ECP 05-9535 Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and...


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Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018














, T




















ECP 05-9535


Network(s): LPN


This document details the installation procedure for the Remsdaq Callisto 1 control unit and RTU used with ground-mounted switchgear in LPN. It includes the physical installation of the control unit and cabling together with installation of the mains supply, earthing, flood alarm, current transformers and fuse carriers.

Author: James Ford Date: 27/11/2018

Approver: Paul Williams Date: 29/11/2018

This document forms part of the Company's Integrated Business System and its requirements are mandatory throughout UK Power Networks. Departure from these requirements may only be taken with the written approval of the Director of Asset Management. If you have any queries about this document please contact the author or owner of the current version.


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Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 2 of 27

Revision Record

Version 5.0 Review Date 29/11/2023

Date 27/11/2018 Author James Ford

Reason for update: Periodic review

What has changed: No content changes to document and associated documents. Review dates extended

Version 4.1 Review Date 02/09/2018

Date 08/06/2015 Author Lee Strachan

Reason for update: Minor version update

What has changed: Reference to EDS 08-0114 (withdrawn document) removed

Version 4.0 Review Date 02/09/2018

Date 08/06/2015 Author James Ford

Reason for update: Periodic review

What has changed: Update: correction to wrong terminal number in section 13.7 (Pin No 8 – Violet)

Version 3.0 Review Date 22/06/2015

Date 03/09/2014 Author James Ford

Update: Section 9 - RTU positioning amended to ensure safe egress by operator

Version 2.0 Review Date

Date 25/02/2011 Author Mariann Grigg

Update: Rebranded only – No changes

Version 1.0 Review Date

Date 26/05/2010 Author Stephen Tucker

Original based on ex LPN document

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 3 of 27


1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4

2 Scope ................................................................................................................... 4

3 References ........................................................................................................... 4

4 Abbreviations and Definitions ............................................................................ 5

5 Callisto 1 RTU Functionality ............................................................................... 5

6 Callisto 1 Description .......................................................................................... 6

7 Equipment .......................................................................................................... 10

8 General ............................................................................................................... 10

9 Location ............................................................................................................. 11

10 Multi-core Cables............................................................................................... 12

11 Flood Alarm ....................................................................................................... 16

12 Current Transformers and Fuse Carriers ........................................................ 17

13 RMU Plugs ......................................................................................................... 19

14 Mains Supply ..................................................................................................... 21

15 Battery ................................................................................................................ 22

16 Installation and Functional Check .................................................................... 22

Appendix A – Parts List ................................................................................................ 24

Appendix B – Fixing Details ......................................................................................... 27


Figure 6-1 – Protocol Converter Front View ...................................................................... 8

Figure 6-2 – Protocol Converter Rear View ....................................................................... 8

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 4 of 27

1 Introduction

This document details the installation procedure for the Remsdaq Callisto 1 control unit and remote terminal unit (RTU) used with ground-mounted switchgear in LPN. It includes the physical installation of the control unit and cabling together with installation of the mains supply, earthing, flood alarm, current transformers and fuse carriers. Note: The installation of the communications equipment is covered in the commissioning procedure.

This procedure shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the UK Power Networks Distribution Safety Rules.

This procedure shall be carried out having regard to the requirements and recommendations of the manufacturer. If conflict exists between the requirements of the manufacturer and those of UK Power Networks the matter shall be referred to Asset Management (or your UK Power Networks nominated contact).

2 Scope

This procedure applies to the Remsdaq Callisto 1 control unit and RTU used in LPN. Refer to ECP 05-9531 for the installation details for other control units.

3 References

This procedure should be read in conjunction with the following references:

Remsdaq Callisto 1 RTU cabinet drawing 4969/A1/0008.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 RTU wiring diagram 4929/A1/0002.

This procedure should be used with the following forms:

ECP 05-9535a Remsdaq Callisto RTU Installation Check Form.

ECP 05-9535b Remsdaq Callisto RTU Functional Check Form.

