received an error message). This morning when I tried to complete the re\Aew, I got anerror message about the disk not being formatted.

    As usual, please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


    Cecelia TownesAttorney Ad\AsorDi\Asion of General LawOffice of the SolicitorDepartment of he Interior1849 C Street, NW Mail Stop 6456Washington, DC 20240(202) 208-3753 Office

    NOTICE: This email (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the indi\Adual or entity to which it isaddressed. It may contain information that is pri\Aieged, confidential, or otherwise protected by applicable law. Ifyou are not the intended recipient (or the recipient's agent), you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution, copying, or use of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you receiwd this email in error,please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies.

    https le.ccm'rralfbl40&u'OI?ui=2&Jk=c76d12958b&\iew=pt&as_from=Edward.Keable 40sol.doi.goV'o2C&as_tCFKathJeen_R _Hartnett4Mlo.eop....

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8/W13 DEPARTMENT Of< THE INTERIOR Mail- RE; White Hoose Eqlilies: 0&.2012-001176 Mioflafli Kl.lnZeiman O 5 and 6

    Keable Edward Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Kathleen , Jason,

    I understand that there are a total of about 3000+ pages of documents responsi\ to th1s FOIA request that ha\Wh ite House equities . I expect to ha-.,e all of them on a dlsk by Wednesday.

    Our deadline t r responding to the request was March 28. The requester has not followed up with us (yet), norhtlps://mail .goog le,com'maillbl406/u/O/?ui= 2&Jk=c76d12958b&\isw=pl&as_from= Edward.Keable' 40soldoi.goV'/.&C&as_to::Kalleeo_R ._Harlnetto/o40vtlo.eop .. ..

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail RE:WhiteHouse Equties: 05-2012-001176 Michael KunzelrmnEll nlJiions 5 and 6has he appealed (I understand I am working on confirming that).

    I will call you when I get the disk.


    From Keable, Edward TSent Friday, June 22, 2012 11:42 AMTo Hartnett, Kathleen R Green, JasonSubject FW: White House Equities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Kathleen, Jason,

    I am attaching what appears to be a sample ofWH equity documents r e s p o n s i ~ to this FOIA request. I willwork on getting a better sense of what other ~ q u i t y documents are Jn the collection but I want to get you atleast a start on re\1ewing these documents. Thanks.


    From Townes, CeceliaSent Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:20PMTo Howarth, Robert; Cafaro, Cindy; Myers, RichardCc Wiggs, Jamon B Keable, Edward T; Spector, Rachel; Murphy, TimothySubject White House Equities: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hello All,

    I spoke with Rob Howarth and Rich Myers ~ r y briefly about the a b o ~ m e n t i o n e d FOIA Request from MichaelKunzelman. The requestor is seeking, "All emails sent and r e c e i ~ d by Secretary Ken Salazar between April 20 ,2010, the date of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and July 31, 2010. To no surprise, while processing thisrequest we h ~ come across numerous email between the Secretary and the White House.

    GLS has finalized its re\1ew, and we need to know who these documents should be referred to for further re\1ew ofthe White House equities. I h ~ attached a selection of emails Jay Wiggs copied to pro\1de an example of thetypes of emails that h ~ been produced as a result of the search.

    Thank you,trtlps:l/'mai1Jb1406/u/OI?ui2&ik:c76d12958b&1Aew-pl&as_ rorTFEdward.Keable%40sd dd goi/%2C&as_to-Kathleen_R._Hartnett%4(N.OO.ecp....

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    tl22/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mall - RE: Wt te House Eq uitles : OS-2012-001176 Michael ElenlJ jons 5and 6

    Cecelia Townes(202) 208-3753

    A om: Wiggs, Jamon BSent Thursday, June 21, 2012 2:53 PMTo Townes, CeceliaSubject RE: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    From: Townes, CeceliaSent Wednesday, June 20, 20 12 3:33 PM: Wiggs, Jamon BSubject Re: OS-2012-00 1176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay

    I finished re\4ewing the second disk driw that contained documents. I haw just a few comments about some ofthe redactions:


    Page 172 :-age 176 :--00176 ce:11tpsj'rraW40&'tiOI?U =2&lk=c76d12958b&\4ew:pt&as_from=EdY.erd.Keable 40sol ,doi.g OIP.Io2C&as_to=Kathleen_R _Hlll'lnell%4tWlo.eop.. ..

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8121 113 OEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mall - RE : Vvhite Hoose Eqliitit >: 0&-201.2-001176 Michael K u r t z ~ m a h ~ t i c r t s 5 3nd 6I remember you saying yesterday that you had a couple of questions about some of the redactions. If you stilldo, let rne know. I'll lea e the folder with Gwen .


