Effects of Saturn in All the Houses written By Shri Yogeshwaranand Ji



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Effects of Saturn in all the Houses Shri Yogeshwaranand Ji Contact 9917325788 Email shaktisadhna@yahoo.com

First HouseSaturn in your 1st house, or Ascendant, for which the Sun is the significator or karak, indicates that you speak harshly and bluntly. The 1st house governs physique, appearance, strength, and happiness, while the Sun is related to appearance, rule, domination, strength, and confidence. Saturn governs action, diplomatic pursuits, intelligence and caring, gain, injury, and hurt. 

Saturn is known for supporting the house it occupies, and if alone in a house, it will rule that house, enhancing all qualities common to itself and the house. Saturn in the first house gives one courage and a striking appearance. As well, you are a hard taskmaster on yourself, and do not tire easily. One outstanding quality of this Saturn, with which you have been blessed, is that your presence proves lucky to everyone. Saturn is not a ruler, thus you will have a very nice appearance, but not an impressive or majestic one. Saturn makes one cunning and conspiring, and instead of winning hearts, one seeks to achieve one's aim however possible. Saturn here makes one attached to money and wealth. 

As Saturn is not related to health, it will damage this area of the 1st house by imposing his own bad qualities, such as addictions to drinking, smoking and bad food, reckless behavior, all of which will ultimately reduce one?s health. Thus, you may suffer from ill health, most probably from colds, falls, and injuries to your head. Saturn is famous for making friends, as it understands that an increase in friends means an increase in strength. Thus, your circle of friends will be very large, and you will help them, and be popular for your actions. In addition to friends, Saturn also creates for one many rivals who will always be challenging you. Your attitude will be to ignore them, and to continue with your own plans. This is a mistake, as they may continue to conspire, and ultimately force you into a position where you may not be able to find anyone to help you. Only your own family members, especially those who are younger, will come to your aid. 

You will have a good time in life only after middle age, since Saturn's gifts in life come slowly. You will acquire a lot of wealth, but may not feel much comfort from it or not be able to enjoy it, as Saturn will always keep you busy and working, or

unhealthy. Saturn will keep you moving about, and so you do not like to sit in one place. Even your style of working will involve walking or driving from one place to another. This constant movement may be another reason that you are unable to enjoy your wealth. 

Being alone and away from the world is your most enjoyable pastime, as you gain a lot of strength through it. During such hours alone, you enjoy thinking about the past or planning for the future. Thus, these lonely times play a major role in your life. While alone you like reading auspicious books and singing. It is unfortunate that every 6 months, you will suffer setbacks in acquiring honor, respect, and gain, for which the Sun's movement will be the cause. When the Sun moves from north to south, i.e. from June to January, Saturn gains strength and you have a good time, but from January to June as the sun moves north,Saturn loses strength, and you may suffer a lot of stress in your business or work, such that you may not be able to see any progress. 

Saturn is also making you greedy, hence you like to receive gifts, and the one who gives you a gift rules your heart. You are famous for your shrewdness and are very clever. You never hesitate to take any step that will help you achieve your goal. You will take action which others cannot understand, and which you will not try to explain. While others may argue with you, you will not be persuaded, nor will you try to make others understand the reasons for your actions. No one can change your opinion. Yet, you believe in God, a main quality of Saturn.

Second HouseSaturn in your 2nd house, for which Jupiter is the significator or karak, indicates that you will never be able to reply to anyone on the spot, or may not be able to speak properly, or may even be dumb. The 2nd house governs speech, income, cash, family, enemies related to income or gain, and precious metals and stones, while Jupiter is related to academic pursuits, knowledge, kindness, and is known as the teacher of all the planets. Saturn governs land, construction, income through business, and stealing or unfairly acquiring others' property. 

Saturn will not harm any area of the 2nd house which is common with Jupiter, such as knowledge, home, and faith. Thus, if you are educated, your knowledge may extend far beyond your academic qualification. For example, a medical doctor might have a very good knowledge of some field completely unrelated to medicine, such as computers and electronics. Even if you do not have a good academic qualification, your knowledge covers a very vast range. As well, you are free from any directional restriction of architecture (Vastu). According to Vedic astrology a house whose main door opens to the south is thought to bring illness to one or more of the occupants, specifically pain in the joints. However, thanks to Saturn in your 2nd house, you are free from any effect of this, as are your family members, and so house direction will never affect you negatively. 