ECP 05-9535c Remsdaq Callisto RTU Defect Report Form.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 5 of 27

4 Abbreviations and Definitions

Term Definition

ACB Air Circuit Breaker

CT Current Transformer

EFPI Earth Fault Passage Indicator

GPRS General Packet Radio Service

GSM Global System for Mobile

IP Internet Protocol

PMR Private Mobile Radio

RMU Ring Main Unit

RTU Remote Terminal Unit

5 Callisto 1 RTU Functionality

5.1 The Callisto 1 control unit and RTU is used to provide remote control of high-voltage switchgear on the LPN network. The Callisto 1 contains a micro-processor which controls the ring switches of the ring main units (RMU) enabling rapid supply restoration by either automation or by remote commands issued by the Control Engineer.

5.2 All Callisto 1 RTUs are loaded with the same configuration software. The current software is Callisto Base606.

5.3 The Callisto 1 provides the following basic functionality:

Remote control and indication of three switches or circuit breakers. The most common use is control and indication of the two switches on a ring main unit (SW1 and SW2). Together with the indication of the circuit breaker used to feed the local transformer (SW3/CB3).

Indication for three earth fault passage indicators (EFPI). The EFPIs are referenced to the circuit to which they are fitted, i.e. EFPI 1 is associated with SW1 and EFPI 2 with SW2 etc. The Callisto 1 has a common EFPI reset control.

Monitoring other status inputs including a flood alarm and a substation alarm.

Monitoring three-phase voltage and current on the cable between the transformer and LV board.

Monitoring the percentage harmonic distortion for both current and voltage.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 6 of 27

6 Callisto 1 Description

6.1 A photo of the Callisto 1 cabinet with the main parts identified is shown below.

6.2 Processing boards – boards IoB and IoA are located under the blue cover on the left hand side of the Callisto 1. IoB is the main processing board and has up to 16 digital inputs and 16 control outputs (arranged in control pairs). IoA is the analogue input board and can monitor up to 32 analogue inputs. The sampling rate of the voltage and current inputs is 1.6 kHz. IoA is used to monitor the 3 EFPI states.

6.3 Power board – is located under the blue cover on the left hand side of the Callisto 1 and contains the battery charger module. It also provides a 12V supply to the backplane.

6.4 Power supply – the Callisto 1 is powered by a 230V AC mains supply and two 12V lead-acid sealed batteries. The battery supply provides the high current required to operate the actuator and a backup during mains failure. A power supply toroid converts the mains supply and provides a 32V DC supply to the battery charger board.

6.5 Connection boards – there are up eight connection boards (two control, two digital input and four analogue input). The connection boards are used for connecting cables between the Callisto 1 and the switchgear. The Callisto 1 is supplied with the following:

Card slot 1 – Control board IoCT8 special.

Card slot 2 – Control board IoCT8 not fitted.

Card slot 3 – Status input board IoDT8.

Card slot 4 – Status input board IoDT8.

Card slot 5 – Analogue input board IoAT9.

Card slot 6 – Analogue input board IoAT9.

Card slot 7 – Analogue input board IoAT9 not fitted.

Card slot 8 – Analogue input board IoAT5 not fitted.

Connection boards (up to 8)

Power supply toroid

12V lead-acid batteries

Protocol converter

Terminal rail

Main processor boards (IoA and IoB)

Power supply board

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 7 of 27

6.6 Terminal rail – is used to terminate connections not taken as direct inputs into the Callisto 1 connection boards.

6.7 30 second relay – is used to switch the 24V positive supply to the actuator following a control command – this is to avoid damage to plant/actuators in case of a limit switch failure.

6.8 Protocol converter – is used to provide GPRS communication between the control system and the Callisto 1. The protocol converter will be used at all new sites and will be retrofitted at existing sites to upgrade the communication from PMR/GSM to IP (Internet Protocol) over the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) mobile network. Where no GPRS signal is available PSTN will be used.

