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ecor News about admissions, records, and student systems

Grade submission statistics continue to improve Grade submissions were higher t\x fall 2004 than any in recent memory. Submis­sions received by the deadline for each campus were: 9X.9 percent at \1onis. 96.9

percent at Duluth. 93 percent at the Twin Cities. and 77 pcrcem at Crookston. This is an increase over last fairs submissions.

Submissions as of January 5. 2005 were as follows: \lorris 100 percent. Duluth 97.~ percent and Twin Cities 97.5 percent. Crookston is at 77.9 percent a figure affected by the number of College in the High School classes that don·r end until January or later.

The follmving colleges submitted I 00 percent of their grades by the posted dead­lines: in Duluth. Fine Arts; in \1orris. the Chancellor's Office. Ekmentary and Secondary Education. Science and Mathematics, and Continuing Education: in the T\\ in Cities. the Bell :'vfuseum and the General College.

Se\ eral other college:, submitted 90 percent or more of their grades by the posted deadline: Duluth. the Achievement Center. Liberal Arts. Science and Engineering. Pham1ac). and Business and Economics: \1orris. Academic Atlairs. Humanities. and S~Kial Sciences: and Twin Cities. College of Riological Sciences. College of Education and Human Development. College of Human Ecology. College of Liberal Arts. College of Natural Resources. College ofAgriculture. Food and Environmen­tal Sciences. Dentistry. Health Sciences. Institute ofTccbnology. School of Nursing. College of Pharmacy. School of Public Health. and Research.

The Office of I:.nrolled Student Services sends a huge thank you to those colleges and departments that submitted grade~ on time your students truly appreciate it!

Statistics for this article were compiled from the Grades Report section of UM Re­ports. \\·here data is available by campus. college, department. and class. Reports

can be accessed at \\"\\

One Stop web site update You've probably noticed some changes to the One Stop \lieb site (www.onestop. Stafl and faculty can still access their pages by clicking the ''Staff' or "Faculty .. buttons on the left-hand side of the home page. Student applications such as APAS. web registration. student account infom1arion and grades can now be found under the "Quick Links"' on the right-hand side of the home page.

By popular demand. there is also a link to the Liberal Education Requirements on the home page under the "'Registration"' link. We hope that the new site is a useful tool for students. statr and faculty.

Comments about the web site can he directed to the Wehmaster Contact link at the bottom of the home page.

January lil 7 Martit1 Luther King.H(}Iiday~ Univel"sity offices dosed ·

l' IR Spring semester classes begin

1/25 Last day to can~el first 7-week and fuLl tem1 courses tor I OG(%refund (spring · setnester)

I i 3 I Last day for .undergraduates and professional degree .students to applyfor spring semester graduation

February 2/7 Midtem1 Alerts open

21 16 First bill due for spring serhestet

Marth 311 Last day forstttdentsin Graduate School td apply for participation fn s'pril1g commencement ceremony

3/14 Last day for undergraduates rind professional degree students to apply tor. May session graduation

3' 14- J 8 Spring break

3/18 University; all University offiees are dosed

31.28LastxJayt(J, £<\n:~.eJ~ec?:~d J:~~~·~cl;: ..... . springsemestercourses for l00%!efi.m4 ·

April 4/5 Registration begins fot May al:ld sum111er sessions (admitted s~udents}

417 Queued registration beginsfor fall 2005

4/t2 Registrationbeings forMtfy • .ai"td ;(,. summer sessions·•~noti~~diuitte;d~tMetit~)~;,

Poge 2/ Jonuory 2005 The Record

Class permission numbers: guides for spring A~ spring semester approaches, here ·s a guide to using pe1mission numbers:

~onmber 9-January 31 (heginning 1rith queued registration. through the se< ·ond H't'ek of' classes)

• The instructor. department or the student's college office grants the pennis­sion numbeL Class permission numbers are used to:

-OYenide a pennission requirement

--OveiTide a class limit

-OYenide prerequisites

Note: Permission numbers do not over­ride time conflicts or credit maximum limits: some classes and 1or departments "ill require Student Specific Pennission.

• Instructor and department issue permis­sion expires February 1st.

• Depa11ments print a list of Class Pennission \lumbers from the web at http:.- ·www.umrep011s.

• The instructor or department distributes the pennission number to indi\idual students.

• Students register using the permission number online. in person. by fax. or mail.

Note: Students issued Student Specific

Tht fte<ord is pubftslled 111011thly for <ollegtS and de­part!MIIts at the IJ!jyersity of Minaesat~,. Twin Cities, bytheOffice at t~ Senior V"Ke President for Academk Affilirstlnd Provost• Badduues are on the Web in POf foOiillfal http:// onestop, /Re<ord. Please direct address changes to Ingrid N unall 6l2-62(i-0075, or ingridnreumn.cdu.

ln!!nd l"uuall. editor Office of the Registrar Office of Enrolled Student Sc'rviccs 150 Williamson Hall ~3 J Pillsbun Drive S.E. 1\1 inncapolis. M N 5 54 55 Phone: 612-626-0075 E-1J1aiJ: ing:ridn@umn.cdu ThcUnivcr;'~d-ofMmncs?ta is a~equal···· OPP\llt¥Iiji-J .. p MC;J,tQI,l\!14'-'mpiqy~;r.. • ......•.

This publicatiol'rj~;availi!bl~. iri ·altcrnatj'lc-c for!l'Jafsupon reqvest:

·~· Ptill.tedoJuetydeil andzt<ydllble paper \;1;1 tlllltaining Ill percent paslconsumer material.

Pennission will not receiw a number. but are cleared for registration in the clas~.

February 1-\lay 6 (Hceks 3-15)

• Pem1ission is granted by College Scholastic Committee. Student Specific Permission is used to:

-On:rride permission

---OvetTide a class limit

-Override prerequisites

Note: Student Specific Permission does not O\ erride a time conflict or credit mit'.imum limit.

• Instructors and departments are no longer able to distribute valid permis­sion numbers or grant Student Spe­cific Pem1ission: students must obtain \\Titten apprO\ al from their instructor to take the course and bring it to their college oiflce.

• If a student receiYes college approYaL he or she will be cleared to register online through ~-larch 14.

Note: Students cannot register online during weeks 9 through 15.




FERPA training will be available online In late January. a new Web CT FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) training course will be available for faculty and staff.

All UniYersity employees who come into contact with any student data are responsible for upholding FERPA. This training course will introduce users to the basic concepts of FERPA and ho\\ to protect student data. It is impm1ant that stafT and faculty who work with student data complete this course when it becomes available.

Look for the FERPA training course online at under "Training Oppol1unities." Ad­ditional information about FERPA, including brochures or to schedule a FERPA presentation for your office. can be obtained by contacting Tina Falkner at 6121625-1064 or rovicOOJ(


ecor Change in tuition refund appeals process, form For the past year. the One Stop Student Sen·iecs has been ,,·o1ling on a business process redes1gn in an effort to make the tuition refund appeals process more cf­fkt::IH and effectin~ tor students and staff

When rcYiewing appeals. staff want to be sympathetic to indi\·idual cases while also demonstrating fiscal responsibility. In order to achie\·e this balance. students with appron:d appeals will receiYe a refund of 75° o. 50° o or 25° o based on the amount oftime spent in class; '"W s" will remain on the academic record. 100° o refunds and rcmm·al ofWs from the transcript will be granted only in e\.ceptional cases. The definition of what is '·exceptional"' will be determined on a case-by-case basis.

A ne\\ appeal form is aYailable online at http: onestop fonns.html under ··Registering for Classes:· Colleges should recycle their old forms. Debbie Henderson can also be contacted for copies of the new form at 612 IJ25-90 19-please reference form OTR/241. Any questions about the new tuition refund appeals process can be directed to Mary Koskan at ivl-kosk(a

Graduate School applications on the rise After se\eral years of mixed application numbers. applications to the Graduate School for summer and fall 2005 are up in en:ry category.

It is mosr encouraging that international applications an: up II 0 o. Applications from C.S. citizens and permanent residents are up 6° o, for an overall increase of 8° o. The total number of applications received as of January I-+ was 8Js81.

International applications have increased in the biological 5cienees ( 2-lY o ). health sciences (6°o), engineering. physicaL and mathematical sciences ( l4°o). languages. literature and the arts (28° o ). and education and psychology (4° o). Only applications to the social sciences have decreased ( 1° o). Domestic applications have increased in each of the abo\~: categories with the exception of engineedng. physicaL and math­ematical sciences, where there has been a 3°o drop. Domestic application increases range from 3°·o in education and psychology to 12° o in the health sciences.

Applications from The Graduate School's tour leading applicant countries. China. India, Korea. and Taiv\·an, haw also increased this year. Applications from Taiwan are up 24°o. Korea up l3°o, China up 8°o. and India has a negligible increase.

The Graduate School hopes this positiw trend continues to the end of February when most applications will have been recei\'Cd.

2/7 Midterm Alerts open

2116 First bill due for spring semester

March 31 .Last day for students it1 Graduate apply forparticipation in spring commencement cerentony

3.114 Last day for undergraduates a1ld profe~sicmal degtee students to- apply for May session gtadttation

3/ 14~ I 8 Spring break

3! I 8 University holiday; alLUniversity offices are closed

3.28 Last day to cancel second7~week spring semester courses for I 00% refund

April 415 RegisttationbeginsJorMa:y and summer sessioi1s (admitted students f

4/7 Queued registtation begins forfall 2005

4.: 12 ·Registration beings f9r May and summer sessions (n()n.admitted students.)

4/29dpe: reg1strati~:b~~i~~·fo:};~l'j~o~

May 5l6.Last day ofdasses

Page 2/ februury 2005

Community ·Engagement Scholars program The:CommunityEngagement Scholars programkkk--offwill be held this April. details to follow. Tn the meantime. lcam more about this great student program.

This program is designed to enhance the learning experience of our students while furthering the University·~ com­mitment to civic engagement. As a part of this program. students complete courS:ework with de.sjgnated service learnhlg opportunities and complete 400 hours of service work. Scholars receive a notation ontheir transcripts.a card ()f distinction for graduation and 11otifica­tion in theconm1encement program.

Information can also be found at http:Ji WW\\:serviceleaming. umn.edulstudents; What_is.,...Service_Leaming.html.

RAC minutes online After a brief absence. the Registrar's AdYisory Committee (RACl minutes are back online. You can find them at their new home on the OESS Intranet at http> Check out the minutes to see vvhat you"w missed!

The Record is pubhshed monthly for colleges Gild de-· porlments at the University ofMinnesala, TVIift Cities, by the .Qffk~ of the .Senior. 'f~' .President for Auulemk Affairs and Provost. Ba<k issves are on the Web in PDF formatot http~//<inestop.vml\.td!I7Rec~~rcl.:

P!eas\'i rurect address Ingrid NuttaU 61~-626-0075. or ingridn(

Ingrid Nuttall, editor Office Qf the Registrar Office of Enrolled :,tudent Set\ ices 150 Williamson Hall ~31 l>illsburv Dri;:e .S.£. Minneapolls. MN .554 55 Phon.ei6I2-626..()075 Email.: ingudn(~tiinii;edu •· ..

· ·The Unh•ersitV of Minilesot:iis an equal

. ()PP()~!.)i,!~ e(t}!~:tt()r :t~A..~tpplp;:~E: ········••···· .. · .

.. :;~~~~)¢~i~1~~·~~;~~fu~~~~;~ik,~········· •··· ij'()rm~t~;~~'r\!q~CStc·.···· 'ig· .. •.··J··· ·.·.•···· ··.· •

4(;\ • J'ril!ted oa ..etyded tilld r~ydable paper . ·w ... collf:aiuillg t! pe~amt :poskiltlsJIJIIerfllaJefial.

TbeRecord . - -

Graduate School workshops for Directors of Graduate Studies

The Graduate School offers an annual workshop series designed to provide Dire<;­tors of Graduate Studies ( DGSs) \Yith the tools they need to succcssful1y manage aspects of the graduate program( s) they OYersee. In addition to orientation sessions for new DG Ss. workshops on eYaluating international credentials. and (as part of its Policy andRe\ ie\\ Council Assembly each Fall) presentations on critical issues in graduate education, other oppmiunitics are available to DGSs throughout the year to learn about best practices in a variety of areas. DGS Assistants are also welcome to attend.

This spring ·s workshops \viii focus on:

''C5e ofExit Interviews (IS Program Assessmellt Tool" \\"edncsday, March 23. 2005 3:00- 5:00p.m .. Rooms A.B&C of the Campus Club, Coffman Memorial Union (fourth Floor)

"Ethics in Research. Sclwlurship & Professiomzl Education: Authorship Issues" Tuesday. AprilS. 2005 3:00-5:00 p.m .. Presidents Room (Room 331 ). Coffman Memorial Union

Space is limited and registration is required. For more information about these workshops or to register. please Yisit http: ww> workshopsl.






ecor News about admissions, records, and student systems

Effective fall 2005: non-degree students will be required to pay tuition and fees prior to the first day of the term Beginning with fall 2005 registration. non-degree seeking students \\ill b~ required to pay all tuition and fees prior to the tlrst day of the tcnn. Those non-degree stu­dents who do not pay will be canceled from their courses. Staff members whore­cei\~ tuition exemptions. senior citizens. multi-University students. Post Secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) and College in the School students are exempt ll·otn t!m policy. :-1ore infonnation on this policy. including \\hich students may be exempt. can be found at http: WW\\ on~stop Registration non degree .html. Thi:s page is still under de\elopment ami\\ ill continue to be updated.

In order to pay. non-degree students will need to check their student account for the e.,;act billing amount. For tl1ll courses. students may begin checking in July when tu­ition and fees will likely be set. For spring courses. students can checl\: their student account immediately a tier registering. Students can pay on their account online at C\1 Pay (http: \\ oncstop Tuition~Billing Li\1_Pay.hrm!) by entering. the total amount owed. Non-degree students ''iII not receh e a bill but will be able to pay by ch~cking their student account. then entering. their balance in U\1 Pay: currently. the Uni\ ersity does not accept credit card payments. \fore informa­tion is mailable at http: \\ \\ ones top Registration nondeg.ree. html.

