Dr. Barrie Kennard Head of Academic Standards & Quality Assurance


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Dr. Barrie Kennard

Head of Academic Standards & Quality


How does LMD look from the outside?

How does it feel to those involved?

Moving Leadership & Management Development (LMD) out of the

classroom & into the workplace

Theory Vs Practice

Theory and Practice

Employed Status Learners are a completely different proposition to

‘traditional’ learners

The Private sector is the destination of choice for organisations seeking LMD

WHY ???

HEIs and the inability to communicate

HEIs need to ensure that;

The right people interface with business

The chosen people want to do the job

It cannot all be the fault of the educators

Commonly held beliefs

1. Everyone wants to be a manager

2. Anyone without management aspirations lacks drive

3. The person with the best sales figures will make a good manager



Stumbling Blocks (1)

1. Exams

2. Work based projects

3. The willingness of the learners to participate

4. Buy in from employers

Stumbling Blocks (2)

5. Providers / deliverers

6. Text

7. Inappropriate learners

Suggestions for change

Customise programmes for Organisations


Demand led NOT supply led

Greater awareness of contemporary issues facing leaders

Romantic notion

Bold leader taking risks & unafraid of failure

“To boldly go where no-one ..... etc

Iconoclastic view

Most of the ladies and gentlemen who

mourn the passing of the nation's

leaders wouldn't know a leader if they

saw one……………….

If they had the bad luck to come across a leader, they would find out that he might

demand something from them,

and this impertinence would put an abrupt and indignant end to their wish

for his return. - Lewis H. Lapham

Risk averse leadership

Keep your head below the parapet

Do nothing that could come back at you

No risk = no failure = no blame



When a young woman was rescued from drowning in the Clyde by the Glasgow

Humane Society’s George Parsonage, she was even luckier than she knew.

According to Parsonage and an eye witness, Strathclyde Fire and Rescue service

attempted to have him arrested to stop him wading to her assistance when strong

currents prevented their lifelines or his boat being deployed effectively.

“When you are conducting a rescue you have to do it within the safety threshold,”

commented the group commander, while declining to discuss the specifics.


No week passes without someone attempting to acquire compensation from some incident or accident which was either partly down to

their own stupidity or the result of a calculated risk they had chosen to take as a

fully paid-up adult.


The Winnebago & the sat nav

This is a navigation device only and is not intended to replace the driver

Children enjoying donkey rides on the beach at Bognor Regis are now forced to wear hard


Hertfordshire County Council dictates that parents must not provide their children with goggles for swimming lessons — in case they spring back and hit the little darlings in the face.

To burn or not to burn, that is the question,


The whole compensation culture hangs on the idea that we can behave as badly as we like, be totally irresponsible and ignore common

sense and then when things go wrong we can blame it all on someone else


Body Odour Non discretionary fragrance

Broken Home Dysfunctional family

Fail Achieve a deficiency

Foreign Food Ethnic cuisine

Unemployed Involuntarily leisured

Prostitute Sex worker

Gossip Speedy transmission of near-factual information


Do nothing that could lead to any sort of recrimination


Say nothing that could lead to any sort of recrimination



Give it a go

No Blame culture

Allow Leaders to fail at tasks with no fear of reprisal

Leadership & Management WalesLMW.org.uk

Barrie Kennardkennardb2@cf.ac.uk