Dual Accreditation CESD-OC



Dual Accreditation CESD-OC. Topics. Community Learning Campus (CLC) Dual Credit History Pilot Project What we’ve done What we’re learning Questions. “My son’s outlook towards post-secondary education is much different and more positive.” Parent. Community Learning Campus. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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• Community Learning Campus (CLC)• Dual Credit History• Pilot Project• What we’ve done• What we’re learning• Questions

“My son’s outlook towards post-secondary education is much different and more positive.” Parent

Community Learning Campus

The Community Learning Campus is a joint venture of Olds College, Chinook’s Edge School Division in collaboration with the Town of Olds, Mountain View County and the University of Alberta. Since this project was first proposed in 2004, the CLC has gained support and recognition from government, community, business and industry.

“Having to be there (at all college classes) made me have a better work ethic and I went to my high school classes more often.” Student


1.Provide reciprocal and seamless transfer between high school, post-secondary and community

2.Personalize learning to meet diverse needs3.Create a campus that encompasses and

promotes environmental sustainability4.Advance rural community development

“Dual credit added practical value to the students existing program and allowed students to learn about something they were genuinely interested in.” High school administrator

History of Dual Credit• Olds College first offered CTS credit transfer for courses

with the Tech Prep and Career Prep programs in the 90’s.

• With the limitations of space, equipment and skilled teachers—how can CESD offer CTS in rural schools?

• How can Olds College provide learning and opportunities in rural schools for their future students?

“I think dual credit builds the bridge for the student who previously thought they could not consider post secondary education.” College instructor

History continued

• “Proof of concept” dual accreditation courses in welding, meat processing, human relations and equine-2006 to 2009.

• Olds College research into dual credit-BC model (Thompson Rivers University) and Ontario model (Algonquin).

• Spring 2009, Chinook’s Edge School Division received funding.

“It (the trades course) showed me how I need my math and other courses to do that work.” Student

Pilot Project

• Goal- to develop a model for dual accreditation based on learner pathways for Alberta high schools and post-secondary institutions.

• Include recommendations for funding, program structure and delivery, instructional models, infrastructure considerations, and governance.

“It helped me realize that getting a minimum 70 average isn’t as hard as I thought. So therefore gives me confidence to get better grades in high school.” Student

Pilot Project • High school credit in various Career and

Technology Studies (CTS) courses in addition to earning Olds College course credits.

• Delivered on-site at Olds College and in a blended model, using video-conferencing suites in the Community Engagement Sites.

• Pilot funding provides for project coordination and a “hold harmless” model as we move through implementation (schools receive CEU funding, college receives tuition from pilot project).

“The course helped me decide what I want to do so I know what I need to reach there.” Student

What we’ve done• Reviewed research on dual credit programs in the

U.S. and Canada.

• Established a governance team, developed processes and guidelines (including an interim funding model for the project), started data collection.

• Articulated CTS courses to college courses in fashion, trades, equine, meat processing.

• Program stats included on wiki.

“I think that this program was excellent as it was exactly what my son needed. I hope that this program can continue and possibly expand into other areas. Thank you very much.” Parent

What we’re learning

• Commitment from the executive of both organizations is fundamental to dual accreditation.

• Flexibility on the part of both organizations is necessary.

• Dual accreditation=dual enrolment; both an Olds College and Chinook’s Edge student.

“This has been a great opportunity; my son is so much happier and has a positive outlook towards schooling now. I could never get him to study before, now he comes home and will spend hours studying and doing homework, and enjoys it.” Parent

What we’re learning

• Learning more about each other’s systems helps bridge K-12 and post-secondary.

• Coordination from CESD and OC is necessary for developing and communicating processes.

• Most barriers can be mitigated through a flexible approach.

“My daughter has become so focused at school right now and taking this course has been a lot of work for her but has enjoyed every minute of it. It has shown her a whole new world and now can't wait to go to college and knows what she wants to do for the rest of life.” Parent

What we’re learning

• Need lots of lead time for student recruitment. Second semester seems to work better for many students.

• Funding implications for long term sustainability-looking for possible solutions.

• Requests from other school districts-there is interest in dual credit.

• Variety of dual credit models -see wiki.

“I have a better understanding of what skills I have.” Student

What we’re learning

• Rural students and their parents are pleased with the programming they are receiving.

• The pilot project is expanding to RDC in the second semester.

“It gave me a great opportunity to continue my apprenticeship faster than my other peers and it makes me want to come back to Olds College to finish my second and third years.” Student

Dual Credit is Important

• Assists in the transition from high school to college.

• Provides students with a purpose and excitement about going to school when they have a variety of options available.

• Students get the opportunity to try college and be successful before they take a chance on postsecondary.

“It (taking the dual credit course) makes me want to try harder in school so I can get a good job so I can have a good future.” Student


Pat Bidart, Associate Vice President Academic & International ServicesOlds College 403-556-8365


Barb Mulholland, Curriculum and Instruction CoordinatorChinook’s Edge School Division 403-507-7731

