e are so excited about the promotion of Sarah September...


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Service Times For the Record - 8.28.16

AM Worship - 8:15 a.m.

Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

AM Worship – 10:30 a.m.

PM Worship – 5:00 p.m.

Wednesday – 7:00 p.m.

Contribution – $13,369.13

Sunday School – 208

AM Worship – 305

PM Worship – 156

Wednesday – N/A

Sept. 11th 10:30 AM PM

Song Leader Kim Cline Paul Anderson

Opening Prayer Ken Mechamehl Joe Henry

Scripture Reading Jason Cagle Mason Rich

Closing Prayer Elders Dale Boyd

Nursery TBD TBD

(Monthly) Audio-Visual Stace Fauske Vaughn Anderson

Presiding at the Table John Hayes

Greeters Parsons/ R. Moore

Card Pick-up Bo Fauske

Ashley Glen - 8:30 a.m. Growth Group 2

Opening Prayer Ernie Menet

Song Leader Thomas Cagle

Devotional John Hayes

Closing Prayer Vaughn Anderson

(Monthly) Communion Preparation Debbie Cagle/ Lana Parker

(Monthly) Building Lock-up Gary Holloway/ Bill Macke


9/4 Youth lead P.M. Service

9/11 H.S. Devo

9/16-18 RUSH @ FHU

9/23 5th Quarter

Philip (but mostly Peyton)

W e are so excited about the promotion of Sarah Macke and Sarah Meacham to the PTC youth group. We know that both sweet girls will be a

great addition to our family!

Also thank you to all who helped make last Sunday's promo-tion event successful!

Assisting in Worship


Chris Parker/Phil Baus

Song Leader

AM Ken Weinhardt

PM Youth

Opening Prayer

AM Jeff Richardson

PM Youth

Scripture Reading

AM Daniel England

PM Samuel Jennings


John Hayes

Table Servants

Chris Brock

Joshua Brock

Brian Boyd

Riley Boyd

Gary Caldwell

Keith Ellis

Shannon Fuller

Andy Hardin

Max Hardin

Paul Harp

John Hayes

Jeff Spangler

Card Pickup

Bo Fauske

Closing Prayer

AM Elders

PM Youth


AM 8:15 TBD

10:30 Anne England



Parsons/ R. Moore

I came that they may have life and have it abundantly –John 10:10


Office Phone 770-487-9246 Email: pccoc@bellsouth.net

September 4, 2016

Today’s Sermons - September 4

AM - Foundation, Foundation, Foundation, Philip Baus

PM - Outsmarting Your Smart T.V., Jeremiah Holloway

Out With Pout Aubrey Johnson

T he solution to strained relationships is not lin-gering on the past (pouting) or litigating your case against others (prosecuting). The answer

is to send some love their way. Instead of retreating, run to meet them. Rather than retaliating, do them a kindness. In other words, the way forward is to be-come more like God who is not peevish but faithful (Lamentations 3.22-23). God is not easily offended and vindictive. He is not crabby or cross. His steadfast love never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. No matter what happened yesterday, His love and mercy are new every morning. His faithfulness is great beyond comprehension.

When the Lord passed before Moses, He proclaimed, “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithful-ness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin.” (Exodus 34:6-7a). His nature has not changed over the years. Thousands of years later, Paul wrote, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). Since God is merci-ful and forgiving, those who love Him and follow Him desire to make these traits their own. Give up your grudges today, and begin enjoying a holier and happier life.

Send some love their way!

Ministry Minutes Brian Boyett

New Preacher, Jimmy England

A s we begin to identify attributes that we want in someone we hire as a new preacher, I don’t want us to forget God’s opinion. One of the things I try to do daily is set aside my will, and let God’s will prevail. I pray that we seek out

God’s will for this process. I’m reminded of characteristics identified in 1 Cor. 12, 13 and 14 and how some had forgotten God’s will and needed to be reminded by Paul. These cannot be overlooked, but what I’m drawn to is when Jesus was about to face the cross. Dreading the suffering, He spoke to His Father and prayed for what He want-ed for His people (you and I). Jesus, who gave it all, wanted something for us.