This policy parr of a continuing dfort to address outstanding financial obligations to the l'ni\ersity and \\ill b~ impkmenrcc! on all coordinate campuses. Staff\\ho ha\ c contact \\ith non-degree students are encouraged to notify them of this change. Students\\ itb questions should \·isit one ofthe One Stop Student Sen·icc Centers in .200 Fraser Hall or 130 CntTey Hall: !30 \\c,t Bank Sky\\ay \\ill be temporaril) do,cd beginning April 7 untilmid-,\ugust (see story belO\\').

If you ha\ e questions about this policy. contact Kris Wright at

West Bank One Stop Student Service Center temporarily dosing The One Stop Student Sen ice Center in 130 \\'est Bank Sky\\ ay \\ill temporarily close Ji·om April 7 to mid- August for remodeling. Students can still recei\ e sen i~e at 200 Fraser and 130 Coffey Hall. Signs are posted on the \\est Bank and in other high-tranic areas to noti(v students.

ffyou \\ould like sig.n:s to post in your ot1icc. please contact Ingrid '\uttall at ingridn'

·. Mar(h 2005, Vot29 ~o.~ . 7 ,,, , .. ,, •.. ,

l!~ Datebook:··. spring 200'5 · Mar'h

3i 14-l g S!)ring bteak

3;1 X University holiday: all University otfices are dosed

3r28 Last day to cancel second 7-,.\\eek spring semester cuurses for l 00% refund

3!3(H I Grad Fest in Great Hall. COffman Memoriall.!nion (see last page for times)

April 4<5 Registration begins for May and summer sessiolls (admitted students)

417 Queuedregistration begins forfall 2005

4:12 Registration beings for May and summer sessions ( non-admit!ed. stttdentli)

4/29 Open registration hegim; for faiT 2005

May ;'i fl Last day of classes

59-14 Final examinations

5.23 May session begins

5130 Mer:norial day holiday; all University orth:es are closed

June 6, 10 End of3-week May session

6 !3 Summer session begins

(v t 5 Graduate School application deadline for tl1ll 2005

Page 2/ Morch 2005 The Record

The Top 40: Largest Twin Cities campus courses, spring 2005

1. Biology 1 001 Introductory Biology 1: Evolutionary and Ecological Perspectives 1047 3 lecture, 53 lab

2. Chemistry 1 021 Chemical Principles I 904 3 lecture, 23 lab

3. Economics 11 0 1 Principles of Microeconomics 817 81ecture, 25 dis.

4. Biology 1 009 General Biology 802 3 lecture, 36 lab

s. Chemistry 1 022 Chemical Principles II 785 4 lecture, 21 lab

6. Psychology 1 00 1 Introduction to Psychology 785 2 lecture, 26 dis.

7. Physics 1302W Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering II 733 4 lee, 47 dis.+ lob

8. Economics 11 02 Principles of Macroeconomics 717 7 lecture, 23 dis.

9. Chemistry 2302 Organic Chemistry II 659 31ecture

10. Spanish 1 004 Intermediate Spanish 635 29lecture

11. General College 14 22 Writing Laboratory: Communicating in Society 627 39lab 12. Mathematics 1271 Calculus I 619 5 lecture, 20 dis.

13. Spanish I 003 Intermediate Spanish 594 30 lecture 14. Accounting 2050 Introduction to Financial Reporting 562 121ecture

15. Journohsm 1 00 1 Introduction to Mass Communication 530 41edure 16. Communication Stud. 11 01 lntrodu<tion to Pubhc Speaking 517 21 lecture 17. Astronomy I 001 Exploring the Universe 513 4 lecture, 25 lob 18. Chemistry 1 0 11 General Principles of Chemistry 513 2 lecture, 12 lab 19. Management 300 I Fundamentals of Management 492 8ledure 20. Anthropology I 00 1 Human Evolution 487 2 lecture, 20 lab 21. Spanish 1022 Alternate Second-Semester Spanish 486 21lecture 22. Chemistry 230 1 Organic Chemistry I 476 21ecture 23. Biochemistry 3021 Biochemistry 463 3lecture 24. Sociology 1 001 Introduction to Sociology 459 3 lecture, 1 5 dis. 25. Food Science and Nutrition 1112 Principles of Nutrition 443 21ecture 26. Marketing 3001 Principles of Marketing 438 61ecture 27. Sociology 31 0 1 Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System 436 2ledure 28. Geology and Geophysics 1 001 The Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Geology 426 3 lecture, 19 lab 29. Psychology 3604 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 422 3lecture 30. Chemistry 2311 Organic Lab 419 3 lecture, 4 lab 31. Mathematics 1372 IT Calculus II 391 3 lecture, 1 S dis. 32. Mathematics 1272 Calculus II 366 4 lecture, 1 S dis. 33. Rhetoric 3562W Technical and Professional Writing 366 17 discussion 34. Operations & Mgmt. Scien<es 2550 Business Statistics: Data Sources, Presentation and Analysis 353 4 lecture, 8 dis. 35. Music 1014 Rock II: Rock Music from 1970 to the Present 349 1 lecture, 14 dis. 36. Physics 1202W Introductory Physics for Biology and Pre-medicine II 342 2 led., 22 dis+lob 37. Mathematics I 031 College Algebra and Probability 338 4 lecture, 11 dis 38. Finance 3001 Finance Fundamentals 328 61ecture 39. Mathematics 2373 IT Linear Algebra and Differential Equations 317 2 lecture, 8 dis 40. Biology 4003 Genetics 315 31ecture

DATA SOURCE: lnstiMional Research and Reporting, 321 Morrill Hall, 612/624-4851


Coming soon: e·Degree will allow undergraduate students to apply for their degree online A ne\\ self-service. online application will allmv undergraduate students who ha\e eamed 90 credits. and students admitted to an undergraduate ce11ificate program. to apply for their degree ... e-Degree" enables students to apply for their degree. as well as defer degrees they need more time to complete. TillS is a campus-wide initiarhe and wiLl be available April or \1ay. 2005 ..

The application will appear on the '·Graduating" page in the One Stop Web site. Students will be able to select where they\\ ant their diploma mailed. as well as how they want their name to appear on their diploma. To f~tcilitate the degree clearance proeess. a .. Degree Applicant" rep011 \Viii be a\ailuble on U\1 Reports. e-Degree is pan of an on-going initiative to streamline the degree clearance process for colleges.

Questions about e-Degree'? Contact Vickie Roberts at\ -robe 1 ra

Welcome Jody Seiler·Peterson to the Office of the Registrar! On \larch 7 . .Jody Seiler-Peterson joined the Office of the Registrar as a Project Co­ordinator. Jody earned her .\1aster 's in Educational Policy and Administrarion from the L:niwrsity of\~ innesota. She joins the Office of the Registrar thm1 the Loans unit in the Office of Student Finance where she worked as a Business Analyst. The Ot1lce of the Registrar welcomes Jody and looks forward to her further contribu­tions to the CniYersity 1

RAC meetings for the remainder of 2005 Below i~ a list of the Registrar·.~ :\thisory Committee ( RAC) meetings for there­mainder of 2tHl:'i. \Icctings are held the first \1onday of the month unless it falls on a holiday: then meetings arc the second \londay of the month.

April \1eeting canceled :\fm 2 !0-ll:JOa.m 10 I \\alter Library June (1 I 0-11 :30 a.m. I 0 I \\alter Library TcntatiYe

July II I 0-11:30 a.m. 101 \\alter Library Tentati\ e August I 9-noon TBD September 12 10-J 1:30 a.m 101 \\alter Library Octoher 3 I 0-1 1 .30 a.m. I 0 I Walter Library \member' l 0-11:30 a.m. I 0 I \\alkr Librar;. December 5 10-11:30 a.m. I 0 I Walter Library

Check !inure issues of the Record for updates regarding tentati\ e meetings and lm;ation changes. If you \\ant to recei\ c RAC agendas. minutes and oth<;:?r updates. please contact Ingrid Nuttall at ingridtlillllllln.cdu and ask to be added to the listser\.

Page 3/ March 2005

13 credit policy reminder for all degree­seeking students When registering for fal12005 classes. current undergraduate. st}tdef1tS '':~~ enrolled in theirdegree-s~ekingpt5grain prior to fall 2002 will be t~quired ~o n~g" isterfor 13 credits to. maintain fall~tline status. Yhese students wen~ prevloi~t;ly exempt. from the 13 -credit minimum · policy. Beginning fall 2005. a.ll degree• seeking students. who register forfeweJ~ than l3 credits will be requiredto pay for a 13 credit cot1l'seload tmless.they fall into one of the tbllowir1g eategorie.s:

• The student has received an approved. permanent exemption • The student's courses are paid for with the Regents scholarship • The student submitted~ and had ap­proved---a'"Request.for ReducedCredit Load:' form (available at\v\VW.onestop. umn.cdu 1 13credits index.html)

Enrolled students who \vork full~time .. have less than 26 credits to complete their degree or have other circumstam:es that prevent them from registering for 13 credits should complct¢ the•"Request for Reduced Credit Load" form~ available at http:·:w\vw.onestop.umn.edwonestop' img"asscts/9061. patLtime __petitior1s. pdf-"'prior to their fall 2005 registra­tion. Please note that this form does not guarantee an permanent exemption; The duration of the exemption is at the discretion of the reviewer.

For international students: lfthe total credit load is 12 credits,,the student must submit the Reduced Credit Load fonn to his 01' her college. ffthe total credit load is less than 12 credits. the student must submit 2 forms: the Excep­tion from the Full C(}ttrse of Study Form to fSSS in 190 Hubet1 H. Humphrey Center. and the Reduced Credit Load fonn to his or her college. Students with questions should contacnheir college adivser.

The Record Pag! 4./MCU'<h 20QS

Ruth· Thielke- Registrar at the University of Minnesota, Morris-will retire in June 2005 Ruth Thielke. Registrar at the Uniwrsity's :V1onis campus. will retire after more than 33 years in the Office of the Registrar (OIR) to join her husband. Neil Thielke, as his full-time volunteer ministry assistant. It has been Ruth ·s dream to work \vith

Neil and as of this summer, that dream will be realized. Ruth will continue to serve as the adviser for the lntervarsity Christian Fel­lowship at Morris.

AU nh ersity of \1innesota, Manis alumni, Ruth began working in OIR \Vhen transcripts were hand-written with India ink on plastic-coated linen sheets. She has witnessed ho\V technological innO\ations have transfom1ed student service and believes this has allowed for ne\v ways of interacting with students, faculty and sta!T.

Ruth and Neil ha\ e traveled all over the world in conjunction with Neil"s work including Mexico, Siberia and :Vtongolia. This summer, Ruth and Neil will visit a recent \1onis graduate in Northern Ireland.

Ruth has treasured her time in OTR and \\·orking with constituents on all the campuses. She will be greatly missed but we \Vish her the best of luck \\ith her new role.

Clare Strand. Assistant Director at .\1orris. \\ill sene at the Interim R~?gitrar beginning June 1. 2005.

Grad Fest 10S is here Grad Fest 2005 will be held in the Great Hall. Coffman Union at the fullo\\ ing dates and times:

Wednesday. \larch 30 10:00 a.m. to 6:00p.m.

~Record ~ Retord is pubbshed monthly ior colleges and depart~ meats afilw University Qf. Minnesota, Twin Cities, by the· ·· Office al tbe Senior Vke Presidut fodcademk Affairs and Provost. BIKk iuves are oa the W!lb in PJ)f formal at http!/ /onestC) Events~ and~Adivities /R etord.html

Plca,c direct addrc::;s dJ(mgcdo Ingrid >.uttall 6l2-il26-007:;. err mgridna umtu:du.

loi~nd '\utt;JIL c:d!lor Qtlice ot'thc Rc~i::;trar Ollie ,,rLnrullcd Student s,,n·icc, I 5(1 \Yi!Ji:ntisotl Hall 231 Pillsburv Dri\ c S.L \!imJcapoli;. \!\; 55-155 Phone: (112-(<~r>-0075 E-mad: tnl!ridn <I t!mnccdu Tbc Ltmy~siiv ofMinncsllta ismicqual· opponmuty ,,Juc,ttt)f 'tlld. cmpl<>yor.


Thursday. \larch 3 l 10:00 a.m. to .f:OO p.m.




ecor News about admissions, records, and student systems

Graduate non-degree registration for summer and fall 2005 \1any students will soon be contacting the University regarding registering as a non­degree student eaming graduate credit. Typically. these students are admitted for a future term or are thinking of applying to a graduate program and want to begin their coursework. Detailed int'onnation about this program can be found online at http: 'Onestop.umn.edwonestop img assets 9061. PRD\VebBrochure.pdf

On or after April 12 for summer and April 29 for falL students may submit a "Re­quest for Graduate Credit" fonn to the department(s) offering the course( s ); this flm11 is available online at http: W\\ onestopoimg assets 9061 RequestforGraduateCredit.pdf When approved. the f(mn must be signed and for­warded to One Stop Student Sen ices. 200 Fraser HalL 106 Pleasant St. SE. \1inne­apolis. \IN 55455 or faxed to 612-626-9129.

If you are a staffmembe.r authori;ed to sign a "Request for (iraduate Credit" fortn~·­typically. Directors of Graduate Studies or their designee and have not recei\ed periodic updates from One Stop Student Sen· ices. please e-mail morri l 071a umn. edu and request to be added to the contact list. If you han~ questions about graduate non-degree registration. contact Amy \1orrisey at 6 12-624-6X71 ( morri I 07ra umn. edu) or Sandy Britsch at 612-626-9115 ( s-britra

Reminder: non-degree students must pay tuition and fees prior to the start of the term EffeL'live fall2005. non-degree seeking students -including those recei\ing gradu­ate credit---must pay tuition and fee charges prior to the start of the term to ayoid cancellation of classes. Non-degree ~tudents \\ill not rccei \ e a bill: instead. they should check their student account for the amount due and pay using U\1 Pay.

