Economic Integration 1


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  • 8/8/2019 Economic Integration 1


    23/11/2009 1

  • 8/8/2019 Economic Integration 1


    Trade Agreements

    Free Trade Area

    Customs Union Common Market

    Economic Union

    Political Integration

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    Nations make an agreement for trade in one

    or multiple set of commodities

    Initiated for the common advantage ofmember countries.


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    Bankok Agreement Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement (SAPTA)

    India-Sri Lanka FTA India -Thailand FTA India Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation

    (CECA) Indo-Nepal Trade Treaty

    India-Mauritius PTA India-Chile PTA

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    Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) China South Korea

    Japan Malaysia Pakistan Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Egypt

    Israel Russia Australia

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    South Asian Free Trade Agreement (SAFTA)

    BIMSTEC (Bay ofBengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical & Economic Cooperation)

    India - MERCOSUR PTA

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    Tariifs among the member countries will be

    abolished, but each member maintains its

    own external tariffs againstNon-membercountries.

    As against Trade Agreements, FTA include alarge number of commodities

    NAFTA, SAFTA, ANCERTA are examples ofFTA

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    The member countries not only abolish all

    internal tariffs but formulate a common

    policy external tariff. Eg.Andean Pact

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    It abolishes the restrictions on mobility of

    factors of production in addition to the

    common tariff structure Eg.CARICOM

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    It is a common market in which the macro-

    economic and regulatory policies are

    harmonized. It is the highest form of economic integration

    Eg.European Union

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    It aims at having a single political authority

    The European Union is moving in this


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    Trade Creation and Trade diversion

    Economies of Scale

    Effect on competition Improved Terms of Trade

    Effect on Investment

    Effect on Capital Mobility

    Effect on Fiscal and Monetary Policies

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    The European Coal and Steel Community

    (ECSC) was formed on July 25th, 1952. among

    Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy,Luxemburg, andNetherlands for the free

    export and import of steel and coal amongthe six nations.

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    There is an agreement between Australia and

    New Zealand ( AustraliaNew Zealand Closer

    Economic Relations Trade Agreement) forthe removal of all tariff and non-tariff

    restraints on all traded goods and services,harmonization of standards and conformance

    procedures, freedom from anti-dumpingpenalties, and agreement not to distort bi-

    lateral trade with subsidies.

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    There is an agreement among USA, Canada andMexico (NAFTA -North American Free Tradeagreement) for removal barriers in agricultural export,

    removal of export subsidies, right for investors toreceive national treatment and rights to have anti-dumping penalties reviewed.

    The South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) agreement

    was made in January 2004, among SAARC countriesnamely, India,Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutanand Maldives to have zero customs duty for trade inany commodity among the member nations by 2012.

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    As per the Andean Pact between Bolivia ,

    Ecuador, Peru, Columbia and Venezuela ,

    these countries maintain a common tariffpolicy towards external countries.

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    The Caribbean Community and Common

    Market (CARICOM) is aimed at creating a

    common market by integrating membereconomies, co-coordinating the foreign

    policies and increasing functionalcooperation in areas of social and human


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