Eclipse IDE Setup for Windows (CS 261) 1. Install Eclipse for your...


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Eclipse IDE Setup for Windows (CS 261)

1. Install Eclipse for your system 2. Install CDT plugin (C/C++

development toolkit)

Go to programming languages and select C/C++ Development toolkit

3. Download and install MinGW(Minimalist GNU for Windows)-GNU compiler collection(GCC)

4. Set up the environment variables – PATH variable for MinGW

5. Restart eclipse to complete all installations.

6. Create a new makefile project with

existing code.

7. Give a project name and the code location where your makefile and C code is present.

8. Setup the Run configuration

Open the makefile. We see the statement all: gcc -Wall -std=c99 -o a.out main.c This is the name of the C code name of executable

The name of the executable should match the C/C++ executable name in the run configuration.

9. Build and run the project to get output
