Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (RGK) Author searches -...


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DyabolaArchäologische Bibliographie


Kommission (RGK)

Author searches - simple names

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Dyabola: author searches- In this demo we search the

Sachkatalog der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (RGK) Frankfurt. The Monographien der Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Europas (RGK) and the Eurasienbibliographie (DAI) work on the same principle

- This demo uses the English version

You are looking for publications by

Michaela Konrad

Always start with a capital letter and use diacritics (é, ü, ç, etc.)

if these occur in the name

In case of frequent surnames, add the initial(s): Konrad, M



17 hits

If you are not sure of the author or of the

correct spelling, browse the list of

author names

Use List of authors

Do not enter a name



A capital letter is not required here

Do use diacritics (é, ü, ç, etc.)

if the first letter has one

The listing of titles is a bit less clear

Sometimes there is a link to more titles


- Use Expert search and Author with publ. for a precise result

- Use capital letters and diacritics

- Use Author: list to find the variants of a name, which you can then use for an Author with publ. search

- Search may be used, but often gives too many hits
