DPI Flow Visualization: Initial Experimental Results Rob Tuley John Shrimpton


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DPI Flow Visualization: Initial Experimental Results

Rob Tuley John Shrimpton

Introduction Motivation Experimental Simplifications Experimental Design & Procedure Some Results Evacuation Timescales Scope and Limitations Conclusions

Future work

Motivation To gain a better understanding of how and why

the Diskus pocket evacuation occurs. Ultimate aim is to computationally simulate this

process – this is the first exploratory set of experiments to produce a data-set to validate these simulations.

Simplifications - Inhalation Inhalation simulated by a linear pressure ramp.

time time

pressure pressure


Simplifications - Geometry We tested 4 different geometries, although the results

from only two are being presented today:

Square U-bend Diskus Replica fully developed turbulent in-flow approx real-scale

pocket geometry exact. includes ‘cross-hairs’ at in-flow and out-flow.

Experiment Design Experimental rig designed in a modular fashion

for added flexibility.

inhalator pocket geometry

power supply and vacuum pressure


log pressure sensor data

optical setup

Geometry modules

Pocket filling Excess powder ‘swiped’ off from surface. Low


Inhalator module Pressure is controlled through a PI control

feedback loop.

Optical Setup The square U-bend geometry is backlit with a

halogen 1kW floodlight.

Diskus replica is front lit with the same halogen flood.

Complete Setup

The two variables examined during the course of the experiments were:

Pressure ramp gradient – 4 different ramps were examined, both steeper and shallower than the average real inhalation ramp of -30kPa/s.

Powder type – 4 powders were chosen with various shape and cohesive properties…

Parameter Space







PowdersGlass particles 0-50m

Nearly perfectly spherical. Small cohesion forces.

Aluminium particles 0-44m

Non-spherical flakes. Small cohesion forces.

Lactose 6% fines blend

Non-spherical. Medium cohesion forces.

Lactose 15.8% fines blend

Non-spherical. Large cohesion forces.

Video Results





Straight U-bendDiskus Replica

Square U-bend flow features

Transient ‘blow-back’ effect

Diskus Replica flow features

Strong influence of cross-hairs

Key Points No visible difference in evacuation between

glass and aluminium particles. Two modes of evacuation – ‘EROSION’

(glass/aluminium) and ‘FRACTURE’ (15.8% fines lactose). Lactose 6.5% fines behaviour lies between these two extremes.

Differences evident between the two geometries considered, but type of pocket evacuation and powder behaviour visibly similar.

Difficult to quantify effect of pressure ramps…

Intensity Post-processing

Area processed:

Normalised intensity = 0

Normalised intensity = 1

Evacuation Timescales

Evacuation Pressures

Pressure Ramps - Glass

Pressure Ramps - Glass

Pressure Ramps - Lactose

Pressure Ramps - Lactose

Key Points Aluminium and glass evacuations are

quantifiably equivalent. Lactose 15.8% fines blend seem to evacuate

based on instantaneous pressure, not gradient. Glass/Aluminium evacuations, and to a lesser

extent lactose 6% fines blend seem to be influenced by pressure gradient, but this may be due to hidden 3D effects.

Scope Various pocket geometries can be connected to

the simulated inhalation apparatus. Labview software PI control feedback loop

means any pressure profile can be simulated. Running the software on a faster PC and DAQ

card would give better control loop performance. Options to use various optical setups/different

lighting, etc.

Current Limitations There can be a certain amount of delay in the

pressure control PI loop. With the current setup there is a high noise-to-

signal ratio from the pressure sensors. Backlighting provides a 2D visualization –

possibility that certain 3D effects might be hidden.

Difficult to quantify possible leakage effects. Pocket filling method could be improved. Repeatability…

Repeatability Each parameter combination was repeated a

total of three times. Some parameter combinations were repeated

after a gap of a few days and changed geometries.

Examine glass and lactose 15.8% fines, at time 0.09s and 0.06s respectively, -30kPa/s.

Repeatability (glass 0-50m)

Repeatability (lactose 15.8% fines)

Conclusions The evacuation of the simplified 2D U-shaped geometry

is similar to the evacuation from the 3D Diskus replica geometry.

Cohesion has a much more important effect on the pocket evacuation than shape.

The evacuation of lactose is based on instantaneous pressure, not on pressure gradient. This conclusion cannot be extended to any of the other particle types.

A clearer understanding has been achieved of the timescales and pressures required for particle evacuation.

Future Work Using more sophisticated camera equipment from

EPSRC, better resolution images possible (approx 1000 x 1000 pixels).

This batch of experimental results not analysed fully quantitatively at present, but possibility of using techniques such as PIV or variance maps on future results.

Experiment with a wider range of lactose blends? Data to be used on a validation basis for computational



Data CD with a copy of this presentation and further experiment description and results available from Mark Palmer.





