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Setting Up Bills of Materialand Routings


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Setting Up Bills of Material and o!tings

System References

Oracle Bills of Material > Workday Calendar 

Oracle Bills of Material > Workday Patterns

Oracle Bills of Material > Exception Templates

Oracle Bills of Material > Discrete Jobs

Oracle Bills of Material > Parameters

Oracle Bills of Material > Alternates

Oracle Bills of Material > Deletion Constraints

Oracle Bills of Material > Department Classes

Oracle Bills of Material > ocation

Oracle Bills of Material > !eso"rces

Oracle Bills of Material > #$ifts

Oracle Bills of Material > Capacity C$an%es


Job Title&


T$e Job Title 'list()o"rCompany*com+#"b,ect-ED.xxxxx/ is responsible for ens"rin% t$at t$isdoc"ment is necessary and t$at it reflects act"al practice*

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Using the -orday Calendar 

Using the Workday alendar 

A 0orkday calendar defines t$e 1alid 0orkin% days for a man"fact"rin% or%ani2ation and

consists of repeatin% pattern of days on and days off and exceptions to t$at pattern* T$is

enables yo" to3 for example3 desi%nate a normal 0orkday as a sc$ed"led do0ntime day3 ordesi%nate a $oliday as a 0orkday*

)o" can define one or more 0orkday calendars and assi%n t$em to any n"mber of

or%ani2ations3 and any n"mber of or%ani2ations can s$are a calendar* )o" can specify t$e start

and end dates3 and t$e 0eekend sc$ed"le for eac$ calendar*

reating Workday alendars

A 0orkday calendar consists of a start date3 and end date3 and on and off days t$at follo0 one

or more defined 0orkday patterns* A 0orkday calendar can also incl"de s$ift information andexception dates3 s"c$ as $olidays or sc$ed"led do0n time*

.se a 0orkday calendar for forecastin% and plannin% material re4"irements3 "se s$ift

information for ,ob sc$ed"lin%3 and capacity analysis*

Workday exceptions identify de1iations to t$e 0orkday calendar* #$ift exceptions identify

de1iations for a s$ift* #$ift exceptions take precedence o1er 0orkday exceptions* T$is is onlyrele1ant if a 0orkday exception and a s$ift exception o1erlap*

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To assi%n 0orkday exceptions to a 0orkday calendar or calendar s$ift3 eit$er select t$em

int"iti1ely from t$e Calendar Dates or #$ift Calendar Dates 0indo03 or apply t$em from anexistin% template3 calendar3 or s$ift*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Workday Calendar 0indo0 768 #et"p > Calendars*

9* Enter a name for t$e 0orkday calendar*

:* #elect a 4"arterly calendar type;

< ==? Week Pattern; T0o fo"r<0eek periods follo0ed by one fi1e<0eek period*

< ?== Week Pattern; One fi1e<0eek period follo0ed by t0o fo"r<0eek periods*

< Calendar Mont$s; T0el1e periods per year based on calendar mont$s*

< 5: Periods; T$irteen fo"r<0eek periods per year*

< @f yo" "se Oracle Master #c$ed"lin%M!P3 c$oose t$e ==? Weekly Pattern or t$e

?== Weekly Pattern to report M!P information in 0eeks and mont$s* Ot$er0ise3 ifyo" c$oose t$e 5: Periods calendar or Calendar Mont$s3 yo" can only report M!P

information in mont$ly b"ckets*

=* Enter a date ran%e for t$e 0orkday calendar* T$e defa"lt end date is fo"r years from t$estart date* Days on and off are calc"lated based on t$e start date and t$e day of t$e 0eek*

or example3 if yo" 0ant a standard fi1e day 0ork0eek to start on 5<JA63 yo" m"st

enter t$e start date as t$e Monday before 5<JA6 "nless 5<JA6 falls on a Monday* #et

 profile option BOM; Week or Period #tart Date3 to determine t$e start date* T$is profileoption 0orks in con,"nction 0it$ t$e Workday Calendar*

?* Contin"e creatin% t$e 0orkday calendar by c$oosin% one of t$e follo0in% b"ttons;

< Workday Pattern; #et 0orkdays on or off*

< #$ifts; Assi%n s$ifts to t$e 0orkday calendar*

< Dates; !e1ie0 yo"r 0ork so far and its effect on t$e 0orkday calendar* Do t$is before

yo" b"ild or reb"ild t$e 0orkday calendar yo" are no0 creatin%* 7)o" can only do

t$is after yo" $a1e defined a 0orkday pattern*8 Once yo" $a1e created a 0orkday

 pattern3 assi%ned s$ifts3 assi%ned 0orkday and s$ift exceptions3 and re1ie0ed yo"r0ork3 yo" m"st b"ild t$e calendar and assi%n it to an or%ani2ation*

* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

opying alendars or Shifts

)o" can copy t$e entire calendar3 incl"din% 0orkday patterns3 exceptions3 and all or none of itsspecific s$ift information* Or3 yo" can copy a specific s$ift3 incl"din% t$e 0orkday patterns3

exceptions3 and s$ift times*

Exactly 0$at is copied depends "pon $o0 yo" na1i%ate to t$e Copy 0indo0;

rom t$e Workday Calendar3 Calendar Dates3 and Workday Patterns 0indo0s3 all 0orkday patterns3 all exceptions3 and selected s$ift information are copied*

rom t$e #$ifts3 #$ift Times3 #$ift Dates3 or #$ift Workday Patterns 0indo0s3 t$e s$ift

0orkday patterns3 s$ift exceptions3 and all s$ift times for t$e specified s$ift are copied*

@f yo" copy calendar information to an existin% calendar3 all ne0 information is appended tot$e existin% calendar existin% information3 in ot$er 0ords3 is retained*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Copy 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% Copy from t$e Tools men"*

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9* @f yo" are copyin% calendar information3 enter t$e calendar to copy information from and

indicate if yo" 0ant none3 all3 or specific s$ift information* @f yo" select a specific s$ift3enter t$e s$ift n"mber* @f yo" are copyin% s$ift information3 enter t$e calendar yo" 0ant to

copy t$e s$ift information from and t$e specific s$ift n"mber*

Reviewing alendars

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Calendar Dates 0indo0 or #$ift Calendar Dates 0indo0* Do t$is by

c$oosin% t$e Dates b"tton from eit$er t$e Workday Calendar or #$ifts 0indo0s*Building Workday alendars

!eb"ildin% an existin% 0orkday calendar affects all or%ani2ations t$at reference t$e same

calendar and exception template* C$an%es to yo"r 0orkday information impacts yo"r material plans3 capacity plans3 sc$ed"lin%3 and any ot$er f"nction in Oracle Man"fact"rin% t$at "ses t$e

0orkday calendar* T$is does not apply if yo" are b"ildin% a calendar for t$e first time*

