Dominican Republic The · Dominican Republic is tropical and seasonal with temperature variations,...


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The Dominican Republic

Zion DaSilva

Agenda1. Entrance Ticket2. About the Class3. Essential Questions4. Vocabulary5. Presentation on Dominican Republic6. Exit Ticket

Essential Questions*A question that we ask to investigate the unit

What is identity and how does it impact membership?

How does where you live affect how you live?

Additionally, this topic matters to me because I have been learning about the identity of other cultures from other countries and this opportunity gives me a chance to more deeply explore the culture of countries I have never been to

Why does this topic matter to me?

Entrance Ticket

Label all Latin American countries on the map that is given to you.

Results of Entrance Ticket

We started off the year studying identity to learn about ourselves and to make world connections.

After that, we examined four world regions (Africa, East Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East)

About the class

Geography -physical features on earth and atmosphere.Identity -the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.Membership -a member of a groupSingle Story -an untrue story that’s told several times about a group of people until it’s believedStereotype -an unchanging belief about a particular group of people


Where is the Dominican Republic?● Located in the Caribbean

● East of Haiti

● Second largest Island in the Caribbean

● West of the Atlantic Ocean

Geography in the Dominican Republic

● The climate in the Dominican Republic is tropical and seasonal with temperature variations, and some rainfall variations.

● The terrain that occurs here is rugged highlands and mountains and fertile valleys.

Crops - Products in the Dominican Republic

● Sugar cane● Coffee● Cotton● Tobacco● Rice● Banana’s

Races and Languages in the Dominican Republic

● Spanish is the Dominican Republic’s official language.

● The race is mostly mixed with 73%, and a percentage of 16% of white, lastly 11% of blacks.

1) Are in gangs.

2) Always eat platanos.

3) Speak horrible english.

4) Most of them are dark.

5) Speak spanish fast. 6) Speak loudly.

Dominican Stereotypes

“Dominicans look African”Considering that people are quick to assume that Dominicans are some type of African.

“Dominicans are in gangs”People can judge someone based on their physical appearance, which will ruin the chances of them trying to do something good.

Ex: Dominicans go far with the baseball career they take upon

How does this affect Dominicans?

In a nutshell, Dominican stereotypes make it seem like all Dominicans are dark skinned, gang members who eat platanos and play baseball.

This is wrong because it’s not true for all Dominicans and that’s how it seems, since it’s told over and over to make it believable.

The Single Story of the D.R.

1)Where you live affects how you live because if you live in a climate where it’s hot and you live somewhere that’s cold then your clothes would probably have to fit into the climate. 2) Identity is who you are and how you define who you are. This impacts membership because you can change who you are and try to join a group, such as in groups or out groups. It can consequently change your identity.

Answer to Essential Questions

Exit TicketWhat did you get out of this Presentation? What did you learn about Dominican Republic?

THANK YOU!Any questions?
