Edu 290 Resisting Change In The Classroom


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Resisting Change in the Classroom

Kelly Smith

Resisting Changes

Uneducated Teachers


Old Fashioned Teachers


Unwilling Teachers

Reasons for Change Refusal

Lack of Interest

Reasons for Refusal cont.

Lack of Motivation


Some teachers can’t keep up with the fast pace of changing technology.


Some teachers aren’t educated about students with diverse backgrounds and different needs.


Some teachers aren’t willing to change their already successful curriculums.

How does this Impact Classrooms?

Uneducated Teacher

Uneducated Student

How does this Impact the Future?

Children won’t have the proper training in technology, diversity, or modern curriculums.

Internet 2™

Internet 2™ works to get different communities to understand the use of new technology in education.

The Future of Reform

Educating teachers about change could completely change the future.


Moerschell, L . (2009, May). Resistance to Technological Change in Academia. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 11(6). Available:

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