Dutch painters shakina a



Dutch paiting, main ideas and names

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Shakina Anastasia

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The first third of the XIX century in Denmark was called the "golden age." It included the Danes desire for peace, tranquility and harmony, after a succession of troubles related to the wars of the French Revolution.

The cultural tradition determined not heroism and pathos, but the beauty of reality. So, the Danish art of the "golden age" can be compared with a Dutch painting of the XVII century.

He was educated at the Copenhagen Academy of Art, and then spent many years abroad - in France and Italy. Back in Denmark, the artist received a large order for the royal signature Christiansborg Palace, the victim of a fire in Copenhagen in 1794. In parallel with the creative work Ekkersberg taught at the academy. His appointment to the post of professor was instrumental in the development of a national school of art. Almost all Danish painters were his disciples. He could spent long hours in the port. He sought to convey the state of water, the atmosphere, the feeling of infinity sea gave. In the artistic heritage Ekkersberga preserved landscapes, portraits and genre scenes.

One of the most famous works of Jensen - "Portrait of Bridget Hohlenberg" refers to the period of 1825-1830 years - pore of his fame. The face of a young girl distinguished: liveliness, spontaneity and sense of her own attractiveness. Combination of sophistication and clarity of color put it in some of the best female characters of the first third of the XIX century. The Hermitage possesses one of the portraits of his work.

An example of such picture is a "View of the cathedral in Roskilde" Jorgen Rude. In the picture a lot of technical advantages. The plot tells of the sad event, this is the funeral. Brings hope and color of the picture, in which the cold light colors of the sky, the whiteness of snow combined with carmine tones of the building.

In 1861, he enrolled at the Copenhagen Academy of Arts. Then he became a professor at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. In 1883 he was elected a member of the Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen. Andersen-Lundby pictures are in the collections of many museums in Europe, including the Art Museum, Aalborg, Art Museum of Copenhagen (Denmark), the Neue Pinakothek in Munich as well as in private collections.

In the nature, Lundby more romantic than Ryud. "The purpose of my life as an artist, said Lundby, is to portray the favorite in Denmark, so characteristic of her simplicity and humility. How much beauty and charm in the contours of our hills. They are so wavy that it seems as if sprung from the sea, the mighty sea, on the shores of which tower the round yellow cliffs. How much beauty in our fields, forests, moors! "

Among the paintings depicting the Danish Nature, Skougora distinguishes soft monumentality. They are filled with a sense of peace, silence, eternity of nature. Human figures entered in the landscape, and its size is secondary only emphasize the scale and grandeur of nature.

Even in a little work, as "Whitening canvases under the trees," Skougoru managed to create a monumental and, at the same time, the lyrical image. The desire to be together in foreign travel during the training at the academy contributed to the majority of Danish artists who were in close contact, the families were friends, many associate their relationship.

The artist's works features classic clarity of composition. On his return from Italy, Hansen wrote a series of children's portraits. It came in and "Portrait of Eliza Kebke with a cup." The girl was the daughter of the artist who died early Christen Kebke not assessed at its true worth in life, and has become recognized only in the late XIX century. Undoubtedly, the special relationship of artists to their late friend's daughter. It is felt in the portrait painted Hansen. The purpose of the artist - not to copy nature. He must identify the most significant, leaving aside the small, softening or sharpening expression, "Hansen wrote in his diary.

Black dog meant a bad omen, and a chimney sweep in the background - the conditions in which enters a person who commits a crime. Massive forms of the prison had to create in the viewer a sense of fear of the inevitable punishment. However, now, picture of Rerbi, written more than half a century ago, is a valuable document of the period, tells of the life and customs of the inhabitants of the Danish capital in the first third of the XIX century.

Peder Monsted was born in 1859 in Denmark, at the end of the "golden age" of Danish painting. Artist's skill perfected during numerous trips - in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Landscapes, image fields, forests and rural species, were very popular and brought the artist deserved success. Landscape painter, known for the clarity of light, naturalistic "clean air".

He is widely recognized for his colorful landscapes, often with water, which show almost photographic quality and the highest technical skills. His arts were exhibited in Charlottenburg, and in the salons of Paris and Munich. Landscapes Monsteda have a prolonged contemplation. Together with the artist viewer admires the world, perfect in all its forms, so familiar and at the same time. Now his works are in museums and Bautzena Aalborg (Denmark).

William Somerset Maugham draws Dirk vulnerable, sensitive and kind person, whose the best feature consists in sorting out in good paintings.

According to the book, we saw that he tried to be a famous person, but he did not have a talent. Stroeve , in some extent, copied well-known painters of his century. Although, his works looked rather ridiculous, than unusual and beautiful.