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Chocolate clairs stuffed with Vanilla Custard


1 Cup of milk

1 Cup of heavy cream (35%)

1/3 Cup of white (caster if you have some) sugar

1 Tablespoon of corn starch

1 vanilla beans, cut in half and scraped (or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract)

4 egg yolks

1/2 Cup of butter

1 Cup of water

1 Cup of all purpose flour

4 large eggs

1 1/2 Cup of semi sweet chocolate chips

Cooking instructions:

In a saucepan, combine milk and cream in a small saucepan. Using a sharp knife, split vanilla bean in half lengthways and scrape out seeds. Add bean and seeds to milk mixture. Place over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, for 5 minutes or until hot (do not allow to boil). Remove saucepan from heat.

Start by making the vanilla custard. In a heatproof medium bowl, whisk egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch and 1/3 cup of sugar until well combined. Start by taking about 1/2 cup of the milk mixture and mix it in your egg yolks. Add another 1/2 cup and whisk constantly while doing so.. Slowly pour the rest of the milk mixture over egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly.

Return mixture to saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, for 15 to 20 minutes or until custard thickens and coats the back of a metal spoon (do not allow custard to boil, as it might curdle). Put in an airtight container and let it cool completely and put in the fridge until you are ready to use it.

Next, make the pastries. Start by putting the water and butter in a medium saucepan and heat up until the butter is completely melted. Add the flour in and mix thoroughly until it becomes a ball of dough. Take off heat and put the dough in a stand mixer bowl. On medium speed, add in your 4 eggs one by one until well mixed. Put dough in a piping bag and on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet, pipe your eclairs, about 1 inch wide and 3 1/2 inch long. Bake in a 425F preheated oven for about 20 to 25 minutes or until golden. Take out of oven and let them cool off.

In the meantime, melt your chocolate in a small saucepan on low heat, mixing frequently. Put your melted chocolate in a wide bowl, wide enough so you can dip your eclairs in it.

with a sharp knife, slice the top of your eclair from end to end, deep enough to be able to stuff it with a lot of custard but not all the way through.

Put your custard in a piping bag and pipe your eclairs. Careful pick them up one by one and dip the open part in chocolate to cover it completely. Place on a serving plate and put in the fridge until about 10 minutes before your are ready to serve them.


Desert rcoros cu coacze i viine

Timp de preparare: 25 min

Gata in: 25 min

Timp de asteptare: 2 ore


1 blat subire de tort

500 g brnz mascarpone

250 ml fric

200 g zahr pudr

20 g gelatin

100 g viine fr smburi

100 g coacze proaspete sau congelate

frunze de ment pentru ornat


1. Blatul se unge cu ulei, se presar cu puin zahr pudr i se prinde cu o form de tort detaabil. Mascarpone se amestec cu cele 200 g de zahr pudr i cu frica. Se adaug gelatina dizolvat i se omogenizeaz.

2. Crema se mparte n dou pri. O parte se amestec cu viinele i se toarn peste blat, iar cealalt se amestec cu coaczele i se toarn deasupra. Se pune n frigider i se las s se ntreasc cel puin dou ore.

3. Cnd se scoate din frigider, se ndeprteaz forma de pe marginile tortului i se orneaz cu viine i coacze proaspete i cu frunze de ment.


Bolile au miros. Vezi dac ai vreo problem de sntate!

Cnd mirosul pielii sau al respiraiei devine neplcut, e semn c organismul se confrunt cu o afeciune.

Cu siguran i s-a ntmplat s simi, fie pe strad, fie, la locul de munc, fie n locuri aglomerate, anumite mirosuri neplcute, venind dinspre persoane ce nu preau s aib probleme de igien. neptor, puternic, special sau suav i nu ntotdeauna neplcut, mirosul rspndit n jur poate spune foarte multe despre starea noastr de sntate. De aceea, este bine s nu ignorm niciun iz ciudat emanat de propriul corp, cci poate fi semn de boal.Sntatea miroase a prospeime

nainte de toate, trebuie menionat c transpiraia unui om sntos i curat nu are miros. Bacteriile de la suprafaa pielii, care intr n contact cu transpiraia, sunt cele care dau un iz specific fiecruia dintre noi. Este i motivul pentru care anumite pri ale corpului, precum picioarele, regiunea inghinal, axilele sau pliurile de sub sni, la femei, miros mai accentuat dect altele i necesit o ngrijire aparte. Cnd, n ciuda cureniei corporale i a igienei orale corecte, se simt mirosuri specifice, e cazul s tragem un semnal de alarm i s dm fuga la medic.Fiecare afeciune e cu mirosul ei

- Simi un iz de mere stricate sau de aceton? Diabetul e de vin. Prin transformarea grsimilor i proteinelor n glucoz se formeaz corpi cetonici, care sunt toxici i pot s duc pn la com diabetic. Corpii cetonici se elimin sub form de aceton prin urin i prin respiraie, dnd mirosul caracteristic.

- Mirosul neplcut de pete indic afeciuni digestive i, n special, faptul c omul nu diger complet alimentele ngurgitate. De obicei, se ntmpl asta din cauza lipsei unei enzime. Dar i o substan coninut de pilulele contraceptive duce la acest iz deranjant.

- Urina miroase a sirop de arar? Vorbim despre leucinoz, o boal ereditar ce duce la tulburri de metabolizare a acizilor din organism, care se manifest prin micri anormale ale corpului i ale globilor oculari, alterarea contienei, pn la com, i ntrziere mintal.

-Izul de amoniac, cunoscut ca foetor hepatic, le este caracteristic celor ce sufer de ciroz.

-Respiraia miroase a urin? Este din cauza uremiei, adic a nivelului crescut al ureei din snge.

-Insuficiena hepatic e anunat de mirosul de snge stricat sau de ridichi de pmnt.

-Cnd organismul uman e intoxicat cu fosfor, eman iz de usturoi.

-Mirosul aldehidic, puternic, neptor, sufocant, de mere verzi, e des ntlnit la alcoolici.

-Cnd respiraia miroase a materii fecale, poate fi vorba de ocluzie intestinal, de supuraii pulmonare sau de parazii intestinali la copii.

-Difteria d un iz dulceag, special.

-Dac ai renunat la pine i la carbohidrai, s nu te miri c trupul capt treptat un miros ciudat, nu prea plcut, o combinaie de fructe exotice i lac de unghii.

-Acidoza metabolic profund, adic ocul scderii nivelului glucozei din snge, duce la instalarea comei rapide i la respiraia cu miros de migdale amare, la fel ca n cazul intoxicrii cu cianur de potasiu.