You have a lot of faith in luck and believe that good deeds and honest use of

your skill brings success, thus you are never lazy during working hours. As well, you don't like people who work slowly, and you are always using hard words with them. Here Saturn is aspecting the 4th house, which is related to mother, hence you may not have smooth relations with your mother, and she may experience injuries from animals, or may have some chronic illness. If your mother is not living, this effect will transfer to your spouse. It is said that when a 2nd placed Saturn aspects the 4th house, one can never get good results in respect of one's home, hence you may not have a peaceful domestic life, and may feel irritated in the home, or you will have a lot of differences with family members. 

You may have suffered many injuries in your childhood, continuing even up to the age of 18 years. You may experience a lot of trouble earning, and may even use unfair means to gain more income. You will likely face many obstacles in acquiring education, or you will be aimless in doing so. The opposite sex does not attract you, and in fact, you rather dislike them, and do not care about having good relations with them. As the 2nd house is related to income, and Jupiter, its karak, never cares about earning a lot of money, you will likely not have a good income. However, according to another rule, Saturn will push you and keep you working, and so none of your work will ever stop due to lack of money. At times you may experience financial troubles and worries, but at the last moment you usually get help from some unexpected source, such as another job, a bonus, a refund, or payment to you of a back debt, all of which are the ways of Saturn. 

Remedies: It will be good to visit some holy place like a temple by walking barefoot from your home to the temple. This will loosen the restriction of Saturn on your income, and your money will not be wasted.

Third HouseSaturn in your 3rd house, for which Mars is the significator or karak, indicates that your father will have bad health in later life, but you will get a lot of fame in a place far from your birth. Although you may acquire paternal property, due to quarrels with your close neighbors or your siblings, you may relinquish your share, or sell it off at a low price. The 3rd house governs siblings, courage, anger, journeys, and death of parents, while Mars is related to brothers, anger, courage, blood related problems, and injuries. Saturn is related to death, illness, loss of money, injuries, and hidden treasure. 

This Saturn makes many of your thoughts very negative, which you never share with anyone. It also indicates that you may have as many as three brothers and sisters, and that you will dominate them. Saturn here is making you brave and courageous while at the same time pouring anger into you. It makes you fearless in hand to hand combat, and you will never run away from any fight. Even when faced with many opponents, you will try to defeat them. As far as health and your resistance to illness are concerned, you will be free from any reactions of the blood, such as allergies and reactions to medicine. You may, however, have some weakness related to fever or heat, such as sunburn or heat stroke, and you should take care in respect of these. 

Saturn here impacts the health of your relatives, hence your brothers and sisters may not have good health. Saturn prefers to live alone, but in the 3rd house he is forced to live with relatives. So that he can sometimes be alone, he will give them some health problem. Your opponents also will receive a malefic impact from this Saturn, and will either not have good health or will remain in trouble. This means that whomever you fight with will fall ill or have some trouble. In this respect, never fight with anyone, especially those in your home as they will fall ill. In Vedic astrology this effect is never regarded as good, since after the age of 42 years it will turn upon you, bringing you health trouble at a time when you will need good health. 

Saturn's aspect on the 9th house of parents indicates that you may face problems in respect of inheriting parental property. As well, living in any house whose main entrance opens to the south will damage your son's family, such that he will not be able to have children, and thus you will not have grandchildren. If you cross an ocean or river your income will increase and you can expect huge gains of wealth. Any link with export and import will therefore prove beneficial for you. Usually this placement of Saturn is known as a King's yoga or royal yoga, which gives fame outside the home, while destroying health and harmony in the home. Although you will behave very politely outside the home, you may have a dominating tendency inside your home, where you may not receive much regard. Although you will take an interest in temples and charitable institutions, and will have saintly tendencies, Saturn is pouring his skill and tricks into you, and your enemies will never be able to assess what you are up to. 

