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Computer Graphics and Imaging UC Berkeley CS184/284A, Spring 2016

Lecture 1:


Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1


Ren Ng Weilun Sun Ben Mildenhall

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1


Ren Ng

• Ph.D. 2006 on Digital Light Field Photography (evolving camera design using graphics know-how)

• Founder of Lytro, a light field camera company

• Research interests: computational imaging systems, computer graphics and computer vision

Course assistants

• Weilun Sun, rendering geek, soccer aficionado

• Ben Mildenhall, rendering champ, concert pianist

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

CS184/284A: Computer Graphics & Imaging

Why Study Computer Graphics? Logistics Course Overview

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

What is Computer Graphics?

com•put•er graph•ics /kƧmˈpyo͞odƧr ˈɡrafiks/ n. The use of computers to synthesize and manipulate visual information.

Why Visual Information?

We Humans Are Visual Animals

Petr Novák

Why Study Computer Graphics?


Jurassic Park (1993)


Moments That Changed The Movies: Jurassic Park


Titanic (1997)


The Matrix (1999)


The Matrix (1999)


Monster’s Inc. (2001)


Monster’s Inc. (2001)


Avatar (2009)


Avatar (2009)


Life of Pi (2012)


Life of Pi (2012)


Mirror’s Edge (2008)


Crysis 3 (2013)


Unreal Engine Kite Demo (Epic Games 2015)

Product Design and Visualization

Ikea - 75% of catalog is rendered imagery

Product Design and Visualization

Tesla Model X concept (2012)



credit: Randall Branding

Ancient Illustration

Cave painting c. 36,000 B.C.Stephen Alvarez, National Geographic

Digital Illustration

Meike Hakkart

Computer-Aided Design

For mechanical, architectural, electronic, optical, …


SolidWorks SketchUp

Architectural Design

Bilbao Guggenheim, Frank Gehry

Architectural Design

Heydar Aliyev Center, Zaha Hadid Architects


Science, engineering, medicine, journalism, …


Visual Simulation

Flight simulator, driving simulator, surgical simulator, …

Driving simulatorToyota Higashifuji Technical Center

da Vinci surgical robot Intuitive Surgical

Desktop metaphor • Input: Keyboard, mouse • Ouput: Cathode-ray tube

Graphical User Interfaces

Ivan Sutherland, Sketchpad Light pen, vector display

Doug EngelbartMouse

Graphical User Interfaces

2D drawing and animation ubiquitous in computing. Typography, icons, images, transitions, transparency, …

Graphical User Interfaces

2D drawing and animation ubiquitous in computing. Typography, icons, images, transitions, transparency, …

Graphical User Interfaces

Graphical User Interfaces

Different scales: small, large, distributed Emerging sensors: multitouch, accelerometer, …

Apple iPad Microsoft Surface table

Digital Media Technologies

Cameras everywhere

Digital Media Technologies

Maps, satellite imagery, street-level imaging,…

Digital Media Technologies

Maps, satellite imagery, street-level imaging,…

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Digital Media Technologies

Emergence of new media

• Digital cameras are ubiquitous

• Internet sharing of imagery

• Sharing of photos (flickr) and video (youtube)

• Visual communication

Rich new possibilities for organizing, combining, manipulating, synthesizing new media

A Wonderful World of Photography

Steve McCurry | Ansel Adams | Reza | Henri Cartier-Bresson | Arthur Sasse NASA | Eddie Adams | Charlie Cole

A Wonderful World of Photography

NASA | Walter Iooss | Steve McCurry Harold Edgerton | NASA | National Geographic

Digital and Computational Cameras

Panaromic stitching, HDR photos, light field cameras, …

David Iliff

Trey Ratcliff

Virtual Reality

Oculus virtual reality headset

Augmented Reality

Microsoft Hololens augmented reality headset concept

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Foundations of Graphics

These applications require sophisticated theory and systems Science and Mathematics

• Physics of light, color, optics, …

• Math of curves, surfaces, geometry, perspective, … Technology and Systems

• Input devices, GPUs, displays, …

• Cameras, lenses, sensors, … Art and Psychology

• Perception: color, stereo, motion, image quality, …

• Art and design: composition, form, lighting, ...

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Course Goals

Overview of core ideas in graphics and imaging

• Modeling the world, image synthesis

• 3D graphics: geometry, rendering, animation

• Image capture, manipulation and display Acquire core concepts and skills

• Representations (geometry, images, transforms, …)

• Algorithms (sampling, subdivision, ray-tracing, …)

• Technology (GPUs, displays, cameras, …)

Course Logistics

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1



• Vectors, matrices, basic linear algebra

• Helpful: exposure to statistics, signal processing, Fourier transform


• Data structures (CS61B)

• Fluent with C and C++

• Fluent with development environment

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Course Website

Lecture slides and instructor/TA/student discussions on the web are the primary course reference materials

Slide comments and discussion

“Add private note” button: You can add notes to yourself about this slide here.

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Piazza For logistics and general communication / discussion Please sign up!

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1


Lectures will be primary source Textbook

• Fundamentals of Computer Graphics by P. Shirley, S. Marschner, et al

Other resources on class website

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Assignments and Evaluation

(60%) Assignments (4) and Final Project (35%) Exams

• Midterm on Monday, March 14, 1:00pm - 2:30pm

• Final on Wednesday, May 10, 8:00 - 11:00am (5%) Participation

• 2 website comments per week, class, Piazza

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Class Philosophy

We want a very active class. Come to class, participate in lecture. Contribute on the website.

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Late Days Policy

5 late days for assignments (not final project)

• Extend a programming assignment deadline by 24 hours using one late day.

• If you do not have remaining late days, 10% penalty per day.

• No assignments will be accepted more than three days after the deadline.

Course Topics

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Drawing Digital Images (Rasterization)

Filtering and Sampling

No Jaggies

(Stanislav Orekhov)

Modeling Geometry

Platonic noid


[Kaldor 2008]

Modeling Material Properties

Modeling Lighting WALL-E, (Pixar 2008)

Image Synthesis

Photograph (CCD) vs. computer rendering

Animation and Physical SimulationLuxo Jr. (Pixar 1986)

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Digital and Computational Cameras

Glenn Derene, Popular Mechanics

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1

Course Overview

Drawing to the Screen Filtering and Sampling Graphics Pipeline Geometric Modeling Lighting and Materials Image Synthesis Animation Cameras and Imaging

Ren Ng, Spring 2016CS184/284A, Lecture 1


Thanks to Pat Hanrahan, Kayvon Fatahalian, Mark Pauly for presentation resources.