The Office of Enrolled Student Sen ices is implcmcnung a communi..:ation plan to infonn non-degree ~tudents of this new policy. This plan includes the follmving strategies:

• A handout for all norHlegree ~tudents \\ ho register in person inli.Jrming them or the policy and ho\\ to pay;

• A letter sent to all]JI'e\iously registered and eunently registered non-degree students infom1ing them of the policy:

• Email messages sent to non-degree students regarding the policy and how to make payments

Questions regarding !IllS pulic:. including an;. exempt group:-.. should be sent to Kris Wright, \\TighOR4r&

April 415 Regis:tntt!on beg.ins far May and surt11ner s:essions(admiHe£lsti.tderits)···.. '


41.7 Queuedregistr<ttio:n begips for fall ~ 2005' . •.

4/12 .R.egistration beginsf6f;}4ay ~d ·••···. . summer sessions '(non,..admttteil•studertFsi•·•

4/29 Open feglstl'a6onb~fii~s [Jrf~ifi~5

, __ ~;~, '~~ -;_-; :: ;~-- ~r-: ,-May

S/6 Lastdayof¢las~es ·

519" 14 Fi~al ex~mrhations} '

5!23 Ma~ se~Si()p begins 5130 Memorialqay holiday; all'tJn!vei~liy: offices. are closed · ·

June -' :, ~-~. -,- '·

6/10 Endof3~wefkMays~s'sion; _, ' ,, . -'"

6/ I J Summer session be girts •·· ..

6115 ·draduateSchool·. al1;1i~atio~deadl~Be' for fall 2005 · · · ..

6127 Last day students in \O<tpply

New freshman packaging update: 2005-2006 OSF packaged 4185 new ±1-eshmen on the March 14 packaging run. The paper FAANs \Vere printed and mailed beginning ::\1arch .23. Packaging will run e\ ery .Ytonday: as new students apply. they will be packaged and FAANs \vill be sent on a weekly basis.

Continuing students \Yill receive no­tification of their financial aid awards mid-July.

Match Record···ooPst· ·· ~elll. i£~rppen~d.~L~st ~~nt~ ·s,·i~.sl1e ,oft t~e •R(:§~#d ~ont~i:neda · C{)l.tpleof typos .. 1

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Jlfe1!~~·1~pulilis~itiottfhlfllliiOJie9esli.iifllePart· ·· ·. !fltllh ~ #It tjniv.;sitY: ·!If Minnesota, JWln cm.s, by the ; llfli~ij ot 11il.Stilkif ~;,Ptrideilt.for ~oileiak Aff1lir~.!lli4

.on the POf format at :

"- _ tivmes/~7d.lirmW ·:.~~;£'·:"'·~:~ ~~~fis<: dii~~t;~d4fc~ change$ t,1'1 ngiid Nuttall £,!2-626-0\)75; or ingridn:q umrl;cdu


~~.~cellation of sup.mer/ rpayment of spring tuition .. A$ th~ t!nd o:t)pring paring for. cancellation of rel'l;tsuam:ms :2oo5'-BHts: N<'>tkes w11f b¢ sent·~tt~~w~~i<·or~ifl'if'f:


•· ,•;;;";•0•0'i'\i,s\±i"':.;,fli!A\i••··,.. · ,•: .......

Amber Burnette ioins One Stop Student Services Amber Bumette has joined One Stop Student SerYices as an Executiw Assistant. Amber replaces ::\.fameen Nielsen who retired in July 2004.

Pre\iously. Amber \Yorked as an Associate Administrator in Student Judicial Affairs. Amber enjuys \ olunteering for a Yariety of organizations caring for wild birds and organizes tours and field trips for bird watchers throughout the Midwest. Amber is completing her degree in \\'ildlife Tourism and Education with an emphasis in Avian Studies.

One Stop Student Services and the Office of Enrolled Student Service welcomes Amber!





MIW R~~'3r

ecor New option for submitting registration cancel I add form A IlL'\\ option for submitting the Registration and Caned Add form IS nO\\ a\ ailable at Forms Online, http: W\\\\ onestop form~.htmL This Ycrsion allows students to complete and :;ubmit their Registration and Cancel Add fonn via the \Veb. Once submitted. the fom1 will come to the HelpingU e-mail account. The One Stop staff in St. Paul will process those registration:; the same\\ ay mail and fax registrations are currently processed.

Exit interviews for loans Students graduating at the end of the semester who recei\ed Federal Perkins Loans or University Trust Fund Loans during their career at the University are required to

do exit interviews with Student Financial Collections (SFC). SFC is located in 20 Fraser Hall and their phone number is 612-62)-g()07. Federal Direct Loan ( subsi­dized and unsubsidized) borrowers can complete an online exit interview at \\\\\\ .dlsen Students with other types of loans should contact their lender to find out if exit intervie\\"s are required.

Summer financial aid Students interested in receiving financial aid for summer courses do not need to complete a separate application. Once a student registers for summer classes. the Ofilce of Student Finance will evaluate the students financial aid eligibility for summer. Students \viti receive emails on or atler \1ay 9th infonning them of their eligibility for summer financial aid. Ylore infonnation on summer financial aid. including eligibility criteria. can be found online at http:; onestop.umn.edwonestop FinanciaLAid1maysummer.htm1.

Summer financial aid disbursement ~1:ry 1Summer financial aid will disburse to students' billing accounts on June 6th. There is not separate disbursement for \fay Session. Students should plan their expenses accordingly to accommodate for the .June disbursement date.

Drop I add/ refund schedule for summer Because of the various start and end dates for courses during the \;lay and summer sessions. it is important that students pay close attention to the drop. add, and refund deadlines. The deadlines can be found online at: http:; 1onestop.umn.edwonestop-' Calendars. Refund~ and~ Drop Add~ Deadlines.hnnt

5/23 May session begihs

5/30 Memorial day" holiday; a:n University {}ffic;::s are closed


6/13 Summer sessiqn begins • , 6/15 Graduate SchooLapplicatlQtl deadlit1e' for fall 2005 · · · · ·

6/27 Last dayfot J,mdergradAAt~s·and: ....... students in: professional degree prograw~ . • toapply forsumme~ sessioilgra}luat1on;·


R;~il<<est!~mr . "' Advisers~: · · w

·; ·<-;-~::~L;: , > ,•) :.t.; ,_' ~-{[:~~";,: -'~.--· .·:··-~.·,_~;;,;; -.--_ A'"·.,_:~;:_ .. - .

This sunvuer, etthancem~l1ts toJhe MA · . isi/alladvisers '':(': ' .• ; '7'\.':''~'··.··f+'+·•:En2'"' th.r .•.. , , . . ....•. · • . g an.u n.1ana~pg fh~pr~t:ss·of:·tileir adV:isees; These fhang~:c\Y~lt(x);available on all, fOOrdi-

Eri~ari~~~ents#*ludeKPDF version .. ··

~tAP~~t~!b.~.~hili!Y !QYJ~~ a. c:vmpleJ.eL fist or alivisees·attd riui''}Whaflf?" : APAS rePm'ts;·Jhese changes are part ot a contil'fuingefl'orttofaciHtate stUdent.···.; interacfipn .for alLadvisers of rec.ord. . ·

Ihere\viU be ademol1sit~tion of at the : Jtme ~~gistrar~sAdvisotyCotiiinittee . ; ~~~;m~iuig·;Watc~\b~ Record and : ~ie R4r.:' Iistsery for l11?4a!es .. -. ' ,,,._.,_,..,,,_. __ ,,,,_,.,,, .. ,..,_,,;,.,,.

To be a~qed to the .RA¢·cli$tSery, t;ontac~ Ingtid~;ttttaif~Fingrid~@umn;edu. .

Please di~ect addressdumges to Ingrid Nuttall 612-~26~7?1 ~fu~dn@~UI~·f?du.

lngrid Nu,t,ttll, .edltOt •.. Office oftile .Regis¢<~! Office ofBnrolled Stvdent ServiCes 15llWillilllU&On Hall 231 Pillsbury Drive S.E. M:inne · J>lis, MN ?5455




Freshman admissions is moving The Freshman i\dmissions Welcome Center will be moving to 200 Jones Hall this September. The Transfer & International Admissions Welcome Center will be located in 240 Williamson Hall. Both centers will continue to share a Web site. http:/•

Billing for summer Charges for tuition. fees. and on-campus housing \\ill be billed to students Yia the university's electronic billing system. U:Vt Pay, on June 1/Sth and will be due no later than July I 3th for summer :2005. All charges during the summer are due at 1 OO'~•o by the due date listed on the billing statement. There is no installment plan for summer. :Vlore information on billing and payments can be found at http: ion­estop. Lllllil. edu. ones top· tuition.html.

Check your financial aid status Students who ha\e completed and submitted their 2005-2006 FAFSA to the tederal processor will receive an e-mail to check their financial aid status on the One Stop Web site once the Unh ersity oL\1 inncsota receiYes their FAFSA infonnation. They can reach the site by clicking on the '"Financial Aid Status .. Quick Link on the One Stop \Veb site.

Faculty I staff One Stop rewrite We need your input! The Office of Enrolled Student Services will be reviewing the design and content of the faculty and staff One Stop web pages this summer. What would you like to see on the faculty and staff pages'! How could they be fonnatted to better meet your needs? Please send any suggestions by .July l to Ingrid Nuttall at ingridnt~-~





ecor Scheduling University, July 25-August S, 2005 Whether you're a scheduling newbie or an expett. there will be a workshop for you this summer. The Scheduling Unit staff from the Office of Classroom Management will conduct '"Scheduling University"- a comprehensive series of workshops and seminars over a two week sununer session from July 25-August 5.

The goal of the Scheduling U workshops is to provide depattmental academic sup­pott staff and other administrators with valuable infom1ation to assist in the course submission and scheduling process.

There has been considerable change in the scheduling world during the past year as ne\v versions of the Electronic Course Authorization System (ECAS) and Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) in PeopleSoft were rolled out to the University communi­ty. The new PeopleSoft Student Administration Transactional Interface vvas imple­mented. directly linking People Soft and the Resource 25 (R25 J academic scheduling system. UM Repotts added a series of ECS repotts to aid in course scheduling. In the near future. a new Course Guide submission system will be implemented. R25. the University's enterprise scheduling system. was made available to a pilot group of academic depaitments for use in schedule their own classrooms. The R25 Depatt­ment Rollout is now expanding to include the rest of the University community.

Scheduling is teaming up with the Office of the Registrar's PeopleSoft Student Records training team to offer a series of workshops to ansvver your scheduling questions and to provide you with an oppmtunity to interact with the Scheduling Unit staff and other members of the scheduling community.

Scheduling University Workshops will include:

Scheduling 101 -information needed hy all new scheduling coordinators Scheduling 202 - whafs new in Scheduling for current scheduling coordinators Using ECS Repo1ts to Improve Course Scheduling -detailed review of course related UMRepmts Electronic Course Scheduling and Cross-listed/Combined Sections Electronic Course Authorization System Basics Topic Titles- From ECAS to ECS R25 Depanmental Rollout- find out hovv R25 simplifies depmtmental room sched­uling R25 Users Group Meeting- infonnation for current R25 depmtmental users

Watch for details and sign up information for the \Vorkshops at the Office of Class­room Management's web site http://wwv\.classroom.umn.edn in late June. The workshops are designed for depanmental scheduling coordinators but anyone invo!Yed in the course scheduling process is \\"elcome to attend.

For further information. contact Nanc) Peterson at n-pete'il

lune 6/27 Lasf~ay_fortiaqyrgr~duatel;an~;')[(j students inprofes~tonal9e~ree.f>l:?~r~s ··•· to_apply for.sQmmers.ession_graduatio.n •. •;

'"' ," ' ·,, -~· ','. ,· ··:' '. ','/''"'·-' ,


8/19 Summ~.t tel111 ends

September.· ..

--------------------- --

Rew~·.tOEfl_.·axailable lhis-:lall :),, cdj<.' '' dc";·--"'hY.O•

A new)ri~~l1letZ~as~dTOEFL (IBT) will be phased in around the world by the Edll,cational Testing Service (ETS), starting on September 24,2005. Regis~ trationfor the IBTwill open on July 25, 2005.

TheiBTinclud~s four m~eadofthree skills sections. and a ne\\f scoring sys­tem. Writing, Rea.ding, and Listening skills win continue tob~ tested, and for the first time a Speaking section will be a mandatory component: Each section in the IBT is reported on a scale rang­ing frgw.QJQ 3Q; andt}l~total SC()reis the sum o{the four section scores. The __ _ scores for each section ~nd for the whole iest will tJe inCluded inthe TOEFL score i~g()rt_ s,ent to t~?t takers~d de~ignated -­inStitu:iions.

The GradUate School conducted four half-day sessio~s(one for each section., of theTOEFL) with twenty-three faculty and staff to set recommended minimum standards for admission to The Graduate School. The faculty included represen;.. tation from each of the six Policy and Review Councils, and the staff were UJ;liversity English Jang]Jage profession,.. al-5 -and admissions professionals. The Gradu~te School executive-committee then approved a required minimum total score of: 79. plus minimums of 21 on the Writing sectioQ and 19 on the Reading secnorlforadU'iission; The Graduate School currently -r:equireS'~a total score, of 213 on the computer based TOEFL and 550 on the paper based TOEFL

Aftel'()ne year of experience with the ne"'·:TQEFLThe.Graduate .School will· revisifits required scores to detem1ine ifhigl~er or lower minimums should be adopt~d.

For further infotrriation. contactAndrea Scott at


Parent /Guest Access is live Parent/Guest Access. an online self-service application, allows students active in a program at any of the four University of Minnesota campuses. to provide a parent. spouse or other third party to have view-only access to therr student record information. This application can be accessed through a Quick Link on the One Stop home page,

Parent/Guest Access allows a third party to see up to six of the. following areas of a student's record:

• Enrollment Summary • Financial Aid Status • Grades • Holds • Student AccOtmt • View Financial Aid Awards

Students invite a third party to be a guest viewer via an e-mail generated within the application. The guest responds by clicking an encoded link within the e-mail. This p~·~cess associates the student record with the guest viewer. The student then grants specific Yiewing rights to one or more of the six subject areas of their student record. Students are able to discontinue access to their record at any time.