    Cecelia Townes(202) 2 8 ~ 7 : 5 3

    From Townes, CeceliaSent Monday, June 18, 2012 12:08 PMTo Wiggs, Jamorl BSubject OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay,

    I h w ~ e w e d FOIA response OS-2012-00176. Please See my comments/questions below. I willleaw the filewith Gwen for your pick-up.

    o ~ r a l :

    Throughout the files there are many email correspondences between 001 officials/employees and White Houseofficials/employees. Please be sure that thes

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8/22113 DEPARTMENT OF TH E INTERIOR Mail - RE: IJVhite House Eqi.itles: 08-2012-001176 Michael Kumehrran ~ a n d 6

    c Page 1 74 l7 6cj:

    c Page4645 00176ck:

    6 00176cl ;

    7 176dt:a. Pcges 563

    Red Jump D r i ~I haw not found any redactions or documents that need to be changed in 000176cb or 000176cc; howewr, Icould not open 00176ca I receiwd an error message). This morning when I tried to complete the r e ~ e w I got anerror 1message about the disk liOt being formatted.

    As usual, please do not hesitate to let me know if you ha oA } any questions or concerns.

    Thanks ,

    Cecelia TownesAttorney Ad\.1sorDi\islon ofGeneral LawOffice of th SolicitorDepartment of th Interior1849 C Street. NW Mail Stop 6456Washington, DC 20240202) 208-3753 Office

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail RE: White House EqLiHes: OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman E:lerrlJtions 5 and 6NOTICE: This email (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it isaddressed. It may contain information that is pri\11eged, confidential, or otherwise protected by applicable law. Ifyou are not the intended recipient (or the recipient s agent), you are hereby notified that any dissemination,distribution, copying, or use of this email or its contents is strictly prohibited. If you recei-..ed this email in error,please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies. le.corrlmailft)'406/u'QI?ui=2&i k=c76d12958b&ljew=pt&as_frorTF Edv.ard.Keable%40sol.doi .gov o2C as_to= Kathleen_R._Hartnett /o4

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



    Keabfe , Edward

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities



    . Finally, canyou let us know by when you d like us to get back to you INith our feedback on the documents? Jason will bepoint on this tor our office, but feel free to copy Phil/me on emails as needed.

    Thanks so much (and hope you ha-..e a great time away),


    From: Keable, Edward T []sent: Thursday, July OS 201211:59 AMTo Hartnett Kathleen R.; Greenj JasonSubject: RE: Wihite House Equities: OS-2012001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Kathleen. Jason.

    The OS FOIA officer has giwn me a disk containing about half o the documents with White House equities forthis FOIA request. They are continuing to re\Aew the rest o the production and Will get me the second disk assoon as it is ready.

    Let me know Jfyou are ready to recei\e this disk so you can be prepared to provide any guidance on how 'theDepartment should r e t them as we prepare to respond to the requester.

    I would e happy to e l l ~ . e f this disK if you let me know where and when to meet you. FYI, am on l e a ~ nextweek so we should arrange a drop off in the next couple of days if you want them before I go on lea-..e.



    A om: Keable, Edward TSent Friday, June 22, 2 U 7:21 PMTo: Hartnett, Kattlleen R.Subject RE: White House Equities: O S ~ 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 7 6

    Kathleen, Jason,

    Green, JasonKunzelman Exemptions 5 a

    hl1pS://'O/?u=2&11C=c76d12958b&\iBW pt&as_rrom=Ed\I.Wd,Keableo/o40sol.doi,goV'k2C&as_to=Kalhleen_R._Hartnett%4

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    el22/13 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail RE: VVhite House EquHes: OS-2012-()()1176 Michael Kunzelman ElEf11:lticns 5 and6

    I understand that there are a total of about 3000+ pages of documents responsive to this FOIA request that haveWhite House equities. I expect to have all of them on a disk by Wednesday.

    Our deadline for responding to the request was March 28. The requester has not followed up with us (yet), norhas he appealed (I understand I am working on confinning that).

    I will call you when I get the disk.


    From Keable, Edward TSent Friday, June 22, 2012 11:42 AMTo Hartnett, Kathleen R.SUbject FW: White House Equities: 05-2012-001176 M

    Kathleen. Jason,

    Green, JasonKunzelman Exemptions 5

    I am attaching what appears to be a sample of WH equity documents responsive to this FOIA request. I willwork on getting a better sense of what other WH-equity documents are in the collection but I want to get you atleast a start on re\oiewing these documents. Thanks .