5* rom t$e Tools men"3 c$oose B"ild or !eb"ild*

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epeating -orday *atterns

Repeating Workday !atterns

)o" can also define a series of repeatin% 0orkday patterns for a %i1en calendar* or example3

yo" $a1e a repeatin% t0o<0eek pattern 0$ere yo" 0ork fi1e days t$e first 0eek3 and t$ree days

t$e second 0eek* Or3 yo" $a1e a repeatin% pattern of 5F consec"ti1e 0orkdays3 follo0ed byfo"r days off* W$en yo" b"ild t$e calendar3 Oracle Bills of Material a"tomatically determines

t$e 1alid 0orkdays for yo"3 based on t$e patterns yo" specify*

)o" can also specify repeatin% 0orkday patterns for s$ifts*

reating Workday !atterns

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Workday Patterns or #$ift Workday Patterns 0indo0* )o" can do t$is byc$oosin% t$e Workday Pattern b"tton from eit$er t$e Workday Calendar or #$ifts 0indo0*

9* Enter a se4"ence n"mber in 0$ic$ t$e 0orkday patterns are applied 0$en t$e calendar is


:* Enter t$e n"mber for consec"ti1e 0orkdays on and off* or example3 if yo" 0ant Mondayt$ro"%$ riday on and #at"rday and #"nday off3 enter ? for Days On and 9 for Days Off*

=* Enter a description for t$e se4"ence* !epeat t$e pre1io"s t$ree steps for eac$ 0orkday

 pattern to create* All defined se4"ences are repeated for t$e d"ration of t$e 0orkdaycalendar* @f t$ere are t0o se4"ences3 se4"ence 5 0ill be in effect first3 t$en se4"ence 93

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and t$en 5 a%ain3 and so on* or example3 ass"me t$at se4"ence 5 is ? on and 9 off3 and

se4"ence 9 is = on and : off* T$e calendar s$o0s ? on3 9 off3 = on3 and : off*

?* #a1e yo"r 0ork* Doin% so ens"res t$at yo" can 1ie0 calendar dates*

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-orday '1ceptions

Workday "#ceptions

T$ere are t$ree 0ays to apply exceptions to t$e 0orkday calendar;

selectin% indi1id"al exception days

loadin% t$em from an exception template3 anot$er calendar3 and anot$er calendar s$ift

copyin% a set of exceptions from anot$er calendar*

An exception template enables yo" to create %ro"ps of exception dates and apply t$em todifferent calendars* )o" can define m"ltiple 0orkday exception templates t$at define different

$olidays and sc$ed"led do0n times for different or%ani2ations* M"ltiple exception templates

can be applied to t$e same calendar* As eac$ template is applied3 ne0 exception dates areadded to t$e exception list for t$at calendar*

Conflicts on a partic"lar date bet0een one template and anot$er are resol1ed as follo0s;

if t$e exception date already exists in t$e tar%et calendar3 it is not copied

if t$e exception on day falls on a 0orkday3 t$e exception is copied b"t is red"ndant and$as no effect on t$e calendar 

if t$e exception off day falls on a non<0orkday3 t$e exception is copied b"t is red"ndant

and $as no effect on t$e calendar 

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T$is enables yo" to define different $olidays or sc$ed"led do0n times3 for example3 for

or%ani2ations in different co"ntries* Different or%ani2ations can "se t$e same calendar3 b"tapply different exception dates* @n addition3 yo" can apply t$e same exception dates to different


)o" can optionally define exception templates3 lists of exception dates3 before yo" set "p yo"r

0orkday calendar* T$en 0$en yo" define yo"r calendar3 yo" can c$oose an exception template3

and apply its exception dates to t$at calendar*reating Workday "#ception $emplates

Exception templates define and %ro"p de1iations to yo"r 0orkday calendar3 s"c$ as $olidays3

do0ntime3 or sc$ed"led maintenance*

W$en definin% a 0orkday calendar3 specify 0$ic$ days or s$ifts are on and off* T$e 0orkday

calendar3 in combination 0it$ t$e exceptions to it3 determines t$e 0ork pattern for eac$


5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Exception Templates 0indo0 768 #et"p > Exception Templates*

9* Enter a "ni4"e name for t$e exception template*

:* Enter a date on 0$ic$ t$is template becomes inacti1e*

=* Enter all exception dates3 and indicate 0$et$er eac$ is an on or off 0orkday*

Selecting Workday or Shift "#ceptions

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Calendar Dates 0indo0 or #$ift Calendar Dates 0indo0* Do t$is byc$oosin% t$e Dates b"tton from t$e Workday Calendar 0indo0*

9* #elect indi1id"al days of t$e mont$ to to%%le t$em on or off* Days yo" c$an%e become

eit$er 0orkday or s$ift exceptions3 dependin% on $o0 yo" entered t$e 0indo0*

:* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

%oading "#isting Workday or Shift "#ceptions

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Exceptions 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e Exception ist b"tton from

t$e Calendar Dates 0indo0*

9* C$oose t$e oad b"tton and select 0$et$er existin% exceptions s$o"ld be applied from atemplate3 a calendar3 or a s$ift*

< @f yo" select Template3 enter a template name*

< @f yo" select Calendar3 enter a calendar name*

< @f yo" select #$ift3 enter t$e calendar name t$at t$e s$ift belon%s to and t$e s$ift


:* W$en finis$ed3 c$oose OG to sa1e yo"r 0ork*

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or a %i1en 0orkday calendar3 yo" can specify any n"mber of s$ifts* Eac$ s$ift can $a1e a

different 0eekend sc$ed"le and a list of specific 0ork inter1al start and end times* or bot$

calendars and s$ifts3 yo" can assi%n sets of 0orkday exceptions and repeatin% 0orkday patterns*

#$ifts in$erit 0orkday exceptions and 0orkday patterns from t$e base calendar* #$ift

exceptions can eit$er add to or o1erride t$ose of t$e base calendar*

@f an exception on t$e base calendar c$an%es3 t$ose s$ifts t$at do not $a1e an o1erridin%exception on t$at date 0ill a"tomatically reflect t$e c$an%e* T$ose s$ifts t$at do $a1e an

o1erridin% exception on t$at date 0ill not reflect t$e c$an%e and m"st be c$an%ed man"ally if

t$ey are to reflect t$e c$an%e in t$e base calendar*#$ift exceptions are applied to a calendar t$e same 0ay as 0orkday calendar exceptions byselectin% indi1id"al exception days3 by definin% exception templates3 or by copyin% a set of

exceptions from anot$er s$ift*


or eac$ or%ani2ation3 yo" specify t$e calendar to "se* All sc$ed"lin% f"nctions "se t$ecalendar yo" specify* Detailed sc$ed"lin% "ses specific reso"rce a1ailability information by

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department and s$ift to sc$ed"le reso"rces* Dynamic lead time offsettin%3 $o0e1er3 "ses an

or%ani2ationHs 0orkday calendar and does not consider s$ift information*

opying alendars or Shifts

)o" can copy t$e entire calendar3 incl"din% 0orkday patterns3 exceptions3 and all or none of its

specific s$ift information* Or3 yo" can copy a specific s$ift3 incl"din% t$e 0orkday patterns3

exceptions3 and s$ift times*

Exactly 0$at is copied depends "pon $o0 yo" na1i%ate to t$e Copy 0indo0;

rom t$e Workday Calendar3 Calendar Dates3 and Workday Patterns 0indo0s3 all 0orkday

 patterns3 all exceptions3 and selected s$ift information are copied*

rom t$e #$ifts3 #$ift Times3 #$ift Dates3 or #$ift Workday Patterns 0indo0s3 t$e s$ift

