Donald B. Cheke - Textual Creations Pro V17 Process Piping SAMPLE.pdf · Donald B. Cheke 1...


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Donald B. Cheke


TurboCAD Pro V17 – Process Piping

Donald B. Cheke

Donald B. Cheke


Copyright © 2010 Donald B. Cheke TurboCAD is a registered trademark of IMSI/Design.

Published by:

Donald B. Cheke Saskatoon, SK Canada


All rights reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, stored on a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without written permission from the author. The purchaser may, however, print one copy of the document to paper and may make one backup copy of the downloaded material for personal safe keeping. Limitation of Liability While every effort has been taken in the preparation and the writing of this document the author assumes no responsibility for errors and/or omissions nor for the uses of the material and the decisions based on such use. No warranties are made, express or implied with regard to either the contents of the document, its merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. The author should not be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the contents of this document. Special Note All of the work presented within this tutorial is based on TurboCAD Pro V17. Although users of previous versions are welcome to try the tutorial it cannot be stated what results will be achieved. Many changes, some subtle and others not so subtle, are made with each program revision. Although many steps and directions would be generic some may not be. The same can be said for tools between versions. Older versions may not have the same tools as Pro V17 and if the same tools are available the tools themselves may have been revised and hence, work in a different manner than they previously did.

Donald B. Cheke


Table of Contents Table of Contents ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Setup .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Initial Lighting ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Preconstruction Notes ............................................................................................................................................... 21 84" Diameter Tank .................................................................................................................................................... 21 Pipe Fittings ................................................................................................................................................................ 46 Multi Tank Layout / Pipe Fittings ............................................................................................................................ 69 Mezzanine Deck & Pillars ......................................................................................................................................... 87 Upper Pipes ................................................................................................................................................................. 96 Preprocess Filter Tanks ......................................................................................................................................... 102 Preprocess Piping Layout ...................................................................................................................................... 114 Post Process Piping Layout ................................................................................................................................... 125 Mezzanine Rails & Ladder ..................................................................................................................................... 129 Meters & Lines ........................................................................................................................................................ 150 Ground Plane ........................................................................................................................................................... 160 Design Change ........................................................................................................................................................ 161 Materials Application ............................................................................................................................................. 167 Named Views ........................................................................................................................................................... 187 Render Scene Luminance ..................................................................................................................................... 194 Render Scene Environment .................................................................................................................................. 198 Saving the Rendered Image (1) ............................................................................................................................ 202 Saving the Rendered Image (2) ............................................................................................................................ 204 Paper Space Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 204 Page 1 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 207 Page 2 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 214 Page 3 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 228 Printing ..................................................................................................................................................................... 245 Appendix – An Important Note about TurboCAD Materials ............................................................................. 248

Donald B. Cheke


Introduction One area where new users find difficulties is with the placement of 3D pipes and wires, which sometimes meander all over 3D space. As difficult as this can sometimes seem, it is definitely possible to achieve the desired results in TurboCAD with a bit of planning and, of course, using the right techniques. Within the tutorial the reader will be led through each keystroke to produce all components of the piping/filtration system that is illustrated on the cover of the tutorial. The reader will learn how to create each object by converting 2D profiles into 3D shapes or refining 3D primitive shapes. The reader will learn how to set up their drawing, how to insert standard lighting and how utilize render scene luminance. The reader will learn how to establish a render scene environment and the reader will learn how to render their drawing and save it in a high resolution image format. The user will also learn how to use paper space to create a three page paper presentation. This tutorial is in no way intended to teach process piping or plant design but rather it is intended to teach the use of some of the tools that TurboCAD has to offer and to introduce the new user to a drawing methodology. The author feels confident that the techniques outlined within the tutorial can help lay the foundation for future successful TurboCAD drawing and illustration for even the newest user. As with any technically advanced software, the user is generally faced with a steep learning curve. It is the hope of the author that the money and time spent working through a Textual Creations tutorial will help ease the learning and allow the reader to come away feeling confident that they made a wise decision. This tutorial will assume that the reader has the platinum edition of TurboCAD Pro V17 with its extra architectural and mechanical tools, although no architectural specific or mechanical specific tools are used that the author is aware of. There are many ways to approach a project and it is likely that each person using the program would proceed in very different ways, so be open to alternative methods as experience builds. What is important is that the user becomes familiar with the objects that they wish to model and begin to look at them in a different way than they might otherwise do. What primitive shapes make up the whole? What will be required of these primitive shapes early in the drawing and how will this affect needs further along? What component or components should be started with? Many questions can only be answered through experience, but hopefully some of them will be answered by the time the beginner has worked through this tutorial. There is a great deal covered in this tutorial and the author urges the beginner to be patient, to read very carefully and to take the time necessary to do a good job. Try to enjoy the process as much as you will enjoy the final results. This tutorial assumes that the beginner has studied the desktop to some degree and can locate most of the tools. Since there are endless desktop configurations that can be set up in TurboCAD the author has opted to illustrate the required tools with the Office 2000 user interface, and the default toolbars in their undocked format (Office 2000 theme).

