ebs Release 4.23 Service Pack 2 Project Overview v0.4 15 March … · 2019-10-17 · have been...


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ebs Release 4.23 Service Pack 2 Project Overview v0.4

15 March 2017


• TAFE worked with Tribal to prioritise a set of requirements for Service Pack 2. This process was supported by the extensive consultation and work that had already gone into Release 4.24.

• Improvements have been identified that can practically be implemented in a 6-month timeframe (by March 2017)

• The definition of scope for Service Pack 2 has also been underpinned by the following TAFE business drivers:

– Compliance: Respond to external, statutory or regulatory changes as effectively as possible.

– Streamline business processes: Deliver enhancements that reduce manual activity and key ‘pain points’ for users.

– Security: Support data quality and overall system security.


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• The USI will not be captured via enrolment portal where it is not required

• USI’s will be verified via the enrolment portal

• A new role Edit Verified USI is required to edit a verified USI

What is included in ebs Release 4.23 SP2?

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Streamlined business process

Improved security over verified USI’s

Change Summary Change objectives Impacted roles Student Administration






Required for eReporting and AVETMISS

Student Administration






n • It is possible to identify a learner who is transitioning from one course to another course and identify the learner as continuing in the course rather than a new enrolment

Security and integrity of Academic History

Head Teacher

Educational Managers


t Fin




es • Unit final grade can only be changed using the amended marks

process if final grade has been published

• There is new security that restricts a user from changing unit final grade or assessments for published awards

Ensure that ebs contains all source and output data for the Batch CID process

Enable internal tracking of CID’s

Batch CID Specialists/ eReporting Specialists


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• New fields have been added to ebs to store data required for the Batch CID process: PAS and Subsidy Adjustment

• New statuses are available to: – Data Submitted and Finalised status relate to eReporting

– Cancelled and Expired results files can now be imported to ebs

Enable non banked transactions to be processed in SAP





r Till

s • The Manage Other Tills grid will display open or closed tills that have unbanked balances.

• Allow a user to repeat the process of closing a users till where all transactions have not been banked


Project Schedule

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Stakeholder engagement opportunities Date Workshop Objectives

1 December 2016 Project Overview Understand scope of change and key project dates

12 January 2017 Change Management Plan walkthrough

Review and endorse change impacts and the approach to managing the change

16 February 2017 Solution demonstration Understand detailed changes and business process changes Review training plan

Timeline w/c

Learning intervention

Release 4.23 SP2 Project


Training environment

Final Readiness Assessment

5-Dec 12-Dec 19-Dec 9-Jan 16-Jan 23-Jan 30-Jan 6-Feb 23-Feb 20-Feb 27-Feb 6-Mar 13-Mar 20-Mar 27-Mar

Change impact assess-ment

Train the Trainer (TTT)

Follow up local training

UAT (5 days)

Available Reflects Production as at 7 November go-live (Release 4.23)

Not available 6-21 Feb

(Production data refresh and apply


Readiness Readiness

assessment to commence UAT & TTT

Go-live 27 Mar

Solution Demo

Available (Release 4.23 SP2)

Not avail 2-3 March

(apply DD2)

Available Reflects Release 4.23 SP2, DD2

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017

Draft QRG’s

avail on Moodle


USI capture via enrolment portal

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The USI will be mandatory on the enrolment portal based on the Product Subtype of the Offering, and the Residential status of the learner.

USI is not mandatory for a staff assisted application/ registration/ enrolment in Client.

Current Validation New Validation For all Offering Types:

• USI is mandatory for online enrolments

• USI is not mandatory for online applications/registrations

New system validation will ensure that the USI is not visible in the enrolment portal for:

• Product Subtypes

• Higher Education Course

• Non- Nationally recognised course

• Where a learner does not reside in Australia and their residency status is Other.

For all other online enrolments/ applications/ registrations the USI is mandatory.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


Create USI links in Enrolment Portal have been moved so they are accessible regardless of the offering type

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Current Get Started page:

New Get Started page:



The url links are defined in hidden institution settings (currently hard coded). This enables links to be easily updated if the Registry links change over time.

The USI website will open in a new window, and the learner will be able to make a note of their USI, and then continue the online process.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


USI field has been moved to About You

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About You 1 of 3

About You 2 of 3

About You 3 of 3 Qualifications Employment

When a user clicks Continue, the system is verifying the USI against the USI web service.

Duplicate USI’s in ebs will not be verified. It will be populated in the Duplicate USI field in Client.

Where a USI is verified it becomes read only in the enrolment portal, and the Date USI Verified field is populated automatically in Client.

When a USI is not verified, a reason is provided, and the learner has the option to either: • go back and update their details, or • continue their enrolment Where a learner goes back, the USI, First Name, Last Name, and dob remain editable. Where a learner continues; the Date USI Verified is not populated.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


USI Enhancements Improved security will be applied to the Unique Student identifier field

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What is changing?

The USI field will only be editable by users with the Edit Verified USI role (new ebs4 role) thus protecting a verified USI from being wiped.

