dts newsletter



Papua New Guinea: Objectives Australia :

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Australia and PNG outreach

October DTS 2009



G’day, family and friends of the October Discipleship Training School (DTS)! We are so excited that the school has

finally begun and we are all here together. It has been awesome getting to know everyone and we are so grateful

to all of you for being a part of the journey in getting us here. Fourty three people from 8 different nations have

gathered together for a 5 1/2 month school designed to help us know God and make Him known, and in just a few

weeks we will be setting off to Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Not only is this DTS a time for each of us to develop in our own lives, but we are also passionate about making a difference in this world. This includes 9 weeks reaching out in practical ways to individuals and communities in Australia and the South Pacific region by helping them to discover identity, hope, and purpose. We have felt very strongly that the whole school should go to PNG and South Eastern Australia to help prepare the way for the YWAM Australia and PNG Ship Tour starting in February 2010.

Papua New Guinea:The needs in PNG are vast, from the issues related to the poor and needy, to a lack of adequate healthcare,

therefore we are wanting to join with Papua New Guineans to:• Share and celebrate the differences in our cultures.• Work in remote villages to strengthen communities and local churches through acts of service, teaching, and

ministry.• Help prepare the way for the Australia & PNG Ship tour, particularly by analyzing health care needs and

encouraging the Papua New Guinean church to be involved in missions.• Collect stories and media through hands on experience to educate and advocate on behalf of PNG to the youth

of Australia.

Australia:We want to champion young Australians to discover their identity and purpose. We will help them to engage their

faith by showing them how they can make tangible changes to the world around them, with a particular focus

on how they can be involved with the issues of injustice and the poor and needy. We have found that providing

young people with the opportunity to address some of these needs can make such a lasting impression on them

that their lives are drastically changed for the better.We will be partnering with the YWAM Australia and PNG Ship Tour to reach young people in cities along the

South East coast of Australia.We will be speaking in church youth groups, schools, and open community events to call people to make a

difference as well as educate them on the present needs in PNG.

How You Can Help

Give Fundraise



The cost of this outreach is approximatly $3000 AUD for each student/staff member. Every little bit counts! Donations can be made through our website at www.ywamrto.org/notes/Finances

Could you help by putting on a fundraising event? If you have any creative ideas, we would love you to partner with us. Maybe you could hold a BBQ or present what we are doing to your local church!

Most importantly we need prayer to make this happen. Here are some of our prayer points:• Unity for each of our 4 teams.• Wisdom in preparing for outreach and how to see all of the finances raised • That our teams would serve the people of PNG and Australia whole heartedly to see people reached with the gospel, inspiring long term hope and change.• For God’s creativity as we strategize and pray about how to be effective

Thank you so much for taking time to read this, and for partnering with us in this exciting adventure.

October 11th - November 22nd

November 23rd - December 11th

December 12th - January 16th

January 18th - Febuary 26th

Lectures in Townsville

Papua New Guinea Outreach (3 weeks)

Back to base in Townsville for more lectures

South Eastern Australia outreach ( 5 weeks )