If you haYe questions about Parent·Guest Access. contact Julie Selander at goode021 E' ..

Students can win an iPod! Ne\V students who are registered for the 2005 Fall term and sign up for Direct De­posit for financial aid bet~veen June I and September L 2005, will be entered to win one of 30 iPods.

Direct Deposit is simple. safe. and fast for students plus a substantial cost saver for the Uniwrsity. A financial aid credit balance is sent to the student's bank account within .+8 hours after the money becomes available.

Students may select the Direct Deposit quick link at to authotize direct deposit.

Questions? Contact Regina Moran at moranO J.frc[

The Record

Kudos to One Stop Student Services At the annual Communicators forum conference on May 12. One Stop Student Services was recognized for excellence in multimedia communications. reciving a Gold Award for its One Stop Orientation informational video. The Maroon and Gold awards recognize outstanding commtmications in the areas of writing. design, campaign/series and multimedia.

Congratulations to Mary Koskan, Judy Swanson. Jerry Smith. Bill Carlson. Julie Selander. Donna Weispfenning and Stong Circle Studios for their exceptional ac­complishment!

APAS enhancements are live Enhancements to Advisers· access to APAS are now live. The APAS report shows the requirements and courses a student has completed. or needs to complete. in order to eam a degree. Previously. advisers of record may have used Portfolio to gener-ate APAS reports for advisees; now. advisers will also be able to produce an APAS repmt by selecting the APAS link on the web page for each campus.

Advisers now have the ability to view a complete list of advisees through the APAS Advisor access.

Advisers may also run a ·'What If' APAS for any advisee. This repmt allows one to see v•.11at requirements have been completed should a student choose a cettain program. This is also called '·major shopping:·

Finally. advisers can quickly access a printable two column PDF version of a stu­dent"s APAS repmt. This produces a more compact repmt with fewer pages to print (Adobe Acrobat is required. available for dO\>vnload at http:­uctslacrobat/readstep2.html)

APAS users who are able to add excpetions to a student's APAS rep01t will need to change any bookmarks to APAS to the following link:­\vin/login.jsp

There is also an online demonstration available which highlights the new enhance­ments. This demonstration is available on the One Stop faculty and staff homepages under .. Advising'' (see related atticle in sidebar.)

OESS is pleased to offer these enhancements to the Adviser APAS access. Questions should be directed to the appropriate individual for your campus listed below:

Twin Cities: Help Line, 61:2-625-2803 Duluth: Karl Johnson. 218-726-7849 Morris: Clare Strand. 320-589-6026 Crookston: Val Uttermark. 218-281-854 7


OM R~porti·~P~~~-:\~;.~ ., Inf<>nn~tionMali~geili~fsf~~'!S·t::·: (IMS) i~ creati11%·enban~d,seg~t)'o~{·; class. pel1tliSsion numbers. aciessed · · .. · ..• through:~lteJ>orts.lJg~erfh~.~~W> •t securitY:m~asures;cellege s~ff.Wt>tila<,,•

~r~~~-~j#,: t? enronJntl1~¥t;oitfst!s~butd~aye.ft>'} c.(}ordinatt;al.Va)rt():*h~~~e~~i~h,;;;;~: numoerS as.viewing~ap~~i~iif;~otif~~s

:~:t£6~~e~~J~~~~!f~~~i~~ hers in P~ppleSD;ff~ ~ook · · • • · · ·· r~hif~ ~·~~~.~!~~··~~~~ issue oHhe.Reooid ~ Q:u· :: __ ·._ ' :'·. ~- --:--.:-, : ,-'_- ~- <_; -- -_ ._:---~~5: -:; __ -~: ~--,- -:·"'·-- :- :-,, :_-,._ .. <-. Dte~ L~Ghfte~!h~ at 61~:62(i~1]{)1,

New·~•ctemo~·stttili~~i~;;1,••• available onhn~s . .. ' ... The. Qfflc~ .. ~f'EritoU~4$f~d~~ti~~~~~~~\ {OESSJi~ pleasedto.Mferane\.Vfe~\Ul'~ on the One Stop st.aff an4fl;lcultjr, \>\feb · .. ' pages.

AMid-fenn·Atea·tuton~t'~~,h~~~v~n'~;.· able tmdet ··Grades·(~nhf1p:l!.~\Yw.oni estop.wnn;edu/oiJe~t(Jp]facultyJ)tmtand, bttp:l/wm\l,onestop,qmn.·edg/Qn~stopl: st(lff.btmi Simply citC!i ()J1the ~'Mid- •.. ·• tenn alerttutorial:' lihk and rne:tdtqtial will play: You can stop. pause,re\Viild.or fast. fo(Ward.thetutorial usiJ)s;}h~.wbhe •· bar in the upper Ieft-hartd co11ler.6fth~ tutorial.Also, a. demo!fstratioH QfAd~'is~ ets' access to APAS.Is a~ail~ble htl'del· • ~· Adv1sin~f;.qtHhe staff and fa{;~lty .. · homepages(samelipks liste(jabove.) .· ... .Click the''APASdemo:' lii:Ik tovie\.Vtlie' liew@iili.ance..hien~s; .... ;.;. · .. ····.:· ·;:.:.· •. ·•···.·(·

The.oEi~is c~~~;:k~~'~ri'~···,·· Registration tutorial fot' in<~l1ling fr:esh;­man and transfer students. Look for. this. new feature soon!

Do.yoU have otherS1~gge~rlon~for · tutorials· or demonstrations? T!Je: Of:SS · would like yollf feedback. Please send .';UtrO'estiOilSand/or COlllll1eiitS OUthe :00 :.. . .. . -: ·. . . - ·_-.··, ,- . --··-- _.-. :·.

cunent tools to ingridn@1ilnJi.t:du. ··

<Pgp/4::/ Juae,.2005."

And now, it's time The investigative prowess of the Record editor has tmcovered some fun stuff from the ammls of the Office of Emolled Student Services for your enjoyment and, possibly, your bemusement. Read and enjoy these items from years past!

January 19 71 The Record carried a story on a new .. mechanized system for recording and processing holds:· It was reported that "tele-pro­cessing equipment" housed on the Twin Cities campus would be used to complete the task.

June 1977 The Record reported that the Human Rights Statement has been revised and would now be called the Equal Opportunity state­ment.

December 1979 The Registrar's Advisory Committee (RAC) discussed the problem of students receiving degrees from colleges in vvhich they had not registered but in which they had completed requirements for a degree.

December 1984 RAC members discussed issues sun-oLmding semester conversion.

In 1986 Students paid $2 for a copy· of their official transcript.

September 1988 Fonner Registrar Sam Lewis listed as one of the accomplishments of the Office of the Registrar the reduction of "average regis­tration wait time to fewer than nine minutes for each term:·

Record The ReCOfclll$ publislielll!ICinthlr f~ colleges lll!d IMpart· meals. of tlle Uttiversity of Minnesota, .Twin Oties, by the Offi(e of the Senior V'Ke. PresideDt for Academic Alfairs and Pro vast. Back issues tire on the Web in PDf format at tiltJI!//onestiip.umli.edii/OniiSfop/Serviies/News_.:····· Events:_aruf_Adivities/Retord.hlmt

Please. direct address changes to lngrid Nuttall 612-626"0075. or ingridnry•

Ingrid Nutt~IL editor Office of the Reutstrar. Office <)f Enrolled Stud~nt Services 150 WilliamsLm Hall 231 PJ!Isburv Dnve S.E. :vlnme~pohs. MN 55-+ 5 ~ Phone: 612-o::6-0ll7 5 E-mrul. inl!.frdn'£i' 1l1e Um versa q)f Mmnesota1S nn equal QP.RQ!TWlll.Y .:t'hl:ct~w~ll!\q'"enwi9Y~· ..

fill;, publicauonJs<wailabl~~altemauvc ~)llt:S upon request

W Printed on recyded and recydoble paper c011taining 10 percent postconsumer material.






ecor News about financial aid, admissions, records, and student systems

Updated information regarding #Scheduling University" The Scheduling Unit staff from the Office of Classroom Management and the OTR PeopleSoft Student Records training team -will conduct ··scheduling University''- a comprehensive series of workshops and seminars for schedulers and department college administrators over a two week summer session from .July 25-August 5, Please see back page for dates and times.

Scheduling 101- This session will focus on the course scheduling process including production deadlines. a demonstration of Electronic Course Scheduling. and how to best communicate your faculty's pedagogical needs to Scheduling. The target audience is all new scheduling coordinators and experienced schedulers who \\ould like a refresher.

Scheduling 202 -The Academic scheduling cycle ranges from simple to complex. In the session. the relationships among Scheduling software will be ex­plored. lfyou\·e wondered how the ECAS, ECS. Resource25. Schedule25. and the ONESTOP all tie together. this workshop will answer your questions.

Csing Scheduling Reports to Improve Course Scheduling- A full comple­ment of Scheduling related reports is now available to departments to use in plan­ning their course offerings. The reports range from the ECS Course Scheduling reports available in UMReports. to room utilization reports at the Office of Class­room Ylanagement web site. to on-demand queries that can be developed in the data warehouse. This session is designed to provide guidance on using these reports in preparing your class schedule and in managing the department's course submission requirements. It will also include an update on trend reports that will be available to users in the fall and will disucss future report enhancements.

ECS and Combined Sections -Tnfonnation will include a demonstration of the combining process in ECS. the importance of splitting the enrollment between the combined course. and how the identification of the "parent" department facilitates the room assignment process. If your department cross-lists courses or otTers con­cunent courses \Vi thin the department you' II find this session helpful.

Electronic Course Authorization System Basics - ECAS is used to create a new course, update existing courses, and send through the approval process. In ad­dition to adding brand new courses. many depa111nents renumber existing courses and or usc new designators. This workshop will clarify when to modify an existing course and when it's appropriate to create a new course.

Topic Titles: From ECAS to ECS- This session will follow a topic title from submitting it tor approval from your college ECAS approver to posting the title in the ONESTOP and attaching it to the student transcript. The ft)llO\Ying questions (and more) will be answered: Why doesn't the topic title appear in the ONES TOP'! How do I make the title appear in the ON ESTOP? How do I specif)' the number of credits for a topics course? ... and finally, all-important -How do I submit a topic for approval in the first place?

·.· .. fage··~ •. {.~lllf2DOS The Record

Twin Cities campus tuition rates, 2005-2006* ' Untletgrodutltes**

Unde[grqduote rqtes Per credit 13-credit bond (for 13 or more credits)

Resident $27 4.62 3,570.00

Nonresident $721,92 9,385.00

Undergraduate rates do not vary by college of enrollment and are the some for both upper and lower division students. All degree-seeking undergraduates pay a flat tuition rate based on o minimum 13-credit load. Credits above 13 are free. Credits 1-12 wit! be assessed at the per-credit rote only for those students who are approved for a reduced credit load.

Grotluote School** Pqrt-time Resident

Per credit $729.00 Full-time

6-14 credits $4,37 4.00 Each credit over 14 729.00 College of Architecture god Lgndscqpe Architecture

Per credit $590.00 12-17 credits, students admitted fall 2003 or later 7, 080.00 10-17 credits, students admitted before fall 2003 5, 900.00 Eochcreditoverl7 590.00


s 1,320.67

$7,924.00 1,320.67

$1,024.17 12,290.00 10,242.00

1,024.17 College of Liberql Arts mqster's of geogrqpbjcgl jqformgtjgn systems Part-time, per credit $762.33 S 1,380.83 full-time, 6-J 4 credits 4,57 4.00 8,285.00 Full-time, each credit over 14 762.33 1,380.83 Humphre¥ lqstjtute mqster's

Per credit 6-15 credits Each credit over 15 Executive M.P.A. rates, per credit

$840.50 5,043.00

840.50 730.00

lnfrqstructure systems engjneedng master's. per term

First-year students $5,550.00 Second-year students 5,350.00 Third-year students 5,250.00

s 1,430.67 8,584.00 1,430.67 1,321.58

$5,550.00 5,350.00 5,250.00

Mon<J8ement of technology CM.O.TJ mgster's rates, per term

First-year students S 12,625.00 $12,625.00 Second-year students 11,950.00 11,950.00 Sohwqre eqgjqeerjng master's rates. per term

First·year students $5,527.00 Second-year students 5,160.00

Professiondl Scho:Ois**

$5,527.00 5,160.00

Departmental master's for the College of Agricultural, Food & Environ­mental Sciences, the College of Education and Human Development, and post-bgccglquregte certjficqtes Re~jdeqt Nonresident

Per credit $34875 $63075 12-18 credit plateau 4,185.00 7,569.00 School of Deqtjstry Per term (12 or more credits) Law Scbool Per credit Term 02 or more uedits) LL.M (master's) Per credit Term (12 or more credits)

Resident Nonresident $9,422.00 s 15,87 4.00

$705.83 $1 '126.42 8,470.00 13,517.00

$1,207.67 $1,207.67 14,492.00 14,492.00

1 Carlson School of Management


1 Human resources and industrial relations master's full-time program Per credit $720.00 $1050.00

1 10-19 credit plateau 5,490.00 10,010.00

I, Human resources and industrial relations master's part·time program

Per credit $680.00 $990.00 1

[ M.B.A. ful~time program, entering students (guaranteed two-year rates) , Per credit $890.00 $1,265.00 112-19 credit plateau 10,650.00 15,160.00 : M.B.A. full-time program, continuing students : Per credit ! 12-19 credit plateau i M.B.A. part-time program 1 Per credit ( 1-11 credits) i Per credit (12 or more credits) [ A1.B. T. proqram ! Per credit (1-11 credits) I Per credit ( 12 or more credits)

$827.00 9,910.00

$900.00 900.00

$900.00 900.00

$1,175.00 14,100.00

$900.00 1,300.00

$900.00 1,300.00

i~Mwe~d·~•cg~I~S~chwo~ol~.p~e~c~te~rm~m~dwu~W~ng~s~u~mwmmeLc----------------~ i First-year students $8,869.00 $11,167.33