0orkday patterns3 s$ift exceptions3 and all s$ift times for t$e specified s$ift are copied*

@f yo" copy calendar information to an existin% calendar3 all ne0 information is appended to

t$e existin% calendar existin% information3 in ot$er 0ords3 is retained*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Copy 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% Copy from t$e Tools men"*

9* @f yo" are copyin% calendar information3 enter t$e calendar to copy information from andindicate if yo" 0ant none3 all3 or specific s$ift information* @f yo" select a specific s$ift3

enter t$e s$ift n"mber* @f yo" are copyin% s$ift information3 enter t$e calendar yo" 0ant tocopy t$e s$ift information from and t$e specific s$ift n"mber*

reating Shifts and Shift $imes

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$ifts 0indo0* )o" can do t$is by c$oosin% t$e #$ifts b"tton from t$e

Workday Calendar 0indo0 768 #et"p > Calendars 7B8 #$ifts*

9* Enter a s$ift n"mber and a description*

:* C$oose t$e Times b"tton to open t$e #$ift Times 0indo0*

=* Enter t$e start and stop times for eac$ s$ift* )o" can enter m"ltiple start and stop times3

 b"t t$e start and stop times for a s$ift cannot o1erlap* @f yo" create a s$ift 0it$o"t first

creatin% a 0orkday pattern3 a defa"lt 0orkday pattern of ? days on and 9 days off is

created* )o" can t$en "pdate t$at 0orkday pattern*

?* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

Selecting Workday or Shift "#ceptions

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Calendar Dates 0indo0 or #$ift Calendar Dates 0indo0* Do t$is by

c$oosin% t$e Dates b"tton from t$e Workday Calendar 0indo0*

9* #elect indi1id"al days of t$e mont$ to to%%le t$em on or off* Days yo" c$an%e become

eit$er 0orkday or s$ift exceptions3 dependin% on $o0 yo" entered t$e 0indo0*

:* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

%oading "#isting Workday or Shift "#ceptions

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Exceptions 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e Exception ist b"tton fromt$e Calendar Dates 0indo0*

9* C$oose t$e oad b"tton and select 0$et$er existin% exceptions s$o"ld be applied from a

template3 a calendar3 or a s$ift*

< @f yo" select Template3 enter a template name*

< @f yo" select Calendar3 enter a calendar name*

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< @f yo" select #$ift3 enter t$e calendar name t$at t$e s$ift belon%s to and t$e s$ift


:* W$en finis$ed3 c$oose OG to sa1e yo"r 0ork*

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efining 3oo!ps

Defining %ookups

$o define Bonus odes

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$op loor Mana%er 768 !o"tin%s > Bon"s Codes 0indo0

9* Enter code3 Meanin% and Description of code in t$e Man"fact"rin% > Bon"s Codes

ook"ps 0indo0 t$at appears* Enter n"meric 1al"e in t$e Code field*

$o define Scrap odes

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$op loor Mana%er 768 !o"tin%s > #crap Codes 0indo0

9* Enter code3 Meanin% and Description of code in t$e Man"fact"rin% > #crap Codes ook"ps

0indo0 t$at appears* Enter n"meric 1al"e in t$e Code field*

$o define Resource Down odes5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$op loor Mana%er 768 !o"tin%s > !eso"rce Do0n Codes 0indo0

9* Enter code3 Meanin% and Description of code in t$e Man"fact"rin% > !eso"rce Do0n

Codes ook"ps 0indo0 t$at appears* Enter n"meric 1al"e in t$e Code field*

$o define Resource apacity hange Reasons

5* 6a1i%ate to T$e !eso"rce Capacity C$an%e !easons 0indo0 to define reason codes*

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9* )o" can apply reason codes to t$e capacity c$an%es 0$en definin% exceptions in t$e Bills

of Material 0indo0 or in t$e 0orkbenc$

'nstructor (ote

efer the participants to the Oracle Shop Floor Management User’s Guide for detailedinfor(ation on the vario!s codes.

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*ractice Overvie45 efining -orday Calendars

Refer to Practice – Defining Workday Calendars [LAB3769Y] 

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Set!p for 6te(s and Bills of Material

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ey 8le1fields

Define the System 'tems )le#field

)o" m"st desi%n and confi%"re yo"r #ystem @tems lexfield before yo" can start definin%

items* )o" m"st indicate $o0 many separate se%ments yo"r flexfield $as3 $o0 many c$aracters

eac$ se%ment $as3 and 0$et$er yo" 0ant to 1alidate t$e 1al"es t$at yo" assi%n to t$e se%ments*Once yo" define t$e str"ct"re of yo"r flexfield and any applicable 1al"e sets3 yo" m"st free2e

and compile yo"r flexfield definition*

All Oracle Applications prod"cts t$at reference items s$are t$e #ystem @tems lexfield and

s"pport m"ltiple se%ment implementations* T$erefore3 if yo" $a1e already confi%"red t$isflexfield 0$ile settin% "p anot$er prod"ct3 yo" do not need to perform t$is step*

Define the 'tem ategories )le#field

)o" m"st desi%n and confi%"re yo"r @tem Cate%ories lexfield before yo" can start definin%items since all items m"st be assi%ned to cate%ories* )o" m"st indicate $o0 many separatese%ments yo"r flexfield $as3 $o0 many c$aracters eac$ se%ment $as3 and 0$et$er yo" 0ant to

1alidate t$e 1al"es t$at yo" assi%n to t$e se%ments* Once yo" define t$e str"ct"re of yo"r

flexfield and any applicable 1al"e sets3 yo" m"st free2e and compile yo"r flexfield definition*Compilin% t$e flexfield definition enables t$e @tem Cate%ories lexfield popI"p 0indo0*

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)o" can define m"ltiple str"ct"res for yo"r @tem Cate%ories lexfield3 eac$ str"ct"re

correspondin% to a different cate%ory %ro"pin% sc$eme* )o" can t$en associate t$ese str"ct"res0it$ t$e cate%ories and cate%ory sets yo" define*

Define the 'tem atalog *roup )le#field

@f yo" make entries for yo"r items in a standard ind"stry catalo% or 0ant to %ro"p yo"r items

accordin% to certain descripti1e elements3 yo" need to confi%"re yo"r @tem Catalo% ro"p

lexfield* )o" m"st indicate $o0 many separate se%ments yo"r flexfield $as3 $o0 manyc$aracters eac$ se%ment $as3 and 0$et$er yo" 0ant to 1alidate t$e 1al"es t$at yo" assi%n to t$e

se%ments* Once yo" define t$e str"ct"re of yo"r flexfield and any applicable 1al"e sets3 yo"

m"st free2e and compile yo"r flexfield definition* Compilin% t$e flexfield definition enablest$e @tem Catalo% ro"p lexfield popI"p 0indo0*

