East Tech December Newsletter



December 2011 Newsletter, East Career and Technical Academy, Key Club Division 28 North

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What you’re going to see…

A word from the titan…………………...Pg 1

Meet your executive board!................Pg 2

Meet your secondary board!..............Pg 3

Member articles!................................Pg 4

Welcome to the first

East Tech Key Club

Artice …EVER!

A word from the Titan..

November was a wild ride. Fifty-five of you titans attended the 2011 Fall Rally South at Six Flags in Valencia CA. Even though we didn’t win, we still left as champions. Good job to all who went and repped’ the Division 28 North Phoenix, we made Jarren proud. Aside from fall rally, we did many other service events that really helped the community. It’s December and that means that the holidays are right around the corner. A month full of holiday spirit and cheer means an opportunity to spread that love and cheer to others. I know you titans have been working hard with the many service projects that your board has been providing you. Keep up the outstanding work; you are all MIGHTY MIGHTY TITANS. – The East Tech Titan.

We have social lives too!

@ EastTechKeyClub

EastTech KeyClub (ask to join the group too!)

East Tech Key Club | December Issue

Meet your Executive board!

President: Angela Dela Cruz I'd like to formally introduce myself to you as your president, Angela Dela Cruz. I have been a member of Key Club when it was first established in 2008 and as the club grew so did my dedication and love for the organization. Besides having this amount of spirit in me to the point my members demand to, "put her in a cage," There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing the goodness you have done by your own will to. Key Club has unlock the many opportunities there is in serving the community, the people and the world through the enthusiasm and spirit of dedicated members hoping to build a better tomorrow. The spirit Key Club has gives me chills down my spines every time my club and I would do a cheer. I feel as if the club has taught me valuable lessons that helped me not as a leader for the club but as an individual as well. This happens to be one of the biggest high lights of my high school career and I hope to carry on the amount of effort and work I provided onto the higher heights of my future. I am proud to serve this club and with them, I hope for us to be the significant difference within the community and the world.

Vice President: Jannellynn Garcia Ws’uhh Key Club?! It’s your 2010-2012 KC-VP, and I’d like to start off with saying that I am Jannellynn Garcia, and I love Key Club. Key club has opened up many doors for me. From new friendships - helping the community - and gaining leadership skills, I’ve definitely learned a lot from such a great club. As your vice president, I see the good brought to the community by YOU, the member. Seeing the efforts of you everyday people inspire me to do more for the community and for our club. I joined key club to meet friends, and stayed for the companionship of the people and the service. Earlier this year, I experienced our club win the spirit session at RTC. I can’t lie and say I didn’t cry, because I did. Our spirit rose above the others and captivated everyone. That’s Key Club. That’s my club. I love this organization. With Key club, comes the key to the door of opportunity, and I’m taking that opportunity.

Secretary: Alexzza ramos Hello my fellow key clubbers! My name is Alexzza Ramos I am a proud member and secretary of East Tech Key Club! I am a sophomore in the medical program and this is my second year in key club! Key club has changed my life and has bettered me as a member, student, daughter, and as an overall person. I love key club because we get along well and it's the reason why i've many some of my closest friends today. I love key club because we all have something in common, serving our community and spreading our love for key club through community service. As a member, I hope to spread the word about key club because people don't realize what their missing! I also hope to continue as a member of key club by giving my ultimate dedication, commitment, and love every day.

Treasurer: Kathleen Melchor I had no idea what Key Club was before I joined. I honestly thought they made keys! But when I went to my first key club meeting, I soon fell in love with it and I have been in key club ever since. I’m glad to say that I joined key club. It changed my life forever from the people I’ve met to the things I’ve experienced, it all changed me. Because of key club, I am a better person and am more involved with the community.

Historian: David Wilson Hey Key Club! This is your historian David Wilson. First off, I want to tell you guys that you are all a great group of individuals. Key Club has made me realize the true meaning of community service. Key club is amazing. It helped me discover cupcakes. IT really touches me on the inside to know my club is always there for me. Kin told me to put cupcake in my speech three times…cupcake.

East Tech Key Club | December Issue

Meet your Secondary board!

Freshman reps! Jasper Khonesavanh & Jaime Bravo

Hi my name is Jaime, and I like turtles. Key Club has had a great effect on me since the beginning. It has been cupcake loads of fun. I’ve learned how to give back to the community that has given almost everything to me. I’ve raised money, collected food cans, and cheered. Everything has changed my life. I met new people, and new friends. I can actually say that I love key club.