Donald B. Cheke


Please remember that any supplied images and files are for use within the tutorial only and may not be shared or sold to others. Place tutorial images in a permanent location on the hard drive. A free HDR image is used within the tutorial. CarWash-Sphere-FREE.hdr is a free image that was found at: At the time of writing, the web site was down with a statement that said the site was being redesigned and would reappear March 2009. Looks like it never happened.

Donald B. Cheke


Be sure to click the Save button at the top of the TurboCAD desktop on a regular basis. If need be, scroll in with the mouse wheel so that the grid is visible on screen. Preconstruction Notes Process piping CAD work can become quite file size intense and so it is important to approach the design in the most efficient way. This might include using blocks for any duplicate components, using simplified parts for overall design and illustrating fuller detailed components as separate individual objects. The user can also change the ACIS setting of the program to Draft as opposed to Quality but the output may be less unappealing. The user could also experiment with custom ACIS setting to get a better than Draft but not as good as Quality output. During the tutorial these items will be taken into account so that both rendered and paper space output can be achieved in an acceptable manner. 84" Diameter Tank An 84" tank will now be constructed by revolving a 2D profile. A total of three tanks will be placed and all other construction will fit around these tanks. The tank, like the pipes to come, will be constructed as solid filled objects (not hollow) because a solid object has half the surface area than a hollow object (inside and outside surfaces). In the general overall view, the inside of tank and the pipes is not seen so it is not necessary for it to be visually accurate on the inside. Hopefully this will make more sense as the tutorial progresses. Some trace aides will be laid out and then two options will be illustrated to get a final profile. Switch to Front view.

Select Plane by Active View from the Workplane toolbar.

Select the Rectangle tool from the Line toolbar.

Select Green from the True Color dropdown menu on the Property toolbar.

Donald B. Cheke


Left mouse click in a clear area of the drawing to place the first point of the rectangle. Move the cursor in a right upwardly direction for a short distance and then Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 84 in the Size A field and 98.5 in the Size B field. Press Enter.

Press the Space Bar to exit the tool. Select the new rectangle. Press the D key (D SEKE) so that the reference point can be relocated. Move the cursor to the bottom line of the selection and M SEKE snap the reference point in place. In progress below. (Short form directions would read: Press D SEKE and relocate (M SEKE) the reference point to the bottom line of the selection. In progress below.)

With the rectangle still selected, Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 0 in the X, Y and Z Position fields. Press Enter to move the rectangle.

This rectangle outlines the overall size of the tank. With the rectangle still selected, select Explode from the Format menu at the top of the TurboCAD desktop or from the Drawing Tools toolbar on the left side of the desktop. The rectangle is being exploded down to lines so that when using a tangent tool shortly each line can be selected individually.

Donald B. Cheke


Press Delete on the keyboard to remove the trace aids. Select the Revolve tool from the 3D Object toolbar. With a left mouse click on the tool icon, disengage the Use Compound Profile option.

Select the blue profile as the object to revolve. Using two V SEKE snaps define the revolution axis along the right side of the profile, as indicated in the picture below.