Callisto 1


Existing Modem

(GSM or PMR)



2 S


l L




Callisto 1


Protocol Converter with

integrated GPRS Module

(IP over GPRS)



2 S


l L




The protocol converter includes the following interfaces (refer to Figure 6-1and Figure 6-2):

Serial communications port, with integral TX and RX communication LED indications for communications connection to the existing Callisto 1.

Serial communications port, with integral TX and RX communication LED indications for connection to the existing Callisto 1 configuration/diagnostics port.

Ethernet port for direct connection of a PC for configuration or alternatively it may be used for Network Control communications via broadband or other IP network where GPRS coverage is inadequate.

GPRS antenna connection.

SIM card slot.

Power connection suitable for nominal 24V DC input (range 18V to 30V).

Health LED indication, Signal strength LED indications, GPRS service LED indications, TX and RX communication LED indications.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 8 of 27

Figure 6-1 – Protocol Converter Front View

Figure 6-2 – Protocol Converter Rear View

Serial port (Comms)

Connector for the GSM/GPRS

network antenna

SIM card holder

DC power supply and protective

earth block

Earth stud

Earth stud


Ethernet port

Serial port


Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 9 of 27

6.9 Other equipment (current transformer clamps and voltage carriers containing fuses/links as shown below) enable the Callisto 1 to monitor the three-phase current and voltage at the substation. The current transformer clamps and the voltage fuses/links are attached directly to the LV cables between the transformer and the LV board. Note: the current transformer clamps are designed to be removed and replaced safely without the need to short the output.

Fuse carriers

Clip-on CTs

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 10 of 27

7 Equipment

7.1 The following test equipment is required to carry out the work in this procedure:


Insulation resistance tester (e.g. Megger).

RMU simulator.

8 General

8.1 The sections that follow cover the installation of the items below in further detail.


Multi-core cables.

Flood alarm.

Current transformers.

Fuse links.

RMU plugs.


Mains supply.


8.2 The installation shall be carried out with in accordance with the following:

Remsdaq Callisto 1 cabinet drawing 4969/A1/0008 – attached to this procedure.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 wiring diagram 4929/A1/0002 – attached to this procedure.

Parts list – Appendix A.

Fixing details – Appendix B.

A multi-meter shall be used for continuity checks – do not use bell testers, buzzers or Meggers as they may damage the Callisto 1.

Cable insulation tests shall be carried out with the wires disconnected from the Callisto 1.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 11 of 27

9 Location

9.1 The positioning of the Callisto 1 cabinet will be determined by the layout of the secondary substation and the space available. The position should be such that an operator has safe egress from the substation after operation which would usually mean a location near the main door of the substation (diagrams below).






Main Unit






ACBRing Main Unit






LV Board

Standard Secondary Substation Package Secondary Substation

9.2 Mount the cabinet onto the wall with the top two fixings at a height of 1750mm above floor level and a distance between them of 570mm. Refer to Remsdaq drawing 4969/A1/0008 for details of cabinet and fixings.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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10 Multi-core Cables

10.1 The four multi-core cables used to connect the Callisto 1 to the RMU, CTs and voltage fuses and are all screened cables. These cables have been selected to prevent interference and therefore the correct installation and termination of these cables is essential to ensure correct operation.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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10.2 To prevent the induction of currents from the earth ring the screened cables should not be run in parallel with the earthing conductor. If it is run in parallel there should be a minimum gap of 1m between them. In some positions where the 1m gap cannot be achieved the parallel run should be kept as short as possible. The screened cable may cross the earthing at right angles – as shown below.

1 M

Screened cable


10.3 Install a cable tray between the Callisto 1 and the RMU to support the multi-core cables. The cable trays should be constructed on-site to suit the substation arrangement and secured to the wall using 2 HPS – 6/5 Hammascrews and to the RMU using cable ties. A basic arrangement is shown below.


