Donna Paoletti - · 2017-10-30 · Donna Paoletti Psychology Unit: Personality Topic:...


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Donna Paoletti Psychology Unit: Personality Topic: PsychoanIaysis and unconscous behavior


Objectives: Upon completion of t is lesson students will be ab to: 1. Identify Freudian Slips 2. Identify and describe no iverbal bahaviors observed people who lie in

order to better uncover hidden mea: ings. 3. Explain how nonverbal pmmunication affects our erceptions of other


Drill: What do you think this quo means? "The eyes are th and, "No mere mortal can keep a ecret. If the lips are silent, fingertips. Betrayal oozes from eve'y pore." (Both by Freud)

Motivation: Ask for responses. Lit some of them on the board -No one can really keep a secr t

1. Do you agree? Why/why not?

2. If you don't speak, how can you gi e secrets away?

indow to the soul" e chatters with his

-Nonverbal communication; b dy language, tone of voice, e , etc.

3. Relay to the class the example 'Of when a student wanted is hat back and I backed up toward the file cabinet here it was. The stduent c ld have figured out where it was if instead of listening to my words, he wayched m body language and my eyes.

Development: Let's see how we c r get a glimpse of people's conscious thought's and desires through some demonst ations.

Demo #1: "Liar Liar" 1. Break students into groups of 3 2. Assign a topic such as "My most mbarrassing moment", or" e best news I ever received." 3. In each group students are to sh re with each other a story lating to the topic. After they have shred, one member f the group will decide to Ii 4. After 5-10 minutes, call the class rack together. Students wi I take turns in their groups staning up and sharing the' : stories.

MPIA 15 459 1156

_", 5. Mter each group of three have tol their stories, the class will ote on whom they think in the liar. 6. Ask why or why not; what behavio s did they exhibit, etc. List t ese on the board. Keep a running list. some of these m y include:

gestures, eye contact (less or mo e), filled pauses, speed of sto

Demo #2: "I want to hold your ha . d." 1. Choose 5 students and have them leave the room. 2. Assign the following five roles to ther students:

A. Family doctor shaking the and of a long-time patient B. Policitian shaking the han (of a stranger who may vote C. Nurse, returning from ope room to tell someone b news. D. Father, shaking the hand f a child who just graduated E. Teacher shaking the hand f a student you must fail.

3. Have volunteers return one at a ime and shake hands with ch of the five role-players. 4. After each volunteer ask questio $ such as:

1. Which person new you the est? !Least? 2. Who was insincere? 3. Who had bad news? 4. Who has known you the 10

Ask why or how they can tell. 5. After all volunteers have gone, re ! eal the roleplayers. 6.Ask if there were any surprises a (i reactions in general.

Summary: 1. What have we learned today abo t nonverbal communication 2. How can you tell when someone i , lying? 3. What are some signs that someo e is being insincere? 4. What is more important, body la !guage or actual words chos

Assessment/Application: Students will answer a summary q , estion on the worksheet th used to take notes for this lesson:

Describe a time in your life when y knew someone was not be' g up front with you. How did you feel at the time? Why fd you think they were not be honest? What were specific behaviors they exhibited? . How are they similar to at we observed and discussed today?

MPIA 15 459 1162

Paoletti's Recommendations for Success WHS 1998

The following is presented to explain what is expected what you can expect from this class. These guidelines are pre to insure your success. As this class is an elective, any stud these expectations will be dropped from the class. 1. Come to class prepared. Each day, students will need:

*per *class text notebook *Agenda Book * a good attitude

2. Be seated BEFORE the late bell rings. Students who are this time will be marked tardy. If you are tardy, you are requi report before taking your seat. Note: Books at your de you are on time. YOU must be at your desk.

1 tardy ... warning 2 tardies ... call home 3 tardies... referral to administration

you this term and nted in an attempt t not able to meet

T in their seats at d to fill out a tardy

does not mean

In addition, you must be in your assigned seat 2 minutes befo the bell rings to be dismissed. If you leave the room without permission, for an reason, you will be written up for truancy.