Remedies: Wearing a necklace of 108 beads of 10 mukhi (mouth) Rudrakash will help reduce any health problems of family members in your home. Also, donating clothes and shoes to one's brothers and sisters will save them from any illness. Keeping a Black Dog in your home will reduce the number of your opponents outside the home, and thus save you from any financial damage they might cause you.

Fourth HouseSaturn in your 4th house, for which the Moon is the significator or karak, indicates that your parents, especially your father, does not have good health, and you yourself may not be able to enjoy employment, where you will remain under pressure and over worked. The 4th house governs mother, domestic harmony, peace in life, and vehicles, while the Moon is related to mother, heart, education, and silver. Saturn is related to death, illness, loss of money, injuries, and hidden treasure. 

Saturn never gives a good impact to the areas related to the 4th house and the Moon. Cosmically, Saturn is totally against the Moon. The story is that the Moon alerted the gods that Rahu and Ketu, soldiers in Saturn's army, had stolen the

Nectar of Immortality. At the time Saturn was second in command of the demon's army. Saturn never forgave the Moon for this treachery, and therefore never lets the Moon remain in peace. Accordingly, when he occupies the 4th house of the Moon, he damages it in every way possible, such that one never sees peace in family life or in one's home. Also, there will be loss of paternal property over which you may have disputes and quarrels with relatives. 

Saturn here drags a person to the company of undesirable people, due to which one may suffer greatly in life. It will be good to attend your religious place weekly so that you may not fall into some kind of scandal, which will give you a big blow. Saturn is making you very wise and fortunate, but also clever and cunning, which you may employ in your work or to make extra money or for fun. This Saturn may give very dense and thick hair on the body, which will indicate misfortune and poverty in life. Saturn also gives pessimistic thoughts which may color your features and repel good people from you. You may be mentally troubled, and in later life you may suffer ill health. In your own city or the city of your birth you will prosper more compared to other places. However, due to your tense mind, you may at times behave like a dictator in your home, the fruits of which will return to you in your later life when you will experience a lot of silent tension with your spouse and children, and feel alone and ignored, an outsider in your own home. 

Remedies: Pouring milk into an open well, wearing a gold necklace, and wearing a Pearl on the ring finger of your right hand, will cool down your temperament and so save you from this Saturn. None of these will, however, entirely wash Saturn's poison from your life.

Fifth HouseSaturn in your 5th house, for which Jupiter is the significator or karak, indicates that you are extremely clever and diplomatic, but will experience deep pain in your heart in respect of children. There will be few children, or their birth will be delayed, or to have a child at all you may have to adopt. Such an effect may continue as long as 10 years after your marriage. The 5th house governs education, knowledge, intellect, and children, while Jupiter is related to knowledge, education, children, guiding others, and clarity of thought. Saturn is related to death, illness, loss of money, injuries, and hidden treasure. 

This house, when it remains empty, gives a very good result, but when a malefic planet such as Saturn, Rahu or Ketu occupies it, areas common to Jupiter and the 5th house are damaged. The first impact is always to children, followed by education. Thus, you will have some problem related to children. In the case of women, Saturn may block fertility and conception, while for men it can damage the potency of sperm, a condition which will propagate from you to your son, who may suffer in the same way. Only Jupiter's aspect from another house, such as the 1st, 9th, or 11th, will prevent this. In respect of education, you may experience setbacks in obtaining academic qualifications, or you will experience

an interruption in your education. 

Due to this Saturn you may have undesirable friends and do undesirable actions, due to which you will be defamed. Thereafter you may not have many friends, or no one will believe or trust you. In this house Saturn gives great intellect, mind and memory, so that the person becomes almost a genius in some field. Although you may be very wise, you will be pessimistic, indecisive, and overly critical. As the 5th house also governs the stomach, you may suffer from stomach troubles, such as indigestion, stones, and constipation. Astrology will be a well known subject for you, and you will have such great intuitive power that you can point out a learned person in a crowd. You will travel to many places, and be blessed with a long life. You will have all around victory over your opponents, which will perhaps be due to your shrewdness and tact. You have much temptation in your heart and may enjoy the company of older members of the opposite sex. However, you may feel some deficiency or weakness in physical pleasures, as you get bored very quickly. 