Legs for the tank will now be created. Turn the grid back on – it is a good indicator of where the workplane is. Switch to World Plan view.

Select Plane by World from the Workplane toolbar. Select the Rectangle tool from the Line toolbar. Using two G SEKE snaps place a six inch rectangle at the top, as indicated in the picture below.

Donald B. Cheke


Press the Space Bar to exit the tool. Select the rectangle. Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 0 in the X Position field. Press Enter.

With the rectangle still selected, Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 45 in the Z Rotation field. Press Enter.

To help find out how far down the rectangle must be moved to line up with the edge of the tank, select the Line tool from the Line toolbar. Select Green from the color dropdown menu on the Property toolbar.

V SEKE snap the first point of the line to the left vertex of the rotated rectangle. Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 8 in the Length field and 270 in t he Angle field. Press Enter.

Select the Circle Center & Point tool from the Circle/Ellipse toolbar.

Place the cursor by the edge of the tank and C SEKE snap to place the first point of the circle. In progress below.

Move the cursor to the top of the tank and Q SEKE snap to define the diameter. In progress below.

Donald B. Cheke


Select the 6 inch circle as the entity to sweep and then select the Forest Green polyline as the path. In progress below.

Select the 3D Subtract tool from the Boolean & Facet toolbar. Select the outer pipe as the object to subtract from and then select the inner pipe as the object to subtract. In progress below.

Switch to Left view and zoom in on the same last fitting. Select Plane by Active View from the Workplane toolbar. Select the Auto Workplane by Face tool from the Workplane toolbar. To begin creating the bolt hole pattern select the Circle Center & Point tool from the Circle/Ellipse toolbar. Place the cursor by the edge of the outer circle, as indicated in the picture below, and C SEKE snap to define the first point of the circle.

Donald B. Cheke


Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 90 in the Z Rotation field. Press Enter.

Before continuing with further pipe runs the mezzanine will be created. Mezzanine Deck & Pillars Switch to Front view. Select Plane by Active View from the Workplane toolbar. Select the left tank and assign it to the 84" Tank A layer. Select the central tank and assign it to the 84" Tank B layer. Select the right tank and assign it to the 84" Tank C layer. Turn the three tank layers on. To begin the deck profile, select the Rectangle tool from the Line toolbar. Select Blue from the color dropdown menu on the Property toolbar.

G SEKE snap the first point of the rectangle to the grid intersection indicated in the picture below.

Donald B. Cheke


Move the cursor in a right upwardly direction for a short distance and then Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 288 in the Size A field and 10.25 in the Size B field. Press Enter.

Switch to Left view. Select the Simple Extrude tool from the 3D Object toolbar. Turn off the Use Compound Profile option and turn on the Two sided extrude option.

Select the blue profile as the object to extrude. Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 6' (note foot suffix) in the Height field. Press Enter to extrude 6' in each direction.

Switch to Isometric SW view. Select the Shell solid tool from the 3D modify toolbar.

Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter -1 in the Thickness field. Press Enter. Note that a negative number shells inward and a positive number shells outward.

Select the deck as the object to shell. Place the cursor over the top facet and when it is highlighted left mouse click to select it as a face to omit. In progress below.

Donald B. Cheke


Press Esc to exit the Rubber Stamp tool.

Press Esc to deselect the selection. Switch to Front view. Select Plane by Active View from the Workplane toolbar. Select the Distance tool from the Measurement toolbar. The Measurement Info palette opens automatically. Using two C SEKE snaps determine the distance between the right side of the pipe stub and the left side of the central T fitting as indicated in the picture below. Zoom in close to ensure the end face circles are being snapped to.

The distance is 16.5 inches.

Donald B. Cheke


Press the Space Bar to exit the tool. Close the Measurement Info palette. Select the two pipe stubs, as indicated in the picture below.

Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 16.5 in the Delta X field. Press Enter.

Select the left upper pipe. Place the cursor over the right edge of the selection and when the double arrow cursor arrow appears left mouse click to pick up the edge. Move the cursor to the right and C SEKE snap the left edge of the right stub pipe to define the extent of the move. In progress below.