3. Turn all work in on time. Late work will not be ac extenuating circumstances that exist that prevent you assignment, you must submit a signed letter from your explaining the circumstances and requesting an extension. evaluated on a case by case basis. If you are absent, you will h of days to make up your work. Make use of the Lesson Log Boo work. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO GET YOUR If you neglect to do this, your grade will be a zero for those assi

pted. If there are om completing an arent or guardian ch requests will be e the same number to get your make-up AKE-UP WORK.

4. The following are NOT permitted and are grounds for discip· ary action: *PROFANITY *FOODIDRINKS *HATS * DISRESPECT

MPIA 15 459 1196



UNIT: 0pproaches and History (1 week) -------

QUESTION: Why study psychology?

• develop a rationale for the study of psychology • describe behaviors of interest in psychology • evaluate the goals of psychology

QUESTION: How did psychology develop a scientific study ofbeh ior?

• investigate the pioneers of psychological studies • describe structuralism and functionalism

QUESTION: How do the various schools of psychology differ?

• describe each of the major approaches to the explanation of h an behavior • interpret selected psychological approac s

UNIT: /Methods (2 weeks)

QUESTION: How does psychology acquire information about beh . or?

• describe and apply the experimental method • describe and evaluate naturalistic observation • design a survey using representative samplings • demonstrate uses of case studies

QUESTION: How does psychology measure behavior?

• compute correlational coefficients to describe relationships • describe appropriate uses of measurements of central tendenc • describe appropriate uses of measures of variability • form inferences using sampling errors and differences betwe means

QUESTION: How does psychology ensure the accuracy of observ ons and measurements?

• • • •

describe the scientific method and its safeguards analyze research using standardized procedures analyze the use of controls during psychological research assess accuracy of measurements using tests of reliability an

QUESTION: What ethical issues confront the collection and mea rement of psychological information?

• • •

describe practices such as informed consent, right to pri cy, deception, and their relationships to professional ethics explain how animal research provides insights regarding hu behavior analyze issues related to control describe appropriate guidelines for debriefing

MPIA 15 459 1197

UNIT: Perception (2 weeks)

QUESTION: What processes and principles affect perception?

• • • • • •

describe ways in which sensations are screened analyze how figure, ground, and closure contribute to vision determine how principles of perceptual grouping organize visi explain perceptions of apparent motion analyze processes of depth perception determine how size and shape constancies affect perception

UNIT: States of Consciousness (1 week)

QUESTION: What is consciousness?

• identify conscious behaviors • describe the positive and negative effects of sensory deprivatio

QUESTION: How are states of consciousness altered?

• • • • • • •

describe the concept of circadian rhythms explain the four stages of sleep describe and differentiate sleep disorders critically analyze Freudian dream analysis evaluate current dream theories describe hypnosis as an altered state compare forms of meditation

• describe the effects of non-prescription and prescriptio drugs on states of consciousness

UNIT: Learning (2 weeks)

QUESTION: How is behavior affected by classical conditioning?

• describe Pavlov's demonstration of classical conditioning • describe circumstances affecting the acquisition and extinction classical conditioned

responses • analyze learning through generalization, discrimination, and hig r-order conditioning • apply principles of classical conditioning to reactions such s taste aversion and

systematic desensitization

QUESTION: How is behavior affected by operant conditioning?

• • • • • •

describe the development of operant conditioning by Thorndike analyze circumstances affecting development of operant conditi describe the nature and levels of reinforcers determine the effects of varying reinforcements evaluate the effectiveness of punishment on changing behavior apply principles of operant conditioning to conditions such as I behavior modification

d Skinner 'ng

rned helplessness and

MPIA 15 459 1198

----.-------.----(3 UNIT:( Developmental Psychology -----.. .. -.=--_ .. , -,

QUESTION: What behaviors and abilities develop from infancy thr h childhood?