Remedies: Fasting on Saturday, praying in a holy place, and offering bananas to a temple will shield you from this Saturn, such that you may have good children.

Sixth HouseSaturn in your 6th house, for which Mars is the significator or karak, indicates that you may have many debts and injuries, and there may be loss of wealth through thieves. The 6th house is related to the ability to recover from illness and the power to overcome opposition, while Mars governs anger, fighting, and hot exchanges. Saturn is related to death, illness, loss of money, injuries, and hidden treasure. Saturn in the 6th house gives one the power to recover quickly from illness, and while it may also give such ailments as rheumatism, a weak chest and stomach, bronchitis, and tonsillitis, your recovery from these will be rapid. Saturn here will also cause injury to the head or face, and so you may have some scar on your head. Saturn loves only the weak and poor, whom it uses for its army, and so will never abuse them in hot exchanges. Thus, you will have very cordial contacts with the poor, ill and weak, but with your equals, colleagues, elders, and senior officials, you will behave very rudely and have bad relations. Knowingly or unknowingly you will use offensive language which will cause them hurt. Thus, for the most part, you will have tense relations with any authorities in your office or the elders in your family. Even if you try to mend your relations, you may not be able to stop yourself from using abusive or inappropriate or vulgar language with them. Unless you suppress or dilute this impact of Saturn using a remedy, you may never be able to change this habit. 

You are very health conscious, and nourishing green vegetables and fruit may comprise the major portion of your diet. However, as green vegetables are a rich source of natural minerals and salts, you may develop kidney stones, hence

always drink more water than normal. Saturn's placement here ensures success over your rivals through your clever and ingenious actions and policies. You will be famous for your anger. Wealth and money are destined for you, and during the sub-, or sub-sub- periods of Saturn you will gain wealth, but will also remain tense or mentally disturbed during these times. 

Your name and image mean a lot to you, hence you never hesitate to crush anyone who tries to give you a problem. Service in the army, police, or politics will be most suitable for you, as through them you will satisfy Saturn's normal inclinations. The army or police will be a big success for you, as you are naturally inclined to crush your opponents. As a politician you will regard the public as your children, and so will remain polite and caring for them. But again, in both areas, you may not have good relations with those senior to you. 

Remedies: Filling a clay pot with mustard oil and sealing it with a clay cover and then burying it in some place which remains wet throughout the year, such as near or below a river or pond will free one from the malefic impact of this Saturn for one year. The effect will last until your next birthday after which the remedy must be repeated.

Seventh HouseSaturn in your 7th house, for which Venus is the significator or karak, indicates that you will experience a lot of dissatisfaction and hurt in married life. Saturn here may lead you to detach yourself from your home, and you may live an isolated life. At times you can be very lazy. The 7th house is related to spouse, business, and deeds prior to death, while Venus is related to fame, marital happiness, wealth, the arts, and success in business. Saturn governs loss of money, injuries, attraction toward hidden things, and doubts. 

As Saturn is not damaging any areas common to Venus and the 7th house, you are destined to have prosperity in business. Since jewelry is related to Venus and the 7th house, and artificial things are related to Saturn, you will surely have great success dealing in such products as artificial jewelry or artificial gold. However, as this Saturn is also related to cheating, it can lead one into dishonest practices to achieve gain. A bar owner who, in order to make a greater profit, dilutes alcoholic drinks (Venus) with water, thus making them artificial (Saturn) has such a Saturn. 

This Saturn indicates that your luck will favor you if you live far from your birthplace or far from your parents. Dark places are most auspicious for you in respect of earning. Thus, if you have a home business, put your office in some dark corner or basements. In Vedic astrology, a 7th placed Saturn is not regarded as good for personal life, and you may have stressful relations with your spouse, who in your opinion may not be very intelligent, or she will have some health problem related to joint pains or headaches or some other mental

problem. Thus, you may seek relations outside of marriage. However, you should avoid association with lower class members of the opposite sex, such as servants or subordinates, or others of questionable character, since everyone at home and at work will learn of this, and you may incur a bad reputation. 

