DragonCapture Installation & User Guide - r Wilkerwilke.de/Downloads/DragonCapture_User...


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A. Installation Instructions

B. How to Use It (Introduction: AutoPaste Mode)

C. Editing Mode

D. More Details: Menus & Options

E. More Advanced Implementation Details

F. Summary

A. Installation Instructions

Click DragonCapture on the KnowBrainer webpage or go to the DragonCapture Homepage

to download the DragonCapture Installer (MSI) and save it to Windows Download folder. In

both places, you will always get the most recent version via the permanent download link.

Before running the installer, by double-clicking on the MSI file, make sure that Dragon is

not in use. Otherwise, the installer will prompt you accordingly and terminate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: During initialization, the installer will also check whether Dragon is

installed on the system, and whether the version is minimally Dragon 15 or DMPE 4.

Otherwise, the installer will not execute and terminate.

The DragonCapture installer runs both as a first-time setup and as an upgrade install,

thus removing a previous version automatically, if one is found.

It is recommended to go with the default settings and prompts during installation, thus

clicking “Next” in all places. Note that sticking with the selection (under installing) for

“Everyone” versus “Just me”, used in a previous install, is required to be working as an


DragonCapture Installation & User Guide

© Rüdiger Wilke 2019-2020

Distributed by: KnowBrainer Inc.

Last Updated: 03/05/2020 (Version 1.0.369 and higher)



615-884-4558 ext. 2

The installation usually takes about 15 seconds to complete. The Microsoft SmartScreen

filter may prompt you to confirm running the installer. If so, just click “OK”. Once you have

terminated the installer, by clicking “Close” in the final screen, you may (re)start Dragon.

This will load and launch the new version of DragonCapture, all by itself.

B. How to Use It (Introduction: AutoPaste Mode)

1. Activation First

DragonCapture is copy-protected by licensing. You may start with a 30 days (free of

charge) trial license. Or, if you have purchased a license-key, you may register a permanent

copy at any time. Whenever DragonCapture is started before registering a permanent

license, you will be prompted accordingly. Registering (either a trial or a permanent copy)

requires entering your email address, which will be recorded on the license server.

Note that DragonCapture is licensed per computer. If you choose to move a permanent

DragonCapture copy from one computer to another, simply uninstall from the first, while

connected to the Internet, to obtain an activation credit, as you would with Dragon.

2. Getting Started with It

DragonCapture takes a little getting used to, in order to take full advantage of its features.

For beginners, rather than explaining too many details, a brief testing scenario is


Tip: For a quick, first-time experience, after installing DragonCapture and launching

Dragon, which will start the DragonCapture box by itself; accept the default settings, put

the cursor in a non-supported application and begin dictating.

Your dictation will immediately be transferred and inserted, where the cursor is, every time

you pause in speaking. A copy of your last utterance will be left behind in the box, just to

show that it actually operates, but the box will automatically be cleared again once you

resume dictating.

When switching between non-supported and supported applications, DragonCapture will

start and stop operation automatically, depending on (whether, or not) the currently active

application is supported, with no further interaction involved.

Primarily, DragonCapture is meant to be used as a Remote Dictation Box. DragonCapture

automatically steps in and receives your dictation, whenever you are in a non-supported

target application, without any further interaction involved. To that end, it is entirely

different from the classical Dragon Dictation Box.

DragonCapture achieves this by interacting directly with Dragon. It always runs in the

background, whenever a user profile is loaded, and is always terminated when the profile is

closed. For technical reasons, it needs to be run this way, so you cannot launch and

terminate it yourself.

Basically, there are two modes of running the box: standard, or Editing Mode, and

AutoPaste Mode. If you are in AutoPaste Mode, your dictation will automatically be

transferred to the target application at the end of each utterance. In Editing Mode, your

dictation will be collected in the box, and not be transferred until you say “Paste Box” or


To choose between Editing Mode and AutoPaste Mode, set or remove the “AutoPaste”

checkmark in the UI, or say the global “AutoPaste” command, which works as a toggle:

As mentioned above, it is recommended to start with the default AutoPaste option. This is

so that, when you begin dictating into any non-Dragon friendly application, DragonCapture

(all by itself) will automatically capture your dictation and send it to your target application,

where your cursor is.

Therefore, when running in AutoPaste Mode, you just leave the cursor in the target

application, and typically never switch to the DragonCapture box. Do note that, when

switching the target application, DragonCapture also resets the dictation buffer, thus

starting the next dictation with no space in front and a capital letter automatically.

The text transfer mechanism also comes in two different modes: standard Copy-and-Paste

Mode or Typing Mode. While the former transfers the text in the box to the target

application as a chunk, the later simulates keystrokes (in various ways, see -> Tools,

Options, TypeMode 0-4).

To choose between Copy-and-Paste Mode and Typing Mode, set or remove the “TypeMode”

checkmark in the UI, or say the global “TypeMode” command, which works as a toggle.

Note that AutoPaste and TypeMode are independent of each other, so you have four

different combinations altogether.