1. Tray work to be earthed via substation earth bar.

2. All cut edges are to be de-burred.

Dimension to be determined on site approx 800mm Approx 150mm

This part of rollover

to be hammered flat

to avoid cable bend

100mm Cable Tray

Fixing Hole for

Earth StrapFixing Holes

10.4 Run the two mutli-core cables (18c 16/02 and 7c 2.5mm2) from the Callisto 1 and the RMU. Run two further multi-core cables (8c 16/02 and 4c 16/02) from the Callisto 1 and to the CTs and voltage fuses respectively.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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10.5 The cables should be positioned at the Callisto 1 as shown below. All empty holes should be filled using 20mm plastic blanking grommets.

A - 18c 16/02 to 16 Way plug/socket RMU

B - 7c 2.5 mm to 6 Way plug/socket RMU

C - 2c 1.5 mm2 mains supply

E - 8c 16/02 to Current sensors

F - 4c 16/02 to Voltage sensors

G - 4c 7/02 to PIR

S - Aerial or BT line

RTU base plate viewed from below



H-R - Spare

D - Spare

10.6 Enter the cables into the cabinet using a cable gland – the cable gland components

and correct position of the screening is shown below.


















'o' ring

Multi core


RTU cabinet

10.7 If any of the cores are damaged the cable shall be replaced before continuing. Any spare cores should be tied up and left in the trunking inside the Callisto 1 cabinet and should not be cut off.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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10.8 The sheath of the screened cable shall be removed using an approved knife. Care should be taken to avoid damage to the screening of the cable. If damage to the screening does occur it should be reported to the supervisor who will decide if the cable needs to be replaced.

10.9 All cable terminations shall be stripped using the approved stripping tool (Wire Stripper HB1-U) and no other tool should be used.

10.10 The cable terminations in the Callisto 1, at the CTs and fuse links shall use crimped lugs. The correct size/type of crimp lug or termination method for each cable is shown in the table below and shall be crimped using an approved crimping tool (Crimpstar HP 3 and Crimpstar HP 4).

Equipment Cable Crimp Type

Callisto 1 18 core 16/02 Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 7508 (A)

Blue shoe lace crimp

RMU plug box

Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 7508 (A)

Blue shoe lace crimp

Callisto 1 7 core 2.5mm2 * Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 2508 (A)

Grey shoe lace crimp

RMU plug box

* Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 2508 (A)

Grey shoe lace crimp

Callisto 1 8 core 16/02 Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 7508 (A)

Blue shoe lace crimp

CTs Straight connectors


Callisto 1 4 core 16/02 Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 7508 (A)

Blue shoe lace crimp

Fuse Links Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 7508 (A)

Blue shoe lace crimp

Callisto 1 2 core 1.5mm2 flex

Insulated End Sleeves P/N PKE 1508 (A)

Black shoe lace crimp

Fused spur Screw termination (no crimp)

Earth cable 70mm2 earth cable

*Note: Cores 1 and 3 from the 7 core 2.5mm2 cable terminated in terminal 20 shall be terminated using a grey double crimp lug.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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11 Flood Alarm

11.1 If the substation is not equipped with a flood alarm the input needs to be shorted. The flood alarm input is on IoDT8 Card Slot 4, input 3, terminals 5 and 6 as shown below.

Flood alarm input short

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 17 of 27

12 Current Transformers and Fuse Carriers

12.1 The current transformers (CT) and fuse carriers are fitted to the LV cables between the transformer and the LV board or air circuit breaker (ACB), as shown below, to enable the three-phase current and voltage to be monitored.

12.2 The CTs and fuse links should be fitted as close to the LV board/ACB as possible.

12.3 Check the LV cables are dead before carrying out this work.

12.4 Attach three clip-on CTs to the LV phase cables as shown above, with P1 towards the transformer (supply) and P2 towards the LV board/ACB (load). Fit a ‘DO NOT REMOVE’ label on each clip-on CT.

Note: The correct CTs are of a voltage output type, designated by the label ‘..xx V output’, and may safely be unclipped without shorting the outputs.

12.5 Attach four fuse carriers directly to the LV phase and neutral cables, as shown above, using a self tapping screw (drill size 3mm).