E1en if yo" do not "se item catalo%in%3 yo" m"st enable at least one se%ment and compile t$is

flexfield before yo" can define items*

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Bill of Material *ara(eters

Bill of Material !arameters

.se bill of material parameters to define modes of operation and defa"lt 1al"es for an

or%ani2ation t$at affect f"nctions s"c$ as bill definition3 bill deletion3 and assemble<to<order

confi%"ration n"mberin%*

Define bill of material parameters for eac$ or%ani2ation in 0$ic$ yo" "se bills or ro"tin%s* Bill parameters are specific to3 and m"st be defined for3 eac$ or%ani2ation* Doin% so ens"res access

to reso"rce3 o"tside processin%3 and o1er$ead cost information for certain cost mana%ement


To define bill of material parameters;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Parameters 0indo0 768 #et"p > Parameters*

9* Enter t$e maxim"m bill le1els to explode* T$e maxim"m is * or confi%"rations only <

All fields in t$e Confi%"ration Options box apply only to confi%"red items*

:* Enter an inacti1e stat"s*

=* Enter t$e n"mberin% se%ment to "se 0$en creatin% confi%"ration item n"mbers*

?* #elect an a"tomatic or "ser defined n"mberin% met$od* A "ni4"e confi%"ration item

n"mber is a"tomatically assi%ned based on t$e n"mberin% met$od yo" select;

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< Append #e4"ence; Appends a se4"ence n"mber to t$e item se%ment yo" entered for

t$e n"mberin% se%ment*

< !eplace 0it$ #e4"ence; !eplace t$e item se%ment yo" entered in t$e n"mberin%se%ment 0it$ a se4"ence n"mber*

< !eplace 0it$ Order3 ine 6"mber; !eplace t$e item se%ment yo" entered for

n"mberin% se%ment 0it$ t$e sales order and line n"mber*

< .ser Defined; Allo0s yo" to define a n"mberin% sc$eme t$at meets yo"r b"sinessneeds*

* #elect one of t$e follo0in% in t$e Create o0er e1el #"pply field;

< 6o 7defa"lt 1al"e8

< A"to Created Confi%"ration @tems Only

< A"to Created Confi%"ration @tems and ATO @tems

F* C$eck t$e Confi% BOM Creation Allo0ed box to allo0 t$e creation of confi%"ration bills

of material in t$e or%ani2ation*

K* C$eck t$e @ncl"de ModelOption Class @tems in ead Time !oll"p box to incl"de modelsand option classes 0$en rollin% "p c"m"lati1e lead times* @f yo" lea1e t$is box

"nc$ecked3 t$e c"m"lati1e lead time calc"lations are not performed for model or option


L* @f yo" 0o"ld like Work in Process to maintain t$e indi1id"al operation se4"ence n"mbersfor p$antom s"bassemblies3 and to c$ar%e t$eir reso"rce and o1er$ead costs to t$e parent

or $i%$er le1el assembly3 yo" set t$e follo0in% t0o parameters in Oracle Bills of Material;

< .se P$antom !o"tin%s; #et t$is parameter to specify 0$et$er p$antom ro"tin%

reso"rces and o1er$ead costs 7incl"din% t$ose for o"tside processin% reso"rcesassi%ned to p$antom ro"tin% operations8 are c$ar%ed to t$e parent or $i%$er le1el

assembly* #ettin% t$is parameter also implies department in$eritance for reso"rces

t$"s3 p$antom reso"rces can be "sed by departments t$at t$ey are not o0ned by or

assi%ned to as a borro0ed reso"rce* )o" set t$e parameter at t$e in1entoryor%ani2ation le1el and it t$en applies to all p$antoms 0it$in a sin%le in1entory

or%ani2ation* T$ere are its t0o 1al"es* @f yo" select )es3 p$antom ro"tin% componentsand reso"rces and o1er$eads are incl"ded in t$e cost of t$e $i%$er le1el assembly*

!o"tin% reso"rce costs are also incl"ded in capacity plannin%* @f yo" select 6o 7t$is is

t$e defa"lt83 t$is 1al"e specifies t$at only components are incl"ded in t$e $i%$er

assemblyHs cost3 not reso"rces and o1er$eads*

< @n$erit P$antom Op #e4; #et t$is parameter to specify 0$et$er p$antom s"bassembly

components in$erit t$e operation se4"ence n"mber of t$eir parent or $i%$er le1el

assembly3 or maintain t$eir o0n operation se4"ence n"mber* T$is parameter is set att$e in1entory or%ani2ation le1el3 and applies to all p$antoms 0it$in a sin%le in1entory

or%ani2ation* T$e parameter $as t0o 1al"es* @f yo" select )es 7t$is is t$e defa"lt83 t$e p$antom s"bassembly components in$erit t$e operation se4"ence n"mber of t$eir

 parent or $i%$er le1el assemblies* @f yo" select 6o3 p$antom s"bassemblycomponents maintain t$eir o0n operation se4"ence n"mbers*

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Creating Alternates

reating +lternates

An alternate bill describes an alternate list of component items t$at prod"ce an assembly* An

alternate ro"tin% describes an alternate man"fact"rin% process t$at prod"ces an assembly*

To create or "pdate an alternate;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Alternates 0indo0 768 #et"p > Alternates*

9* Enter an alp$an"meric strin% to describe a "ni4"e alternate*

:* Enter a date t$at t$e alternate is inacti1e on* As of t$e inacti1e date3 yo" can no lon%er

assi%n t$e alternate to a bill of material or ro"tin%*

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Creating C!sto( eletion Constraints

reating ustom Deletion onstraints

.se c"stom deletion constraints to enforce specific b"siness r"les* C"stom deletion constraints

 pre1ent t$e deletion of bills or ro"tin%s if yo"r data meets t$e conditions set fort$ in t$e


To create a c"stom deletion constraint;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Deletion Constraints 0indo0 768 #et"p > Delete Constraints*

9* Enter a name for t$e deletion constraint*

:* @ndicate 0$et$er t$e constraint is enabled* An enabled deletion constraint means t$at it is

in effect 0$en t$e delete conc"rrent pro%ram r"ns*

=* #elect 0$at kind of delete entity t$e constraint applies to; item3 bill3 ro"tin%3 component3or operation*

?* Enter t$e # #elect #tatement t$at t$e delete conc"rrent pro%ram is to exec"te* )o"

cannot "pdate # statements for predefined deletion constraints*

* @ndicate 0$et$er to delete if t$ere are ro0s fo"nd or no ro0s fo"nd by t$e # #elect


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F* Enter a fail"re messa%e from Oracle Application Ob,ect ibraryHs messa%e dictionary to

display if t$e delete fails*

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efining epart(ent Classes

Defining Department lasses

.se department classes to %ro"p departments for s$op floor sc$ed"lin% and control3 and to

identify man"fact"rin% cells and flexible mac$ine centers* Department classes are "sed for

reportin% p"rposes*

To create a department class;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Department Classes 0indo0 768 #et"p > Department Classes*

9* Enter text t$at "ni4"ely describes t$e department class* or example3 yo" co"ld "se A##)

to %ro"p all final assembly departments*

:* C$oose t$e Departments b"tton to display t$e departments assi%ned to t$is departmentclass and t$e dates 0$en t$ese departments can no lon%er be assi%ned to ro"tin%