In professional life, however, this Saturn gives a very good effect, and you will rise to a very good height, and either honestly or otherwise, you are destined to have wealth. However, any fake or fraudulent business or activity, which is a natural inclination of this Saturn, will favor you for only 6 months, and only while the Sun is moving from North to South (i.e., from June to January). At all other times any wrong step will end your career or profession. Saturn in the 7th house indicates involvement with bad associates, such as crooks, gamblers, black marketers, and others, which may give you a similar reputation. You should be careful of hurting others by taking what is rightfully theirs, or by delaying payment to them, which will only serve to increase their opposition to you, and they may spread your bad name. There will be loss of wealth due to bad habits or due to some addiction. Merely being in the presence of some new or toxic thing may addict you to it, hence keep away from every substance which can lead to addiction, as it can give you a lifelong problem. 

Here Saturn is making you very quick and clever in finding solutions, and you will use ingenious means for acquiring gain. Everything will be a business for you. Do not enter any partnership, which will never be successful, and due to which you may experience loss. You will always remain weak in respect of the law or litigation, and if you become involved in any litigation, try to settle out of court, otherwise you will not only lose money, but your work will suffer greatly. You will start gaining assets only after your marriage, when luck will start favoring you in an honest profession. 

Remedies: In case of some financial problem, or some problem in married life, burying a bamboo stick filled with sugar in some lonely place will give you immediate relief. Also, wearing a 27 bead necklace of 7 mukhi (mouth) Rudrakash will also prove beneficial for you in married life as well as in your profession.

Eighth HouseSaturn in your 10th house, for which Mercury is the significator and karak, indicates that just after your birth your mother had some illness or she was under a lot of pressure and problems, which may have continued until you were 11 years of age, when most of her troubles ended. The 10th house governs authority, status, profession (livelihood), honor, father, living in foreign lands, and debts, while Mercury is related to business, employment, assessment, and talking. Saturn is related to employment, debts, and loss of wealth. 

For those areas common to both Saturn and the 10th house, Saturn gives a good

effect, and for all other areas a malefic effect. Both Mercury and the 10th house are related to employment, but due to Saturn you will never remain a simple employee but will advance to a high rank. You will be different from most other senior officers. Just as Saturn is good to the weak and poor, so you will have a kindness in your heart toward your juniors. You may not be able to maintain good relations with your seniors, however. Either your blunt actions or your way of ignoring them will always damage your relations. 

You may have a tendency to change jobs, or may always be looking for a place where you can earn more, such as overseas. However, where you live will make no difference regarding your income, neither increasing it nor decreasing it. More than this, Saturn is famous for its slowness, but in this house, it refuses to move, and so it will be very difficult for you to change jobs or your place of living or working. Even if you try very hard, or you are greatly dissatisfied with your organization, you will continue in your present position. Now and then you may be appointed elsewhere, but at the last moment, you will change your mind and remain where you are. If you are determined to change jobs, you will face problems and a lot of effort and hurt, and in the end you may be relieved of your job. Only if you can manage to run away without telling anyone, will you be able to change positions, but even then you will receive hurt. 

Due to your understanding and helpful nature, you will enjoy a good reputation, and will be highly regarded by your friends. Your clarity of thought and your ability to see clearly what must be done, are your strengths. You are popular and may be a public leader, or will attain a high place in life. Politics, however, is an area where Saturn will show its malefic impact on you. Thus, if you pursue politics, you may have success at first, but there will be a sudden and disgraceful fall later. Otherwise, Saturn brings professional success and promotions, success in undertakings, positions of authority, popularity and fame. It is also blessing you with a very good and deep knowledge and understanding of human behavior, and you are a born judge. Saturn will bring you close to astrology, and if in its own sign in the 10th house (Capricorn or Aquarius), or with Ketu or Mandi or Dhumr (Sub planets of Saturn), you will be a very saintly person, and for this we give you all regard. You may suffer from stomach troubles, but will destroy your opponents in very clever and ingenious ways which they will never understand or be able to stop. You will get much regard from the poor and lower classes. In your heart you are very religious and will take an interest in spiritual things. You will experience happiness in married life, but it will be best to keep away from any extra-marital relations, since such activity can incur the bad effects of Saturn, and your reputation will fall. Either you will not like to travel, or if you travel you will travel without any aim, or your aim in traveling will be missed. Thus, if you are in marketing, you will never be able to gain in sales by traveling here and there. It will be best to sit or stay in one place, which this Saturn demands, and contact others by phone or e-mail, or by sending a subordinate. You will get very good results. 