Note: Do not install the fuses/links at this stage – they should be left locked in the Callisto 1 cabinet for installation during commissioning. A solid link is fitted to the neutral.

12.6 Terminate the cables from the CTs and fuse carriers in the Callisto 1 as shown below.

12.7 Carry out an insulation test of the fuse carry cabling using an appropriate tester.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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13 RMU Plugs

13.1 The connection between the cables from the Callisto 1 and the RMU use two plugs and sockets. The RMU is delivered with the sockets installed by the manufacturer – the 16-way plug/socket is used for the indications/control initiation pulses and the 6-way way plug/socket is used for 24V supplies/indication common.

13.2 On completion of the plug connections DO NOT CONNECT the Callisto 1 to the RMU – this is part of the commissioning process.

13.3 The plugs and sockets use a stuffing gland to secure the sheath of the screened cable and the screening should be cut back and insulated using PVC tape as shown below.

Socket to RMU





Cut off and insulate spare


Roll screening back over

sheath and insulate

PVC tape

13.4 The 16-way plug uses an 18 core 16/02 cable which has colour coded cores and 6-way plug uses a 7 core 2.5mm cable cores are numbered 1 to 6, the seventh core is an earth cable. The two spare cores should be cut back and insulated.

13.5 The earth cable should be cut back in the plug and insulated.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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13.6 Terminate the 7c 2.5mm2 cable into the 6-way plug and the Callisto 1 as shown below.

6-way Plug Pin No

Cable Core No

Description Callisto 1 Connection

1 1 +24 Volt DC supply Terminal rail 20

2 2 +24 Volt DC supply switched Terminal rail 22

3 3 EFPI reset common Terminal rail 20

4 4 0 volt DC supply Terminal rail 21

5 5 Switch indication common Terminal rail 23 (Via 12 Card slot 3)

6 6 EFPI indication common Terminal rail 10

7 Cut back & insulate both ends Terminal rail 20

13.7 Terminate the 18c 16/0.2mm2 cable into the 16-way plug and the Callisto 1 as shown below.

16-way Plug Pin No

Cable Core Colour

Description Callisto 1 Connection

1 Red Switch 1 open indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 1

2 Blue Switch 2 open indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 5

3 Green CB 3 open indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 9

4 Yellow EFPI 1 indication Card Slot 5 – Terminal 21

5 White EFPI 3 indication Card Slot 6 – Terminal 23

6 Black Open switch 1 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 8

7 Brown Open switch 2 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 10

8 Violet Open CB3 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 12

9 Orange Switch 1 close indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 3

10 Pink Switch 2 close indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 7

11 Turquoise CB 3 close indication Card Slot 3 – Terminal 11

12 Grey EFPI 2 indication Card Slot 5 – Terminal 23

13 Red/Blue Reset EFPIs command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 14

14 Green/Red Close switch 1 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 9

15 Yellow/Red Close switch 2 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 11

16 White/Red Close CB3 command Card Slot 1 – Terminal 13

Red/Black Cut back & insulate both ends

Red/Brown Cut back & insulate both ends

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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14 Mains Supply

14.1 The Callisto 1 power supply is provided from an un-switched fused spur connected to a double socket outlet in the substation.

14.2 Check the double socket outlet is dead before carrying out this work.

14.3 Fix the fused spur to the wall below the Callisto 1 as shown below.


14.4 Connect the fused spur to the double socket outlet using 2.5mm2 single-core stranded cables run in 20mm plastic conduit. These should fixed using standard wood screws, raw plugs, conduit saddles and various other fixings available from stores. The conduit saddles should be fixed using No 10 1½" wood screws or Hilti fixings EDB 8-28mm and the distance between saddles should be 1500mm horizontal and 1750mm vertical.

14.5 Connect the fused spur box to the Callisto 1 using two-core 1.5mm2 flex via a 20mm plastic gland. The mains supply should be connect to terminals I and 2 on the terminal rail as shown below.