Assi%n departments to classes 0$en yo" define departments*

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efining epart(ents

Defining Departments

A department is an area 0it$in yo"r or%ani2ation t$at consists of one or more people3

mac$ines3 or s"ppliers3 0$ere yo" 0ant to collect costs3 apply o1er$ead3 and compare load to

capacity* )o" assi%n a department to eac$ operation in a ro"tin%3 and assi%n reso"rces t$at area1ailable for t$at department*

W$en yo" define a department3 yo" specify any department o1er$ead costs and t$e reso"rces

t$at are a1ailable* )o" can enter m"ltiple reso"rces for eac$ department* or eac$ reso"rce3

yo" can specify t$e s$ifts t$at t$e reso"rce is a1ailable* or eac$ reso"rce s$ift3 yo" can alsospecify capacity modifications t$at c$an%e t$e a1ailable $o"rs per day3 "nits per day3 or


To define a department;5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Departments 0indo0 768 !o"tin%s > Departments*

9* Enter a name for t$e department "ni4"e for t$e or%ani2ation*

:* Optionally3 enter a department class*

=* Enter a location for t$e department*

?* Enter a pro,ect expendit"re or%ani2ation*

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* Optionally3 enter an inacti1e date on 0$ic$ yo" can no lon%er assi%n t$is department to

ro"tin% operations*

F* Enter t$e #crap Acco"nt in order to c$ar%e t$e departments t$at $a1e scrapped material*T$is field is displayed for #$op loor Mana%ement enabled or%ani2ations*

K* Enter t$e Estimated Absorption Acco"nt to estimate t$e expected scrapped material* T$is

field is displayed for #$op loor Mana%ement enabled or%ani2ations t$at $a1e enabled

estimated scrap acco"ntin%*L* C$oose t$e !ates b"tton to 1ie0 t$e o1er$ead rates for t$e department*

5* C$oose t$e !eso"rces b"tton to assi%n and "pdate reso"rces to t$e department*

@f yo" $a1e Oracle Ware$o"se Mana%ement installed3 t$e Departments 0indo0 is "sed to

%ro"p reso"rces t$at may be needed to%et$er3 to perform tasks* or example3 a 0are$o"se maydefine a refri%erated pickin% department3 0$ic$ $as all t$e mac$ine and man"al reso"rces

associated to it t$at are re4"ired to perform a refri%erated pickin% task* A 0are$o"se can also

"se a pickin% department3 or a %eneric task department 0it$ all reso"rces associated t$at are"sed for 0are$o"se task mana%ement*

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efining 3ocations

Defining %ocations

.se t$e ocation 0indo0 to enter location information* )o" assi%n locations to departments

t$at recei1e deli1eries of o"tside processin% items 768 #et"p > ocations*

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efining eso!rces

Defining Resources

.se reso"rces to define t$e time an assembly spends at an operation and t$e cost yo" inc"r at

t$e operation* A reso"rce is anyt$in% yo" re4"ire to perform3 sc$ed"le3 or cost3 incl"din% b"t

not limited to; employees3 mac$ines3 o"tside processin% ser1ices3 and p$ysical space* Areso"rce and "sa%e rate for all sc$ed"led acti1ities is re4"ired in a ro"tin%* #c$ed"led reso"rces

can incl"de 4"e"e3 set"p3 r"n3 and mo1e time*

W$en yo" define yo"r departments3 yo" assi%n t$e reso"rces a1ailable in eac$ department and

t$e s$ifts t$at eac$ reso"rce is a1ailable* or eac$ operation yo" define3 yo" specify adepartment and list of reso"rces and "sa%es* An operation can "se any reso"rce t$at is a1ailable

in t$e department3 b"t yo" do not need to "se all reso"rces assi%ned to t$e department*

@f yo" $a1e Oracle Man"fact"rin% installed3 yo" can "se !eso"rce batc$in%* !eso"rce batc$in%enables yo" to "se reso"rces across m"ltiple ,obs* By "sin% a sin%le reso"rce to process

m"ltiple ,obs sim"ltaneo"sly3 yo" can pre1ent a reso"rce from bein% "nder"tili2ed* Work

sc$ed"led "sin% reso"rce batc$in% is c$aracteri2ed by e4"i1alent 0ork performed 0it$ t$e

same man"fact"rin% processes*

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Before yo" can define reso"rces3 set "p yo"r "nits of meas"re and "nit of meas"re con1ersion

rates* #ome reso"rces may represent c"rrency s"c$ as a fixed c$ar%e reso"rce3 b"t c"rrencyreso"rces cannot be sc$ed"led since t$eir "nit of meas"re is not time<based*

#et t$e site le1el profile option BOM; No"r .OM to $old t$e "nit of meas"re t$at represents an

$o"r* Oracle Work in Process pre1ents yo" from sc$ed"lin% reso"rces 0$ose "nit of meas"re is

not in t$e same "nit of meas"re class as t$e $o"r "nit or meas"re and $as no con1ersions

defined to t$e $o"r "nit or meas"re*To define a reso"rce;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e !eso"rces 0indo0 768 !o"tin%s > !eso"rces*

9* Enter a reso"rce name "ni4"e to t$e or%ani2ation to describe t$e reso"rce* or example3yo" co"ld assi%n A#5 to si%nify assembler %rade 53 or WE for 0elder*

:* Optionally3 enter an inacti1e date after 0$ic$ yo" can no lon%er assi%n t$is reso"rce*

=* #elect a reso"rce type; Amo"nt3 C"rrency 7t$e set of books c"rrency as defined in Oracle

eneral ed%er83 Mac$ine3 Miscellaneo"s3 Person3 or P$ysical #pace*

?* Enter a "nit of meas"re 7.OM8 t$at describes $o0 yo" meas"re t$e reso"rce* )o" can"pdate t$is if t$e BOM; .pdate !eso"rce .OM profile option is set to )es* T$is field is

 protected from c$an%es if t$is reso"rce is "sed for any operation 0it$ t$e #c$ed"led fieldset to )es3 and if yo" $a1e pre1io"sly set it as a time<based .OM*

* #elect a c$ar%e type* W$en an operation is completed3 Oracle Work in Process records t$e

"nits applied to t$e ,ob or repetiti1e sc$ed"le in t$e reso"rce "nit of meas"re for all

reso"rces yo" c$ar%e man"ally or a"tomatically*

F* #elect a basis type by 0$ic$ to c$ar%e and sc$ed"le t$e reso"rce*

< @tem; C$ar%e and sc$ed"le t$e reso"rce 0$ere t$e reso"rce "sa%e 4"antity is t$e

amo"nt re4"ired per assembly "nit yo" make*

< ot; C$ar%e and sc$ed"le t$e reso"rce 0$ere t$e reso"rce "sa%e 4"antity is t$e

amo"nt re4"ired per ,ob or sc$ed"le*

K* #elect an expendit"re type for t$is reso"rce* @f t$e Pro,ect Cost Collection Enabled parameter is set in t$e Or%ani2ation Parameters 0indo03 yo" m"st associate t$e reso"rce