$10,909.00 11,609.50 9,233.00


Second·yeor students 8, 611.00 i Third- and fourth-year students 6,335.00 l Physical therapy (D.Pl), term (7-15 credits) 5,148.00 i College of Phqrmac¥ I Per credit


: Term ( 12 or more credits) . Pharm DP-4 i Scbool of Public Heqlth


Per credit 1 Heolthcare administration master's day program I Per credit I i College of Veterinary Medicine l Per credit : Term (12 or more credits) I Veterinary fellow specialists, per term

$598.92 7,187.00




$702.00 8,424.00


$1,073.42 12,881.00



7 64.00

$1,404.00 16,848.00


I *2005·2006 Tuition and Fees : Please note the tutition and fees listed in this issue of the Record is not

inclusive. This list .indudues those items !Taditionally reported on in the Recod. For more information regarding tuition and fee rates, see the 2005-06 Tuition Fact Sheet on the One Stop at­ing/fuition_Rotes.html

** Student services fee and University fee-All Twin Cities compus students registered for 6 or more credits must poy o $290.82 per-semester student services fee in addition to tuition. A University fee to support infrastructure and odminis!Totive support will he $450.00 per semester for students on all campuses registered for 10 credits or more, ond $45.00 per credft.for students taking 1-9 credits. A complete schedule of fees for courses, technology, colleges, ond other purposes ore posted. on theWeb af­ter August 1 at



The Record

Coordinate campus tuition rates, 2005-2006

;·.Cli!Pl<~!Qf!~r'! ··• Underg;aduotes, ~~;·cr~dit · Distance education, per credit Student services fee: $177.1 0 per semester

,:··Resiaeht'~·~;~ ~ ··NQn~~Si~f~t, ,, · ·~:~~~ ~. 'i:f. w·< ~

. $195.50 $195.50 203.00 203.00

See olso the Crookston campus business office Web site at < businessaffoirs/studentfees.htm> or the distance ed site at <www.crk.umn.edujcai/DistanceEd>.

r P.~lpt/i""~~ . Residfrif ; . ~~i"esiclent

All undergraduates, per credit Departmental master's and post-baccalaureate

certificates, per credit

M.B.A., per credit

Rates for the Graduate School general programs, Medica/School, and School of Pharmacy are the same as on the Twin Cities campus (see page 2).

Student services fee: $227.72







More information is on the Web at <>. ····1/rorii$*~~::: 'Re~ident ·> No.residetii ... ·

All undergraduates, per credit Tuition band, 15-20 credits, per semester

$273.47 4,102.00

$273.47 4,102.00

Fees will be described on the Web at <>. ·R•·•> h .. "t·• ***···· .· .... .. · .. · ... ,. . . ·.c· ·> ····: .. ·:Q..~ .. ft5 l~li;;t .: ' · ' Resideltt · ....... Ncior~si~~Jit. ..' · · ::r ;:; .:·

M.B.A., per credit $805.00 $805.00 More information will be on the Web at <http:/ / _student_services-tuition. htm#2005>.

*Student services fee and University fee-'- Student services fee varies by campus os indiwted above. The University fee to support infrastructure and provide administrative support is $450.00 per semester for students on all campuses registered far lO credits or mare, and $45.00 per credit for students taking 1-9 credits.

Cancellation of future registrations The Office of Student Finance ""ill send notices to students who have not paid their summer bill or other outstanding charges. and who are registered for fall courses. the week of July 1 K

Students will be informed that pay­ment must be received by August I 0 to avoid cancellation offal! registration. Students who fail to pay will have their fall registrations canceled the week of August 15.

For questions regarding cancelation offall classes. please contact the Office of Student Finance at 612-625-8007. Students may also contact this number for more infom1ation regarding payment timelines.

·J;)~Iy2o~~·t, ... rJi~t~a,•··

August RAC meeting Don't forget to mark your calendar for the August 1 Registrar's Advisor Com­mittee (RAC) meeting. It will be held from 9:00a.m. to noon in 100 Rapson Hall on the East Bank.

Agenda items include review of new policies. financial aid issues and updates from IMS. The RAC meeting is a great way to stay infonned and get your questions answered regarding student re­cord issues. policies and student service enhancements.

To have your name added to the RAC Jistserv, emaillngrid Nuttall at ingridn(< Receive timely infor­mation regarding Yarious student -related processes. as well as meeting minutes and agendas.

Undergraduate students can apply online for their degree In !ate-July. the new online degree ap­plication was launched on the One Stop web site. The application can be found at under the "Graduation" link.

Undergraduate students with 90 or more completed credits, as well as students admitted to an undergraduate certificate program. can apply tor their degree with this online application.

Paper applications will still be ac­cepted but are being fazed out. The Office of Enrolled Student Services has created a postcard that can be distributed to students in lieu of an application. This post card will direct the student to the web page.

Postcards will be available at all the One Stop centers as well as at college offices. To request a small supply of postcards for your otlice, contact Ingrid Nuttall at

----------~--~-~ ~---~----~

The Record

!''Scheduling University" continued from pg.

R25 Departmental Rollout- OC~1 is making its R.25 automated scheduling system available without charge to departments and colleges for room scheduling needs in instmctional spaces. primarily departmental classrooms. Departmental R25 users enjoy the benefits of the system's on-line interface with PeopleSoft that eliminates the need for the department to "double-enter"' scheduling data. A dedicated Departmental Web Viewer visually displays room activity in graphic or tabular fonn, and allows tor a quick search of a room or lab's availability. This session'' ill provide prospective R25 users with a demonstration of R25 and a discussion of hO\V it can streamline your instructional space scheduling.

R15 users Group ~1eeting- This session is designed for cuiTent participants in the R25 Departmental Rollout. It"s an op­portunity to meet with other users and our R25 Department Coordinator. This meeting will include 1) Announcement of new functions1teatures oft he upcoming new release of R25: .2) Announcement of changes being planned.· implemented by OCYI with regard to R25: 3) Identifying topics of discussion for future R25 Users" Meetings; 4) Q&A session fur R25 problems how tos.

July 25

9:00 a.m.-1 I :00 a.m

1 -'0 p.m. - -':30 p.m.

July 26

9 00 a.m.-11 :00 a.m

1:00 p.m. -2:30p.m.

July 27

<.J:OO a.m.- I LOO <Lm

1 :30 p.m. - 3:30p.m.

July 2!-1

lJ:OO cLm.-11 :00 a.m

1:30 p.m. - 3:30p.m.

EC:-\S Basics I Blegen 1 0)

Scheduling !Ill iEE·CSCl_l,-230!

R2" Dept Rollout i'\olte LibrarY!

R2" l" scr Group (:\l,lt..:l Librar; l

ECS&Comb. Scs:;iulh !Burton 120).

Topic Titles (Burton 120)

l·sing Schcd. Rcp,,n~ iClaslltT 82~ l

Scheduling 202 (EE CSC:i 3-230!

August 1

9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m

1.30 p.m.-3:30p.m.

:\ugust 2 9:00a.m.- II :00 a.m

I ::10 p.m. - :-.30 p.n1

.\ugust 3

9:00a.m.- II :00 a.rn

1 . .30 p.m. - 3:30p.m.

\ugu,:;t -1

9:00 a.m.-11 :00 a.m

ECAS Basics (CiaOff 825 l.

Schcdulmg 101 (CiaOffB25}

Topic Titles (Bunon 120)

Lsing Schcd. Rcports ([[ CSCi 3-2~01

ECS&Comb. Sect. (Blegen -t::!5l

R25 Dept. Rollout iCla0ffl325J

Scheduling 202 (Blegen 10}

All sessions (except the R.25 1..Jsers Group .\:leering) will be scheduled twice during the two week period to provide you with some flexibility in attending the \Yorkshops. Please sign up for the sessions by cmailing ocmschedra Indicate in your email which session( s) you ''ill attend.

Record Jhe: Recont ts puhfrshecJ111011thly fOt coliegts l!id depart­llltllts llt!helltmrsityof Minaesofllt Twin Oties, by the • ~Ke. !f t!te Senior Vice Presidettt for Atademic Affairs and Pmv~ Back issues are on the Well in PDf format at ~~i-.sfaJt./Ur.vkes,llle.ws_ ~~ts.:..IH!!f __Aclivlties/Record.htlill '"'"'"' "

Please direct address changes to Ingrid Nuttall 61 4-62670075, or ingridn(

Ingrid Nuttall, editor Otlice of the Registrar Office o( Enrolled Student Services I :;o Williamson Hall 231 Pi!lsburv Drive S.E. ~1[nnc:a;Wl1s; · MN ~5545 5 Phone:. !it:.Hz6c0075 E~mail: TI~ Un~v<;rsitv ofMinnesota is an equal · · ·· ~ · '~· :e~u~:~~r.and empl?yer.





ecor News about admissions, retords, and student systems

Undergraduate students can apply online for their degree; phase II is underway

The new online W1dergraduate degree application is now available on the One Stop \veb site lUlder the ""Graduation·· link. Undergraduate students with 90 or more cred­its, as \Veil as students admitted to an undergraduate certificate program. can use this application.

Any paper degree applications should be thrown away as they will no longer be used. The Office of Enrolled Student St:rvices has created a postcard for the Twin Cities campus that can be distributed to students. The postcard infom1s students of the application's location on the web, and highlights the FAQ for the application to guide them through any questions regarding its use. To request postcards. contact Ingrid Nuttall at and indicate how many you require. Due to high demand. be aware that your request may take a few days should more postcards need to be reordered.

Work has already beglUl on the second phase of this project involving degree clear­ance. Look for future updates in the Record. Questions about this new application should be directed to Vickie Roberts at v-robe 1

West Bank One Stop re-opened August 8 The newly remodeled One Stop Student Services Center in 130 West Bank Skyway re-opened on August 8. The updated space improves services to students by provid­ing a more private and comfortable environment.

The West Bank Skyway houses One Stop Student Services. Legal Service. and the Gopher Express \Vest Comenience Store. A grand re-opening celebration of the sky­way tenants will be held September 7. 8 and 9 . .\1ore infonnation will be proYided on a new West Bank Skyway web site and in the ~finnesota Daily.

New One Stop counselors Jason Heidenfelder is a 2005 graduate of the University's School of .Joumalism & \1ass Communication (TC campus.) Jason worked in One Stop as a Student Suppon Services Assistant prior to becoming a counselor.

Steph Pagac is a 1999 graduate of the University where she majored in Ameli can Indian Studies and history. Prior to coming to One Stop. Steph \Vorked as an Admis­sions Counselor here at the University.

>.•• •"<~:;c ·))/·.;" ,_, ,. ;;~' )}; <

8ll9l0-'~~lk.and.l3~~eek.Suiilfii~r· Y. • ···:

:·'' '~. ', ' '


8/31 West Bank Burs~r 's.Office?teopens . ".(···, '•;/. '",.•'' ;:: ' ' ,;, < .·. '

September, 9! 1 Grad ~cbooiSept~fu~e;~aau~tlori application deadliri{ ··· · . ' .

9/5 Holida;:(univ~rsrtyoffitesc;losei •.

9/13 Last day for lOOo/o l'et~ndfo~fuli · term, firsr1"Xveek session



9ll9tast cat,rc.ef yvHhou~: .. v.[ transcript

October 10/1 Last day fo~ Graduate studenkto apply for fall gtaduatiori ~etem:on~' • .

I 0/3 Gi·ad School October graduation applicatibn deadline ' -

1 0!31 Lasrda>' to ca;~cel without.tJ.)He~~ approval. tull term classes

Page f/1\IJguit 2oos

Attention· sche.dulers: faii200Sfinal exam information The Office 6fEnrolled Student Ser~ viCes(OESS) requires the assistance of, department schedulers ill verifying the accuracy of the fall2005 final exam in-. formation for your department's courses. currently listed ill PeopleSoft. ·

In an effort to utilize current People Soft functionality and minimize manual · entry, Classroom Schedulillg will now rely on the PeopleSofh(! schedule final exams. This means final · exam information entered through the ECAS interface must be accurate.

OESS will be sending a list of fall200~ courses and final exam information to department schedulers shortly, .This in­formation.shouldbe carefully reviewed; if final exam inf01mation is listed incor­rectly, this should be in.dicatedon the Excel document in the ''Change To"celL

The Excel document should be .. checked and returned with any change~ no later than Friday. October 7. 2005. to

In the fut:ure. final exam informa-tion entered into ECAS and stored in PeopleSoft. will be used to schedule final exams. Therefore, it is essential that th~ information is accurate.

If you have any questions. please con­tact Nancy Peterson at n-pete@sossgw.


New official transcript application The new official transcript application \Vent live on August 16. The new web request form will be located on the One Stop web site under "'Grades and Transcripts:'

The new \veb request has a new look and feel, as well as improved functionality. Students who have current or future enrollment at the campus from which they are requesting the transcript will be able to charge their student account for the order. Further. anyone \Vith an active X.500 will be able to place an order with the new application.

Students who do not meet this criteria. or who do not Vvish to charge their student account. will need to use a credit card to pay for their order. On the PeopleSoft side, transcripts ordered via the web will be put into batches for ease of processing by staff.

Any questions regarding the official transcript application should be directed to \'ickie Roberts at V-robe lr'j or Emily Holt at

Study lists will be emailed to students Study list emails confirming registration will be sent to students on the Twin Cities campus on Thursday, August 25. Students should review their study list carefully and take note of any room. time or instructor changes that have been made since they first registered. Study lists for the coordinate campuses will also be emailed to students in August.

Late registration fees Students must register by the first day of class (September 6) tor all regular session and first 7 -week session classes to avoid late registration fees. The late registration fee is S50 for ~my initial registration during the first two weeks of any session and SlOO for any initial registration beginning the third week of any session.

UMACRAO annual conference update The 7 :2 :\nnual Lpper \fidwcsL\ssociation of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Oillcers ( L\L\CRc\0) conference will be held October :23-:25 in Sioux. Fall. SD at the Holiday lnn- Cit)' Center. This year·s theme: ··forging New Paths in Service ...