Terminal Block


14.6 Connect a minimum 35mm2 stranded aluminium or stranded 16mm2 copper earth

cable between the Callisto 1 cabinet and the substation earth.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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15 Battery

15.1 Care should be taken to avoid shorting the battery terminals or shorting the terminals to the Callisto 1 cabinet during installation.

15.2 Early battery types will have horizontal bolts and nuts – it is essential that the direction is as shown in the drawing below. Later battery types will have fixings in the vertical plane, avoiding the possibility of the incorrect fixing of bolts potentially resulting in making contact with the cabinet.

15.3 Connect the short leads shown in the diagram below to each battery, whilst the battery is outside the Callisto 1 (e.g. on the floor).






15.4 Install the batteries into the left-hand side of Callisto 1 cabinet, ensuring that the

terminals are clear of the cabinet and any other metal object.

15.5 Connect the two numbered leads together – 1 to 1, 2 to 2.

Note: The batteries are usually supplied fully charged and will receive additional charge when installed in the Callisto 1 – do not attempt to fast charge them by using car battery chargers or paralleling with other batteries.

16 Installation and Functional Check

16.1 Carry out a full installation check using test form ECP 05-9535a.

16.2 On completion of a successful installation check carry out a functional check as detailed below to ensure that any potential wiring faults are identified and corrected before the Callisto 1 is connected to the RMU for final commissioning.

16.3 Check the communications device, if installed, is disconnected before starting.

16.4 Insert a 5A fuse into the fused spur.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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16.5 Connect the Callisto 1 to RMU simulator (shown below).

16.6 Check Common Supplies Healthy (shown below) – the 24 Volt Supply, EFPI Indication and EFPI Reset Common should be illuminated and the Switchgear Indication Common shouldn't be illuminated. If these are not illuminated check fuses 9 to 12, 20 and 21 in the Callisto 1.

16.7 Carry out a functional check using test form ECP 05-9535b. Any faults found during

the functional check should be rectified and the functional check repeated. This process should be repeated until functional check is completed successfully.

16.8 If there are defects that cannot be rectified complete a defect report using test form ECP 05-9535c.

16.9 If instructed, on completion of checks remove 5A mains supply fuse from fused spur and disconnect the batteries.

16.10 Provided there are no outstanding faults the Callisto 1 is now installed ready to commission with the RMU onto the network.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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Appendix A – Parts List

Deliver To:

Work Location:

Job Number

Standard RTU/RMU change


Materials Required By

Contact Phone No

Date Required

Instructions for use:

Complete ALL of details in the above fields.

Indicate the quantity of materials required from the Accessories list.

Fax the completed form to Bury St Edmunds 01284 726779.

All of the materials on this sheet will be delivered as indicated above.

Description Materials Code1 Qty

RTU Standard Materials Kit

Spur fused Un-switched ASHLEY 11181S

Plastic back box (single) 05388S

Fuse link 5AMP 5PTC 11116F

20mm plastic conduit 05342Y

20mm male adaptor 05369K

Washer steel FLAT M20 13279O *

6mm yellow crimp lug 14451C

Nut hexagon full M8 zinc plated 13091C

Washer steel flat M8 zinc plated 13276Y *

Nuts brass full 6mm nickel plated 13072U *

Screw hexagon M6 x 25mm. 13174W *

Washer steel FLAT M6 zinc plated 13247H *

Gland plastic LK TYPE 251 01573H

Carrier fuse mounted "RTU" Kit 11200V

Clamp Amp 0.34 Volt AC C/W 14150U

Padlock D101 1 ¼” to pass X25 17042L

Kit for RTU SET 14460B

16-way cable plug hood (ACB) 01694S

16-way plug female (ACB) 01685T

Tube heat shrink MWTM 10/3 01458G

Tube heat shrink ATUM 19/6 01461W

1 UK Power Networks materials code for internal use only.

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

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Description Materials Code1 Qty