In John 17:20-24, Jesus wants us to believe that He was who He said He was. Jesus wants us to believe the Bible to be God’s word. Jesus wants us to be one, as much so as Jesus was one with His Father. Je-sus wants us to be one with Him in glorifying God. Jesus wants us to be complete before God because of Him. Then Jesus makes emphasis, saying “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may be-hold My glory which You have given Me.” Jesus really wants us to belong and be with Him.

I want a preacher that helps us see and believe every day what Jesus wants for us. I want a preacher that longs for Jesus, just as we do. I want a preacher who prays for me, as I pray for him. I want a preacher, who not being perfect, strives to live each day in a way that shows Christ. I want a preacher that has a heart which yearns for Christ and can show God’s love through His word just as you and I do.

H ow do you define yourself?

Take a look at this picture. What do you see? Do you see a black vase or two profiles of a man’s face?

This is an example of Rubin’s vase. It’s a reversible image in which the viewer determines what is the positive or negative image. What’s interesting to me is that if you’re drawing a Rubin vase, you need to decide which image you’re going to draw: the vase, or the profiles of the men’s’ faces. You run into problems when your goal is to end up with a vase by drawing the two faces. In other words, it’s difficult to end up with an exact positive image by trying to draw the negative space around it.

Think about how we describe ourselves when speaking with others. Have you ever considered that we sometimes spend more time defining ourselves by what we’re not than what we are? Have you ever been in a conversation and found that you’re spending more time telling another person (or hearing them tell you) more about the things they don’t do than what they actually do? Defining ourselves by what we’re not isn’t always bad; it’s not bad in and of itself to tell someone you’re not an adulterer, extortioner, or an unjust person. But remember, that this is the same thing the Pharisee said when compar-ing himself to the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). And that’s the point: he thought more highly of himself based upon what he wasn’t rather than humbly stating what he was (as the tax collector did). As each of us go about our daily lives we set an ex-ample for those around us. If your goal is to define yourself as a Christian, fill your life with what a Christian is, rather than trying to justify yourself by what you are not.


Apologetics Press (Kyle Butt), Camp Inagehi, FHU Preacher Scholarships, Nicaragua (Pedro and

Otoniel Morales), Pike County church of Christ (Brian Simon), Rainbow Omega, Raintree Village,

Bibles for India (Ricky Gootam)


ptccoc.com; Facebook; ptccoc.tumblr.com

Family News

Calendar 9/4 GG4 Potluck after P.M. Service

9/10 Hill Toppers trip to Red Apple Barn (depart 8:30)

9/11 Jesus’ Lambs Grandparents’ Day Luncheon

9/13 Becoming 7:00 p.m.

9/25 Dutton Baby Shower (2-4 p.m. Fellowship Hall)


Perry Baker - (404) 427-3212


Jimmy England - (251) 375-4554


Andy Garner - (404) 557-1872


Todd Wilson - (678) 570-3382


9/4 Kathy Burnett

9/4 Deana Falkner

9/4 Payton Hayes

9/4 Callie Weathers

9/5 Ray Sims

9/9 Ben Weinhardt

9/10 Anna Satterfield



Joyce Greene

Edna Goble

Illness & Recovery

Malcolm Moore

Leigh Ann Stone

Expectant Mothers

Ashley Riner

Sudeepa Gootam

Leigh Ann Stone

Carla Dutton

Kristin Copeland

Dutton Baby Shower

Sunday, September 25th 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

(Registered at Target & Babies-R-Us)

Nursery colors: light green & pink

~ Carson King Dutton ~

Helen Mulaparthi

3208 Merrick Dr.

Peachtree City, GA 30269