The conference will focus on working in a changing environment. including the populations we serve. resources we use and the ways in which om schools change from day to day.

As ah\ays. the conference is an ideal oppo1itmity to catch up with colleagues and friends. share stories and exchange ideas for how we can improve our work. Infom1ation regarding the conference is available online at W\ Check out the new look and feel of our \Veb site as well!


APAS access for advisers This summer, enhancements were made to the APAS report to assist all advisers of record in viewing and managing the progress of their ad vi sees. These changes are available to all campuses.

Enhancements include a PDF version of A PAS; the ability to view a complete list of advisees: and the option to run "'What If?" APAS reports. These changes are part of a continuing effort to facilitate student interaction with their advisers.

If faculty in your department serve as advisers, you may want to let them know about these changes. The Office of Enrolled Student Services \Vill be sending an email message in September to all advisers of record highlighting these changes.

For questions about APAS access for advisers. contact Margo Mueller at


Earning Graduate credit as a non-degree student Staff at the University have an opportw1ity to enroll tuition·free in University class· es. Using the Regents Scholarship or the Academic Staff Tuition Benefit Program. staff can choose to either advance their professional development or just have fun leaming something new.

Staff interested in registering as a non-degree student can also choose to receive graduate credit. Should one later decide to pursue an advanced degree. eaming grad­uate credit as a non-degree student is a great way to begin exploring this possibility.

:-tore infom1ation on the Regent's Scholarship and Tuition Benefit Program is avail­able at \\ One Stop Student Services has also created a helpful brochure regarding how to eam graduate credit as a non-degree student. These brochures were sent to staff in early August: to request a brochure. contact ..

RAC meetings for the remainder of 2005, 2006 Belo\\ is a list ofthe Registrar's Advisory Committee (R/\C) meetings for the remainder of 2005 and the beginning of 2006. \1ectings arc held the first :'v1onday of the month unless it falls on a holiday: then meetings are the second .'v1onday of the


September 12 I 0-11 :30 a.m. 101 Walter Library October 3 10-11:30 a.m. 101 Walter Library 1\oYember 7 10-11 :30 a.m. 101 \Vatter Library December 5 I 0-11 :30 a.m. 101 Walter Library January 9 9 a.m.· 12:00 p.m. TBA February 6 10-11 :30 a.m. I 01 Walter Library :\1arch 6 I 0-11 :30 a.m I 0 I Walter Library

Check future issues ofthe Record for updates. including possible location changes. If you want to receive RAC agendas, minutes and other updates. please contact Ingrid Nuttall at and ask to be added to the listserv.

l3cf•ilif'p~lit.'Jr ·;:·~i\c··•·. >]

rel11indefJCi'r':all."iifl~:;lfe~~ s;e~iff9si&jitlb~~~\.~'.j ~~ginru.tigfi1l2Q~~·,:cu#~fit~tln'tf~t~ ~·~,;i; graduate s~4ents'~h(J·e~?!1'~~i,n':tll~ir ;

!~~;~~a~tr:~,l~~:.~'. Th.ese s,mdents ~ere preyigasty;~~efupt': fr6ill tfie ~ 3"credri ~lllill1~ • ':;: ·· Beginning •fali .• 2QQ~.~degi":~~~ee~irlg;} ' • students 1'>Vho;tegist~r Jilt .fe~~X. ~aU fS·· credits reqUireq topayfdra~)3·. · cn~dit colirs~Joad ~ess i&eifatl ihJ(J · one o.fthe:fOtl()~g;categoxies;,.

~.~;~~~.~ij~Jw•t,~:~~{"t • .. The stijd~nf;s cotrrses are. paidJoi·\\litll the R~gel1tsschgl~r7rup ::· . · •.. · ·•··. · ..•... ·~ • . The stu~ent a~ ~ .• ~PPl0J~P~';~equ¢st ; tor .R~d~ce'd Ctedit•load7:fo!J!1 ~~Y~Jf;, able athttP:/1~-()~~stop.utlln .. e(i~( .. onestop ;.i iTlg~as~~ts[~.06;(ip~l'(.Ji~e,)e.ti., tions)on file:' · • · ·· · · ·

; ·,.;_

.. Entolled~stud~nts whd w6fk' fu]titiffle, have less tnah z(} ~~tdits t() c~)llplet~ / tlieir. deft1:e~[otH¢rcitc4rh~t~ces tbat pni';'e(lltthem froD1.reg]$te$gJqr 13 cred1t~ .should ~orriplete Hie~··Request for R~duc~d Cfeqit toad'\fotin avail .. ablebothonlinean&inPDF forirrat ·

atonestoi?.Wtii1.~4~·~d~r~'Potms .•... · .. ·.•• .. oi1line"~prior.tot~l~irfall.~OQ5:regis~· tratiotkPlease.note'thatthis}drmdoes not gruir~nr~e'apetn1anenLe~~Ptign!3 ·· The durtiti6~ of the exemptioP,is .. atJhe discretjon;()fthe reyie\Ver.

For int~mationa1'total credit load is 12 credits, the Stlldent · must submit the'Reduced t:reditLoitd form to his of her ioHege; lfthir'total >

credit I oad is less than, the student m~stsubfuit2 fbl1'Qs: tlle Excep:i tion from tb;e .Full Collr~eofStud.yF()tm to lSSS·i;t. 190 HubertH: Huritp~tey. • : Genter .. and the Reduced Credit Load form to his.• or her C.ollege~ Stuu~~S:.Mth. questions .should CqJ):ta6i: their college adviser.

Financial aid is still available Financial aid is still available for the 2005~06 year. Students shoulg complete a FAFSA online at > to receive aid for the .2005-06 fall. spring and "\lay sUJmner terms.

Students who may be eligible for a state grant should apply before October 5. 2005 for fall semester. and Febmary 15. 2006 for spring semester.

Students who do not have a financial need according to their F AFSA results are still eligible for loans.

CEHD spring deadline change The College of Education & Human Development \'Yill change its spring ap­plication deadlines for all Lmdergradu­ate majors from \larch 1 to February 1. This change will take effect spring 2006. The fall deadline of October 1 \\ill not change.

Record Tile Record is published I!IOIIthly for colleges one! deport· · ments at the University of Minnesota, Twin Giles, by the Office of the Senior lfKe Presideador Academic Affairs l!lld Provost. Back issues are on the Web in PDfformat at h<es(News:_ Events_ one! _Adivities/Recorcl.html

Please direct address changes t.o Ingrid Nunail

612-fC6-U075. or ingriJn·a umn:edu:

Ini!rid l'\unalL ~ditor Office of the Registrar Office of Enrolled: Student Services 150 Williamson Hall 231 Pillsbury DriYc SE. Minncapolii. :-.1JS 55-'15:' Phone: (•!2c626-0075 F-mail: in!!ridn'ri umn.cdu The;~rsitv L)f\timh.'sota i~ an .;q\lal·· oppommity educator and employer.

This publication is available ill altemati\·e fonnatsupon request. @ Printed on recyded ami recydoble poper

containing 1 0 percent postconsumer material.


PCAS will be implemented this fall The Program and Curriculum Approval System (PCAS) will be implemented early this fall for lmdergraduate courses. PCAS is a database of program requirements, and will also serve as an approval system for new and changed programs: when it is live. PCAS will replace the paper-based approval process.

PCAS features a dynamic link with the Electronic Course Authorization System ( EC AS l and ensures that the infonnation contained in the database is always current and accurate.

\\.hen a course is updated in ECAS. it is automatically pulled into PC AS for the correct dates. This means changes and updates in ECAS should be completed prior to entering new courses into PC AS. PCAS can also be used to generate r::vrs reports and will have a direct feed to the online catalog.

The PCAS project team has received a list of names tl'om the colleges of staff who should receive training on PCAS. TI1ese individuals will be contacted regarding training in early September.

Questions about PCAS should be directed to Linda Ellinger at eUinOO U~

PeopleSoft upgrade is coming! The upgrade to PeopleSoft 8.9 won't take place lmtil next summer~ however, the work has already begun. Check out future issues of the Record for updates on the statu~ of the project. as \\ell as any enhancements this new Yersion will bring. More infonnation about downtimes and other effects of the upgrade will be provided \\hen available.





ecor News about admissions, records, and student systems

New dean of the graduate school Gail DubrO\Y began serying as dean of the Graduate School and vice prm ost at the Uni,-ersity of Minnesota in August 2005. Dr. Dubrow is a tenured professor in the College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. the Hubert H. Humphrey fnsti­tute of Public Atbirs. and the Department of History. She was preYiously associate dean for academic programs in the Graduate School at the Uniwrsity of\\ ashington in Seattle.

Dr. Dubrow's principle administrative responsibilities at the UniYersity of\Vash­ington included the de\elopment of graduate academic policy across a three-cam­pus system. academic program re\ ie\\. the approval of ne\\ degree and certificate programs. and the supervision of interdisciplinary programs. She founded the Uni,·ersity of Washington"s Network of Interdisciplinary Initiatives. which serves as

an ad\ ocacy group for changes in institutional policy and practice related to inter­disciplinary activity.

During the 2003-04 academic year. she \\as a fellow of the American Council on Education. In addition to her numerous articles and book chapters. Dr. Dubnrw 1s the author of two a\\ ard-winning books. Semo at Sixth and Jfain. \\-itb Donna Gra\ es (Smithsonian Books. 2004) and Restoring IT(mzen \ Hi.1!0IT through His­!oric Pt·c.,crvotion. edited with Jennifer Goodman (Johns Hopkins L'nhcrsity Press. 2003). Dr. Dubrow's curTent research includes a study of sites associated with Cesar Cha\·ez and the Farmworkers ).1mement, in cooperation with the National Park Sen-icc. and a project focused on preserving California's Japantowns. funded by the Calif(Jmia CiYil Liberties Public Education Project.

Tuition assistance for deaf persons The 2005 Higher Education Appropriation Bill contains a new law concerning deaf and hard of hearing students of any age. Under tlm law. deaf persons attending the liniversity of Minnesota who arc Minnesota residents are nmY eligible for tuition assistance for any tuition and fees remaining after deducting grants (federaL state or other public or private grants) made to the student for the purpose of paying tuition and fees.

In order to qualify for the assistance. the student must receive either a Federal Pell Grant or \1innesota State Grant for the term. Tuition assistance is granted by the individual campus. "Deaf person"' means an mdividual with a hearing loss of such se\ erity that the individual must depend primarily on visual communication. such as writing, lip reading, manual communication and gestures. For more information. contact the Disabilities Services liaison in the Otnce of Student Finance at 612-625-95715 or r·pearlt~, for more infonnation.

~~~~rperfu!~sion · 11umlier restrictions·· •·. ·.:· -< \''' ... · .. ·· .. ··· ··-~-:··· . ' >/: :. ---- - .. :··'

lnfontmtion M.ani.lg~m~nr.Systeiil,s is .W{)~gi~g to .li<ldfe:S:S.t1iejongoihg of P<!1111i§sionnumbers accessed through '{J\4 Repoi~ts~ The coHeger~pres~ntati ves 9f:!be ~~gistrar'sA.d\·i~(rry Cominittee (:RAC) appr.ov~:d'restricJiug access to the pennission tiumber repoii Beginning W:ith sp!'ing·~(}Q~~:ss:fen numbers~ l.lM, R,~rlf>n~ tts~ts\Vill 0nly be a!)le to '·•· 'i¢~'v th§:: ti.umbers of classes o\vned .bv !hecoJl~~et~ whi¢h their hiring depart­~i~fits be.!OJ1g. ~. ····· ;~:-::··~,:H:.:;·-:~·:-~.: ::>::: >'\~;\,.-·(~' ,~':(.:> ;.~·,:L),-';'{;''\{:.,, : :" ;: ~ ,

~~nnjsslonnurnbers should only·be ~iffitfE~~~~:.fii~ d~PaJill1enr ~ttering th~. cla~; Depaftmentssli~ring perc tnission ;nulTl.berSfor any given class across college bQunciaries will need to m&ke arntngemertts to ac.cotnmodate .thischal.}ge. Jh~new··ret;tfictioutJdo potapplyto the~ermissionNumbers for lnstructprs report which allo\\'s the 111siiuctti.vs of~eC:ord in P~opleSoftto ~;i'¢~'acti¥ept!rniission·nuinbers.for iJleir;·cttt~sis. }\It cess to <:reate andview·· · p~i ssj()p gu~b,e~s in PeopleSoftwill remain.•urrchanged.Any qriestions.about. tl.1is change c;an. be directed to Cindy. Salyers atcsal}' .

Record Tltei~ordlsp~~~lyf~(;~s ll~l!ef*t·. !Deattllt th!!UniversifY.of Mmilesotli, Twilf Cities, hy tit!! llffi(tot'tk~ior ~~~flille.tttl«~'!lllet!ti<Affoin 111d Pro~st ~ 8li<k issues ~re on ilie We' ift.· Ppf fOI'IIIm at !*P~N~•~p.umn.idi,;/onestoj!/Sifw.s/News:.:· fvetltC'Gi!d::.'A<tivitiesYRecotd.htlll' · · · Nc,;,i~ctirccradd;~s~ 21langcs to rhgrid xuthii 612~626~()(1'75~ ~)r lr&fidwg umn.¢du.

Jngritll'~tri!Jl. editor . q[flc~§rtt!C'Rt:gjslJ:aC ... ·.. . • Office uf Enr(lllcd Student Services !50 WiHi~nbstlilHall ' ... 2JI fiiUsbu!jiDiiwS:E .. Minn!o',\polis, 'VI'\. 5545.:5 Phdnc: 6.12-626-00'(). r;nia11'ingridt1ii i.Jn]iJ:edu ThD Fnh:crsity ~r Minnc:-L'~a is ail <:qual


Billing and payments A list of billing and payment due dates for fall 2005. as well as percentage due. is a\ailable onlme (http:· onestop. onestop~Tuition_ Billingiwwhpay Duefa!L html l. ~on-degree seeking students must pay all tuition and fees in full by the first billing due date (see below). No paper billing statements are mailed to students. Students reeeiw an email in their U of \1 assigned email account when the online billing statement is ready to be \iewed on the Uf\1 Pay system.

Refund & drop I add deadlines for fall 2005 A. list of refund and drop add deadlines for fall 2005 are aYailable online (http: ·on­ onestop Calendars Refund _and_ Drop Add_ Deadlines/Fall_ 2005. html). Dates are listed for regular. first 7-\\ eek and second 7 -week session~. Students often request these dates during the term. Information about the one time withdr;.m al option is also online (http: onestop!RegistrationChang:ingWhen~ to_ Cancel_ Courses.html).

A:-. always. students should consult their ad\ iser prior to using this option: howcva, the infonnation on this page. including a link to grading policies. will help explain the process ami ramifications of using a one time withdrawal.

Non·d,egree students pay in full by first due date .lust a reminder. non-degree students are required to pay all tuition and fee charges in full no later than October 5. the tlrst billing due date. Questions should be di­rected to \fary koskan at


ecor News about admissions, records, and student systems

Two events hosted by the Graduate School 11Guy Stanton Ford Memorial Lecture 11

Wednesday/ October 12, Ted Mann Concert Hall

Beginning 10:15 a.m.

To commemorate the Graduate Schoor s centenniaL this year's Guy Stanton Ford l\1emotial Lecture wiLl feature a portrayal of America· s third president Thomas Jefferson by Clay Jenkinson. humanities scholar and Uniwrsity of Minnesota graduate. Mr. Jefferson will hold a press conferetKe following his lecture. The Ford Lecture will be presented at Ted Mann Concert HaJJ, \Vest Bank Campus. at I 0: J 5 a.m. on Wednesday, October 12. The lecture is free and open to the public. with seatin& a\'ailable on a first-come first-served basis. Large commemorative posters arc displayed around campus to publicize Mr. Jefferson· s visit. For more information on the lecture. see http:!/\Ys/ford/index.html.

"Imagining the Future of Graduate Education"

Tuesday, October 18, Coffman Memorial Union Theater

3:00- 4:45 p.m.

What are the frontiers of graduate education in the 21st century? In conjunction with its Centennial. the Graduate School will present a symposiwn. "Imagining the Future of Graduate Education," on Tuesday. October 18, 3:00--4-:45 p.m., in the Coffman Memorial Union Theater. The Graduate School Centennial provides the occasion for celebrating the extraordinary success of graduate education dming the past 100 years. engaging in thoughtful analysis of those aspects of graduate educa­tion that merit reform, and nurturing bold visions for the future. The symposium will focus on three key themes that comprise an agenda both for conversation and action in the centennial year and beyond: diversifying the American intellect by opening access to graduate education to underrepresented groups: reimagining the scope, content and purposes of the Ph.D .. with an eye toward innovation in the design of doctoral education: and identifying the changes in institutional policy and practice needed to foster interdisciplinary teaching, research, and training at the graduate level. For more infonnation about this symposium go to, News. Events and Announcements.