0it$ an expendit"re type* )o" can only select expendit"re types t$at belon% to t$e Work in

Process expendit"re type class* Expendit"re types are defined in Oracle Pro,ects*

L* Optionally3 enter t$e s"pply s"bin1entory if t$e reso"rce is a mac$ine* T$e system "ses t$e

s"pply s"bin1entory specified for t$e reso"rce if t$e ro"tin% does not specify a s"pply


5* Optionally3 enter t$e s"pply locator if t$e reso"rce is a mac$ine* T$e system "ses t$es"pply locator specified for t$e reso"rce if t$e ro"tin% does not specify a s"pply locator*

55* @ndicate 0$et$er to enable t$e o"tside processin% reso"rce3 and if so3 enter its item

n"mber* @f yo" specify PO Mo1e or PO !eceipt3 Oracle P"rc$asin% "ses t$is item 0$en itcreates re4"isitions for yo"r o"tside processin% reso"rce*

59* Enable t$e Costed c$eck box to collect and assi%n costs to t$is reso"rce3 and if so3

optionally enter an acti1ity for t$e reso"rce* )o" cannot 1ie0 costin% information if t$e

Pri1ile%e To ie0 Cost @nformation f"nction is excl"ded from t$e responsibility* )o"cannot "pdate costin% information if3 in addition3 t$e Pri1ile%e To Maintain Cost

@nformation f"nction is excl"ded* )o" can "se acti1ities to %ro"p reso"rce c$ar%es for cost

reportin% p"rposes*

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5:* @f t$e reso"rce is costed3 indicate 0$et$er to c$ar%e ,obs and repetiti1e sc$ed"les based

on a standard rate yo" define* Or3 disable #tandard !ate to enter a rate to c$ar%e t$ereso"rce in Work in Process for an internal reso"rce3 or deri1e t$e rate from t$e p"rc$ase

order for an o"tside processin% reso"rce* or o"tside processin% reso"rces3 if yo" c$ar%e a

 ,ob or repetiti1e sc$ed"le at t$e standard rate3 a p"rc$ase price 1ariance is comp"ted and

 posted to t$e rate 1ariance acco"nt* @f yo" c$ar%e for all ot$er reso"rces3 if yo" c$ar%e a

 ,ob or repetiti1e sc$ed"le at t$e act"al rate3 a reso"rce rate 1ariance is comp"ted and posted to t$e rate 1ariance acco"nt*

5=* @f t$is reso"rce is costed3 enter an absorption acco"nt 7%eneral led%er acco"nt8 "sed tooffset reso"rce c$ar%es earned in 0ork in process* At period end3 yo" normally compare

t$is acco"nt to t$e reso"rce c$ar%es in t$e %eneral led%er* or o"tside processin%

reso"rces3 t$e defa"lt is t$e recei1in% 1al"ation acco"nt from Oracle P"rc$asin%3 as

defined in t$e recei1in% options* or o"tside processin% reso"rces3 do not c$an%e t$edefa"lt recei1in% 1al"ation acco"nt* W$en yo" recei1e an o"tside processin% p"rc$ase

order3 Oracle P"rc$asin% credits t$e in1entory AP accr"al acco"nt and debits t$e recei1in%

1al"ation acco"nt* Bills of Material t$en debits t$e 0ork in process o"tside processin%acco"nt and credits t$e recei1in% 1al"ation acco"nt* @f yo" c$an%e t$e abo1e defa"lt

acco"nt3 yo"r recei1in% 1al"ation acco"nt 0ill $a1e an incorrect balance*5?* @f t$is reso"rce is costed3 enter a 1ariance acco"nt 7%eneral led%er acco"nt8 to acc"m"late

reso"rce rate 1ariances for a ,ob or repetiti1e sc$ed"le* or o"tside processin% reso"rces3t$is is t$e p"rc$ase price 1ariance acco"nt*

5* @f yo" $a1e Oracle Man"fact"rin% installed3 yo" can "se !eso"rce batc$in%* To enable

reso"rce batc$in%3 select t$e Batc$able c$eck box in t$e Batc$able re%ion* T$is enablest$e ot$er batc$ fields*

5F* Enter t$e maxim"m n"mber of "nits to be batc$ed in t$e Maxim"m Batc$ Capacity field*

5K* Enter t$e minim"m n"mber of "nits to be batc$ed in t$e Minim"m Batc$ Capacity field

5L* #elect t$e "nit of meas"re for t$e batc$ capacity from t$e list of 1al"es a1ailable in t$e

Batc$ .OM 0indo0 field*9* Enter t$e time 1al"e for t$e batc$in% process in t$e Batc$in% 0indo0 field*

95* #elect t$e time "nit of meas"re a1ailable in t$e Batc$in% Windo0 .OM field*

To define cost type and reso"rce rate associations;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e !eso"rce Costs 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e !ates b"tton from t$e!eso"rces 0indo0* )o" cannot 1ie0 costin% information if t$e Pri1ile%e To ie0 Cost

@nformation f"nction is excl"ded* )o" cannot "pdate costin% information if3 in addition3

t$e Pri1ile%e To Maintain Cost @nformation f"nction is excl"ded*

9* Enter or select a cost type to associate 0it$ eac$ reso"rce o1er$ead rate*

:* Enter t$e !eso"rce .nit Cost3 t$at is3 t$e reso"rceHs c"rrent standard cost per .OM*

To associate o1er$eads 0it$ reso"rces;

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e !eso"rce O1er$ead Associations 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e

O1er$eads b"tton from t$e !eso"rces 0indo0*

9* Enter or select t$e cost type for t$e reso"rce* T$e Allo0 .pdates c$eck box indicates0$et$er t$e cost type is defined as "pdatable*

:* Enter or select t$e o1er$ead to associate 0it$ t$e reso"rce* or example3 yo" co"ld assi%n

reso"rce cost as dollars per $o"r* @f yo" enter a ne0 reso"rce3 yo" can directly enter a

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fro2en "nit cost* No0e1er3 yo" cannot directly "pdate t$e fro2en "nit cost for a pre1io"sly

entered reso"rce*

To %ro"p similar types of e4"ipment by reso"rce;

)o" can define E4"ipment Types to %ro"p similar types of reso"rces* or example3 yo" can

define an E4"ipment Type of orklift*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e E4"ipment Types 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e E4"ipment b"tton

from t$e !eso"rces 0indo0* )o" can c$oose t$e E4"ipment b"tton if t$e !eso"rce is aMac$ine type*

9* Enter an @tem 6"mber in t$e E4"ipment field*

:* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

@f yo" $a1e Ware$o"se Mana%ement installed3 yo" can "se t$e !eso"rces form to define a classof man"al or mac$ine reso"rces* or example3 a forklift mac$ine reso"rce is indicated by

enterin% t$e reso"rce name and description3 as 0ell as 0$ic$ e4"ipment items are capable of

 performin% pallet pickin%*

To %ro"p employees by reso"rce;

)o" can define t$e roles t$at represent 0$at an employee can do for a re4"ired task* or

example3 a role co"ld be defined as Cycle Co"nter3 or a Case Picker*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Employees 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e Employees b"tton from t$e