The USI Manually Verified checkbox is being removed as it is not required.

Business Rules for assigning the new Edit Verified USI role

There are limited scenarios where a verified USI may require editing:

• There is a data error in the USI system

• A learner has two USI’s, and the non-primary USI needs to be removed

It is recommended that the new role is only assigned to Student Administration Managers.

User Management

The USI roles are bundled in a new dedicated node in User Management

When a USI is verified via the USI Registry webserver, the Date USI Verified field is populated with <today’s date>.

If the USI is edited, the Date USI Verified stamp is removed automatically when the record is saved.

Note the duplicate USI functionality only assigns USI’s to the Duplicate USI field from 19 November 2016 forward.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


There are 2 new fields in Enrolment Details tab:

Enrolments- Transition It is possible to identify a learner who is transitioning from one course to another course and identify this learner as a continuing learner in the course rather than a new enrolment ( units may also be linked to a unit where required)

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Field name Description

Transitioned From

Used to provide the linked enrolment. The dropdown list will include any other enrolment against that learner record, except the current one. Once the linked enrolment is saved, the Original Start Date is updated.

Original Start Date

This is a calculated field and is read only. It will have a value the same as the current enrolment unless it is linked to another enrolment. The start date on the Special Details tab is used if set, otherwise the start date of the offering is used.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017

To be manually updated Note, enrolments that are linked to

another enrolment as ‘transitioned

from’ cannot be deleted.


Enrolments- Transition The transitioned From field has been added to the condition builder and to the results grid

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Unit Final Outcomes Unit final grade can only be changed using the amended marks process if final grade has been published.

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Note the Final Grade is read-only. When a user hovers over the alert icon, the following text displays: Grades that have been published to the learner can only be amended using the amended grade process

Note the Final Grade is read-only. When a user hovers over the final grade , the following text displays: Grades that have been published to the learner can only be amended using the amended grade process

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


Unit Final Outcomes There is new security that restricts a user from changing unit final grade or assessments for published awards

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When a unit Final Grade status is Published, the unit Final Grade is no longer editable in Academic History or Unit Outcomes. Staff must process changes to results using the Amended Marks Process.

When the Award status is Published, staff will not be able to amend any results without having the “Amend Marks Published Awards” role. Again this role should only be given to a limited amount of high level users, as changing results may effect a student’s award.

User Management

There is a new role Amend Marks Published Awards within ebs: Central Awards Manager. This allows users to modify a unit assessment result or a final unit result where the parent Award is Published.

Changing results after an Award has been published may effect the Award Outcome. It is recommended that this role only be allocated to a limited amount of high level staff. Before amending results for a student who is completed (Award Published) a full analysis of the student record should be carried out. If the student award is effected then all appropriate business process steps need to be taken to either recover the incorrectly awarded student or to re-publish the award to reflect the amended grade.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


Batch CID New fields have been added to ebs to store data required for the Batch CID process.

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Required to be included in the bulk upload file. Enter manually.

This field will be populated when the Output files are uploaded to ebs (new column)

New statuses are available to enable internal tracking All statuses can be manually set (users must have the STS Import/ Export role), or updated by file import. It is possible to import a results file with mixed status values

Data Submitted and Finalised status relate to eReporting. Enrolments will be updated centrally via a weekly bulk upload from the TSN Online Provider Calculator.

Cancelled and Expired results files can now be imported to ebs. Users can either obtain the Output file from the TSN maintenance screen and import to ebs, or the status can be manually set per enrolment. A bulk upload will also be performed centrally on a weekly basis.

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017

Note the Reason for Rejection field has been moved from the Enrolment Details tab to the Employment/STS tab


Where the course delivery mode is online: This means that for all course delivery modes, the region is determined based upon the enrolment location post code.

Region Change for Smart and Skilled ebs logic for determining region where the delivery mode is online has been updated to cater for TSN rules

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Current/New Logic

Current Region is determined based on the learner’s post code

New Region is determined based on the enrolment location post code

Release 4.23 SP2 Overview v0.4 15 March 2017


Enhancements have been made to the existing Manage Other Tills solution. This function allows a supervisor or staff responsible for end of day banking to access a particular till to run the End of Day processes.


Manage Other Tills enhancements

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Current New

The Manage Other Tills grid only displays tills that are open. The Manage Other Tills grid will display open or closed tills that have unbanked balances.

In the event that the till had transactions across multiple days and the user attempted to close the till for a partial period, then the till would no longer be displayed on the manage other tills grid as the till is closed.

Where a till is closed for a partial period, the users till will remain on the MOT grid.

Previously labelled Manage

Other Tills

New column to indicate if a till is open or closed. Till Open is also

available in the MOT Condition Builder.

A till will show as open if it has transactions not tagged as attached to a closed till for the following payment methods: Cash, Cheque, Money Order, EFTPOS, EFTPOS Refunds and Reallocations. It’s recommended that Manage Other Tills role will be allocated to supervisors and staff responsible for end of day banking.