~~~~5 ~~m~~~~!!Y D~!~~~!~a~ October I and ru•>' thmugh the entire month of October. The CFD is the University's oldest tradition of giving back to the community. The easiest way to give is to visit the CFD web site, http://\\WW 1., and submit an online payroll deduction pledge fom1. This year, there is an opportunity to make donations to support those affected by Hurricane Katrina.

Page 2/ October 200S

20o·s··.bJ\IlacRAO• conference fast approaching HaYe you t~s~rved your spot f()rthb yea( s <tet.iori-;p~ckcdUMACRA() conferem:e~~ ~~~~tifulq¢.;vntown Sioux· Fall$, sp: Cktol5~r~3~25. is the.placct~ · be:>• ·· ·

This year;~··them~. ~;F~rging Ne\v Paths in Seryice,"will provide.<\ttende(!s

with'the.opporfitn'itfio ·ittend iessions ·. ; focuscc} on the.rynew~d tmP:hasisof . I servic~Jo aninpt:easingly divt~rse popu-: la!ion: ~¢ tegi~tinti~!r f'Qrm, ~s ~ e II . ~s : session:descrif1t!ons, are availAble onii~~ (!UMACRAO/· Conferences/itJ.dex.aspiq. · ·

' : :, ' c ••• ' '-~' ' •••• ,.

The UMAC~panliualconf'erelice is ~h~ peff'~ct(J~JJ()l'funitj to catc~ up ... • with oldfrie.nds. meet new colleagues i and1earil]1.;[)U[ industry. P\e(lsejoin us for tilisfun and l inforrnari:ve'event! ' · ·

·.•,''•.Record lfte]t"oia.ts:.~llll!is~~tlllylor~fl!~ depar( .. liltli~ottlte~ofMiliaesllta,TWia·(ities,.by·the:···

9f!£c!;Gttfi!·S!!~.Y:~U'r.!~t1~~.t~~~f!a!r~!l.n4 Pro~ost; BGck issues are aa the Web in PDF fcltatat at .

rvtt~it.!l~w~~~~!~!5"~~ '"; .. ·.: Pl~e clir~t~dt1fe~s~hatig~st6In~ Nuttalf·.·· 912~94§:0PJ5, or:.i.P.JWdn\g.'wmi,edu, ' .


Ingrid J>:ut~Jl.~lt.<if • .•. •·.

Office oft he Registrar ·• · .. • • • Office of Enrolled Stuaeiu Services 150 Williamwn Hall · 23.EPiQsEtucyDrive S.E; ~rin~apdli$.. :1\.fl::l .. 55;1~5 {'h~tkp1:;:62§;(JQJ.$ .> .; .·· Ecmaifingridp@:unm:e4u . .......... . • ·.·· Tne Universit\ .ofMinnesdtaisan eq~ op~Wffi'\nilY·~d\l,tiltg);;m\l~nlPloYer:, .•.•.... · .<• • : .:_, >:~-~-~~~~::::·:~='\~:-~::·~,~:.~:- -~i(~~:-:~~~~~~::::~~- ~---~~;'::.::~~~>::~·:~.=~>)/; .. -- _:_:· __ ' __ :~ -/·f~ <_~_:' -thiRl!uPJi~alieir.isay.aib~leimllltemative. forma~SlljXm req~est. . .... •. • .· .•• · · .......... ·. •

• (i)~t•a.·l!!!~oliil~tefiapei··•········· . caatomi!I!J l 0 ,e.-tent postcOJISumer materiaL

"''<-""". ,---,-_.-·-·,-·--;,·;-< -.. - -' .. ·- . -.·. ::


Spring registrations will be canceled for students who owe for fall 200S in December TI1e Oflke of Student Finance will be identifying students \\ ho Jut\ e not paid their fa11 2005 bill and are registered for spring 2006 the week of December 5. Warn­ing notices will he sent tu these students stating that the.y must pay by December :28 to aYoid cancellation of their spring registrations. Questions can be directed to SFCTuir@ sossg\\

Scholarship student selector report now available The Scholarship Student Selector report is now available at www.umreport;,.umn. edu. It can he found under the ··Ne\v Reports" link or under "Student & Instruction." subcategory "Financial Aid.··

ll1is report produce~ a robust ~et of information about students to be used for schol­arship selection. It list" all acthe student Careers. Programs. Plans and Subplans. Students \\ ho are enrolled in more than one Career. Program. Plan or Subplan \\ill haYe multiple rO\\ s.

Due to the sen er load caused by thi~ report, users are limited to producing report:\ with 3,000 or fewer IO\\ s/results. If you wish to produce a list with more than 3,000 rows you should select fl.\ e or fe\\ er Plans at a time in the prompts and paste the resulting spreadsheets together.

It is important to remember that data contained in the report change" daily. and ac­cess to the report is limited to those with access to private student data. This report is designed to be downloaded to Microsoft Excel.

Contact Reed Carpenter at IMS ( or Dianne Danov (d-dano@umn. edu J with questions or suggestions.






ecor Graduate non-degree registration for spring 2006 Many students will soon be contacting the University regarding registering as non­degree seeking students and earning graduate credit. Typically. these students have been admitted for a future tenn or are thinking of applying to a graduate program and want to take classes that will transfer towards the degree once admitted.

Detailed infom1ation about this program can be found online at http://onestop.umn. eduonestop/imgiassets/9061 /PRDWebBrochure.pdf. As of December 2. students can submit a "'Request for Graduate Credit" forn1 to the department(s) offering the course(s) in which they are interested. If the department's Director of Graduate Studies or designee approves the course(s) for graduate credit the form is signed and forwarded to: One Stop Student Services. 219 19th Ave S .. Minneapolis. MN 55455-0427 or faxed to: 612-626-9129.

Questions concerning this registration option can be directed to Amy Monisey (612-624-6871. moni or Alison Frank-Quick (612-626-9116 or

Update on CAS import function Students \vill soon be able to contact a MnSCU (Minnesota State College and Uni­versities) school tlu-ough MnCAS (Minnesota Course Applicability System) or one of the University of Minnesota campuses to request courses taken at that institu­tion be imported into MnCAS. This new function will allow students to find out the acceptability (i.e .. if the course transfers) and applicability (what requirement!s the course fulfills) of those courses to an institution the student may be interested in transferring to.

Currently. users have two options of entering courses into MnC AS. One is tl·ee form. meaning the student types their courses in one at a time from a transcript. The second option is adding courses t)·om a course bank of courses offered at that institution. The new CAS import ftmction will significantly simplify this process for students. Questions about CAS? Contact Margo Mueller at m-muel@sossg\v.stu.

Fraser One Stop will dose early on December 22 The One Stop Student Services Center located in Faser Hall will close at 4:00p.m. on Thmsday. December 22 for a staff function. The St. Paul and West Bank One Stop Centers will also close at 4:00p.m.: this is the regular closing time for these offices.

November . i

n /8Qued~4 r~gistr~ffdn fotgpjihg'·4QQ6 ... begins· ·••·

l1122·Last clavtotaric~l ~viH\~ut'¢Cflleie · approval. sec6nd 7~week ses~io~: ' - •

~ ~ ~,·:> ·' .. ~:;;:

!112+~2:5 Uril,'i~tsitv?holida~Latfti~h~ersitv offices clos~d . 7

\ ' • • \v. . •

December 1211 Grad Sthool.D~embe}:~:~:J;aduat.iO~l application deadline · · ..... · · · ·.. ··

.. .

12/ I..J. Classesefl4; Jdst-tl~v wi2ahcet classes, full temrar\d,sec;nd lA\:eek session

121 ts- I 7. l9 .. ;:u FinaLexa:ms

12/23 University hotfi.ta)r: alitrmversity offices closed ·

12126 University holiday: all Uni,'etsit} offices closed

. 12/28 Fall ~fades due via the -.... ,' ',' ,",

Page 7/ November 2005 The Record

The Top 40: Largest Twin Cities campus courses, faii200S

Course·· number· Course name Enrollmtt&t *l'*'' Qf:~·<~ 1. Etonomits 1101 Principles of Microeconomics 1527 14 lecture, 44 dis.

2. Biology 1 001 Introductory Biology 1: Evolutionary and Ecologital Perspectives 1178 3 lecture, 61 lab

3. Chemistry 1021 Chemical Principles I 1129 4 lecture, 23 lab

4. Chemistry 2301 Organic Chemistry I 933 41ecture

5. Math 1271 Calculus I 866 6 lecture, 28 dis. 6. Biology 1 009 General Biology 818 3 lecture, 41 lab

7. Psychology 1 001 Introduction to Psychology 793 2 lecture 28 dis.

8. Physics 1301W Introductory Physics for Science and Engineering I 789 3 lee, 53 lab&dis. 9. General College 14 21 Writing Laboratory: Basic Writing 761 461ab

10. Math 1031 College Algebra and Probability 695 S ledure, 20 dis. 11. Accounting 2050 Introduction to Financial Reporting 671 121ecture 12. Spanish 1003 Intermediate Spanish 651 31 lecture 13. Chemistry 1 0 11 Introductory Chemistry: Lecture and Laboratory 626 31ecture, 16lab 14. Sociology 1 001 Introduction to Sociology 620 3 lecture, 21 dis. 15. Spanish 1004 Intermediate Spanish 593 271ecture 16. Chemistry 1 022 Chemical Principles II 568 2 lecture, 14 lab 17. Spanish 1 022 Alternate Second-Semester Spanish 568 261etture 18. Astronomy 1 001 Exploring the Universe 563 4 lecture, 29 lab 19. Journalism 1 001 Introduction to Mass Communication 562 41ecture 20. Communication Studies 11 01 Introduction to Public Speaking 555 221ecture 21. Management 3001 Fundamentals of Management 554 91ecture 22. Marketing 3001 Principles of Marketing 550 8lecture 23. Geology and Geophysits 1 001 Earth and Its Environments 534 4 lecture, 12 lab 24. Math 1272 Introduction to Sociology 498 4 lecture, 20 dis. 25. Anthropology 1 00 1 Human Evolution 492 2 lecture, 20 lab 26. Biochemistry 3021 Biochemistry 470 3lecture 27. Food Science and Nutrition 1112 Principles of Nutrition 437 21ecture 28. Math 1051 Precalculus I 437 3 lecture, 14 lab 29. Math 1151 Precalculus II 436 3 lecture, 1 5 lab 30. Psychology 3604 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology 427 31ecture 31. Chemistry 1 01 5 Introductory Chemistry: Lecture 420 llecture 32. Music 1013 Rock I The Historical Origins and Development of Rock to 1970 415 1 lecture, 16 dis. 33. Rhetoric 3562W Technical and Professional Writing 407 19 discussion 34. Physics 1201 W Introductory Physics for Biology and Pre-medicine I 399 21ec, 27lab&dis. 35. Finance 3001 Finance Fundamentals 382 1 lecture, 14 dis. 36. Operations & Mgmt Sciences 2550 Business Statistics: Data Sources, Presentation and Analysis 360 4 ledure, 8 dis. 37. Math 2374 IT Multivariable Calculus and Vector Analysis 357 2 lecture, 11 dis 38. Accounting 300 1 Introduction to Management Accounting 356 ?lecture 39. Chemistry 2302 Organic Chemistry II 350 21ecture 40 .. Interdisciplinary Medicine 3001 Human Anatomy 350 1 lecture

DATA SOURCE: Institutional Research and Reporting, 321 Morrill Hall, 612/624-4851


People Soft 8. 9 upgrade update The Office of the Registrar's Infom1ation Technology staff have begun evaluating the functionality in PeopleSoft version 8.9. They are identifYing new functionality. as well as flagging where modifications to the system have been made so these can be carried tbnvard into the new release.