Bag site tidy H/D 24X36 C/W A 36115W

Remote terminal unit standard A 14465A

Flex 1.5mm 2 core white 05306D *

Tray cable swift SS TYPE 01522E

Batteries YUASA NPL24-12-VRLA A 19085J

RMU Standard Jointing Materials

Joint transitional vertical 04126B

SMOE-63420 termination kit 04151D

SMOE-63419 termination kit (unit) 04150T

SMOE-62831 termination kit (trans) 04154H

SFK 4720 120-300 right angle boot 04155S

Label self-adhesive SF6 21090L

Label SF6/no smoking rigid 21085B

Cantilever arms 01468Q

Cleat trefoil 70mm 01495M

Cleats trefoil 240mm 01496W

Rambolt loose lb10-10 13700S *

Cable 120mm 1c PVC Gr/Yellow A 05867D

120mm crimp lugs M10 hole 01373S

Set of Lucy lugs 3 per packet 01234K

Nuts channel 10mm 13280Y

Screw set hex head 10x 25mm 13155P *


Green/Yellow PVC Covered Stranded Copper Cable 16mm2 A 05847L

PVC Covered Aluminium Cable 35mm2 06209E

Large cable ties (1 bag) 01667V *

Medium cable ties (100 per pack) 02232U

Small cable ties (1 bag ) 03552P *

Split dowel 3/13mm (100 perbox) 01523P

Dble dowel 4/12mm (100 perbox) 01477P *

Dble dowel 12/25mm (100 per box) 01478Y *

Hammerscrew stud (50 per box) 13240P *

Hammerscrew (100 per box) 13239T *

Dble b/lace ferr 2.5mm grey (500) 34250G *

B/lace ferr 1.5mm black (500) 34251R

B/lace ferr 2.5mm grey (500) 34252B

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 26 of 27

Description Materials Code1 Qty

B/lace ferr 0.02mm blue (500) 34253L

In-line connector red (100) 01250N

Split dowel 8/28mm (100/ box) 01479J *

RTU Cables

Cable 2.5mm PVC red (100M) 05853F *

Cable 2.5mm PVC black (100M) 05852V *

Cable tele 7C 2.5mm PVC (50M) 05188C

Cable tele 8c 16/02 DEF (25M) 05187S

Cable tele 4c 16/02 DEF (25M) 05186H

Cable screened 18C 16/02 (25M) 05189M

Cable 2.5mm Y/G Earth (100M) 05843W *

HV Cable

300mm XLPE ( x M) A 06006K

95mm XLPE ( x M) A 06004Q

Large surgical vinyl treated 34568R

Medium surgical vinyl treated 34960T

P.F impregnated wipes (tub) A 23104N

Remsdaq Callisto 1 Control Unit and RTU Installation Procedure

Document Number: ECP 05-9535

Version: 5.0

Date: 27/11/2018

© UK Power Networks 2018 All rights reserved 27 of 27

Appendix B – Fixing Details

The table below details the fixings to be used when installing the equipment. Note: They should only be used in concrete or masonry and not in mortar.

Equipment Manufacture Description Drill Size

RTU Hilti HPS – 18/10 hammascrew with threaded stud

Thread length M8x16 8mm

2” cable tray Hilti HPS – 6/5 hammascrews

Maximum thickness fixed 5mm


7 core 2.5mm2 screened cable

Hilti EDD 12/25 dowel double clamp

Cable range 12-25mm 6mm

16 core 16/02 screened cable

Hilti EDD 12/25 dowel double clamp

Cable range 12- 5mm 6mm

4 core 16/02 screened cable

Hilti EDD 4/12 dowel double clamp

Cable range 4-12mm 6mm

8 core 16/02 screened cable

Hilti EDD 4/12 dowel double clamp

Cable range 4-12mm 6mm

6mm2 earth cable Hilti EDB 3/13 split dowel Cable range 3-13mm 6mm

20mm conduit Hilti EDB 8-28 split dowel Cable range 8-28mm 6mm

The distance between Hilti fixings listed above should be no more than 400mm and 100mm either side of a bend. The Hilti fixings used to support the screened cables should be spaced as shown below.

Max 350 mm

Max 350 mm

Max 100 mm