Remedies: Bathing in rivers or pools will always give you a good effect, and you should never miss a chance for it. It will strengthen your Moon, making you more content and satisfied with your present circumstances, thereby controlling your tendency to want to change your job or place of living.

Ninth HouseSaturn in your 9th house, for which Jupiter is the significator or karak, indicates that either your father will not have good health, or you will never feel comfortable in society and will always want to pass your time in isolation. The 9th house governs fortune, religion, visits to shrines and holy rivers, and donations to holy places, while Jupiter is related to knowledge, faith, religious teachings, meditation, isolation, and grandfather. Saturn governs heavy expenses, injury, and doubts. 

Saturn in the 9th house develops and enhances the teachings of Jupiter, such that one begins to live Jupiter's teachings. If Jupiter studies and teaches philosophy, Saturn incorporates this philosophy into one's life. With Jupiter here one may become attached to some saint or prophet, but with Saturn one's belief and faith turns not to saints but to God alone. Like a monk, one is greatly drawn to isolation and deep meditation, believing only in the omnipresence and omniscience of God, and praying and worshiping an internal vision of Him. That does not mean that you will ignore or gives less respect to saints, but you will turn your attention strictly upon God the Creator. 

In this house Saturn never damages areas common with Jupiter and the 9th house, nor does it lose any good effects itself. Indeed, the 9th house is regarded as the best placement for Saturn. Due to Saturn, holy actions, thoughts, and auspicious deeds become more valuable to you than even home or money. You may want to live alone and will enjoy isolation more than anything. You will not be depressed, but will simply love isolation, much as do recluses, philosophers, or other deep thinkers who are very attached to religion or philosophy. Advanced meditators or scholars often have such a Saturn. Without such a blessing from Saturn one cannot advance in spiritual life. Even if you are working for a living, this quality of Saturn lives with you, and you understand it very well. 

One drawback is that you may become angry very quickly at those around you. Thus, in your home you may become easily irritated and angry at the presence of your family, which is not good. You must learn to live with and tolerate others. As well, you may be a bit reserved and very proud, and unwilling to admit any lack of knowledge. You must understand that you can only learn by admitting your ignorance. Each thing you do not know gives you a chance to learn more. You will, however, never hesitate to spend money for good work or some religious or charitable thing. You are extremely sharp and can read the intentions of other persons. You will be fond of astrology and music and may possess a knowledge of law and philosophy. You are a careful spender and give a lot of importance to self-respect. You will surely travel to foreign countries. Though sometimes you

are daring, you may have a fear of unseen things, and may be constantly checking around yourself. 

Remedies: It will be good to meditate regularly and wear some auspicious symbol around your neck, such as a cross, although if Jupiter is in your 12th

house, do not wear it. Tenth HouseSaturn in your 10th house, for which Mercury is the significator and karak, indicates that just after your birth your mother had some illness or she was under a lot of pressure and problems, which may have continued until you were 11 years of age, when most of her troubles ended. The 10th house governs authority, status, profession (livelihood), honor, father, living in foreign lands, and debts, while Mercury is related to business, employment, assessment, and talking. Saturn is related to employment, debts, and loss of wealth. For those areas common to both Saturn and the 10th house, Saturn gives a good effect, and for all other areas a malefic effect. Both Mercury and the 10th house are related to employment, but due to Saturn you will never remain a simple employee but will advance to a high rank. You will be different from most other senior officers. Just as Saturn is good to the weak and poor, so you will have a kindness in your heart toward your juniors. You may not be able to maintain good relations with your seniors, however. Either your blunt actions or your way of ignoring them will always damage your relations. 