• explain how heredity and environment affect development • identify the normal sequence of physical development from i f ncy through childhood

and from adolescence to the end of life • analyze how children acquire language and thinking abilities • compare and contrast the child development theories of Piaget d Erikson • explain the process of socialization and emotional developme t as researched by Harry

Harlow • give examples of traditional gender roles and explain how they e acquired

QUESTION: How do behaviors and abilities change during adoles nce through the end of life?

• explain and apply the theories of Erikson, Piaget, Levinson, Gould • identify Kohlberg's stages of moral development • cite the physiological, cognitive, and social changes associated ith aging • recognize basic reactions to death and patterns of bereavement


do of personality development plain behavior?

• explain and evaluate type and trait theories • compare and contrast the psychodynamic theories of Freud an ung • analyze the basic tenets of Humanistic and Social Learning the es

QUESTION: How do psychologists assess personality?

• distinguish between objective and projective personality tests • evaluate uses of personality testing

UNIT: Testing and Individual Differences (2 weeks)

QUESTION: How is intelligence defined and assessed?

• describe the development of intelligence testing by Binet and T an • distinguish categories of tested intelligences and aptitudes • identify commonly used intelligence tests • describe forms of mental impairments

QUESTION: How are individual differences measured?

• describe measurements of reliability and validity • describe factors leading to test standardization • interpret distribution curves and standard deviation • compute IQ and deviation IQ

MPIA 15 459 1199

QUESTION: What factors influence conformity, compliance, and ob ience?

• describe effects of group pressure as demonstrated by the Asch e fect • determine the relationship between authority and obedien as demonstrated by

Milgram • analyze factors affecting decisions during the stages of bystand r intervention

QUESTION: How do people construct their views of other individu 1 and understand their interactions with others within a social setting?

• describe the conflict that occurs after decision making • identify reasons for the fundamental attribution error

MPIA 15 459 1200

Guided Reading Questions

Set #1 Social Psychology

1. Distinguish between achieved and ascribed roles by analyzing how daughter on the softball team is role conflict.

2. "The case of Kitty Genovese" Circle the follwing staements you beli

A.) People in a good mood tend to help others more B.) Physical attractiveness ofthe person in need of help influence helping C.) People who have been rewarded for helping others in the past tend to D.) People tend to help others more when they (the potential helper) is in

3. Match the source of a person's grades with the following explanations: A. just-world hypothesis B. self-serving bias C. dispositional attribution D. situational attribution

1. Grades result from a person's intelligence and self-discipline. Whe are good and vice versa.

2. Grades depend on doing the right things. A person earns good grad rules and bad grades for slipping up.

3. Grades depend on quality teaching and educational materials. Ape quality is high and vice versa.

4. Grades depend mostly on luck. Once students have learned inform lucky enough not to have tricky teachers.

Set #2 Approaches and History

4. Draw a Venn Diagram of the similarities (middle) and differences betw Structuralism. Include famous psychologists in each theory.

ather coaching his

to be true.

havior elp others more often familiar environment.

ese are high, grades

for following the

on does well when

ion, they must be

Functionalism and

MPIA 15 459 1189

"The eyes are the windows to the soul." -Sigmun

Demonstration #1: "Liar Liar"

How do we know when someone is lying?


Demonstration #2: "1 want to hold your hand"

What other feelings and sentiments are conveyed nonverbally?

Summary Assessment: Please answer the following provided.

Describe a time in your life when you knew someone was not bein How did you feel at the time? lVhat made you think they were not b were specific behaviors they exhibited? How are they similar to wh discussed today?


ill the space

'P front with you. ng honest? What we observed and

MPIA 15 459 1194

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MPIA 15 459 1163



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MPIA 15 459 1190



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MPIA 15 459 1173







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MPIA 15 459 1174

Woodlawn High School FIE D TRIP

Permission Procedure: 1-- Student completes entire left column below. 2-- Parent/Guardian completes entire right column. 3- Student promptly returns form to sponsoring teacher.


