E-Services for the Society after Implementation of the Geospatial Information System (GIS) Līga...


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E-Services for the Society after Implementation of the Geospatial Information System (GIS)

Līga Jurjeva, Deputy Director General in Development Issues of the State Land Service, LatviaRiga, 2013


During GIS project SLS is implementing e-


Data browsing online

Thematic maps

Data analysis tool

Service ordering online Service ordering online

Currently services are mainly ordered and received in Customer Service

Centers (CSC)

Customers can choose any of 27 Customer Service Centers to

receive services

Some of services are available electronically

E-service «My data in


Data access online

Data distribution through WEB services

• 8 spatial data WEB services (WMS, WFS, ArcGIS)

• 4 text data WEB services (XML)

• Cadastre and State Address Register browsing 24/7

• Access to spatial data and maps online • Necessary survey information available

to land surveyors

• Receive free of charge information about own property

Currently services are mostly received on-site at CSC

Available electronically

Available on-site



After GIS project


• easy to order services online

• significant increase in services available online

Ability to electronically order most of SLS services

Nearly 20 services available

for receiving online

Ability to order preparation of 22 services online

Information related to services will be available in customer's account at


Ability for customers to view all orders placed by them

Ability to see order status at any time

Ability to receive and pay bills online

Ability to receive results of services prepared by SLS

Created environment for information exchange between land surveyors and

SLSEasy to receive information for


Ability to submit survey data

Ability to verify surveying files against specification

Enhanced ability to review and monitor expenditure

Goal: After GIS project implementation,

services will be ordered mostly online

Available electronically

Available on-site



Hardijs Lans
vārdu kārtība teikumā, ar brāli tika izrunāts šis? es teiktu After implamentation of GIS project, ....

We are achieving this goal by:

Creating appropriate e-environment (technical platform)

Offering attractive prices for e-services (cheaper to order online)

Informing society about e-facilities (marketing activities incl. social networks)

Available electronically

Available on-site 80


Data browsing online

Thematic maps

Data analysis tool

Service ordering online

Data browsing online

During GIS project SLS is implementing e-


Hardijs Lans

Data will be available in various portals

• Will be increased amount of data that is available with no charge

• Available new maps, for instance, encumbered territories

SLS data distribution portal

INSPIRE geoportal

• Access to Cadaster data on buildings and parcels • Access to State Address Register – addresses

and administrative territories

Latvian national geoportal

• Access to wide range of spatial data• Free and paid services

Data browsing online

Thematic maps

Data analysis tool

Service ordering online

Thematic maps

During GIS project SLS is implementing e-


During GIS project, SLS is developing various thematic maps

If necessary SLS, with a help of special tool, will be able to create more thematic


• Map of ownership type – ownership type of a property (legal person, individual, public person)

• Map of land use – represents parcels by land use (forest, agriculture, other land etc.)

• Map of building use kind – represents parcels by building use kind and type

• Price level map – average prices of real estate trades in particular territory

• Real estate trade map – real estate trade intensity in particular territory

Data browsing online

Thematic maps

Data analysis tool

Service ordering online

Data analysis tool

During GIS project SLS is implementing e-


Data analysis tool will allow select data by defined criteria

Turn on and off necessary layers.

Search by defined criteria, for instance, price, transaction type, area of object, etc.

Results are presented according to criteria entered, unnecessary results can be deleted.

Download selected data in Excel file.

Thank you for your attention!