!eso"rces 0indo0* )o" can c$oose t$e Employees b"tton if t$e !eso"rce is a Person type*

9* Enter an Employee to associate 0it$ t$e reso"rce*

:* #a1e yo"r 0ork*

@f yo" $a1e Ware$o"se Mana%ement installed3 yo" can "se t$e !eso"rces form to define

employees 4"alified for eac$ reso"rce* or example3 a $a2ardo"s materials man"al reso"rce isindicated by enterin% t$e reso"rce name and description3 as 0ell as 0$ic$ employees are

capable of performin% $a2ardo"s material tasks*

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 Assigning eso!rces to epart(ents

+ssigning Resources to a Department

To assign resources to a department:

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e !eso"rces 0indo0* )o" can do t$is by c$oosin% t$e !eso"rces b"tton

from t$e Departments 0indo0* T$e !eso"rces 0indo0 is split into o0ned and borro0ed


9* Enter t$e reso"rce to assi%n to t$e c"rrent department*

:* Optionally3 for o0ned reso"rces3 indicate 0$et$er t$e reso"rce is a1ailable 9= $o"rs a day*

)o" cannot assi%n s$ifts to a reso"rce t$at is a1ailable 9= $o"rs a day*

=* or o0ned reso"rces3 indicate 0$et$er t$is department can s$are t$e reso"rce and capacity0it$ ot$er departments*

?* or borro0ed reso"rces3 enter t$e o0nin% department*

* Enter t$e n"mber of capacity "nits 7reso"rce "nits8 a1ailable for t$is department3 for

example3 t$e n"mber of mac$ines for a mac$ine reso"rce* Eac$ reso"rce can be assi%nedto any n"mber of departments m"ltiple reso"rces can be assi%ned to eac$ department*

F* Optionally3 enter a reso"rce %ro"p for t$e reso"rce in t$is department*

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K* Optionally3 select t$e C$eck CTP c$eck box* T$e C$eck CTP c$eck box tells t$e system to

"se t$is reso"rce in a Capable to Promise 7CTP8 c$eck*

L* @ndicate if t$e department reso"rce s$o"ld be sc$ed"led to t$e instance le1el 7specificemployee name or piece of e4"ipment8* )o" can only sc$ed"le mac$ine type reso"rces by

instance3 not labor type reso"rces*

5* Optionally3 enter an exception set* T$e exception sets t$at yo" assi%n $elp identify

capacity problems*55* Enter an expendit"re type for t$e reso"rce*

59* or o0ned reso"rces t$at are not a1ailable 9= $o"rs3 c$oose t$e #$ifts b"tton to assi%n

and "pdate s$ift information for t$e reso"rce*

To define a resource instance:

)o" can optionally de ne eac$ reso"rce instance 7speci c employee name or piece of

e4"ipment8 eli%ible for "se*

@f t$e reso"rce is a person reso"rce3 only certain people may be 4"ali ed to act as t$e reso"rce*

or example3 only certain people are trained to operate a drill press* Before yo" can specify person reso"rce instances3 yo" m"st perform t$e follo0in% tasks;

Optionally3 de ne t$e person reso"rce skills needed in t$e !eso"rces 0indo03 #killsre%ion*

#pecify t$e employees t$at $a1e t$e necessary skills for t$e reso"rce*

@f t$e reso"rce is an e4"ipment reso"rce3 only certain serial<n"mbered e4"ipment items are

"sable as t$e reso"rce* Before yo" can specify e4"ipment reso"rce instances3 yo" m"st perform

t$e follo0in% tasks;

Create an e4"ipment item by selectin% t$e E4"ipment attrib"te in t$e Or%ani2ation @tem0indo03 P$ysical Attrib"tes tab*

#et "p serial n"mber control for t$e e4"ipment item*

De ne t$e e4"ipment item as an e4"ipment type for t$e reso"rce*

5* ind t$e reso"rces assi%ned to a department by na1i%atin% to t$e Departments 0indo03t$en c$oosin% !eso"rces*

9* #elect a reso"rce3 t$en c$oose @nstances* T$e @nstances 0indo0 contains different elds

dependin% "pon 0$et$er yo" select an e4"ipment or person reso"rce*

@f yo" select an e4"ipment reso"rce;

:* Enter t$e e4"ipment item t$at acts as t$e reso"rce*

=* Enter t$e serial n"mber of t$e speci c reso"rce instance* alid serial n"mbers for t$e

e4"ipment item appear in t$e list of 1al"es*

@f yo" select a person reso"rce;

?* Enter t$e employee n"mber of t$e person t$at acts as t$e reso"rce** #a1e yo"r 0ork* T$e n"mber of reso"rce instances m"st matc$ t$e n"mber of "nits speci

ed in t$e !eso"rces 0indo0*

To assign shift information for the resource:

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$ifts 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e #$ifts b"tton from t$e !eso"rces0indo0*

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9* Enter a s$ift n"mber to assi%n to t$e reso"rce* T$e s$ifts a1ailable to assi%n to t$e reso"rce

are t$ose assi%ned to t$e 0orkday calendar assi%ned to t$e or%ani2ation*

:* C$oose t$e Capacity C$an%es b"tton to define capacity c$an%es for a s$ift*

To define capacity changes:

Capacity modifications can add or delete a day3 or add or red"ce capacity for a s$ift*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Capacity C$an%es 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e Capacity C$an%es

 b"tton from t$e #$ifts 0indo0*

9* Enter or select a sim"lation set for t$e capacity c$an%e* .se sim"lation sets for capacity

re4"irements plannin% in Oracle Capacity*

:* #elect t$e action to take for t$e department reso"rce;

< Add; Adds a 0orkday and capacity c$an%es*

< Delete; Deletes a 0orkday for t$is department reso"rce*

< Add or !ed"ce Capacity; Add or red"ce capacity for a reso"rce s$ift* T$e capacity

c$an%e can fall o"tside a s$ift time3 so yo" can add time to a s$ift* To red"ce capacity3

enter ne%ati1e n"mbers*

=* Enter t$e n"mber of reso"rce "nits to increase or decrease capacity 7if applicable8* Makes"re to "se a ne%ati1e n"mber if yo" are red"cin% capacity*

?* Enter an effecti1e date and time from 0$ic$ t$e capacity c$an%e starts* @f yo" are addin%

or red"cin% capacity3 yo" m"st also enter a date and time on 0$ic$ t$e c$an%e is no lon%er in effect* @f yo" are addin% a s$iftHs 0orkday3 t$is is t$e date of t$e ne0 0orkday* @f yo"

are deletin% a s$iftHs 0orkday3 t$is is t$e date of t$e deleted 0orkday* @f yo" are c$an%in%

capacity3 t$is is t$e first day t$e reso"rce s$iftHs capacity c$an%es*

* #elect t$e reason for t$e reso"rce capacity c$an%e from t$e list of 1al"es*

F* !e1ie0 t$e !eso"rce @nstance C$an%e re%ion for information on t$e speci c e4"ipment

capacity c$an%es*

< Detail Tab; T$is tab identifies t$e reso"rce instances impacted by t$e capacity c$an%e*

