E016: Christy Whitman – Using Content to Fill Your Coaching Programs with Ideal Clients



Christy Whitman, New York Times bestelling author and founder of a successful international coaching academy discusses how she started her coaching career, and how she uses content today o continue to build her coaching business. In This Episode, You'll Discover: - The exact techniques that Christy used to consistently fill her coaching programs and how you can too - A SIMPLE and FREE way to connect with your ideal clients - An “addiction” many coaches have that kill their cash flow and what to do instead - Why Christy doesn’t “sell” her coaching programs and what she does instead

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 : T H E B A C K S TO R Y

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Using Content to Fill Your Coaching Programs with Ideal Clients


The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T


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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T


Our Featured Guest: Christy Whitman, New York Times best selling author and founder of a successful international coaching academy discusses how she started her coaching career, and how she uses content today to continue to build her coaching business. !Christy shares about universal laws and is the founder of Quantum Success Coaching Academy. Her passion is to teaching others to use these principles to magnetize success and abundance in every area of their lives.

In This Episode, You'll Discover: ✓ The exact techniques that Christy used to consistently fill her coaching programs and how

you can too

✓ A SIMPLE and FREE way to connect with your ideal clients

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EPISODE 16:Using Content to Fill Your Coaching Programs with Your Ideal Clients Listen Here: http://www.coachzing.com/podcast/e016-christy-whitman/

The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T

✓ An “addiction” many coaches have that kill their cash flow and what to do instead

✓ Why Christy doesn’t “sell” her coaching programs and what she does instead

Tips From The Episode: ✓ Make sure that you are in alignment with your message

✓ Focus on being yourself and not imitating others

✓ Get strategic about your focus with training opportunities

✓ Be clear about your clients pain points and desires and connect to that in your content

Links & Resources: ✓ Christy Whitman

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T

Introduction Welcome to the Coachzing show, dedicated to helping you work less, work more and help more

people for creative content marketing. This show is brought to you by Coachzing.com, a

marketing and publishing company for people who help people. And now here's your host, Doug


!Doug: Hello, welcome back to The Coachzing Show. This is Doug Foresta, and we're back

with another great guest.

! My guest today is Christy Whitman. Again, this is the show that helps you, coaches,

therapists, speakers and authors work less, earn more and help more people

through creative content marketing.

! Monday through Friday, we bring you the best of the best, and today is no

exception. I'm just going to say a little bit about Christy Whitman. I know many of

you are familiar with her, but I'm still going to introduce her.

! You can visit her at ChristyWhitman.com. She's the New York Times bestselling

author of three books, founder of an internationally acclaimed coaching academy and the creator of a library of personal development programs that reach over 110,000 people each month.

! She is passionately in love with her husband Frederick, who's also her business


! I think this is great, that she takes time every day to laugh, talk with and roll around

on the floor with her kids.

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T

! She says this was not always her reality, that she was doing all this, making

more money she ever dreamed possible. In fact, 17 years ago she was unhappy with virtually every aspect of her life.

!She was 30 pounds overweight, nearly $60,000 in debt, and she was able to change

that through learning the universal laws that govern deliberate creation, applying

them to her life and began manifesting all the things she ever wanted,

spontaneously and effortlessly.

!Today, her mission and passion is teaching others how to engage these universal

principles: The laws of attraction, abundance and allowing, to name a few, to attract

their ideal partners, create their ideal bodies, become more empowered parents to

their children and magnetize success and abundance in every part of their lives.

!It is my pleasure to introduce Christy Whitman. Christy, thank you so much for

joining me today.

!Christy: Well Doug, thank you so much for including me. I appreciate it.

!Doug: So obviously the show is about content creation, but it's also about living your life.

! I'll start with what are your favorite content creation strategies, to be able to get

your message out to the people who need to hear it?

!Christy: First and foremost, when I'm creating content, a lot of times, if I find myself at, okay,

I do my Quantum Success Show that comes out every Monday, it's a video internet

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The Coachzing Show E P I S O D E 1 6 : T R A N S C R I P T

show, and if I feel like, "Okay, I'm needing a little more content, what am I going to

speak on?"

! What I will do is I'll reach out to my community and I'll ask them, "What do you

want to know? What are you looking for?"

! So I've done this from the very beginning when I first started coaching. I came to

each and every single one of my one-on-one clients and I said, "If I was going to put

together a group coaching program, if there was one topic you wanted to learn

more about, what would that be?"

! Across the board, all of them said abundance, so I decided to create an abundance

principle coaching program, which I still promote, which does very well, which has

changed hundreds of lives. It's a remarkable program.

! So I always ask. I always ask, "What do you want to know about? What's bothering

you? What's your number one question?"

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