Student's FIRST NAME



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PURPOSE _ Field . Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun



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has my permission t participate in· the school-sponsored field trip d ribed in the left column.

My son/daugh sible for ascertaining ments in all regular c

! while on this field tri .

r/ward will be fully respon-d completing all assign-

ses which he/she will miss

I understand at all reasonable precau-tions will be taken for t e safety of the students. I will not hold Woodlaw igh School or the Board of Education of Baltimo e County or its representa-tives responsible in ca of accident or injury. If a private vehicle w ch I own will<bellsed to transport students eft column u,nder·tlTrans-portation"), then I giv yperm.issio:p.for to .be tab' .... port sonl daughter/ward is tod . or ride as a passenger in a private vehicle, wh er or not it is my own vehicle, I grant permi on for himlher to do so. I understand that the ins ance coverage of the Board of Education ofBaltimo County does not cover the occupants of private v icles used on school field trips. I realize that e Board of Education of Baltimore County can ume no liability by law for damages or injuries s s . ed while students are being transported in private vehicle on a field trip.

'. Signature _____ -t--r--__ ....;... __ -.,;.;._

Date _____ -HI--_____ _

If this Field Trip Is cancel e and pre-paid fees must be

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MPIA 15 459 2005

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MPIA 15 459 2006

) Ms. PaolettI s Period 4 Adnan Syed

) \

3/2 ... , J9 Pd. 4.2 Prepared by Ms. Donna Paoletti, Woodlawn High School

These are your grades as of 12/9/1998. These are more accurate than your interim grades. Please plan to stay after school to make up work from any absences.

Points # Assignment Misc. Score Possible

... t .. C.Q.D.t.ra.c.L ............................................................................ ............... .. ::'.JQ.Q&%.A ................. .

... G . .. ... NQx.:m.$ .... ......................................... ............... 3Q..::' .. W.O ... O.%.A ................. 3.0 .

... 3. ..Q.utli!J.e .. ................ . ........... 5Q.."'.JO.o ... O.%.A ................. 5.Q .

.. .1. ... .. .. .ujJL ............................................ ................ ..... 8.Q,Q%..R .................. .

... 5 ... .. ..................................................... QJ.a.$.$.w.QJ'.k .................. ................... J .

... 9. .. ... Rga.diDg; .. ..................... Cla.!1.$.w.Qlk ................ 30 .. "'..W.Q ... O.%.A ................. 3.0 .

... 7.. .Ap.P.J.QAC.b.gL.Ski.t!1 .......................................................... A§§.e.$.$.m.e.Dt.!1 ............. 5Q..::' ...... 83.,3%..R ............... .J&

... .. GJ!.iggd .. R..e.gdjp.&;. .. ... P.llyc.h .. .cAP.) ...................... Cla§.!1.w.Qx.k ............... J6 .. "'. .... S2,1%. . .f . ................. G.8 .

... .. St!-ld ..... .. .m.gth ... q.lJ.e.stiQ!-l§ ... .................. Qla.!1.$.w.QJ'.k .............................................................. tQ. .AP.. .. ... U.L3.Q.................................................. ................ .M§.e.$.$.m.e.n:tll. . ........... 16 .. "'. .... . ................ JJ .... .................... ................ ...... 88 ... Q%..a .................. . . 12 ... .. .. StlJ.dy .................. ............. 5Q .. ::'.JQQ,.Q%. .. A ................. 5.Q. J3. .. .. j!-l .. ................................. Ql.a.s.s.w.Q.rk ................ ..... 2l.7.% .. A .................. J4 .... :wrHi.Dg. ............................................................... .................. 2.::' ..... 9Q,.Q%.A ................. 1.Q. JS. ..E.thic.s. . .i!J. .. .. J211.JAP..L ........................ .............. 3Q..::'.JO.o ... O.%.A ................. 3.Q. J9. .. Cyb.iLmQyj.e ... .. JU.9............................. ................ . ........... ...... 83.,3%..R ................. 3.Q. tZ .AlJ.. .. . .w.QRK ........................................................ Cla.!1.s.w.Q.rk .......... Q. .................................................... Q..