Select the central upper pipe. Place the cursor over the right edge of the selection and when the double arrow cursor arrow appears left mouse click to pick up the edge. Move the cursor to the right and C SEKE snap the left edge of the right stub pipe to define the extent of the move. In progress below.

Select the far right stub pipe on the overhanging upper pipe. Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 141 in the X Position field. Press Enter.

Donald B. Cheke


Turn off all layers, except layer 0 and the three Mezzanine layers. Press Ctrl + A to select all visible components. Select the Quality Rendering icon on the Render toolbar to render the selection. Allow time for the screen to render and then press Esc to deselect the selection. Select the deck frame. Open the Materials palette. Locate the Lacquer category and double click the Mezzanine Blue thumbnail to apply the material to the selection.

Press Esc to deselect the selection.

Select the Wireframe icon from the Render toolbar to end the render. Turn off all layers, except layer 0 and the 36_x_72_Preprocess_Tanks. Press Ctrl + A to select all visible components. Select the Quality Rendering icon on the Render toolbar to render the selection.

Donald B. Cheke


Allow time for the screen to render and then press Esc to deselect the selection.

Select the Wireframe icon from the Render toolbar to end the render. Turn off all layers, except layer 0, the Ladder, Railing and two Meter layers. Press Ctrl + A to select all visible components. Select the Quality Rendering icon on the Render toolbar to render the selection. Allow time for the screen to render and then press Esc to deselect the selection.

Donald B. Cheke


Saving the Rendered Image (2) This render will now be saved. With the desired view now fully rendered on screen select Save As from the File menu at the top of the TurboCAD desktop. Under the Save As dialogue, select the desired Save in location from the dropdown menu at the top of the dialogue. Select JPG – TurboCAD for Windows JPEG from the Save as type dropdown menu. Enter the file name Process Piping Tutorial [Low Left].jpg. Select Save.

Click okay at the format not supported warning. Allow time for the render to save. Select the Wireframe icon from the Render toolbar two times, once to end the render and once to turn off perspective. Switch to Isometric SE view. Paper Space Setup Because the tutorial has already run so many pages there will not be time to create a new Title Block from scratch, but one will be inserted with a new V17 function that is available. User with older versions will need to copy and paste from the file that is being referred to in the steps to come. Select the Paper 1 tab at the bottom of the desktop.

Right mouse click on the Paper 1 tab and select From Template from the local menu.

Donald B. Cheke


Locate the supplied file DBC 8.5x14 PaperSpace Title Block [v16].tcw and click Open. This could have been any file with any number of paper space pages, not just a template or a file with only the title block. The file that is being used was actually a file created when writing the Face Frame Dresser tutorial but it was pared down to what it is for delivery with this tutorial. It is a V16 file so it should open in V16 or V17 without issue.

Select Paper 1 and click OK. Because it has the same name as the one that already exists it will be renamed.

Right mouse click over the original Paper 1 tab and select Delete.

Donald B. Cheke


Tab into the Inspector Bar and enter 22.5 in the Y Rotation field. Press Enter.

Press the Space Bar to exit the tool. Switch to Isometric SW view. Select the Page 3 tab. Select the Diameter tool from the Dimension toolbar.

Right mouse click on the tool icon to open the Properties dialogue. Under the Advance Format tab uncheck Force Interior Line. Click OK.

Left mouse click the dashed circle to select it as the object to dimension. Move the cursor to a similar location as indicated in the picture below and left mouse click to place the dimension.

Using the same method, define some of the other diameters, as indicated in the picture below.

Donald B. Cheke


Press Esc to deselect the selection.

Some labels will now be placed. Select the REVISIONS text. Right mouse click and select Rubber Stamp from the local menu. Using left mouse clicks, place four copies, as indicated in the picture below.

Press Esc to exit the Rubber Stamp tool. Select the text below the elbows and open the Properties dialogue for the selection. Under the General tab change the text to read 6" 90° Pipe Fitting Detail. Click OK
