DSC Change Proposal - gasgov-mst-files.s3.eu-west-1 ... · Section A3: Proposer Requirements /...


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DSC Change Proposal

Change Reference Number: XRN4747 Customers to fill out all of the information in this colour

Xoserve to fill out all of the information in this colour Section A1: General Details Change Title Smart Meter Upgrade Notification Report

(AS20180412) Date Raised 24/08/2018 Sponsor Organisation Npower Sponsor Name James Rigby Sponsor Contact Details James.Rigby@npower.com Xoserve Contact Name Rachel Hinsley Xoserve Contact Details Rachel.Hinsley@Xoserve.com Change Status Proposal / With DSG / Out for review / Voting / Approved or

Rejected Section A2: Impacted Parties Customer Class(es) ☒ Shipper

☐ National Grid Transmission ☐ Distribution Network Operator ☐ IGT

Section A3: Proposer Requirements / Final (redlined) Change WHAT – AS20180412 • Npower to pay for a commercial report to be run in November 2018 that will confirm the current Supplier for sites with successful and unsuccessful smart meter upgrades that are no longer in Npowers ownership. This report will require Npower to provide a list of sites before the report can run. • Reports to include MPRN and MSN reference and potentially any extraordinary queries(erroneous transfers etc) • On receipt of Npower’s list, Xoserve would send out an e-mail to the relevant contract managers for each Supplier notifying them of the changes(successes and failures)

WHY – Npower need to inform suppliers of successful and unsucessful smart meter upgrades, where they have lost ownership of the MPRN they do not know the current supplier. WHEN – 1st November 2018 (dry run 1st October 2018)

Proposed Release (Feb/Jun/Nov/Minor)

Customer requested implementation date is 1st November 2018

Proposed Consultation Period ☐ 10 Working Days ☐ 20 Working Days ☐ 30 Working days Other:

Section A4: Benefits and Justification Benefit Description What, if any, are the tangible benefits of introducing this change?

Npower need to inform suppliers of successful and unsuccessful smart meter upgrades, where they


What, if any, are the intangible benefits of introducing this change?

have lost ownership of the MPRN they do not know the current supplier. This report will allow Npower to complete the above.

Benefit Realisation When are the benefits of the change likely to be realised?

Immediately upon delivery

Benefit Dependencies Please detail any dependencies that would be outside the scope of the change, this could be reliance on another delivery, reliance on some other event that the projects has not got direct control of.


Section A5: Final Delivery Sub-Group (DSG) Recommendations Until a final decision is achieved, please refer to section C of the form. Final DSG Recommendation Approve / Reject / Defer DSG Recommended Release Release X: Feb/Jun/Nov XX or Adhoc DD/MM/YYYY Section A6: Funding Funding Classes ☒ Shipper 100%

☐ National Grid Transmission XX% ☐ Distribution Network Operator XX% ☐ IGT XX%

Service Line(s) Service Area 18: Provision of user reports and information

ROM or funding details N/A Funding Comments This will be 100% Shipper funded as only Shippers benefit from the

report. Section A7: ChMC Recommendation Change Status ☐ Approve – Issue to DSG

☐ Defer – Issue for review ☐ Reject

Industry Consultation ☐ 10 Working Days ☐ 20 Working Days ☐ 30 Working days Other:

Expected date of receipt for responses (to Xoserve) XX/XX/XXXX

DSC Consultation

Issued ☐ Yes ☐ No

Date Issued Comms Ref(s) Number of Responses Section A8: DSC Voting Outcome Solution Voting ☐ Shipper Approve / Reject / NA / Abstain

☐ National Grid Transmission Approve / Reject / NA / Abstain ☐ Distribution Network Operator Approve / Reject / NA / Abstain ☐ IGT Approve / Reject / NA / Abstain

Meeting Date XX/XX/XXXX Release Date Release X: Feb / Jun / Nov XX or Adhoc DD/MM/YYYY or NA Overall Outcome Approved for Release X / Rejected

Please send the completed forms to: box.xoserve.portfoliooffice@xoserve.com


Document Version History

Version Status Date Author(s) Summary of Changes

1.0 Proposal 27th September


Rachel Hinsley

2.0 Proposal 2nd October


Heather Spensley

Appendix 1 added

Template Version History

Version Status Date Author(s) Summary of Changes

3.0 Approved 17/07/18 Emma Smith Template approved at ChMC on 11th July

4.0 Approved 07/09/18 Emma Smith Minor wording amendments and additional customer group impact within Appendix 1


Appendix 1

Change Prioritisation Variables

Xoserve uses the following variables set for each and every change within the Xoserve Change Register, to derive the indicative benefit prioritisation score, which will be used in conjunction with the

perceived delivery effort to aid conversations at the DSC ChMC and DSC Delivery Sub Groups to prioritise changes into all future minor and major releases.