To support this effort. the Information Technology staff is winding down on changes to the cuJTent system in order to dedicate resources to testing and documenting in version 8.9.

During the upgrade. users will have view-only access similar to the last upgrade: the system is expected to be dow11 from July 15 until July ~2. 2006

Stay tuned for more updates on the upgrade!

Non-degree prepay update This fall, the new non-degree prepay policy was implemented and thus far. results have been positive. On October 7. :W05. 313 students owing the University more than S 100 were canceled from their fall classes. On November 4. 2005. 93 stu­dents owing more than $100 were canceled from their fall classes. Approximately $600.000 in outstanding receivables was reduced from the first round of cancella­tions.

On the first billing due date. October 5. 2005. the University collected more money than it ever had in a single day. The same process will be used for spring semester: the Office of Enrolled Student Services \Viii conduct an evaluation of the process after spring semester.

Key dates, including probation for fall 200 S Following are key dates regarding probation run reports and deadlines for P3 holds:

2005 Wednesday. December :1 Wednesday, December 28 Thursday, December 29

2006 Tuesday. January 3 Thursday. January 5

Monday, January 9 Tuesday. January 17 Wednesday. January 18

Friday, February 3

Last day of fall 2005 semester Final grades due by midnight 1st probation rep01t available on UM Reports

2nd probation report available on UM Reports • Colleges must ha\e P3 holds placed on student

records by -+:30 p.m. • Financial Aid SAP runs after 4:30p.m.

Financial Aid disbursed for spring 2006 Spring 2006 semester begins Fall2005 degree clearances due to the Office of the Registrar

Final fa112005 undergraduate degrees posted

Questions? Contact Vickie Roberts at v-robel ti!'

Univ~rsitJ:'st~ff"o/igi, ,:,?·· · UMA~~A()·;,tXI11fPfCI~J···: service"t,.awarlf : • >< .

At the 72~d? ~uafppperKfid\Vest As- . sociatior1 ofColleg!~te~¢grfttars~aoxfAd.:; missions Oflicers:(U~CRA()J!JQllfe(­ence. two riniyersif\! ~tair ltl~m~e£~.\V~re . honored forth~ir. o~tsta~diJJ~ .conttibutibps to the D1V1ACRAQ.organi~ati~li with th~L Ex~mplary.Set'Vice Award.J: . · , · ·

' ~ '' . . ;

Jackie Carl~~;kA~~~~i~te Ditector\at thi tJ ni vetsitypfMi!ln.esofa •. dtJuili;~~npus,. has sen>~d as a.rnemberor c&airw~f~~n oi ' the UMA~RAO Spedal:Projects'c~m~ . • mittee sine~ 1996, \'>'her~;~I~eh~~,\votl}~d tirelessly,!o g~therand compile ~urollment statistic~ for the: l1MAI2RAO schools. / qep~ndable,~pfepared <iiJdJie·; sense. ofhtirno.r ancl;perspectin; are 1hor• oughlyrep·esh:itig.

SneVan·VooAris, Re~isrrar a;ndOirect()r of the Office ofEnrolJedStntient·~~n·ices, has served asthe U~ACRAO pt~sident~ elect .. presiden( pastd.president and is. · currently thtEE(J officer, Stre approaches her work \vith a .set1se of wonder~ a.seng.e ofhurnor and a critio~l eye~b:MACRAO is a bctterJ)rganiiatfon becau~e''ofher involvement

Congratulations Jackieand Sue!

OESS time lines and polity docume'nt Two. important docunlents are now avail­able on http://oess.utn~.edl.l und~r .External Policies & Procedures;Stta~egi~Positiolr­ing .. First. ~policy and proc~d\Jre docu' ment. contains key undergraduate policies and descriptions of related procedures. Colleges should review the do:cwr,ten.t to see howthe)l' process aligns ~vith the process detailed in this document please note, not aU policies and procedur:tJs may be relevant for even'"' college. The second docum~nt is u1ime hue ofkev dates and C'> erits reJatid fi). the sitategic ' positioning process., Questions abot1t either document should be sent to'.Suc Van Voothis at vanvo00:2@ uinn;edu.

Slit grC.ding .procedure update Pending a. final review· by)he Uniyersit)' senate. class Jists for illstructors: gtade reports a.ndrQsterwill not list the grading base the student has .chosel:i, The Medi­cal.Schoolimcl theLawSchool aie both ex.empffromthis change.

Th~refore. ifa studellt has. chosen to take theco\ll's~ SIN. the instmctorwiU11ot kilO\\' this aUhe time the grade is submit- t ted: a le~r grade of A:?F ,,·ill be submitted for each student and.the change t~ SIN for appropriate st1ld~nts will happenthtough the S}stem. If approved. this change. will be in place for srfing 2006 grades •.

Questi{)Jls can bedirectedto S11eVan Voorhis at vanvo0021gsossgw.&tu,

Twin Cities atct~ditation. results The accreditation reYiev,' of the Twin Cities campus completed 9Y the Higher Learning Commission resulted in high marks for the campus; The f\vin Cities campus will be granted fullaccreaita­tion through 2QlS-16. \ no follow-up reports or visits in the interim. · ·

Record The Record is pub&shed. mQnthly for colleges and depart· ment~ at tlttUIIiversity of Mimtesilta, Twin Cities, by the Offke of tlte stllior Vl<e Pre5idenf tor Acl!demk Affairs cmd Provost, BOck issues 111:11111 Jhe Web: in PDF for:DJGt at http;// Olle$top.umn.edt/omtop/S..-vkes/News"" Events .. JIItil_AttlVlth!s/Recor:d.fttml

'· . '·

Please diie~r addl'ess ch~ges to Ingrid Nuttall 612,62670075_ ot ingndn·

lnmd Ntttt~ll- editor Office ofthe Re!.!.istf<rr Office ofEnro11~d Student Services t 50 Williamson Hafl 231 Pillsburv Dme S.E Mmneapohs. MN 55:-155 Phone: 612-6.26-0075. E'mail: iimridn ilumn edu The_ UnrversitY of 11.innesota is an eqt!al opportun\ty.;ducatorand employer.

,,..... . '

This publication is available in altemutive. fommts uponfeqt~eSI.. ·

@ Printed m~ req<cled and recyclable paper containing 10 percent pastconsumer materiol.


Student information systems working group needs your feedback As part of the strategic positioning initiative. the Student Information Systems (SIS) \vorking group is striving to take inventory of current electronic advising tools at the University of Minnesota. This group has been endorsed by the co-chairs of the Un­dergraduate Reform- Student Support Task Force. The SIS group needs your help in compiling information on electronic advising systems in order to make their recom­mendations. Please send information to Tina Falkner at

Updates from IMS A 'Yearbook' view of student pictw·es is currently available through the Class List report (including My Classes) at UM Repmis (\\\\ The link to Class Pictures is only available for class instructors assigned in PeopleSoft. and the will appear in the header of the Class List report.

Class Pictures provide thumb-nail photos of all students in a class section and can be sotted by name. student fD. or academic career. The Class Pictures view is only available for classes offered Fall 2005 and forward.

Because of dovmload time for Class Pictures, it is recommended that you do not attempt to access Class Pictures with a dial-up connection. A high speed connection is highly recommended. Class Pictures can be found at w• > My Classes

Coming Soon ·PDF Exam Cover Sheet'.ln the coming weeks, this repmi will also be available for class instructors-- the new report will include an individual student photo. name. rD. and class infonuation.

Questions about Class Pictures or the PDF Exam Cover Sheet can be directed to Amy Winkel at a-wink'{/ ..







.~ l'

Knowledge-based software coming soon to One Stop web In Dt'cember, knowledge-based software will be implemented on the One Stop \Veb site. This so11ware is a tool for users to ask questions and get automated responses inunediatdy. A user enters a question and. based on a search of key words in that question. an answer is returned to the user. In addition. a section where users can \!CW the most frequently asked questions from all users will be included. Users will also be able to rate how well the system answered their question. This allows administrators of the software to change the answers to better sene future users. The new software will allow users to easily ask questions at their own convenience in subject matter areas including registration. financial aid. billing. and payment. Stay tuned for more infon11ation in the January issue ofThe Record. lfyoulul\e ques­tions regarding this new software. please contact Julie Selander at goode011 (u umn. edu or 611-615-6579.

Exit interviews for loans Graduates at the end of fall semester who received a Federal Perkins Loan or a University Trust Fund Loan, are required to do exit interviews with Student Financial Collections ( SFC L SFC is located in 10 Fraser I I all. Federal Direct Loan-subsidized and unsubsidized-~boiTowers can either meet with Student Financial Collections staff to complete their exit interviev•. or complete an online exit inteniew at WW\\ Students with other types ofloans should contact their lender to find out if exit interviews are required.

Updating addresses Students who arc graduating. withdrawing from the University or who are chang­ing residences over winter break should update their addresses with the University. To do this. go to http:./ and select '"Personallnfommtion·· ti·om the Quick Links in the ritrht column. ffvou have received a Perkins. Universitv Trust.

~ < •

Health Professions or Nursing student loan. Yl)U must also update your address with Student Financial Collections in 20 Fraser Hall (at 612-625-S007 or stdtloan(gumn. edu).

Final exam schedule online Fall 2005 Finals Week runs from Thursday, December 15 through Wednesday. De­cember 21. If you need information on when a tlnal exam is scheduled. go to http:;! Final exams are usually hdd in the classroom in which the course met during the semester. Departmental scheduling coordinators have already been notifled of any changes to the classroom assignment during finals week. If you have any questions about your final exam meeting time or location, please e-mail Scheduling at

Limited office hours December 21 On December 21. the One Stop Student Services Center in 200 Fraser Hall will be open until 5:30p.m. The Classroom Hotline will be operational until 6:30 p.m. On December 11. the f()Jlowing OESS offices will ciose at 1:00 p.m.: the Office of the Registrar (OTR); Office of Student Finance (OSF): Office ofCla.<;;.s­room :vtanagement (OCM ): One Stop Student Services Centers in 130 Coffey Hall (St. Paul) and 130 West Bank Sky­\vay; Student Financial Collections and Third Party Billing.

,r '' ,. ','>, ~;< TheRecord ,

Spring course cancellations for students with past due accounts During the \\ eek of December 5, the Offlce of Student Finance (OS F) \\ 1ll identify students registered for spring 2006 who ha\ e accounts with outstanding charges. Tht>:-;e students will bt' st'nt notices stating they have until December 2~ to pay their outstanding balance to avoid cancellation of their spring registration. During the vveek of January 3, OSF wi !1 iJcnti fy those stu­dents who received the notice but han? still f~1ikd to pay. The spring registration for these students\\ ill be canceled and a notit'e will be sent infonning them that this has occurred. Students \\ ith questions should be directed to Student Financial Collections in 20 Fraser HaiL Students may also e-mail at or call 6121625-8007.

Fall 2006 class schedule update begins December 9 Beginning December 9. the Electronic Course Scheduling (ECS) System will be a\ ailable for submissiun ofi~!l12006 class schedule infom1ation. Fall 2006 class schedule information is due on January 'l.7. 'l.006.

Scheduling coordinators \\ill use the 1i\ e ECS reports~~ -Class Schcdule Summary: Non-standard Times: 6(}40 Rule: Class Cancellations: and Actllal \ s. Projected Enrollmcnt~-~·to htcilitat\.'! submi~sion of class schedule information. These n:pons are a\ ail able at http: \\ \\'\\. umreports. Scheduling coordinators will be able to access the fall 2006 Class Schedule Sum­mar;, report during the week of December 5.

Departments are also urged tore\ iew the Class Cancellations and Actual \ s. Projected Enrollment reports for fall 2005 at this time. lnfonmttion contained in these two reports \\iII help departments tine tune their enrollment projections for fall 2006. 0\ er proJection of both the number of class sections needed and the size of each section exaggerates room demand. thus exacerbating the unplaced course problem. The Class Schedule Summary should be used as a worksheet in the preparation ofthc fall 2006 class schedule prior to entry in ECS. Departments are encouraged to consult with Scheduling regarding courses appearing on the ECS ~on-standard or Excess 60 -lO repo11s follo\ving ECS entr.;.. Depattments will have until February I 0 to complete cor­rections to courses identified on the ECS feedback reports. Courses that remain at non-standard times or fall into the 60.40 ex­cess must be refeiTed to the appropriate associate dean's ott!ce for approval. Non-standard courses requiring centrally scheduled classrooms will be assigned classrooms on a low priority space aHilable basis. Scheduling cannot guarantee that these courses will be placed in central rooms.

One of the primary benefits ofECS is its ability hl flag potential issues early in the schedule production cycle so that they may be resolwd before becoming unplaced course~ at the time of student registration. Any questions involving ECS or other sched­uling concems should be directed to Nancy Peterson at n-petel(~l

·Record·· ~ l!~ord~ fvll-~ t11911ffdy fill' (alleges and ®part· ; · IJiellfsat.fh&UniYemffof MimlesOt~~; TwiR. C"rtits, by the··· Office ofthe SeJiior Y~e Presicleat fllr A<a~k Affairs and

. .. ill PDF format

ln),ifi<l )'.;u'~l~l!. editur Office oHhc Rcgi~trar . Office of Enrolled SIU(leht Scrvic.:S J 50. \Vi!liamson Hall ·. · 231PillsburvDri\c S.E. Minncapt):!is. MN 5?455 Phone: t;IZ-626-0075 E~mail- ingridn@umn.cdu T)lc Uilivcrsi~· of Minnesota is an equal S!PRo~'.c .. u~llwi cmPIJ?.Yc~'·