In many situations, you may be fine with the standard copy-and-paste text transfer

mechanism, for example, when working in a local application. But if your target application

is located on a network (especially if you’re going through a Citrix server), we recommend

accepting the default TypeMode option, thus simulating keystrokes (one letter at a time).

This is a bulletproof way to dictate into any server application, field, database or PDF.

To temporarily deactivate DragonCapture altogether, hide the DragonCapture box by saying

“Hide Box”. This will pause the inherent interfaces and make them stop interacting with

Dragon, as long as the box is hidden. To unhide the box and to make DragonCapture

operate again, say “Show Box”.

One exception to the latter (above) would be if “Allow AutoPaste when hidden” is activated

via the checkmark in the UI, or by saying the global command “Allow AutoPaste”, which,

again, works as a toggle. With that setting activated, you may as well go on running in

AutoPaste mode even if the box is hidden.

C. Editing Mode

Editing Mode is activated by removing the checkmark for AutoPaste in the UI, or by saying

the global voice command “AutoPaste”.

Just like AutoPaste Mode, Editing Mode also automatically captures your dictation

whenever you are in a non-supported application, which, however, won’t be transferred to

the target application until the transfer is invoked by voice command: “Paste Box”, or

“Transfer”, which both act equally.

But this is not the only difference between the two modes. In Editing Mode, you may as well

switch to the DragonCapture box, by saying “Edit box”, “Switch to Box”, or “Go to Box”, if

editing the text before transferring is desired, or if you want to use it in a “classical

Dictation Box” way.

To switch back to the target application, say “Switch to Target”, or “Go to Target”.

Alternatively, you can also say “Switch Focus” to go back and forth between the box and

the target application.

In addition to that, Editing Mode does not require working in one target application all the

time, as you can also switch between various applications without the text in the box being

altered, and the dictation buffer not being reset, so the DragonCapture box serves as a

continuous remote dictation box all the way, until the text in the box is transferred to its


Furthermore, transferring the text can be invoked both from within the target application,

and from within the DragonCapture box. DragonCapture keeps a record of the previously

active target application, thus, when pasting from inside the box, this is where the text will

go to.

To assist you in determining where the dictation will be pasted to, the current target is

always displayed the status bar of the box, see the picture below, which was taken when

Microsoft Word had been the previous target.

D. More Details: Menus & Options

3. Box and Font Manipulation (Settings)

The DragonCapture box is resizable, both horizontally and vertically; move the cursor near

one of the borders, or one of the corners, so that the drawing handles are displayed, and

grab them to drag the borders, yielding whichever dimensions fit your needs. Do note,

however, that the box can’t be drawn below a minimum size.

DragonCapture also comes with three prefabricated box sizes: Small (minimum), Normal,

and Large, which can be accessed via the menus or by voice commands:

You can move the box to any position on the screen, via drag-and-drop, after grabbing the

title bar, or place the box in (one of four) prefabricated positions: Top Left (default), Bottom

Left, Top Right, and Bottom Right, again via the menus or by voice commands:

The default text font face, depending on your system, is Tahoma, and the default font size

is 9pt. You may manipulate the text font in multiple ways: first by setting it to two more

prefabricated sizes (Normal and Large, 11pt and 14pt), and then ultimately by selecting

your own font face and font size from a typical Windows Choose Font dialog:

Note: All of your preferences regarding the box size and position, as well as the text font,

will be stored at the end of the session (when the user profile is closed) and restored at the

beginning of the next session (when the user profile is launched).

4. Tools: Options, Check for Updates, About

For the most part, the items under the Tools menus are self-explanatory, but let’s have a

look anyway, starting with the “Options”:

In addition to the options already discussed, which are replicated here, there are a couple

of new items worth while noting:

Start Box in Hidden Mode

If you have already become more familiar with the utility, you may prefer to use it in

“AutoPaste Mode” for the most part, or even throughout, along with the option to “Allow

AutoPaste when hidden”. You may, as well, wish to hide the box permanently, and

therefore run the box in hidden mode right from the start; this is the option to achieve


When running this way, a notification balloon will pop up in the bottom right corner of

the screen, after launch, informing you that the utility has started and that you can

unhide the box by saying “Show Box”.

Alternatively, you can click the DragonCapture notification icon, which resides in the

notification area at the right-hand side of the taskbar, to switch between showing and

hiding the box at any time, making the icon turn red (hidden), green (unhidden), or blue

(hidden, with “Allow AutoPaste when hidden” activated):


When “TypeMode” (simulating keystrokes when transferring the text to the target

application) is activated, you can select from five different modes via this option, offering

variable typing speeds and implementation methods.

In most scenarios, you may wish to go with “TypeMode 3” (default) because it is the

fastest mode, almost making it impossible to tell that the characters are actually

transferred one-by-one.

But if you encounter any problems in the process of text transfer, such as missing or

doubling letters appearing in the text, try a different mode. There is no particular setting

which works best for everyone, so play around with it yourself to find out what works for

you, including deactivating TypeMode altogether.