< #o"rce Tab; T$is tab pro1ides detailed information 7t$e do0ntime so"rce3or%ani2ation3 0ork order3 and operation8 abo"t reso"rce do0ntime d"e to sc$ed"led

maintenance at t$e reso"rce instance le1el*

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 Assigning Shifts to eso!rces

+ssigning Shifts to Resources

.se t$e #$ifts 0indo0 to specify reso"rce s$ifts*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e #$ifts 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e #$ifts b"tton from t$e !eso"rces

0indo0 768 !o"tin%s > Departments 7B8 !eso"rces 7B8 #$ifts*

9* Enter a s$ift n"mber to assi%n to t$e reso"rce* T$e s$ifts a1ailable to assi%n to t$e reso"rceare t$ose assi%ned to t$e 0orkday calendar assi%ned to t$e or%ani2ation*

:* C$oose t$e Capacity C$an%es b"tton to define capacity c$an%es for a s$ift*

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Capacity Changes

apacity hanges

A capacity c$an%e is a temporary c$an%e to t$e a1ailable capacity of a reso"rce* or example3

0ork on a specific #at"rday* )o" identify a capacity modification for a reso"rce 0it$in a s$ift

for a reso"rce* W$en yo" plan capacity or detail sc$ed"le a reso"rce t$at $as capacitymodifications3 t$e plannin% and sc$ed"lin% processes mi%$t sc$ed"le 0ork on a different day

t$an t$ey 0o"ld $a1e sc$ed"led t$e same 0ork if t$ere 0ere no capacity c$an%e*

A sim"lation set is t$e label for a %ro"p of capacity c$an%es needed for a specific p"rpose* or

example3 a 1acation sc$ed"le or an end<of<4"arter o1ertime sc$ed"le* )o" can sim"latecapacity c$an%es by performin% a capacity plan "sin% a sim"lation set*

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efining Capacity Changes

Defining apacity hanges

.se t$e Capacity C$an%es 0indo0 to specify capacity c$an%es*

Capacity modifications can add or delete a day3 or add or red"ce capacity for a s$ift*

5* 6a1i%ate to t$e Capacity C$an%es 0indo0* Do t$is by c$oosin% t$e Capacity C$an%es

 b"tton from t$e #$ifts 0indo0*

9* Enter or select a sim"lation set for t$e capacity c$an%e* .se sim"lation sets for capacity

re4"irements plannin% in Oracle Capacity*

:* #elect t$e action to take for t$e department reso"rce;

< Add; Adds a 0orkday and capacity c$an%es*

< Delete; Deletes a 0orkday for t$is department reso"rce*< Add or !ed"ce Capacity; Add or red"ce capacity for a reso"rce s$ift* T$e capacity

c$an%e can fall o"tside a s$ift time3 so yo" can add time to a s$ift* To red"ce capacity3

enter ne%ati1e n"mbers*

=* Enter t$e n"mber of reso"rce "nits to increase or decrease capacity 7if applicable8* Makes"re to "se a ne%ati1e n"mber if yo" are red"cin% capacity*

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?* Enter an effecti1e date and time from 0$ic$ t$e capacity c$an%e starts* @f yo" are addin%

or red"cin% capacity3 yo" m"st also enter a date and time on 0$ic$ t$e c$an%e is no lon%er in effect* @f yo" are addin% a s$iftHs 0orkday3 t$is is t$e date of t$e ne0 0orkday* @f yo"

are deletin% a s$iftHs 0orkday3 t$is is t$e date of t$e deleted 0orkday* @f yo" are c$an%in%

capacity3 t$is is t$e first day t$e reso"rce s$iftHs capacity c$an%es*

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Bill of Material *rofiles

Bill of Material !rofiles

BOM; A"tomatic !eser1ations

@ndicates 0$et$er t$e system 0ill attempt to a"tomatically reser1e existin% on $and

in1entory after matc$in% a confi%"ration* D"rin% A"tocreate Confi%"ration3 if a matc$ $as

 been fo"nd and t$is profile is set to )es3 CTO 0ill attempt to reser1e on $and in1entoryfor any order line $a1in% a sc$ed"le date 0it$in t$e OM; !eser1ation Time ence* @f

 pro%ressin% t$e order 1ia t$e 0orkflo03 a messa%e 0ill display 0it$ details of t$e matc$

and reser1ation performed* @f yo" are "sin% t$e batc$ pro%ram3 t$e lo% file pro1ides detailsof t$e matc$ and reser1ations performed*

BOM; C$eck for D"plicate Confi%"ration

@ndicates 0$et$er to searc$ for an existin% d"plicate confi%"ration rat$er t$an create a ne0item*

BOM; Component @tem #e4"ence @ncrement

@ndicates t$e 1al"e by 0$ic$ to increment t$e se4"ence of t$e component item on t$e bill*

BOM; Confi%"ration @tem Delimiter 

@ndicates a c$aracter "sed to separate t$e order and line n"mbers 0$en yo" replace t$e

 base modelHs se%ment 1al"e 0it$ t$e order n"mberline n"mber*

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BOM; Confi%"ration @tem Type

@ndicates t$e item type of t$e ne0 confi%"ration items t$at t$e create confi%"ration

 pro%ram creates*

BOM; Defa"lt Bill of Material e1els

@ndicates t$e n"mber of explosion le1els to "se as a defa"lt for bill of material indented


BOM; Defa"lt W@P #"pply al"es for Components

@ndicates 0$et$er to defa"lt W@P #"pply Type3 W@P #"pply #"bin1entory3 and W@P

#"pply ocator from item master for a component item 0$en definin% a bill* @f set to 6o3

W@P reads t$e item master*

BOM; No"r .OM

@ndicates t$e "nit of meas"re t$at represents an $o"r* )o" cannot sc$ed"le reso"rces

0$ose "nit of meas"re is not in t$e same class as t$e $o"r "nit of meas"re*

BOM; @n$erit Option Class Operation #e4"ence 6"mber 

@ndicates 0$et$er to allo0 components on model bills to in$erit operation informationfrom parent items*

BOM; Model @tem Access

@ndicates 0$et$er a $older of t$is responsibility can define and "pdate bills of material for

model and option class items*

BOM; Perform ead Time Calc"lations

@ndicates 0$et$er to perform lead time calc"lations 0$en yo" a"tocreate confi%"ration


BOM; Plannin% @tem Access

@ndicates 0$et$er a $older of t$is responsibility can define and "pdate bills of material for plannin% items*

BOM; #tandard @tem Access @ndicates 0$et$er a $older of t$is responsibility can define and "pdate bills of material for

standard items*

BOM; .pdate !eso"rce .OM

@ndicates 0$et$er yo" can "pdate t$e reso"rce "nit of meas"re*

BOM; Week or Period #tart Day

@ndicates 0$et$er t$e 0orkday calendar starts on a 0eekly or period basis* T$is profile

option 0orks in con,"nction 0it$ t$e Workday Calendar*

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*ractice Overvie45 efining eso!rces and epart(ents

Refer to Practice – Defining eso!rces and De"art#ents [LAB3767Y] 

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