-Jaime Bravo Ps: (I <3 Turtles!! :3)



Sophmore Reps! Paul Borja & Anna Aquino



Junior Reps! Nicole Tuazon

& Matthew Simmons Hi my name’s Nicole Tuazon and I am a junior representative for East Tech’s Key Club. I’ve been in key club since my freshman year and it’s been cupcakes of fun. I’ve met a lot of new people and I’ve participated in many service projects. I’ve also gained a lot of cupcake and leadership skills. I’m glad I experienced so many new things and cupcakes from key club.

Hi! I'm Matthew Simmons and I am a junior in the Medical Program and Key Club Junior Representative! I love Key Club because I can do service, help others, give back to my community and at the same time have a blast with friends! I've met so many cool people and I continue to every time I come to meetings and events! Key Club has given me great leadership skills and also helped me academically throughout high school



Senior Reps! Chris SablaN & Amal Abdule

Greetings! My name is Amal Abdule and I am your senior representative for the 2011-2012 school year. I am here to serve you so if you have any questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to contact me! I’ve been a member since ’09 and I’ve loved key club ever since!

My name is Christopher. Sablan. I am the senior representative for Key Club 2011-2012. I love everything about Key Club but what I love the most, is the feeling of actually doing something GOOD & RIGHT for our community. Key Club has definitely opened my eyes to what serving truly means. It has humbled me in so many ways to give back to the community that has given so much to me. I will always be a Key Clubber at heart. Chris



Key Club has done so much for me in my life. It let me meet some of the greatest people ever, and I feel important in this club, scratch that, family. Key Club has been such a big thing for the past three years. Since the first day in Key Club, I've loved it. It makes me happy, and it changed me. When I joined Key Club my sophomore year, I met the people who I believe I'll still talk to in the future. Being SAA makes me feel like I have a big part in the club. I L-O-V-E Key Club so much. My parents think it's a waste of time, and I'm broke because of Key Club, but I love it. It's a big thing in my life. -Sean Amparro

Sean Audrey

Audrey Martos

&Sean Amparro

L- o v e ~we love

our Sec-on-dar-y!

East Tech Key Club | December Issue


My first year as a Key Club member has been amazing. So many outrageous things happened to me that i didn’t even were going to happen. For example, during the RTC practices, our vice president had a one on one talk with me and offered me a job as the future S.A.A. I was amazed how I was when they offered me the position, and of course i accepted with honor and gratitude. I don’t think there will ever be a year that will be as awesome as this one. I have made so many new friends through the power of Key Club. My first experience at RTC was unforgettable; my first year in key club and we (East Tech) won spirit rally; I was shocked and speechless. The next event up for grabs was Fall rally. Once again absolutely loved every part of it, the bus ride there and back just plain FUN, just walking in Six flags was my first time there. Even though we didn’t win, i still think we are the best. I was surprised how many 28 North Phoenix’s were there. I also blown away how big this event was and how there were so many people. Also, I loved how some East Tech members helped everyone get loud. After that it felt like we grew even bigger as a family. I would love to be in main board next year and throughout my high school years. Key Club changed my life. It makes me feel good about myself. It makes me a better person then I am today. Key Club has inspired me to be with this organization for all my four years not only a East Tech Titan but to be a 28 North Phoenix.

MY First Year in Key Club- by Jonathan Madrigal

It’s the most wonderful time of the year since Christmas has come once again. As the holiday’s merriment visit fills the streets of Las Vegas, our club conducted a toy drive that is exclusively dedicated towards a selected amount of kids for St. Jude’s. St. Jude’s is a pediatric treatment and research facility housing children under their facility who suffer from catastrophic diseases as well as a research center that specializes in searching for treatments. During the month of December, our club was assigned to sponsor 22 children in the organization as a service project fit for the holidays. We were given a list of names, each with a specific description of what they desired for Christmas. Children nowadays always demand for something extravagant such as game counsels, for Christmas. But what the kids asked for were mostly simple items such as toy cars, lotion, books, clothing and gift cards. Everyone cooperated together in making their wishes come true. As some of the members wrapped their gift with cellophane with a bow on top, others were so enthusiastic and kind hearted enough to take the time and write letters attached to the gifts. I am truly proud of my club, being the hard working and charitable members as they are, were able to complete this. Not only did we bring the white Christmas to these kids, but we also realized the importance of not taking things for granted. The simplicity of the children’s wants was such a contrast compared to ours. Doing this project gave us the realization to appreciate what we have because not everybody has it good.

Being Key Clubbers providing the keys to unlocking opportunities, we became the Santas to the children’s Christmas.

St Jude’s Christmas 4 Kids- by Angela Delacruz