You may have a tendency to change jobs, or may always be looking for a place where you can earn more, such as overseas. However, where you live will make no difference regarding your income, neither increasing it nor decreasing it. More than this, Saturn is famous for its slowness, but in this house, it refuses to move, and so it will be very difficult for you to change jobs or your place of living or working. Even if you try very hard, or you are greatly dissatisfied with your organization, you will continue in your present position. Now and then you may be appointed elsewhere, but at the last moment, you will change your mind and remain where you are. If you are determined to change jobs, you will face problems and a lot of effort and hurt, and in the end you may be relieved of your job. Only if you can manage to run away without telling anyone, will you be able to change positions, but even then you will receive hurt. 

Due to your understanding and helpful nature, you will enjoy a good reputation, and will be highly regarded by your friends. Your clarity of thought and your ability to see clearly what must be done, are your strengths. You are popular and may be a public leader, or will attain a high place in life. Politics, however, is an area where Saturn will show its malefic impact on you. Thus, if you pursue politics, you may have success at first, but there will be a sudden and disgraceful

fall later. Otherwise, Saturn brings professional success and promotions, success in undertakings, positions of authority, popularity and fame. It is also blessing you with a very good and deep knowledge and understanding of human behavior, and you are a born judge. Saturn will bring you close to astrology, and if in its own sign in the 10th house (Capricorn or Aquarius), or with Ketu or Mandi or Dhumr (Sub planets of Saturn), you will be a very saintly person, and for this we give you all regard. 

You may suffer from stomach troubles, but will destroy your opponents in very clever and ingenious ways which they will never understand or be able to stop. You will get much regard from the poor and lower classes. In your heart you are very religious and will take an interest in spiritual things. You will experience happiness in married life, but it will be best to keep away from any extra-marital relations, since such activity can incur the bad effects of Saturn, and your reputation will fall. Either you will not like to travel, or if you travel you will travel without any aim, or your aim in traveling will be missed. Thus, if you are in marketing, you will never be able to gain in sales by traveling here and there. It will be best to sit or stay in one place, which this Saturn demands, and contact others by phone or e-mail, or by sending a subordinate. You will get very good results. 

Remedies: Bathing in rivers or pools will always give you a good effect, and you should never miss a chance for it. It will strengthen your Moon, making you more content and satisfied with your present circumstances, thereby controlling your tendency to want to change your job or place of living.

Eleventh HouseSaturn in your 11th house, for which Jupiter is the significator or karak, indicates that you will enjoy gain from land, buildings, stocks, accounts, technical knowledge, and chemicals. The 11th house governs all possessions, income, prosperity, and net profit, while Jupiter is related to knowledge, life, philosophy, and blessings. Saturn is related to death, illness, loss of money, and hidden treasure. 

Saturn in this house never damages those areas it shares in common with the 11th house and Jupiter. Thus, you will always have work, and from 18 years of age, you will remain working at some job or earning through some business. In Vedic astrology it is thought that without working, Saturn in this house will not allow you to eat, however rich you may be. Thus, you will continue working till the last day of your life. Moreover, in order to work, you will have to remain healthy, and so you will never suffer ill health. It is a great blessing. Indeed, in this respect, the 11th house is considered one of the best placements for Saturn, who earns great wealth honestly, through his own labor.  As Saturn is not related to education, it malefically impacts one's education, and you may either lack formal

education, or you will acquire it only after a gap of several years. The reason may be your busy work or business schedule. Planning and thinking are areas commonly shared with Jupiter and the 11th house, and which Saturn will support. Thus, you are always planning, and most of your plans usually succeed. No doubt, you will be known as a very learned man, indispensable in your work, due to which you will receive recognition and favor from authorities and society. Saturn here brings increased income and huge wealth, which will come to you from more than one source. 

Saturn here brings success in undertakings, influence, respect, positions of authority, a prosperous life, and all around happiness. You are very bold in your actions and will overcome your opponents in very clever and ingenious ways which they will never understand or be able to stop. The 11th house is related to both the public and to wealth, and reputation with the public is regarded as wealth. Thus, this Saturn is making you a popular and competent politician, and you may represent the public in later life or will win the hearts of all those you manage and direct. 

