Dual Store Manager Meeting presentation 1(1)new


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District 111/881

Partner Development

Hiring Process

Developing a Bench – Assessments

What’s in it for me?

Putting the Pieces together

Hiring Process

Current State

-No consistent routine in place for all SM's to follow

Future State-Execute Hiring Routine to build the success of our stores through staffing

Hiring Process

Future State-Weekly Commitment to spend 30 Minutes Reviewing Applicants in RHH

This will allow us to find the best canidates

-Conduct Phone Screenings

-Set up minimum 1 interview per week

Hiring Process

2016 Holiday Staffing-According to your Availability Assessment, what % are you in staffing?(goal is 150%)

-Lets Decide TODAY when we will start hiring and how many! Lets get a head start on Holiday!

-According to the availability assessment, how many partners do you need to hire? How long until those new hires are effective partners on your floor?

-When do we need to start hiring

Developing a Bench – Assessments Picture

Current State

-Assess Baristas as we need them

-Promoted baristas not always equipped to lead a team

Developing a Bench – Assessments Picture

Future State

-Each store have at least 2 baristas assessed by a partnering Store Manager for future shift supervisor position

-Barista may not be ready, however they will be engaged with their development based on feedback from assessment

What’s in it for me? Picture

NO More Scrambling Around To Find Great Partners

-Practice improving interviewing skills

-Finding the best candidates to make our businesses successful

-We will have more time to keep our partners engaged in development

Putting the Pieces Together

The right staffing will allow us to...

Support Our Business...Engaged Partners equals a great experience for our customers to want to come back for

Support Our Customers...by having the right partners in the right place at the right time

Support Our Partners...by not putting them in challenging situations and keeping them engaged

Putting the Pieces Together


-Each store manager starts Reviewing applicants executing phone screenings, at least 2 per week and set up at least 1 interview per week beginning on June 13th. Start Hiring for Holiday as soon as Needed to staff store to reach 150% availablity(D881 already completing) Put into SM approach

-Identify at least 2 baristas that you would like to asses and then email the names of those baristas by June 17th

-Asses those selected baristas by another SM by July 8th (d881 has there own date set) Put into SM approach

Hiring Process

Developing a Bench

What’s in it for me?

Big Picture

Created by

Scott Ritchie & David Alto