To assist you in determining your best option, two prefabricated voice commands have

been implemented, simulating both ways: the AutoPaste versus the standard (copy-and-

paste) transfer method, by temporarily switching modes:

Paste Alphabet (voice command)

Type Alphabet (voice command)

Optional Commands

A fully detailed listing and description of the DragonCapture voice command is provided

in a separate stand-alone manual. Basically, all voice commands are defined as global,

thus making them available from any place, as long as the box is showing.

The voice commands related to manipulating the box or the font, however, have

additionally been made optional, thus giving the user more flexibility, as well as avoiding

the risk of those commands misfiring, or potentially competing with already existing

default or user-defined commands.

Here is the place to individually enable or disable them.

Register Win + Y Hotkey to Switch Focus

The focus switching commands (Switch to Box, Switch to Target, Switch Focus, etc., cf.

“Commands Guide”) and the text transferring commands (Paste Box, Transfer), when

executed from within the DragonCapture box, to facilitate Editing Mode, require internal

use of a hotkey combination.

Currently, the key combination “Windows Key + Y” has been chosen for this. The hotkey

is automatically registered at startup, and unregistered at shutdown.

Future versions may include an optional key selecting feature. For the time being, if the

above option is unchecked, the hotkey will be unregistered, but Editing Mode will also

not be available when doing so.

Beep on Focus Switched

When selected (default), a short system sound is played every time the focus has been

switched by one of the focus switching or text transferring actions referred to above, as

audible confirmation.

Check for Updates (manually) and Check for Updates at Startup (automatically)

Almost self-explanatory. If “Check for Updates at Startup” is activated under options,

and if an update is available, the user will be made aware of it when DragonCapture is

started, like this:

The same dialog will pop up if the function is invoked manually, via the menu under

“Tools”, if an update is available.

To install an update, refer to the “Installation Instructions” at the beginning of this



The “About” screen is the place to provide you with version and support information:

5. Help

Under the Help menu, you have access to the User Guide (this document) and the Voice

Commands Guide, both as PDF, via a permanent download link. Both guides will be

updated, reflecting future changes.

6. Shut Down

If, for any reason, you find that DragonCapture is in your way, you may wish to deactivate

it completely for the given session. You can do so by going to the “Shut Down” menu:

Calling the menu will unload the DragonCapture module altogether. Therefore, to complete

the action, you will need to confirm the following prompt; thus making sure that you didn’t

hit it inadvertently:

However, keep in mind that hiding the box should typically be enough to pause the

DragonCapture interfaces for the time being, so to that end, shutting DragonCapture down

should not be necessary.

E. More Advanced Implementation Details

Although it may seem that DragonCapture is apt to interact with a non-supported target

application, it is not. In fact, quite the opposite is true. As much as Dragon itself,

DragonCapture is equally unable to “read” the text environment within an application

which is not speech-enabled; thus not Select-and-Say, for instance.

DragonCapture, however, has one advantage over Dragon in such situations, by virtue of

creating and maintaining its own dictation context.

It does this by operating from an internal dictation buffer, thus allowing for “continuous”

dictation internally, which means that, once started within a given context, the follow-up

dictation will be rendered correctly, with regards to spacing and capitalization, as long as

the context doesn’t change and the buffer is not reset.

When implementing the DragonCapture dictation module, a number of choices had to be

made specifically as to the handling of the internal buffer. To keep it straightforward and

simple, as well as convenient to use, the overall design decision was to keep the buffer

steady as long as the foreground application doesn’t change, but reset the buffer whenever

the focus is shifted to a different spot, and start over, with no space and a capital letter,

such as at the beginning of a new paragraph.

All of the above being said, it is important understand that, however good DragonCapture is

at automatically delivering direct dictation nearly anywhere where Dragon fails to operate,

it won’t make a non-supported application Select-and-Say, and isn’t capable of editing or

correcting the text in the target application, in and of itself.

F. Summary

When You Don’t Need DragonCapture

When the DragonBar displays a green ●, you don’t need DragonCapture

because you are dictating into a Dragon friendly application. Dragon

(intelligently) deposits your dictation into your target application, knows when

capitalization is needed, and allows you to correct, edit, select and delete by voice.

Unfortunately, only a few applications are Dragon friendly.

When You Need DragonCapture

When the DragonBar displays a grey Ø, you are attempting to dictate into a

non-Dragon friendly application. The reason why we say “attempting” is

because, in most situations, Dragon will not deposit your dictation. If you are lucky,

Dragon may deposit your text but with unwanted spacing, missing spacing, and improper


Why You Probably Need KnowBrainer, As Well As DragonCapture

DragonCapture not only forces dictation (anywhere you can type), it also deposits proper

capitalization and spacing. DragonCapture dictation is as smooth as if you are dictating

into a Dragon friendly application, such as Microsoft Word or Outlook. DragonCapture’s

only weakness is correcting/editing. When you select a word or phrase to edit,

DragonCapture may deposit improper capitalization and spacing. Fortunately,

KnowBrainer 2017 includes a number of artificial intelligence correcting/editing commands

which, when applied to selected text, will overwrite your dictation with proper spacing and

capitalization, then move the cursor to the end of the current paragraph. For this reason,

we recommend combining DragonCapture with KnowBrainer 2017.