.. .. JGjH .................................... ................ 3.Q.::' ..... 9Q,.Q%.A ................. 4.0. 19. ..P..E.RS.QNAL.n:X .. Q.WLlNE . .fAfL ............................. .............. 5Q..::'.JQ.Q,.Q%..A ................. 5.0. 2Q. .. R.efle.c.tiQ.n ... !O .. LAP.1 ....................................................... A§§.e.$.§m.e.Dtll ............. 4.5.::' ..... 9Q,Q.%.A ................. 5.0 . . n .. ... Rga.ding; ...§Q.n.glity.JM1 ....................... ................. Q..::' ....... Q,Q.% .. F ................ ..4.0 . . .. ... .. ............................................................. ................ 3Q..::' ..... 7.S ... 0.% .. Q ............... ..4.0 . . .. .. J.55:J7.J.(Sllim ................................................ CJ.all.s.w.Qx.k ............................................................... 3.5 .. . .. .. fQr ... "An ... ... j!-l ... f ................... ............. JQ4."'. ..... .. R ............... . . .. mall .. .. ............................................ A§§.e.$.§m.e.Dt§ ............. ... Q%..A ................. 25 . . .. E.xit.Mll .... Jl6. ...................................................................... A§Il.e.8.s.m.e.nt.!1 ........... AQ..::'.JO.O ... O.% .. A ............... ..4.0. 22 .. ... ........................................... H.Q.m..e.WQrk. .............. 3Q.."'.JQ.O ... O.% .. A ................. 3.Q . . .... Ski:t!L............................................ ................ . ............. Q.."'. ...... Q.,Q.% .. E ................. 3.Q . . ... .. Slgt.s .. LAP.1 ........................................................ ................ Q.::' ........ Q,Q%y ................. 6..Q.

................. ...... .3G . . Ar ... .... dittQ .................................................. ................. Q.::-....... Q,Q% .. ................. 3.Q . . 33. .. $.tn.d ... .. rga.diDg ... ................ ............................................................... 6..Q . . 34 . .&!Ji.d.e.d ... .. L .......................................................... Ql.gll.s.W.QI.k .................. Q..::' ....... Q.,Q.%..E ................. 6..Q . . 35 . .mQyi.e .. .................................................................... ................ 3Q.::'.JO.o . ..Q.% . .A ................. 3.0. t36 .A.f, ... ... ....................................................... ............... Q.::' ....... Q,Q.% . .F ................ ..4.Q. 137 language develo.J>ment Classwork..32 = 80.0% B AO Key: (blank)=Incomplete

Grades Period 2 .. ... .. 3!MJ.538 ............. ZlA% .. C . .. .... ............ 5G.,5%..F .. Assessments 226 28 . % C Combined 820 122 6 .0% D

MPIA 15 459 2012

) Ms. Paoletb <) Period 4 Adnan Syed

) ) 3/2'"t1 Pd. 4.3

Prepared by Ms. Donna Paoletti, Woodlawn High School

Adnan, these are your grades as of 3/19/99. Please check for any errors. No grades will be discussed without proper documentation. -Ms. Paoletti

Points # Assie:nment Misc. Catee:orv Score Possible

... 1 . ... ........................................................ ...... _ ........... Q.=' ........ Q,Q%.r .................. 3.Q .

... 2 .T.R, ... ... EJ.ikfi.Qn ..................................... ............... Q .. =' ........ Q,Q%.F. ................. .

... 3. ... .. .stag.e.$.; .. ErikI!QJL .... _ ............ _ ...... _ ................. UQ.ID.!')wQrk. ................ Q.='_ ....... Q,Q%X ................. 3.Q .