Change Driver Type ☐ CMA Order ☐ MOD / Ofgem ☐ EU Legislation ☐ License Condition ☐ BEIS ☐ ChMC endorsed Change Proposal ☐ SPAA Change Proposal ☒ Additional or 3rd Party Service Request ☐ Other(please provide details below)

Please select the customer group(s) who would be impacted if the change is not delivered

☐Shipper Impact ☐iGT Impact ☐Network Impact ☐Xoserve Impact ☐National Grid Transmission Impact

Associated Change reference Number(s)


Associated MOD Number(s) N/A Perceived delivery effort ☒ 0 – 30 ☐ 30 – 60

☐ 60 – 100 ☐ 100+ days Does the project involve the processing of personal data? ‘Any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified in particular by reference to an identifier’ – includes MPRNS.

☐ Yes (If yes please answer the next question) ☒ No

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) will be required if the delivery of the change involves the processing of personal data in any of the following scenarios:

☐ New technology ☐ Vulnerable customer data ☐ Theft of Gas ☐ Mass data ☐ Xoserve employee data ☐ Fundamental changes to Xoserve business ☐ Other(please provide details below) (If any of the above boxes have been selected then please contact The Data Protection Officer (Sally Hall) to complete the DPIA.

Change Beneficiary How many market participant or segments stand to benefit from the introduction of the change?

☐ Multiple Market Participants ☐ Multiple Market Group ☐ All industry UK Gas Market participants ☐ Xoserve Only ☐ One Market Group ☒ One Market Participant

Primary Impacted DSC Service Area

Service Area 24: Additional Service Request or Third Party Request

Number of Service Areas Impacted

☐ All ☐ Five to Twenty ☐ Two to Five ☒ One

Change Improvement Scale? How much work would be reduced for the customer if the change is implemented?

☐ High ☒ Medium ☐ Low


Document Control

Version History

Version Status Date Author(s) Summary of Changes

1 Draft 27/04/18 Anesu Chivenga

Are any of the following at risk if the change is not delivered? ☐ Safety of Supply at risk ☒Customer(s) incurring financial loss ☐ Customer Switching at risk

Are any of the following required if the change is delivered? ☐ Customer System Changes Required ☐ Customer Testing Likely Required ☐ Customer Training Required

Known Impact to Systems / Processes Primary Application impacted ☐BW ☐ ISU ☐ CMS

☐ AMT ☐ EFT ☐ IX

☐ Gemini ☐ Birst ☒ Other (please provide details below)

Business Process Impact ☐AQ ☐SPA ☐RGMA ☐Reads ☐Portal ☐Invoicing ☒Other (please provide details below)

Are there any known impacts to external services and/or systems as a result of delivery of this change?

☐ Yes (please provide details below) ☒ No

Please select customer group(s) who would be impacted if the change is not delivered.

☐ Shipper impact ☐ Network impact ☐ iGT impact ☐ Xoserve impact ☐ National Grid Transmission Impact

Workaround currently in operation? Is there a Workaround in operation?

☐ Yes ☒ No

If yes who is accountable for the workaround?

☐ Xoserve ☐ External Customer ☐ Both Xoserve and External Customer

What is the Frequency of the workaround?

What is the lifespan for the workaround?

What is the number of resource effort hours required to service workaround?

What is the Complexity of the workaround?

☐ Low (easy, repetitive, quick task, very little risk of human error) ☐ Medium (moderate difficult, requires some form of offline calculation, possible risk of human error in determining outcome) ☐ High (complicate task, time consuming, requires specialist resources, high risk of human error in determining outcome)

Change Prioritisation Score