    - . ... . - -- ---- .From Townes, CeceliaSent Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:20PMTo Howarth, Robert; Cafaro, Cindy; Myers, RichardCc Wiggs, Jamon B; Keable, Edward T; Spector, Rachel; Murphy,TimothySubject White House Equities: 052012001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hello All,

    I spoke with Rob Howarth and Rich Myers very brieily about the abovementioned FOIA Request from MichaelKunzelman. The requestor is seeking, All emails sent and received by Secretary Ken Salazar between April 20,2010, the date of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, and July 31, 2010. To no surprise, while processing thisrequest we have come across numerous email between the Secretary and the White House.

    https:l/'4Q61u'OI?ui=2 ik=c76d12958b 'oiaw=p1 as_frorrF' ~ d . K e c t l l e 4 0 s o l . d o i .g01f/o2C as_to=Kathleen_R ._Har1nett 4CWlo.eop....

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    a/22/13 DEPARTMENT OF THEJNTE.RIOR Mali RE: W te HQUse EquiUes: OS 201NJOH76 Mit:hael Kuro:eirmn o s 5 and 6GLS has finalized its r e ~ e w . and we need to know who these doc Uments should be referred to for further re\oiew 01the White House equities. I ~ attached a selection of em ails Jay Wiggs copied to pro..;de an example of thetypes of emails that haw been produced as a result of the search.

    Thank you,

    Cecelia Townes(202) 208-3753

    From Wiggs, Jamon BSent Thutsday, June 21, 2012 2:53PMTo: Townes Ceceliasubject RE OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    from Townes, Ceceliasent Wednesday, June 20, 2012 3:33PMTo Wiggs Jamon BSubject Re: O S ~ 2 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 7 6 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    Hi Jay

    I iinis.hed re\iewing the second disk d r i ~ th t contained documents. 1h w just a few comments about some oftrhe redactions:


    Page 172:-age 176:--00176 ce:

    h t 1 J s : l / m a i l . g o o g t e c o m l m a i 1 / 1 ) 1 4 0 6 / u / O I ? u i = 2 & 1 k = c 7 6 d 1 2 9 5 8 b & \ i e w = p t & a s _ f r o r T F E t t . o i a r d K e a b l e 4 0 s a . d o i . g o v 2 C & a s _ t o = ~ e e n _ R . _ H a r t n e t t o / o 4 C M . M . e o p

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    8122113 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Mail - RE :White HouseEqlides: 0 -2012-001176 Mlctiael Kunzelman o s 6 and 6

    I remember you saying yesterday that you had a couple of questions about some of the redactions. If you stilldo, let me Know. Ill e a ~ the folder with Gwen .


    Cecelia Townes(202) 208--3/53

    Townes, CeceliaSent Monday, June 18, 2012 12:08 PMTo: Wiggs; Jamon BSubject OS-2012-001176 Michael Kunzelman Exemptions 5 and 6

    HI Jay ,

    I ~ e ~ e w e d FOIA response OS-2012-()0176. Please see roy commentslquestlons below. I will l e a ~ the fileWith Gwen or your pick-up.

    Overall:Throughout tlhe files there are many email correspondences between 1offic ials/employees and White Houseofficials/employees. Please e sure that these :files h ~ been r e ~ e w e d by the proper White House persons toensure that they do not object to any documents that we plan on releasing. Additionally. there are other agencyequities that are ~ d ln these emails, i.e. DHS , EPA, NOAA, and the Coast Guard. Ha\-e there been anycommunications with those agencies about releasing these documents?

    Blue Jump Dri-ve:1. 00176cg:

    2 00176ch;

    https://rmil'rrei lb/406/IJICII?U =-2&ik:c7 :112958b&\iew=pl&as from=Edv.lardKeable%40sol.doi n V'.A.2C&as_to=: een R. Hartnetto/u4().ro.t)o.eop...

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities


    DEPARTMENT O l HE INTERIOR Mail - R White House Equities: OS-2tr12-001176Michael Kunz.elman ~ o 5 arnd 6

    3. 00176ci:a. Page

    c. Page 204. 176cj:

    c. Page464 :5. 00176ck:

    6. 00176cl :

    7. 176dt:a. Pages 563-565:

    Red Jump Oriw:I ha-..e not found any redactions or documents that need to be changed in 000176cb or OOOH6cc: Icou ld not open 00176ca {I recei\d an error message . This moming when I tried to complete the re\1ew I got anerror message about the distk not being formatted.

    s usual, please do not hesitate to let me know if you ha\ any questions or concerns.


    Cecelia TownesAttorney Ad\.1sorDi\.1sion of General LawOffice of the SolicitorDepartment of the Interior

    htlps://'mailib'406/ul0nli2&ik-c76d12958b&-.1ew-pt&as_ftom-EcM9rd.Keable 40sol.doi .goifk2C&as_to-Kathleen_R._Hartnett 4 Mho:eop.. ..

  • 8/12/2019 DOI FOIA Production White House Equities