.. .1_ .. .............................. UQ.ID.!')wwlL .............. Q .. =' ........ Q,Q%.X ................. 6.Q .

... 5 ..!')fl! ... ............................................................... UQ.ID.!,)w.Q.rk. ................ Q.=' ........ Q,Q%..F. ................. 3.6 .

... f! .J:t.R .... M.QI!:tlity ...... -............................................................. ..... _ .......... 54.='_ .... 9..Q,Q%A ........... _ ... _.6.0 .

... 7. .. .. f,G. •.. ........................................... .................. Q.='_ ....... Q,Q%X ............... ..4.0 .

... .. ......................................... _ ....................... .. _ .......... .... 2Q ... Q.%_.C ............... A.Q .

.. _9 .. ................... -.................. _ ........................ ...... _ ........... Q.=' ........ Q,Q%..F. ........ _ ... _ .... 25. 1Q .. ... Mn!')mQnk ................................... ................ 3Q.='.1Q.Q ... Q.%.A ................. 3.Q. 1J ................................................................................. ........... J"iQ."' ..... 6.Q,Q% .. p. ............. JQ.Q. 12 .. .. .. WJ.ain .. U4L ................... _ ....... UQJ!J&wQrk ..... _ ......... 3f!.='_ .... 9..Q,Q%A ............... ..4.Q. J3. .. ... ............................................... ...... _ ........ 3.Q.='.W.Q ... Q.%.A ................. 3.Q. J4 . .. p..e.y., .. .. Q1J..iL ........ _ ........................................... ............. 12.=' ..... 5Q,Q% .. F. .................. J5 .. .. .. #2 .. ........ _ ........................... UQJlJ&w.Q.rk._ ... _ ......... 34.=' ...... ................ .4.Q. 1f! .. .. .. #3 ... mminL ........ _ .......................... JIQ.ID&w.Q.rk ................. Q.=' ... _ ... Q,Q%.X ............... ..4.Q . . LZ .. .... Cr!')J;liL ................................................................... ...... _ .......................................................... 1.

..!')d .. .. .. :{H .. _ .. _ .. __ ....................... JIQ.ID&wQrk ..... _ ........... Q.=' ....... Q,Q%.X ............... ..4.Q. J9 ... .. .QJJ.i;l; ................................................................ ... _ ........... Q.=' ....... Q,Q%X ............... 2Q .. ... .R!').fl!')J,!.ti!m .......... _ ................................................ ...... _ ................ _ ...................................... .45 . . .. QJJ.i;l;;. .. ........ _ ................................................ ........... Q.=' ...... Q,Q%F. .............. 3.9 . . ... ..................................................................... ... _ .................................................... 1Q.Q . . .. AP .. .. Yi$.i9.!1 .. ......................................... .... ............ .. =' ...... 6Q ... ................. 3.6.

:::::::::::::::: ... 22 .. S.e.9.$.a:tiQn ... ............... _ .............................. .l:l.Q.ID.!,).w.Q.rk .............................................................. 3.0 . . .. ... ...................... -............................... ............................................................... 6.0 . . .. .. ... ................................... .............................................................. .4.Q. 130 Exit Ticket· 3/11 Consciousness Classwork 60

CI ... _-. ... .a.!"" .......... _..1 n ... _ ................ !,.._ 'T" .... ,.. .... r) /10

..................... 1 ................. 3.0 . . 33. .. .. ... 3jW. ...... -................................................ ..... _ ........................................................ 3.Q. .................. .......................... -............................... Key: (blank)=Incomplete

Grades First-.!Luarter ... . 14.3/n.3 ............ 19,.6% .. F. .

.. .. ..7.Q/5J6 .............. 13,.6.% .. F .. Assessments 100 0 2 .8% F Combined 1 16 1 .1% F

MPIA 15 459 2011