Only after careful planning, will you acquire land and property. Similarly, you will buy any vehicle only after careful research. You will take interest in auspicious things, and will associate with senior officials and other high people in foreign countries, with whom, due to your truthfulness, you will have very long terms relations. You have great self respect, and are quite fearless, wise, learned, and fluent in your speech. Your friends will be from every spectrum of society, but it will be best to limit contact with undesirable persons as it can harm your reputation. 

Although you will enjoy all physical comforts, you may feel some deficiency in the happiness of your home. Saturn gives great worldly success, but it negatively impacts married life and happiness with children. Although you are very religious and fond of spiritualism, you may have a tendency toward extra martial relations which may be the cause of problems in the home. You will have had some illness in your childhood but will enjoy good health, fortune, and comforts in later life. Take care never to live in a south facing home. That is, the main door of your home should never open to the south, as it can bring ill health to you and your family members, specifically severe pain in the joints. If Saturn's enemy, the Sun, is also in the 11th house, your thoughts may turn to illicit ways of making a profit, which could connect you with bad associates and bring you into conflict with the law.

Twelve HouseSaturn in your 12th house, for which Saturn itself is the significator or karak, indicates that you are strict but always honest in your dealings, and you may face much loss due to your truthfulness. However, we suggest that you not give up this habit, as you will gain by it later and be blessed with more than two houses.

The 12th house is related to expenses, history of enemies, and imprisonment, while Saturn governs expenses, debts, house, and imprisonment. 

Saturn in the 12th house gives one a special talent for being a contractor or builder, and even if you do not work in such areas, you have a very good idea of it. Usually, successful estate agents or developers have such a Saturn. You may have many opponents, and Time is your worst enemy, as it usually goes against you. Thus, opportunities that come to you may always lack proper timing. That is, if you gain a contract for work, you may not have the resources to accomplish it, and by the time you gather the resources, the work may have gone elsewhere. 

There are dangers to you from poisoning, thus do not drink liquor or eat non-vegetarian foods which will have a very bad effect on your stomach and digestive system. Even though you are very careful about your money, you may not be able to save, and you will never be able to determine where and how your money is being spent. Through your ingenuity and resourcefulness you can meet any challenge and overcome any obstacle; nevertheless, your work may be lost. Thus, your resourcefulness may not help to increase your income, and you will continue to incur wastage of money and loss of wealth. As well, you may lose a lot of energy roaming here and there without any result. You may face injustice in the home, and incur the anger of your parents and siblings, who may conspire against you, due to which you may separate from them. 

Do not make friends with any undesirable persons, as there are chances that due to their association you may incur some criminal prosecution from the law. As you may have bad habits and be harsh in your speech, you may face displeasure from your elders. You may also experience some unhappiness in respect of your mother who will favor your siblings more than you. At times in your life you may give up and think there is no point in doing anything, since nothing seems to work. But this inactivity will make you mentally worried, and you may borrow money from others, due to which your honor and prestige will fall to a low level. Camping in forests and near lakes, and bird watching may be your most pleasing pastimes. You should never bet or gamble, as there are chances of losing much of your wealth. Indeed, Saturn in this house has the ability to make one penniless. Your eyes or some part of your stomach will have some disorder. Your words may sound foolish to others, and you may be disregarded and ignored, and so the best policy may be not to speak too much. Only if Jupiter or Ketu are with Saturn in the 12th house, will these adverse conditions be lifted. The good news is that after age 48 Saturn's malefic effects will begin to subside, and you will begin to receive money and income, and success in your work. Ultimately, your mind, after so much stress, defeat, and hard times, will turn to spiritual pursuits, and you may begin visiting holy places and reading philosophy. 

Remedies: Wearing a gold chain or a yellow cotton thread around your neck will ease any financial crunch.

Books Written By Shri Yogeshwaranand Ji

1. Baglamukhi Sadhna Aur Siddhi

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2. Mantra Sadhna Download Click Here

3. Shodashi Mahavidya

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